1 y WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1923 THE DAILY BRITISH WHI G | | : | | "CHINESE DAILY PAPER 'ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND EAST OF CHICAGO. 'Ss Is Named "Shing Wah," Which Means "China Awaken" -- Its Editor a University Graduate-- Has Circulation of 2,000 In Popu- Iation of 8,000 Chinese In Toronto. 2 . Toronto has the distinction of hav- the only Chinese daily news- paper printed east of Chicago. " Be- sides the one got out in the Windy City and this one, there are only four other Chinese newspapers in North America--three of these being pub- lished in San Francisco, with Its Chinatown of 15,000, and one in Van- eouver, f The name of the Toronto publica- Mon is "Shing Wah," meaning "China Awaken." Its subscription price is $10 a year and it has a circulation _of over 2,000, which amounts to] $30,000 a year, less commissions. Probably $00 copies go to China. A Chinaman's relations are often so numerous that they include a whole village and he is supposed to be quite fond of (hem all. | The bright young editor is H. Y. Cheng, a graduate and M.A. of the University of lilinois. He is now taking a special course at the Uni _versity of Toronto. He has been there only three months, having been re- quested to go from Chicago to take sharge of Shing Wah, which has been .in existence only one year. . With 2,000 circulation already and the Chinese population of Toronto close to 8,200, the paper stands a good chance of success. It carries a' good, deal of advertising and on Chis nese holidays sometimes gets oul special editions. Canadian firms ad- vertise in it as well as Chinese. iThese advertisements are printed in Chinese, which are read down and from left to right. The paper makes frequent use of Chinese poems, some of them written in Toronto. The Chinese language has no al- phabet but 'consists in its printing requirements of five thousand words, some of which were formerly hiero- glyphics but have hLeem reduced io form. The printing plant of Shing Wab contains these words in four sizes, and several cases of ornaments be- sides. Words of similar markings are graded in one case. Or this may be followed out to the extent that three different markings are put in one! case in smaller compartments. The right side markings of a grade of words in Chinese, while similar, are | rarely ever exactly the same in any | instance. This will give some idea of the difficulty of setting up a Chi nese newspaper, The cases, as in Canadian shops | are placed on an angle when th typesetier is woking from them For the printing of Shing Wah 100] cases of type are necessary and ten | typesetters, some of whom are alse pressmen. Besides the larger news paper press, which is operated by electricity, there are several job | presses. | Shing Wah, indeed, does a greal deal of job! work, such as laundry! bills, menus, and the proclamations | frequently seen pasted on the side of | « building in Chinatown. Some of this job work is done In English. | The big press on which Shing | Wah is gotten out is a modern one. | ./ It prints about 2,000 copies an hour. | & y y oh / An evening paper, it reaches Lhe street about one o'clock aud: is de- livered by messenger all over the city. The local editorial staff is the editor, who in addition to his writing, | reads proofs and supervises things | generally, but he has correspondents | in China, England and the United | States. Buropean and Canadian news is] sondensed from the Canadian news. | papers. Births, weddings and deaths | among the Chinese are only recorded | when they are important. Notices of | amusements and entertainments are published, but church matters are nol touched. Like Canadian publications, Shing Wah has its gang of canyassers out getting subscriptions and adver tising. It is owned by a limited com- | pany. 4 } ; In view of the fact that it is an| ht-page daily, editing it is some Job for one man. The editor speaks | Mandarin, which is the official di of China, while most of the| jse in Toronto ¢ome from the Province of Kwan Tung and speak Cantofiess But he who speaks on¢ dialect understands and quickly ae quires the other. The written lan {guage of China is always the same. | On October 10th, which is the an- niversary of the new Chinese repub- lie, Mr. Cheng got out a pink issue with pictures of some of the illus- trious moderns of his country, includ: | ing Dr. Sun Yat Sen, first President of China; Gen. Lee, Gen. Hul and Wong Chi Hui, famous poet and political philosopher. Mr. Cheng comes {rom Shanghai and has been away from China fot only three years.