I Too Many Husbands A Scénic icoduction W VAUDEVILLE A COMEDY EVERY SO Seats now selling. «+. B0c., 30c., 20¢., 10c, THE DAILY B | DAME CLARA BUTT SOLVES oLD PROBLEM. i That women have come into their | OWn is the frank admission of even AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions COMMENCING THURS,, DEC, Fat they seem to have arrived | the goal for which ; 80 arduously striving during the | Victoria was a very pretty- and.| pagt two decades the question is | Very spoiled young woman, and very | raised as to just how much they have | popular wirh the male sex. She had | won and how much they possibly ith | | always had her own way, and al-| have lost in the process. Many of ll | ways dome the thing that was "Bing | the more advanced of feminists BETWEEN Done." Suddenly the war came ' point with glowing pride and view ACTS Jasons, Very one was marrving sol- | with prophetic | diers, "Oh, It "was quite the thing | of thr {my dear." So Victoria decided to [in the British House 4 | bo in the swim, that is marry a sol- | Others deplore the tendency of ll | aier, oh not an ordinary soldier-- | some women to usurp the place of ll | merey no. but something special in | men in political affairs and claim bY | the military line, so she cast her eye | that the rewards that go with such {about and espyed and captured a distinction are not worth the price | certaln Major Lowndes, D.S.0. Very | that womanhood has had to pay. | popular apd home on leave. Major | The subject is inexhaustible and { Lowndes is called back to duty. a much that is thought on the subject fi d officially | found expression at the recent Ser- at Too Many Husbands. LDIER SHOULD SKE. Same old prices. Saturday Matinee 10c. and 25¢. Poor Victoria | ful time. mourning becomes her so [opinion In the matter was brought i well. but as time goes on and she | into sharp and varied contrast the | casts off the widows weeds, people | enquiry is believed to have served are still marrving soldiers, so she | a high purpose in bringing into pro- vields to the persnasion of her hus-| minence a new woman's movemen* hands best pal Major Cardew, also | which is giving a pronounced impe- by that time a D.S8.0., who swears, | tus to woman's place in the home. for his old friend's sake to make her | One of the strongest advocates this | life and that of her little son one | movement has is in the pérson of { long dream of happiness' {| Dame Clara Butt, the distinguished i The play commences some time | English contralto. | after the war with Victoria. a bit | sent tour of this famous singer, 4 | fed up on Major Cardew. and eveing | through Canada it is not likely that | With favor a rather anpclent "War | club women generally and those | Profiterer," when to upset her plans, | particularly concerned with femin- | husband number one turns up, back ! ine activities will learn at first hand | from the dead as it were. The fun | from this celebrated artist her | then commences, no one can think'| views on this rathet complex ques- | of anywav to. .explain the affair to | tion. { husband 'No. 1 and he is left in | | ignorance for quite some time. This | of English women believe they can | fact and the fact that he sees hus- | point to the ideal combination of | | band No. two's little son, make it,| feminine pursuits. With her the] {31l the more impossible for Major | making of a career and the at- | Cardew, to tell him. The' latter is | tainment of eminence in a most | | one of those lovahle fellows who is | exacting profession at no time im- | | though, an awful ass. RITISH WHIiIg [the most rabid. feminists and seme they have been | has a beauti- | vice Enquiry and while individual | During the ore- | | on Jan. 4th and 6th, and providing In Dame Clara {1 more thinking | o senior team last season, are back in posed the sacrifice nf domestic du-{ college, and with Red Taylor SPORTING NEWS | Buffalo Wants Queen's, | : a a the | Queen's Athletic Board of Control | received a request from Buffalo Uni- | versity rugb¥~team for aigame with | Queen's next fall. The date sug- | gested was between November 15th {and 22nd. It is not Hkely that the Queen's boys will Journey across the border to play any exhibition games and especially when nothing is known about the standard of the players taking part. The game with Regina on Saturday last has settled the question. In future no games will' be played unless Queen's are absolutely certain that the players will