WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1923 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC Eee == - ORPHANS' HONE 15 GIVEN [2c = = = 7 | GLO VES | THE CVC BUDGET GRANT| ....>:iomea of] Just by way of wise suggestion-- | Board of Works should report these | facts to the department and ask that q ah End st Long Wrang! lok; the carrier's route be extended. He : Sa, i mnt Being Diff oe BertinnlnndMamuoman dL i ee i Aired. | as very Snfuir ae -- mt een rol g ; CERNE SERENE RTI RTERR i "" i 3 - | The cit) connell bad a very brief as * "abominable. There was no rea: | In all shades, styles and mater f y Tuesday | son that he could see why the car- | . ct evening, but did some business that | rler should not deliver to Hickson | ials and we guarantee the fit. ove be most pleasing to certaif sec-| | avenue. { tions For 'instance, on motion of | Ald. William Holder stated that 1 ' {| Alds. Laturney and' Kelly, it decid-| the carrier finished out there about a Usable and thrifty gifts at the ._ Uj ses. usviener aud Rolly, 1 Soca. | 153 survier Sushat out ire mo | WHEN, CHRISTMAS COMES | was no ; peed of another carrier when | ' : | rphans' me was fac efici Men's Quality Shop. 0 flo BE ON Lrecinn Tot oy pariet vues WILL you be prepared for it--with the right kind of for the year, the charitable grant of | $500 mentioned in the budget 'be | suffice for the delivery of.mail to the | paid. This ends a wrangle of some | section complaining about discrimi- remembrance for all your loved ones? December makes | months as to whether the council nation. If the additional delivery its entrance to- day, and before you know it, Christmas J 11]1s being blocked in the Kingst : George VanHorne Ss J shout vax le Budget srunbian welll Be He: oars will be here. So it's time to start the holiday shopping 2 | 3 Princ Street. Phone 362w. dren's Ald wards. the matter should be brought to the NOW. : €ss ' attention of the department at Ot- Ald. Chown remarked 'that he was tawa. : _ y 101 sure the Orphans' Home ladies would Watch for to-morrow's suggestions. Sule the Orppass Bo | Al. Richardson suggested that J the Kingston postmaster be invited " post-election session on Ald. Price said that it was fime | : the city council appointed a com-| fo attend the next meeting of the | the Orphans' | Board of Works and discuss the mat- 1 Home, which was a place that might | ter. Little Bunny Slippers for N : = "He Ald. O'Connor declared himself for ! | have to be run by the council ; N ! understood that there were nine city | Sending a deputation to Ottawa and | Little Tots--Fancy, Cosy | setting the facts before the postmas- | 'Do You See Thing on $ wards there. If the management . . . . ; | was doing its business better, they | ter-general. He often had to drive | Sh ers for Sister - 10} As They Actually Are? | A Christmas would be finding homes for them. f to the outer station to attend pa- PP ¥ : Ald. O'Connor remarked that Ald. | tients in the mornings and saw the Fancy Felt, Satin and Soft mittee to look after 20 Hany Tousen ut feo S . Price had the right idea. The coun- Sanyier waiting" for a street car. PS BTS Ds . ug esto cil should have a charitable com-|Sometimes he gave.the carrier a lift 1 through abnormal eyes there is g n mittee, and he hoped the by-law for | in his own car arid it was never later Kid or Suedes, comfort a possibility that YOU might by Hj, - the appointment of such a commit- | thaf 10.30 o'clock. i simply looking through a pair Brown Betty Tea Sets in- tee would he before the council at Ga - Sa uss - 3 ity of King- rhage urpl of made-for-you glasses' im cluding Tea Pot, Cream and its next meeting. The city o R 8 The City hea'th committss report. Mother. prove your sight wonderfully. Sugar, overlaid with silver @®on was paying for indigen a ed that Tt expected to have a sur- If you aren't sure about this [ji deposit make a useful gift. | hospitals bere ig Same frou dix plus of $2,872.15 for the year. The matter, you could do worse [Hf| Priced from j trict Fates a5 a be made | revenue from assessment was $17.