--Toronto Telegram. Films of Arctic Expedition. Part of the fifteen thousand feet 'of moving films taken by the Arcti¢ Expedition in charge of Captain Ber- nier, which has just returned from the northern regions, will be shown in Quebee, special arrangements hav. 'ing been made by a local organization to that effect. Arrangements were made last year to take eight thou- sand feet of scenes on the Labrador and extreme northéastern coast of Canada. The pictures are to form part of the archives of the Dominion in Ottawa. They contain interesting incidents of the life of the Eskimo and typical scenes of the northern Tourists to Quebec. 4 Quebec Province, according to a Montreal estimate, was visited dur ing the past summer by 700,000 tourists. the season 150,000 automobiles entered the province Good roads, upon which Quebec has been spending $8,000,000 a year of late, were a factor, and likewise a ah man who doesn't talk has less : The : to do than the rralous Regular Readers Of Th - EE Clr WiLL 3a KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular fzed according to 5. All ads. are restricted to proper classificativn, and to rexular Dally Whig style of CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive . insertions Minimum charge, 23 © Laily rates per line. Lb Guys wee thelr 1 auy eatns-- One insertion, Births, Lugageueuis, $1.00; cash, $i.v0. Cérd 'of 1nanks and. Memoriam Notices --L parged, $h.ov; casu, $0 .asertion - ing vrdered for (Irregular insertions Lakes Lhe one-time luser- unl rate; fio au. taken for less Luap basis OI four lines. Luunt six average words to line. Charged ads. wiil teiepuonie and i paid at Las Lritr ish Whig Uitice willy 6 days trom Lhe Niel day ol lusertivi, casn rate will be aliuwed. Ads. ordered 1or more than one day and stopped before expiration wil VNily De cuarged for Lhe number ot times the ad. appeared and adjus'= ment made at Lone rate carned Rate par line for white space Is the sane as a line of ype. Lpecial rate tur yearly aavertising upon regacst. Pubusuers reserve the right to edit or iejet all classined savertising copy. Telephon taker, Announcements Personals charged, Marringes, the be received by 243, ask for a want. ad ! | mm a---- | BLEMISHES Hair, Moles, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, , Pits, etc, removed permanent- Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have. falled Goitre cured without operation. 3% years experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake Kye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 203] Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J. 10 for coat en Stuart apply at pst and Found 30 Found, grey On University Avenue and Union Streets Whig Office wooller betw owner TERRI 4 ., 'White white face and white feet. Find- please return to 226 Princess St. Phone 1944 | Found, on Sunday, a lady's Owner can have same by property.. Apply Sharp, 260 St i BICYCLE- bieyele KEYS--LOST, On Novem- ber 23rd, around corner Princess and Division Streets. Finder please return to Anderson Bros. store. BUNCH oF Found, on have same street at DOUBLE BOILER aluminum, Owner may Whig Uffice TAIN 1} k Found same by applying at FOUN have Street GREY PERSIAN CA night. Reward for il. Fair/ 63 West Street. aenfe LOUND- at White ~ Since Monda return to Mrs. / Phone Lost, black and tan: last seen Fish Rapids $10 reward giv- en to anyone giving information that will lead to recovery. Wilson Bar-| ton, Domyville, Ont, | - Pei SCA SUS | LICENSE--Found., automobile, near] Westbrooke Ownér may have same | at 8S. M. Burts, Westbrooke. 