put up some opposition and | they do not intend to play with | American teams unless one half: is | played under Canadian rules. | | | 1 A FIGH An exciting versity at Horonto Univer Congratulatory Messages. |-off for the Dominion pr The management of Queen's geni- | the line | or rugby team, Dominion rugby | beat Re | champions, has received many tele- | grams of congratulation on the sue- cess .of the team. Messages were | received from the following: Univer- sity of Montreal, McGill University, | Montreal A. A. A. and the Royal | | Military College. Messages were | | also received from private individ: | | uals who are interested in the team. sity ughy ¢ was one of the intere gina by a seore of 54 TWO LADS WERE CAUGHT ROBBIC CENTRAL SCHL Allowed to Go on Sus- To Play Hockey in U.S, It has been. decided that the pended Sentence. | members of Queen's 'senior hockey | team Will take a hockey trip across | the border during the first week in | January. The games 'will be played For some time ijt w -nt | break 4s suspected Some person or persons were i ing into the Central school | from time to time, stealing * pens, lead pencils and other school sup- | plies. As 'a result, {of the school, Charles * played the role of a detective, and hiding in the school 'on Tuesday night, he nabbed two boys who had secured an entrance to the school by climbing one of the fire escapes and then raising a window: About 9. o'clock on Tuesday night, two | other matches' can be arranged the length of the trip will be re-adjust- ed. The Queen's team has booked games with Yale, Harvard and the | New Haven hockey club. All the players, with the except- | tion of Glhson, who played on the Youngsters in Juvenile Court the caretaker (Brompton bevy Cie Attwood, [British Empire Steel, com. . . GIES Rex ties. Whether at Compton Lodge, IT MEANS THE BEST IN AT THE CAPITOL Men--Boys-- Ladies JOIN NOW MOTION PICTURE p THEATRE MONDA RESENTATION | Y [sighs and smiles, TO-DAY D. W. Griffith's MIGHTY SPECTACLE "THE FALL OF SNUB POLLARD in ! "IT'S A GIFT" RRR - BUTT COMPANY _ Grant Hall, Friday, Dec. 7th 8.15 p TICKETS . ~~ Now on Under Auspices salo at Uglow's an mm, $2.00, 81.50, 81.00. d University Post Office. of Art and Lecture Committee, Queen's University. AT 8 SPEAKERS: of the American Presbyt Rev. Principal Sm § | | | | Of the Wesleyan Theo. College, COLLECTION TO NOTICE Will be plesgmed to conduct Auction og Keen or the County of 0. reasonable. Arrangements can made at my office, TT J. MUNRO \ Awctioneer, 'Coener Claremce Ontario Streets. . 5~=Trial of a suit $100,000 damages brought by © Lewis, musical comedy dancer, F. Ray Comstock and Her- Timberg, producers, began in e court. The actress asserted that since je tripped over a crack in the stage of the Princess theatre, where Was appearing in 1920 and fell i broke her knee cap, she has been able to kick as "high or c y" as formerly. ---------- Man's Ashes in Urn, ' , Eng., Dec. 5.--Opening a 8 box which be bought a year As part of a misce eT ; to find au urn with an in- indicating that it contain- e ashes of a man named Abra- + Rev. Richard Roberts, D.D., 'CHURCH UNION MASS MEETING Sydenham Street Methodist Church Wednesday, Dec. 5th, 1923 " | | erian Church, Montreal. | yth, DD, LLD, {| Montreal. } DEFRAY EXPENSES. LOCAL NEWS. Brief items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. The Weather Man is certainly glving Kingston district a fine lot of rain, Mr. Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy Street west, 'phone 564w. George Waits, well-known to the iPrbfiterer, { { BABYLO " ba "The Spanish Dancer," which | | will be seen for the last time tonight | [at the Allen theatre | splendid scenes, strong characteriza- | tions, romance and thrills have wo | popular favor, Antonio Moreno | | support is excellent. {aces as the Hippodrome, Toronto; 'Theatre, it has been arranged to local poHce, Ottawa on a sent back to Kingston It is with pleasure that maay Kingston people, who have regretfed the illness of Mrs. J. M. Machar, will hear that the doctor's report today is a favorable one. 5 J. W. Bradshaw, county police magistrate, went to Sharbot Lake on Wednesday to preside at a ses- sion of the county police court un- der the new arrangement. There is ome liquor case to be tried. EE ---------- mn Completes His Lectures. Rev. Dr. Eaken, professor of the ontreal he sori | praccieat theology at Queen's theo- | logieal college this week. The at- tendance at Queen's