Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1923, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | if not their elders. But anyway we jw ith London as well as have no ground for grouching if it {with Paris, Rome, Washing | is a green Christmas, for the wea-{ton, New York City, Mexico City, | ther during the past few montls Rio de Janiero, Buenos Ayres, Pek- | been . delightful. ing and -Tokio, | Christmas is approaching and our ' { American cotisins are worrying over | | the duties they will have to pay on | the Christmas gifts sent to. them has from Canad With Uncle Sam, | A ER NE Er Ey STR "Tall "take." Last March, Texas news- | { papers reported that at that time | many Christmas parcels from Can- | | ada were, still in American customs | | offices, not having been éxamined | THE BRITISH WHIG! » TAX ON GOOD WILL. 0TH YEAR. TRY BIBBY'S FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' GIFTS RR SR Ie MANY BEAUTIFUL AND VY USEFUL PRESENTS, RBRVS, om RT i RRL 72: 01 a ds EG SRE ER AER RE RE i! [Apparently his power, vast fk 1 may be, is still growing. No. one! STINNES. By {men ever went further in comidiia- Clarence Ludlow Brownell, MA. ion 3 i ag Foi Ropes GoofTashians Bociloty: ti and development of industries | London, England. and commercial operations. Pa. | i |sibly the growth is like that of the | CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 'HAS STARTED HERE j aud 'valued for the sollection of the} proverbial snowball which cannot | Stylish English Overcoat | | dutt Here in Canada, th : .. { u hid ere 8 Pua a, a Halt Huguenot and half Hebrew, [}., growing as it rolls onward un- | a i . [tome epartment is len ent with re- | Hugo Stinnes declares himself the [+1] it reaches a point where cohesion | - ¥ { gard to admitting Christmas gifts, [savior of the Cerman Fatherland. ;, jp umetent to hold it together | ESE. / | the - bulk of which are passed He expects to do for Germany and it breaks into 'fragments. | ) rte | through without question. For in-|what Caesar did for Rome, but his [ginnes like Frankenstein, may have | Pu o stance, the Kingston customs office means will be the means of big |ereated a monster and the monste : . ® a j | fe PE néver choked with American |Dusiness. = Big business Is his god. may be too much for him, ; ae They've got that dignified cut that Pe D is » : Christmas gifts on which the offic-| Stinnes cares. for nothing eme. | perhaps his organization will dis- He detests art and desples' the | var theniselves to be of such 'e%- : i - corresponds with the English clothes. New and different, but pleasing. pat fals try t hard d cash THE BRITISH a's ry 10 squeede havd-earned cash |... He has brought up his sons {cellent workmanship that they can 4 CO. LIMITED from Canadian recipients. The coun- 4, the same mind. But he loves feeca on™ without thet ' fee Eo uit ereasst | try Is. that much better olf through | power. He feel; that by his own ne ia sober ok Prim : » UM naging-Director | the receipt of gift-goods from ipower of commercial and industrial [him as it needs no other man for | y ; : 3 5 { foreign countries. teombination he can reorganize ur- F You 11 find quality personified mn them and be glad to wear them at such moderate prices. Only two Coats of any one pat- tern in this showing--all are beautiful, TELEPHONE | i {he has achieved more than all the Private Exchange, commecting all | To charge duties on Christmas en the shattered financial structure | ipo. would-be saviors of the Fath departments i soft, comfy, woollens, in restful as well as the more startling colorings'and : 243] gifts 15 simply levying a tax on good- [of Germany. He has shown extra- orjang combined. designs. JARNL I N Published y and Semi-Weekly b: WHIG PUBLISHIN will, Canadian gifts 4t the Yuletide sea- {pie : wal { son through the American customs | 1S He od Edit | ' y » Jon Seti) Whekdy : sie | UBHI the recipients have been coal mines, iron y year, to United States . --§2.00, squeezed for -the duties. Hundreds plants, lime kilns, tanneries, sugar OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: Of gifts are returned .because the refineries, hotels, moving picture aor: JB J King oe wi persons to whom they are sent can- studios and theatres, mutomobile Toronto, ; abcd] not pay the levy, Of course, some of plants, aluminim works, coke ovens, te the Halles al the | these gifts find their way back by blast furnaces, rolling mills, chem- writer. ed | being carried across the border and ical works. He has Immense in- Attached 1a ome of ihe best. job 'mailed at American post offices. ' It terests outside of Germd@y. His printing offices fu Canada. : is time the American authorities dis- [Properties are in many = countries The circulation of THE BRITISH {from the Argentine to Canada. He ; : played a little of the good-will spirit Heat Gone much in' Rucels ag Weil az WHIG is authenticated by the ABO that prompts. Canadians 'to send |, Oho of -his Audit Bgreau of Circulations - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: « Edition) aS