197-009, | | | | | No | Whig. { | | | at MOTOR LICENSE---Found, on William Street Apply ------------------------------------------ MALE HOUND--Lost, blue grey, with ght tan ears, small. slit in one ear, while hunting near Flower Station. Notify David J. Bauder, Hartington, Ont, R. Re 1. ! MAN'S OVERCOAT-- Found, on road) between Kingston and Napanee. Own er may have same at 84 Pine Street | miami ------------ PURSE Would the was seen fo pick up purse on Princess Street sum of money, Keys, etc. kindly re-| turn to 86 Raglan Road, and receive] reward. | gentleman who | a grey leather) containing a | PURSE---Fonnd. on Garrett Street. con-/| taining small amount of money. Own- er, tnay have same at 236 Alfred St ROSARY BEAD---Found, bluish, with! silvery mountings. Owner may have same at 145 York Street. { ROSARY BEADS---~Found, on corner of Wellirigton and Princess Owner! may have same at City Taxi Stand,| corner: Princess and King Streets. | SHEEP: --Stayed from the property of] william GOrdon., Kingston Ns, inj November Finder please phone 2368) r 14 or notify the owner. | SUM OF MONEY----Found, on Brock St, near King. Owner can have aame by! proving property at British Whig WOOLLEN GLOVES--Found, woman's, in Council Chamber, an Monday. Own- er may have same at 200 Fronten 8 Division { There was a very busy session | of the Division court at the court house on Tuesday. The case of Ain vs. Moore of Seeley's Bay, took con- | siderable time. The two men were | driving down Barriefield hill and it | was brought out in evidence that} when Mr. Moore, who was leading, | reached the R.M.C. gate, he turned | in without giving Mr. Ain any warn- ing, with the result that the Ain car was ditched and damaged. The judge found that Mr. Moore was negligent in not giving a proper sig- pal that le was going to make the turn. Conrt, | BRINGING UP FATHER | USED | GARAGE---For rent, :z! 12 1% is Section Are Saving and Making Money Continually | Wise people have np knuckles knuckles! to be easily determined. Giving Brass Knuckles To Opportunity F always whining that they cannot hear Opportunity when it comres a'knocking at their doors The wise ones hand Opportunity a What 1s merely a faint tap to others is an yn- mistakable crash to the wise ones. It's time everybody knew that the helpful little ads in the A-B-C Classified Section Daily there are appearing among these ads offers whose value to you in profit and satisfaction is too grea And all these offers are care- fully indexed---for, your immediate finding. Reading--and heeding--this section encourages Op- portunity to batter down your door! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY patience with those who are of brass set are ~Opportunity's brass == Automobiles > "Automobiles For Sale = 11 Business dervice insurance 23 ice SUITS your ment AND order J OVERCOATS $30 Asy 'ter Patterson, 12 Made to a, ployme == rr =m Em Help Wanted--Female EARN--35.00 to $25.00 weekly, the pleasant Home Work way making socks on the fast, easily learned Auto Knitter. Expe nce unnecessary; dis tance immaterial; vassing. Particulars Jc. stamp: Dept. 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. LADY--As housekeeper for near Gananoque Apply Box T-3, Whig ELDERLY small family, ences required | Office Ap- i HOUSEKEEPER-- Immediately. k ply stating wages desired to Mrs. R. «Reid, Lake, | MAKE MONEY AT HOME $15 to $60 Sharbot Ont paid weekly for your spare time writ | No canvassing. | ing show cards for us. We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Cclborne Bld., Toronto. Help Wanted--Male 33 SALESMEN----We pay weekly and offer steady employment selling sur com- plete and' exclusive lines of whole- root fresh-dug-to-order trees and plants. Best stock and service We teach and equip vou free A mon makin opportunity Luke Broth Montreal 50] ms: of pay-| Johnson | positively no can-| Refer- | Merchandise Articles for Real Estate For Rent. Houses For Rent ~~ 17 i GRINDSESTONE--18x21{ inches. Also a cross cut saw. Apply 84 Division St | | HIGHEST PRICES--Paid