theological col- 7 IN) OPA TO ara of lectures on plays the part of the lovable silly ass, Cardew, Husband No. One, and Bil] Yule the | try estate, at North Stoke, Dame Zane Vaughn is ravish- | Clara never permits her profession- | ing as the pretty petty, and dread-| al activities to intrude upon the | fully spoiled young woman, and | life of the home and her time fis] and wears pretty | given unstintedly to the comfort and | gowns as only Zana Vaughn can. | happiness of her family. Hazel Willtams has a duel role, and| Dame Clara Butt will be at | all the other parts are taken by new | Grant Hall on Friday evening, Dec. | wembers of the company. Tt -- "The Spanish Dancer" Big Winner. Pola Negri's latest Paramount pie- -------- THE GENERAL HOSPITAL. _ | The Usual Christmas Appeal to Be Made. | The. board of governors of the | ngston General Hospital met | been | Tuesday evening, the following | 4 its | members being present. R. E. Kent, | | chairman; G. E. Hague, W. H. | 1! Wormwith, J. Hughes, R. J. Car- | b 8S | son, Capt. John Donnelly, Warden { Don Cezar de Bazan, plays opposite | ginbett. John Gilbert, Dr. H. E. Day, | the star with signal artistry. The | James Crawford, Willlam Ander- son. has proved a | Ki big winner. The picture has | showing to capacity daily an The report of the committee of | | management gave an outline of the | "THE CAPITOL." work for the month. Miss «@un- | v. ningham, Toronto, has been ap- | New Home of Sevhol Entertainment pointed dietitian. During the | An event WL i RY a_ new | month, the furnishing of the new | era in amusement circles of -King- | Empire wing was about completed, | ston will be the opening of the Capi- | and a number of the rooms are now. | tol, December 10th, as "Capitol En- | occupied. . It is gratifying to note tertainment" Theatre. that a number of the rooms The Famous Players been furnished by donations Corporation Ltd., with have | from | Canadian headquar- { | ent The organizations. of Dr. Boynton and Mrs. Bovnton. | Amer. ( | 8 a AH ve : tore a oatn, Pl erie the governors brought in a very inter-| sulted in a win by District S'al ayer) John Jones spent Sunday with Mr. | Baldwin esting report. manager on the same pretentious _ Pops Christmas appeal scale a3 piper, i its be Sepital | funds for the hospital will be made | intertainmen ouses whic ot by letter and tlrrough the press, and | the continent from coast to coast, | the Board is hoping for a very gen- and include such amusement Pal- | érous response, as the needs of the | y : | hospital af this season are many, | Conte. sod Sh Sanco hd srs. doa 1 end on tol ! will be wisely Seeuiod. Sota) "Capitol Entertainment" has heen, W. P..Petars, ald Warden Gag | were appointed visiting governors | made synanymous with all that is | tor the present month. artistic in the fleld of motion ple- ; - ture presentation. The slogan is known to thearte-goers throughout Canada. First run pictures, the larger and | On the Eve of the British General more lavish productions will be Elections. | shown at the local theatre at the London, Dec, 5.--Various party | same time, and frequently prior to! headquarters dispensed optimism their presentation in larger cities | with a free hand on this, the last of Canada. {| day of the parliamentary election With the opening of the Capitol | campaign. The Conservatives announced transplant the same shows given at that their prospects were good and the Hippodrome Theatre in Toronto | that they were confident. to the local house in many instances. Doorman and ushers will be fitted | out in the same kind of uniforms that there were reports of worn by attaches at the Hippo- drome, which has given that theatre & reputation for smartness. The opening attraction will be "The Light that Failed" a marvel- | lous screen attraction based on the famous novel by Rudyard Kipling. It will be shown here many weeks before many of the larger cities in Canada will have an opportunity of seeing it, ALL PARTIES CONFIDENT. the districts was encouraging and! great | country. One official declared: "If promises made us are fulfilled, ev- erybody is in for a big surprise." A Labor spokesman said: "We shall certainly have 171 members returned and probably more, We shall still be his majesty's oppo- sition." ------------ The Way of the Mother-in-Law. * "Harry, dear!" exclaimed little ! Mrs. Simpéon to her husband. "I | have b-been d'dreadfully insulted!" | "Insuited! By whom?" "B-by your mother," 