Ione in ally ' your, b to rural offices, One year, " United States ht as { Yet it is impossible to' get |Ordinary ability =o far, 'and no 0 . banks, newspap- mills, oil wells, mines, electric SUIT SPECIAL SUIT SPECIAL NO. 1. NO. 2. See our Natty $29.50 Suits Plain Blue, Herringbone Blue or Brown, plain Grey Worsted and Fancy Tweeds --all smartly tailored in the season's correct models --a wonderful Suit for the money. . { gifts to loved ones over the border, |sons is in United i and declare a customs "holiday." | ooking them over." Even the armies fighting each other | gtinnes grew up 'in big business. [during the great war refrained a8 | His father owned coal mines. Math- | much as possible: from firing on {as Stinnes by name, he had been each other on Christmas.day. Wash- [one of the lords of industry in West. ington might emulate the Ottawa [phalia for years, when Hugo began customs spirit during the Christmas- | Work. He. started in. for himself as tide {a mine., and after practical work underground, he studied enginesr- | ing. {In western Eurape. State; now A Factor in Jeffries' Defeat, When Jeffries, the heavy weight fighter was matched with Jack John- son the colored fighter, the interest was tremendous. People who took very little inter- est in boxing were much excited because it was a white man agains. 3 colored man, You will remember that the cu: ored man wom. Why? Because the white man realized that he was carrying the hopes wf thousands of people, and he began to worry about it. It was not a case of lack of pluck. | Jeffries never lacked that. But that so many were depending upon him, simply got under him to such an extent that he became stale; | Why 2 Simply because sleep. Those close to Jeffries, and those | I'kewiss close to Johnson knew this only too well, Jeffries was an exhausted man be fore he entered the ring. You might well ask why should a man in perfect health have any difficulty about getting off to sleep. Is"nt a men in training domg tu "Imported" liquor is likely to ex- . port the drinkers. . t » ' ~~ Young Men's Suits Fine Pencil Stripe Worsteds in the new' One and Two Button models--the Roy and the Roydon. Misery loves company. They of- fen come and go together. : RE INJURED BY EXPLOSIVES. The large number of accidents due | to the careless handling of explo- A Great Organizer, fire?" sives, especially to children, has fo- Yin ud not Tork fone 8 i en- neer, however, or iS en was Ajax defled the lightning, but Sus Hou. Charles Stewart, Minis- ro organization and combination of er of Mines, to issue an appeal to | . tak there is no record that he had any municigalitios and those earryiog ou {business opportunities: He under experience with a mule. operations: iu which the use. of 'of: {stood buying and selling. He |veloped the Luxemburger Mining which plosives is required ' to exercise (ang Foundry Corporation greater caution in the handling of now looks as though Henry Ford this dangerpus material. In a [right have been the promotor. It memorandum just issued by the Ex- [uses its own ore, its own coai, its plosives Division-of the Department [own foundries, blast furnaces, mills of Mines, Mr. Stewart says: and factories It is, in short, * com- "I feel I can, with confidence, in- Blots from the mine to the mark- et, vite your consideration of the sug- Much money was essential for gest de in this memorandum, this work, and Stinnes Dborroweu which h for their object the pre- such large sums from the banks vention of accidénts, to children | that the directors found themselves maiply, arising from the innocent or (between the devil and the deep sea. foolish handling of explosives. The |They could hot refuse more after 'price so paid by the youth of Canada [they had let him have too much. cannot but make its appeal both to| The war gave Stinnes a tremen- [very thing that will jnduce sleep-- our human sympathies and to our |d40us opportunity. The vanks ead | amely tiring out his body with his national responsibilities. to carry him and the Serial Yor. |qaily exercise? (80 convey the impresdion that they| «Persons keeping only small |SC0Ment had .great need of the | Hug (his been a "private" fight % Mini an Found ' " "@re hard-bolled are really only half- Quantities of explosives are not re- Ergo ns g itution of ewes hee re Jenna . ' . > Fo e i y. quired to obtain licenses, and though its kind in Europe. innes furn- But to be the "white" hope wus subject to regulation, may well, as |igheq anything from shells to sub- |i,c 100 much for him. is pointed out in the memorandum, | marines, besides coal and coke and Now what played not be heard of beyond the locality |benzal in immense quantities. "His nerves. in which they may be operating for Stinnes made friends with the Our phisiologists have taught the time being, until their operations have ceased, or until some lament- The burning question of the hour is: "Who will get up and start the SEE OUR DISPLAY of mew, all-wooi SWEATER COATS SEE OUR NEW ENGLISH * Club Bags, Suit Cases MEN'S GLOVES Silk lined, wool