for old wal-| nut, mahogany and curly maple fur-| niture, brass candlesticks, old pewte ete Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Prine cess Streel, + Phone 104bw. | | EM | | MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS---Make last- ing gifts. Enjoyed and appreciated throughout the year. Buy your boy] one of our violin outfits, $22.50. Elder's Cigar Store. PIANO--Upright. Décker Bros. in good condition, a good buy at §2 Terms | | arranged F. J. Grace, 37 Mack Su] | Phone 2267J. | | QUEBEC HEATERS -- Combination Stoves, dining room and other furni | ture. We also buy. J. Thompson, 33 | Princess Street. Phone 1800w. 3 on | STOVES--Lawrenson's for Goud C r | Square uebec Stov and Heaters, | Economy ady Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 387 Priuceas Street. : Phone | 339w., opposite Orange Hall | SCALES--AIl kinds, new and second- { hand. Cash" or easy terms. Toledo] Scale Co., Ltd. 209 Princess St. iat ston SPRCIAL --- Spec layer felt mattr Mattress Co. ial for this week | sses, $9.50. Frontenac ene 1961) | -------- ------ esm--r------ SEWING MACHI Single, hand ma-| chine Cash for quick sale. Nearly! new. Can have electric attachment if} desired. Apply Box S-4, Whig Office. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 CARS~-- Several! Apply Blue (larage Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets. 2 WE HAVE A FEW BARGAINS IN USED CARS LEFT * One Ton Ford Truck Price. $150.00 One Ton Ford Truck Price $400.00 McLaughlin E45 Repainted, rebuilt and new top. Let us give you a drive in this car so that you may know the good qualities In it Price right. BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock St. Phone 201w. Home of Used Cars $100 buys Ford Truck $150 buys Ford Truck. $150 buys Chevrolet Tourl: $300 buys McLaughlin Six. $300 buys Country Club Heavy Tubes, all giz Algo used auto 8 s, $2.50 parts PARMER AUTO SALVAGE Corne? Bagot and Queen Streets. Auto Accessorics--Tires--Puarts large have of those bargain if we few A big Eastern and Ontario Streets, Phone ow + Q 0 Garages--Aul ueen Alstrict, Telephone 1785M. Business Services SE _-- AUCTIONEER-~For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 37¢ Kiug Street. Fhone 820J or 1i8iw. WELL - DRILLING -- Sanitary water | wells, the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary well drillers in and Lennox and "Addington. The most modern 'equipment in. America, For full information write to F Garrison Co. Colebrook, Ont. Tr Ladics' Hair Parlor TRANSFORMATIONS switches, Ladies' Bob- shampooing, and Chikd- LADIES bed curls, singeing, curling, ren's halr cutting. Street, Kingston, Hemstitching 21b EDGING work Hemstitching, guaranteed. Mrs. rpIcoT Pleating, Mrs. Cunningham, | _ | Oftice 503w., Canada Maxotire| tos for Hire--Taxi 14 | close tu business | Apply Box M-6, Whig Office. | usiness Services Offered I 18 { 'rontenac SPARKS & SFARKS ala evenings. by appointment. Feild, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs. Card. To-Day's Blunder _ Corrected (See Illustration on Page 14.) A Cabinet officer should be ad- dressed as follows: The Honourable, The Secretary of State, State Department, Washington, DeC. Movies Lure German Children. Beslin, Dev. 6.--German parents | complain bitterly that their children flock evenings to the movie houses and stay ub late to watch blood- curdling dram "he laws against young child being abroad at night alonefpparently are not en- forced. Crowded housing conditions and lack of and light in the homes ar ven as reasons for the dis- positions of the youngsters to take] to the cinemas. OQUKE Representing Imperial London : Fire a Globe Indem- Accident and Sickness. Phones: Res. stzw, J. E Life nity, "DOMINION LIFE Arch. Thomson, Branch Manager. Office: 568 Brock Street. Telephone 68. | FIRE-----Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. KE. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. Phone 178IM. RIRT-- Automobile, Sickness and ne- cident. Insurance. Only reliable com- panies represented. Call or phone. E. Wililams, 2 Couper Street | INST RANCE--Only the most reliable companies represcnied Strauge & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, upposite Post Office. Moving, Truck 1g, Storage 25 | ASHES--Cleanea out of a X cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, Phone 2256. 22 ACE~--For furniture, clean Ajply E. BE. Wathem, 143 et. Phone 1391J .or 618. 24 Russell Street, STORAGE and dry Nelson stre AGE--For furniture, clean, dry, . your own Jock City Storage, 299- Phone 626. Res. 9§9w, To let, for automobiles, month Furniture, etc 196 et, « J 8. STOR Alry aud 3 205 Queens $ ) pe King Stre Painting, Pape ring, Decorating 26 { 18 | SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robirson, rear 276 Bagot street. Architects 280. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington Chiropractis 28¢ | KUCY--Drs. G. F. ana Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists and Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot direet. Phone 943w. Hours: $12 a.m, 1 te 5, and § to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment, Consultation free. PUDNEY--Dr. W. Gordon, 182 Welling- ton str i airs. Consultation free Hours 9-12 by | ment. Phone Dental 28d. 158 ot. Brock. = Dentists, Welllugton sirest, corner Phone #48 appoint~ SALES AGENT---Reliable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip- | menf. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada. | Sell. for a Nursery, not for a jobber. You will be successful. Write: Pelham I" Nursery Co., Toronto. | Apply | BLE---Antiquée, black walnut 232 Brock Street. WAGGON--Light spring delivery wag- gon, in first class condition. Right price to a quick buyer. Apply 158 | Clergy Street | Radio Equipment 62a Teachers Wanted 30a. { | TEACHER--Pro class permit, § Apply; stating | mence January | ,sec-treas., Bellro lding setond 11, Portland Duties . com-~ Zara k, Ont. Second 5 and $900. iar } sec class, experienced, 21, Storrington, Duties to com- y- ard. Apply to Ben Greenlees treas., Mount Ont Situations Wanted--Male | WORK ply B Any kind for time being x 8-1, Whig Office. Te _ Financial Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan Soclety, incorporated 1861. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunning nam. and farm properties; municipal'and county debentures; mortgages chased; Investment bonds tor sale; d=- posits received and Interest allowed. RK. C Cartwright, manager, $7 Clarence street, Kingston. and Investment |=" Live Stock _ ~ Wanted--Live Stock | POULTRY--We want your poultry, op dressed. Write for price lists. ler's, Spadina Ave. | Wai sme ame sme ee { Articles For Sale AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, Peterborough Canoes, Life Saying Cushlons, Flags, Tarpauline. F . Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BICYCLE TIRES--At $1.76 up; baby ™ jages repaired and re-tired. Mul- ler's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King St. Phone 1961-w. BOBSLEIGHS~With patent coupling. Draft and coupling arrangement. is superior to all others. Medium team size ". B. McNamee, Phone 2202w. KNAPP---Dr. A. BE, Dentist Princess Street. Office: 258 Phune 833w. Open Lega! CUNNINGHAM & SMITH ---- Barristers and Solicitors, 9 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE---Barrister, solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, ston. A. E. Day, Adrian Money to loan. Phone 205/ and king- L Revelle. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock. over Royal Bank. Money Osteopathy 28g. OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates. Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 King Street. 'Phone 447 for appoint men --_--_ Repairing 20 FURNITURE FINISHING---Of all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 296F. PHOLBTERING--New or used furni- tute; work guaranteed. Call or drop a ca UPHOLSTERING---AnNd general repairs ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. SHOE REPAIRING--All hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen Sireets. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttens made same day as ordered. Upholst: ing at reasonable prices. . Good- 244 University Avenue. Phone LOST SOMETHING? Let a clas: fied ad find it 28e. | W. J. Gavine, 316 Bagot Street. BRICK-~--Hard and soft, any quantity. corner Blreh! Apply E. E Walthem, and Collingwood Streeds. Phone 618 or 1301) COME IN--And see our stock before buying anywhere else coats, Pea Jackets, Army Vests, Sheepskin Coats, etc. line for hunters. Breeches, Shapiro, 46 Princess Street. | COLUMBIA B. PHONOGRAPH--And 50 | records (100 selections), your own choice, $60. Leather Special | i | | | COKE--§10 ton. 1-4 and % ten lots, | 26c. extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs, { 12.00 cuble cord or sawed In one foot | lengths, making 4 single cords at | $4.25, or half single cord $2.25, or if | split, $2.50--measured and delivered. | Phone 2440W. 290 Wellington, corner | Ordnance Street. W. C. Bruton. | Goon HARD COAL~--$14.75, delivered. { Coke, 3156 Both guaranteed satisfac- | tory. Phone 1962). G. W. Richard- 1 | | | som, 187 William.Street. HARDWOOD Mixed wood, mixed slabs, soft wood slabs, one car choice | body hard mapie, shingles $4.00 thou- sand; rough lumber, cupe siding. W H. Talbot, yard Concession Street, { near Division. Phone 2302W. | GET--Your Repairs and Separator Oil for the De Laval, Renfrew and Melotte { Cream Separators at Frost & Wood Agency, 236 Ontario Street. whether it is someone 10 white gour cellar, bank your house, take 8.Wn your screens--or any one of the thcusands of odd jobs to be done around & house at this time of year, you wil dn 1 someone dependable through Daily Whig want ople advertising a room ror rent, or | an article for sale, would save them- | selves a lot of time and get better and | more satisfactory results elling all | there is to be said in the get them in direct touch with the peo- Sle they want to reach Sle th in 2 : s 8 Reynolds, | Chesney, | Fresident, | Money issued on city | pur- | ive | --_-- 345 Alfred Bt. Men's Over-| Bedford Cord Riding | Bargains in every line. A.| | HOUSE--Brick, 7 Easy terms arranged. C.| W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St.| a "This will | | RADIO--Why take chances on being | dissatisfied? Go tv a firm that knows | raglo and guarantees everything. The Canada Radio Stores do all that. Wanted--To Buy oo | | OLD GOLD--S8Iilver, or False Teeth, for cash or exchange. + Lyons, 244 Princess street, Kingston. with electric t All conveni- | University Avenue] py 09 | | PLANO--Wanted good used Upright Pi- plano or phonograph. C. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. Rooms For Rent 'Rooms Without Board light, on bathroom flat. ences. Apply 313 or ph 52w ROOMS--Sultable for light housekeep-| ing, electric and gas stove for cook- ing. Rent reasonable. Apply sv ano, for cash or Skchange on new wv. BEDRQOM--- Furnished, Rooms For Housekeeping University Avenue or phone 317w, ROOMS---Newly furnished, clean; one large, one small; refined home; busi-| ness ladies preferred, for whom rates | would be very reasonable. 182 Mont-| eral Street. | | | Ky "Real Estate For Rent Apartimtents and Flaws APARTMENT Traur rooms, all econ- veniences; hot water heating. Appl W. J. B. White: 2 wy | UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS--261 Uni: versity Avenue, near Johnson. Five | and six roomed apartments Well | equipped. Apply 337 Johnson Street. | -_ = | Business Places For Rent 5 | GROCERY STORE---Corner of George! and King Street; garage if desired; | | Immediate possession. Apply 25 King| | Street, or phone 1577m. | | LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street | 0.0. F. *1 74 formerly occupled by the | Apply to Cunningham & Smith ---- 1 77) bert SL. | Ingham | | Houses for "Rent BRICK RESIDENCE----No. 390 Al { Unfurnished. Apply to Cath | & Smith, 79 Clarence Street. | HOUSE~~Furnished, electric, gas and| | furnace, In good condition, centrally | located. Apply H. B. Trotter, cjo Trotter's' Hardware, 345 Princess St HOUSES--Two small. 