'answered the young wife, bursting into tears. "My mother, Flora? Nonsense! She's miles away!" Flora dried her tears. "I'll tell you all about it," she said. "A letter came for you this morning, addressed in your mother's writing, 80 I opened it." "Of course," said Harry. "R--1t was writteg to you all through. Do you understand?" "I understand. But where did the insult come in?" "In the p-p-post- script," cried the wife. "It s-said, D-dear Flora, d-don't fail to give this l-letter to Harry. I w-want 'hing 30 hAYe Bo eon -- rn -- rein, Another Griffith Production. Playgoers who have been privi- leged to see D.W. Griffith's great spectacles "The Birth of a Nation" and "Hearts of the World" will be interested fn the announcement that his recent colossal production, "The Fall of Babylon," at the Strand to-day. From all accounts the magnitude of this super-spectacle Is; the most staggering and startling achievement Mr. Griffith has thas far brought into being, with more players, too, is typical of a Grin | TEA 'ed favorites as Constance Talmadge, : . . and Chanter of St. Thomas and Le- Bill Se¥mour, the | in St. John's Wood, or at her coun-| oon of Peterboro, who are spoken | | very much enjoyed by the specta- | Liberals aaserted thelr canvass of | of t Liberal enthusiasm from the whole | | Backs that are starred in the foot- | § ! youngsters were given quite a scare | when they got into the school. The of as first-class players, and a Rum. lights were suddenly turned on, and ber of other freshmen, the UALvET-1 wr. ' Attwood the caretaker, .ap- wi Ay | erp sity should have a first-class team | peared and took them fn charge. A this winter. call was sent to the police station, The ice bed at the arena has been that two burglars had heen caught rolled, and with the arrival of cold! i) the school. Constables Fred Clark weather, the ice makers will start ..4 Vernon Campbell hurried to to make ice. the school, expecting to see a couple of desperadoes, and were given quite a surprise to find that two boys | were held: responsible for breaking | into the school. -- Queen's anil Basketball. From present indications, Queen's will have a team that will be strong contender for the senior In: tercollegiate Basketball league this year. Among the freshmen at the college are the following who show considerable experience and will be 4 great help to the team: Graham, Swazye, Gillespie, Gordon and Lane, Howgill, who was in college last | Season, is going strong and should make a strong .bid for a place. The 'former members of the team are 'all back this season. Indoor Basebali. A fast game of indoor ball was | played in the armouries last even- | ing, when Frontenac Regiment de- | feated 1st Field Ambulance by the score of 11-7. Both teams gave a good exhibition of ball which was | In Juvenile Court, Magistrate Farrell gave the lads some good ad- vice and allowed them to go on sus- pended sentence, and it is hoped the lads will take advantage of this chance. In addition to taking pens, pen- cils, ete., it is stated that the lads, fn making their way around the school, used -matches and there was great danger of setting fire to the | school. EC ---- TO WINTER IN KINGSTON. Mr, Mrs. George Watts with Their Daughter. Dee. 4.-- Mer. G. Hamm left last visit relatives in New tors. | The game on Saturday evening} other places of interest. and and Mrs. Monday to York and While in Odessa, | hospital, and differ-| New Y Ri 2 n friends of the hosp | 1ast, was also a good game, and re. New York they are to be the guests | Amer. Loco P.W.O.R. by the score { F e |B. & O. for | District Staff team 1s improving rap- and Mrs. ChaFles Decker, Kingston. |B. & O Mr. and Mrs. James Hillier left last week to spend the winter months with their daughter. Mrs J. G. Ettinger, Kingston. They will Hussars at "B" Battery: $.30®p.m., | he greatly Missed by their many "are : | friends who will look anxiously for A" Battery at No. 3 Battery. | their return to their home in the Yaekr . . [ early spring. Qt EEN'S RUC IV TEAM, MRA.[ yrs Radcliffe and daughter, Miss E W Ferguson in Mont. Herald-- | 0 Radcliffe, Kingston, spent a Surging sweep of the tidal wave, couple of days last week with her ldly, and are expected to be well up in their group at the end of the season. Games for Thursday, 7 p.m.