lined, fur lined. Auto Gloves, ete. Dent's English Wool Gloves. Easy to select the style and color he would like. Something very classy, $ $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 » : PECIAL ! \ |) See our $1.60 Wool-lined Gloves. Kid or Mocha. THE FITS THE THING! SUIT VALUES You want quality and style too. Here's the corvect thing in Suit styles that have the fit--plain and unfinish ed Worsteds. Scotch and English Tweeds, English Her- ringbone Worsteds in Blue, Brown and Greys -- new, English models. You'll like the expert tailoring and the fine quality at uv. Neighbors have their uses. They might talk about what you did and this keeps you from doing it, he could pot The business of pouring oil on troubled waters never did pay the dividends the pourers expected. ' By starting now and working all * day long you may get your shop- plag done by Christmas Eve, any admits that the way of nsgressor is hard, but does it that she is a tranegressor. the not «A lot of these fellows who try ; ---------- ~ You can never tell. What ap- Pears to be a rallway crossing may be the place where you cross the Styx, As we understand Germany, des- peration has at last persuaded her 10 do what she has been doing ever since 1918. out on Lim? |' Farms For Sale 1-150 acres, seven miles from Kingston, close to highway, good buildings, 112 acres under cultivation: good fences, well watered, wind- mill. Price $7,800. --176 acres, oge half mile fro; thriving lage, about a acres good soll under eul- tivation; exceptionally well watered; splendid dwelling with hardwood floors; base- ment; barn and all neces- sary outbuildings. A snap at $3600. Money to loan at lowest eur- rent rates on mortgages. T. J. Real Estat d 1 58 BROCK ST. KINGSTON Phones 322J and 1797J, FOR AUTO ELECTRICAL REPAIRS See F. HALL The Auto Electrician--20 years' éxperience Storage Batteries recharged and repairec. All work guaranteed. 335King Street - - - - Telephone 939 ., France, with the largest standing army in the world, knows that the 'War is not over until the bills are lected. ------------ Those who yearn for excitement t try walking down a side street something that resembles a pay hel. MARINE ENGINES THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED military Jaadors aud helped In plan- [3 that tiredness of the nerves ning such enterprises @s ocomman- |. neq long before . tiredness of the able accident odcufs. deering the population of Belgium to | muscles. "For this reason I would venture |¥Ork in German lie end factontes, | Hed the trainers of Jeffries been | Even Satan would be a name of l,10 4 get his mind off this ong to urge on your consideration the tender endearment compared 10 |jqna that the, White Fate Werd oo , IuSetion of De opis. o suis Hugo Stinnes in the Belglan mind. |nenging on him, he would have en- P ¥ ;appea Having been a laborer himses, iiereq the ring in fit condition to de- efficacious and practicable to you. he knew how to meet workingmen, |eo a pic title. "While action has been taken in land how to talk over the question What's the lesson? this matter by a number of municl- lof wages with them. He worked | qu. sleep, rastful sleep is ome palities, it is hoped that by bringing [With the men for high wages and {iping that Nature demands if you it to the notice of all, in this man- | With the employers for high prices. |or0 to he at your best, mentally aud ner, a material improvement in the |The employer and employee working |.) oicayly. : together controlled the situation Furth hat in trving t present unsatisfactory annual record 1 With this n-his er, that in trying to correct of accidents of the elass under dis- |Poo0 utely: potrer ~ (sleeplessness, it % not always en- hands, he spread out his foundry ough just to tire the museles of the : . cussion, may be effected." | corporation into the Liemen"s-Rhine- body There must b a Nature knows that brooding over In the memorandum a list of ae- Elbe-Shuckert Union thit was & r 4 hy e g one trouble would drive us mad, { 5 the. mia. by your own gelf eon. #0 she gives us more to divert minds. Germany may feel shrewd, but cidents to children is given, show- ing that during 1922, there were 26 accidents due to playing with deton- ators, in each case one or more children sustaining serious injuries, that Stinnes borrowed of billions was continually deprec- fating, ro that the borrower sort of universe in miniature. Jt is noteworthy that the money to the tune paid trol. Perhaps by an endeavor to get a wholesome common sense. view of the conditions causing sleeplessness, We are in a position to give first class service, will re- move .engine from boat, overhaul, store for winter and instal in boat in the spring. Kingston's Lending fotos and after working it out, try to dis. miss it from your mind. : Don't take your worries to bed with you. Every room has runaink bec and eold water. One-half block from Rallway Statious and Stearboat Landings J. A. HUGHES, en The Personal Gift Nothing appeals to the hedrt yr "oat *ouen, Ys There is nothing so