30 and 20 Fllice! Street. Apply Dr. W. T. Kingsley, | Kingston Mills. Telephone 1100-1-2. | | SOLID HOUSES-- Two, on . Charles Street, Electric light and gas for cooking. Ap- ply H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. TO LET---6 roomed house, west end, near Union, newly decorated, electrie t, gas, furnace Immediate pos- Apply Box L-27, Whig Of- or phone §66w. session fice 8 EARL STREET--7 rooms, furnish- ed. rent reasonable for winter months. ARDly at 318 Earl Street, or phone 391 z $18.00--169 Bagot Street. $20.00--43 King Street, $35.00--3%0 Barrie Street. $35.00--200 William Street, See Muilin's for houses to rent. Phone §3%w. Johnson and Division Streets. tects ---------- 113 PATRICK STREET--Brick, detgch- ed, hot water furnace, hardwood floors, 8 plece bath, good cellar, barn and garage. Good condition. Imme- diate possession. Apply 473 Princess Street. Phone 1528m. Real Estate For Sal mre 0 a Farms and Lands For Sale 838 FOR BALE OR WILL EXCHANGE-- For Ontario property, 340 acre farm in Carman rigt, Manitoba, one half under crop; frame buildings; im- mediate possession. Chas. R. Webster, _33 Brock. Street, Kingston. Houses For Sale a) ANY BOY OR GIRL--Can make lots of Christmas pocket money easily selling Christmas Cards, Booklets, Seals, ete. We trust you with Cards till sold. You keep one-third of the money. Un- gold goods returnable. Send a trial order for $3.00 worth, assorted. A postcard will do. The Gold Medal Rape Ltd, Jarvis Bt, Toronte, Dept BUNGALOWS-- Ivo, Ahles each. ne Bungalow, solid. briék, het air furnace, fireplace, ¥ piece bath, veran- dah, seven rooms, $3900.00. Money to loan on first mortgages. H. B. WILSON, REAL OR, 316 Barrie Btreet. Phone 1098. CUSTOMERS--Wanted for Fresh Pork Jnderiting, Spare Ribs and Tra A. 'aglean's, Ontarl ude <4 rio street, om DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE--Princess St. half minute from car line, 3 b 5 and bathroom in each, ou gas, good renters. $5760 for both, oy $3,000 singly. No agents. -A E-15, Whig Office. wy Box electric and | SOLID BRICK HOUSE-- Seven rooms, all improvements; garage. for two cars; best locality in eity; also bulld~ ing Jo adjoining; will sell with house or either separately. Appl - Whig Office. Pply: Box O-38, BRICK HOUSE -- § bedrooms, electric light, Ba bath, hot water heating, good cellar. First floor: large drawing room fire place, dining room, kitchen, with side entrance, ~ Second floor: 3 bedrooms and bath. Third floor, 2 bedrooms. This house_is beautiful, situated on King Street, overlooking the City Park. If interested, call the office. MB TRUMPOUR ot Si Phones 704 or 18438 0 ® Strout SEE--Batemun's large Real vertisement, page 5 Ata, "es Noni WEESE'S RESIDENCE---Tw - iness, also stock of fri . lots, Duss Stes frames and, er. Pp photo, de tf All prices Teduced. oer By BUSINESS SLRVICE or. ore. - W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce B Brock' and King Streets. Phone 701 or 3m. General Insurance Agency. Writing: --Automobil Wir dent, Sickness, Plate age Burglary «te. Representing only re oom- panies. = z Cook Stoves With snd without tanks. Algo Square Heaters. Real cheap, Ate J. Turk's-- PHONE 705. roomed, bath, electric light, furnace. Lmmediate possession. Queen Street. toilet, ! Good location. | Apply 249 | HOUSE--436 Division Street, six rooms, | cellar, electric lights, guod yard. Rent! $16.00. Apply 434 Diviglon Street. | 1 { HOUSE---Small brick, on Princess St. Red; Drvision Street; gas and electric, | | 2 fireplaces; all newl 0 i Phone 951, ¥ decorated f HOUSE--At once, new, seven roo | With large lot and barn on North ye fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. Phone 1083m. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Gasoline and steam © centrifugal Pumps, both d for rental: kinds of machinery re- paired. Boats and enginés budit to or- DAVIS DRY DOCK C0. East End, Wellington Street. or sale Domestic Nut Coke. Fine for the Quebec James WHY NOT USE COKE? impurities. Hotter than coal; goes as far. $14.50 per ton. Swift & Co., Limited Foot ot Johnson dtreet Good, clean fuel; no Heater. z % Z| 1 DON'T CARE WHAT WIND OF A JOBIT ID