--4th Deadly strong as the underow, | sister, Mrs. Alfred Babcock. Mrs. As. you rip the line with shattering | Edward Vrooman, North Bay, spent blow the week-end the guest of Mrs, That's sure as Death in a sea-wide John Mancur. Mr. and Mrs. Gor. , ETRYe; don Rutledge, Sydenham, called on You 2re the friends last Wednesday. Marshall Flight. Hinch and Mrs, Willlam Hinch, Camden East, spent Sunday at W. E. Topliff's. Mrs. George Ruther- Cream of the Rugby| | Where, in the pack that has flashed | along, The checkered green of iron's floor we find your mighty roar he hoarse-voiced throng applauds the Strong? Where is your niche in the Final Song. In coming ages, when we shall pass? They can't err much, and th ont £0 wrong If they tag you the King of all Rug- by Class. Flashing speed, as a coiled snake darts A line with the strength of a moun- tain bear. And the deadly wings that are al- ways There. { the 8rid-| gayy with relatives left for her | ome in North Bay last Wednesday. The concert given by Fred Hodge, ventriloguist and entertainer in the town hall on Monday night was a great success. Mr. -Hodge has ad- ded several mew acts to the play which makes the entertainment very amusing. The fancy dancing by his niece, Miss Edythe Radcliffe, King- ston, was repeatedly applauded. Radcliffe's orchestra, Kingston, gave a number of choice selections and furnished the music for the dance that followed the concert. Pr -------------------- Can place in the that 0. ball charts, Queen's, as a Rugby team of parts You're an M.R.A., and no doubt ot it (Master of all the Rugby Arts) There's a degree with a "kick" to it! > i ------ House of Fruit Boxes. Some 40.000 fruit boxes of a Los Angeles packing company, left over from the past season, could pot be kept 'in the regular storehouses for lack of room and had to be left out- side. Then rather than let them be come spoiled, it was decided to build a house about them. This was ETE ora pyramid-fashion, laying a roof di- rectly upon them, and then mailing George Fawcett, Mildred Harris, (Mrs. Charles Chaplin), Tully Mar. shall, . SEERA) lu a ate Bruce, Paget and Elmo Lincoln, walls around the sides. " rp A e plans a last minuto Hughes as this person has done it but She} The answer will be found among t coup to route the Tories greatest secrecy is observed, o-day's want sds, | ford, who has been spending a few | i T FOR A CHAMPIONSHIP moment's play when Regina met Queen's Uni- Stadium last Salurday, to play hampionship. This struggle on sting bits of play when Queen's to 0. s70cc MARKETS | (Reported by Johnston & Ward, | 86 Princess Street. Members of the Montreal ang Toronto Stock Ex- changes). : -- | Montreal, | Abitibi Power 2, .. {Asbestos ... .. | Atlantic Sugar Bell. Teléphone Brazil 6275 35 «N14 125 41 411; 1% 56 144 82 86 108 331, 63 12 4115 63 60 601, 91 135% b3 ag 811 41 144 401; 63 101 1051; 120 21, 84 70° '66 36 | British Empire Steel, 1st pfd. | British Empire Steel, 2nd pfd. Can. Converters . es | Can. Cement, com. Can. Cement, pfd. : | Cuban Can. Sugar, pd. ... {Cuban Can. Sugar, com Can. Stéamship, com. cae | Can. Steamship, pfd | Dom, Textile .. ." |Dom. Bridge | Detroit United . . ; Laurentide ' | Montreal Power ... ... [National Breweries, com, |O'tawa Power ,.. |Ont. Steel Products .., | Penmans | Price Bros. . Quebec Power ein sa | Spanish River, com | Spanish River, pfd. a | Shawinigan | Steel of Canada | Toronto Rails Twin City | Wabasso Wayagamack .e Dominion War Bonds. {War Loan 1925, 5 per cent... 160.08 {War Loan 1931, I «ee. 100.30 {War Loan 1937, «0.102 45 | Victory Loan 1924, ves 10000 | Victory Loan 1927, es. 102000 | Victory Loan 1933, 2 «...104.95 | Victory Loan 1934, 6% ....102.25 {Victory Loan 1937, 5% ....107.10 | Renewal 1932 1st Nov., 53% .101. | Refunding 1928, ere vane 98:30 | Refunding 1943, 98.30 | -- | New York, big 51 hb b 5 734% 104 y 1263, 581 'an. Loco. | Chandler Motors Cosden ON { California Pete. Corn Products |C.P.R "ee Cructble Stepl . {Cuban Cane Sugar, prd { Cuban Cane Sugar, com |G.8.T. Canin a | Imperial Of1 | Kelley Springfield Marine, pfd. Mack Motors ... Marland O41 ,. N.Y.C, ' New Haven Pacific Of) j Pan. Amer. Pete | Pan. Amer, Pate, * -- | Producers & Refipers .. Studebaker , ., | Soli. Pac. Sou. Ry. Sinclair O11 du Standard Oil of Calif. Standard Oil of NJ. ... Texas Of PEE | Union Pacific U.8. Steel Wabash ... 3 Toronto. British-American Oil (Mutual OH ... ... . Hollinger W. Dome { Goldale . .. | Vipond Pore, Crown . ,. New Ray ... ... Teck Hughes |... Indian Mines APSO uv... GRAIN QUOTATIONS Chicago. Wheat -- July... be Corn-- May .. Tiuly Oats-- ot 10945 1053 Ti