beautiful, nothing that has such enduring qualities as FRcNCH IVORY and nothing more suitable for Christmas gifts. Our line of this beautiful pro- duct is exceptionally large aad varied and each plece has tnat beauty of grain and uniformity of texture that is found onl in the best makes. ? The prices are decidedly low, and an early choice gives wider selection. . COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. Dr. Chown's Drug Store: 185 Princess Street. Phone 848 back in actual value much loss than he had received. George Bernhard of the Vossitche Zeitung tells how Stinnes got con- trol of one of the hig banks, This particular instance relates to the Hanrelsgeselleschalt of Berlin, Karl Furstenburg was the director, a friend of Rathenau and of Ballin. A certain Polish speculator con- ceived the idea of buying up the shares of this ,bank. He expected to sell them at a big profit. He would get control and then Offer his interest to Furstenberg. So far all went as the Pole wished nut Furstenberg would not buy. It was BLUE GARAGES, Limited Phone 567. Cor. Bagot and Queen Sts. Sound Reasoning. EEE -- tralians are more Imperialistic than the Bfffish. We have a right to be. It isw't the cut of the clothes that you wear, Nor the the matter of dodging she hasn't | the loss of portions of their hands fthing on the great Canadian tax- | paing most common. Nine accidents Ir. were also caused to children through NL en nadnenint playing with other explosives. It might help to advance peace if It is suggested that municipal : Sitions - 3e je point hers authorities give particular attention BS) have to hock their guns to buy |, ymal)- operations, such as road- tickets. i work, excavations for foundations, i a shame to Are = police ete., where but small quantities of e of stupidity, when it is so explosives are vasd, Sad Ingle: 3h mt » tradisfer him to the detec-|°Y®™Y Possible precaution be n a that the material is kept in a secure aq and proper manner. you would know whether a -- is a partisan of Capital or + THR WEATHER. , first discover how often The mild weather of this autumn noe hig lucky day, for the Pole $ shirts, has been a source of satistaction to {went to _Stinney and the next . day . the great majority of the people as |Stinnes contmlled the Berliner This Sento sentence: * And then, | there has been a marked saving in |Handelsgeselleschaft. y whispered the excited | Til. Years ago people wished for| This Bernhart says this put the , "he tried to hold my hand real snappy weather at this time of jdirector of this great banking insti. slapped him." year in order to help the Christmas tution into clase financial associa- Sn trade, but now with motor cars in|tion with the adroit 'manipulator. nearly all farm homes there is no {Stinnes advantaged many millions in ; | real money by this transaction. need of worrying about Old Dobbin : - Having the prestige of super-fin- and the sleigh and cutter. So long anctal power in the 'fFatheriund as snow comes during the week be- St innes stepped into polities and fore Christmas the people are satis- entered the Reichstag as a member fled: It is now the fifth of Decem- of the People's Party. He uses his ber and we are having November position to further his plans o weather. According to a Boston [building up greater industrial con- meteorologist, the first major cold (terns that shall be sel sufficient by the 10th of|and continuous. He keeps in touch {if Herr Hohenzollern at Doorn. keeps his eyes on the once-upon-a- time crown prince. He visits the If the Empire were dismembered to- morrow the British would remain white and free; this.country would probably be assimilated by an As- jatic Power. We have more than a community of interest in the Em- pire: it is our common insurance policy, the institution on which all, rich and peor, Labor and anti-Lab- or depend for their national life.-- Sydney Bulletin. nt isn't the servants that come at your call, It isn't the things. you possess, 'Whether many, or little, or nothing at all-- It's SERVICE that. measures success. It isn't a question of name, or of length N Of an smceiral pedigree; h, BRE yy ger pt nde ~The will is better trained by ac- compifihing the difficult. intellect- ual problem than Im over-coming mere physical reluctance.--Sir Ro- bert Falconer, will seem fanny when the ful clothier says: "Yes, it's a suit; but it has a little genu- cotton In ft." -------- & household where the hus- dwells under a thumb, and found one that never will 'a divorce lawyer. Be : " Husband No. I was a leute- lk Her second was & captain lor her third venture she has -_ | Vienna, Dec. 5.--Thirty-eight per gs | cent. of Austria's population lives in | cities of 20,000 or more, agcording J SU SOA. ML it, cs TF ------ ~ \ -- ----- enna -CKAWFUR Phone 8. Foot of Queen 5. The Home of GOOD COAL.' " French diplomats, generals, and fin. |} » LL ~ 2 i Le a - or tes con es ars RE Aa. TS et us of an "extra cold winter." He prophesies snow for Christmas, SR RY wpm a .

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