- than interview us. { i que. The hospitais s .| 640.59 and the estimated expendi- $ l | 50 47 BU) tb oatstdf apagietpurjties for ture is $14,768.44 { these indigents. : : . Ww. D. GRAHAM, RJ. . up | "Ald. Peters" opinion was that the Ald. Chown drew the council's at- tention to the surplus and said that Successor to | | finance confmittee might keep oped the health committee, under the The kind of Slipper. y, gd sell will keep Dad i In the house nights. in regard fo the charitable work of \0 wo 0 Ald. Drisconr, naa [J] 1TY @ pair and see how he will enjoy them. LL | 1 Piparale Te pets in the institutions and know just what Gods eolendid work tw Det oy d | i 8 rom i i" t money for. > sple v g able to | . it was paying ou y fo EE a apy Sais OUR PRICES ARE COMFORTABLE, TOO. i | 75 and have on hand such a large bal- : . Hickson Avenue Mail Service. ance, | Ald. Kelly is bound that the tesi-| Aid. Driscoll replied that the Jl - J ) j ; Regisuus vu Uptometrist { dents of Hickson avenue and Mont-| credit was not due to the chairman 140 Wellinzion 8¢ Opp. Post Office) . real street near the outer station | hut to the whole committee and also A Tr re oT Kinnear & d'Esterre shall receive street mail delivery. |to the employees at the incinerator : able warm Slippers for | The correspondence of the postmas-| who had all endeavored to rua the ! > 's department is not sat-| gervice with econo n i | ter-general's | my as well as with Nr Waugh Jewelers fsfactory to him and other members | efficiency. The inspector had ren- | . PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON of council, and the matter has been | dered great help in this respect. | ee -- - referred to the Board of Works for The following reports of commit- DENTIST | "The Gift Shop of Kingston" further enquiry and the city clerk | tees were adopted. v -_ ee 1068 Wellington St. Phone 256, || is to again inform the department tna NN that its decision is anything but sat- v ---- tin istactory. Board of Works. 3 CHATEAU Ald. Kelly remarked that the Te- That the application of the Retail } We, . » sidents out there-not only did not | Merchants' Association for permis- Drs. Nash & Renton Taxi Service receive mail delivery like other citi- sion to decorate Princess street with : zens, but they did not receive garb-| evergreens and electric lights be h : : Phone age collection. | sranted under the same conditions| (ANN) a w---- --there are sure to be Toy Set of three pieces, Kid- DENTISTS WE NEVER CLOSE Ald. Driscoll drew to Ald. Kelly's as inst year. aa -- el eft ul Ra ve or Dead Storage attention that the residents aroun at the application of E. McAllis- { q | { 1e Kar 00 1 1d' s the outer station could have garbage | ter to instal another gasoline tank at | y ' y; Recking Horses, Child's Desk 788 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON -- > 4 a collection if they wished it, as one | 593 Princess street be granted. ee k . . QFFICK HOURS: 0 am. to 6 pm. | The man with the narrow mind, o'r!" 1 Whe MICA 60 F002 hE rd to the application | LEN B A and Chair, Doll's Bross Bed and Mama Dolls, Bab { Evenings by appointment. usually makes up for it in the length i f the Central G C - ; ing past there and was willing to {0 e Central Garage Company re gl ! hy s ; GAS--X RAY. of his arguments. make the collection each day. garding parking area on Montreal . Walkers, Child 8 High Chairs and Rockers. street between Princess and Brock question, Ald. Price said he was told | streets, that the parking area on Pu - From Your Own Plans that it was not Ottawa that was {the west side of Montrea Istreet be a the delivery of mail to| from Princess street south up to the . Reverting to the mail delivery blocking and sketches we can make any kind | Hickson avenue, but that the block- | laneway. ing came from the Kingston post- : ¥ : ; too. or her aril In sts, ron, brighter -- a pleasing and lasting gift. tool, or other article in steel, irom, office. : { - Fire and Light. brass, etc. We are equipped to Al. Kelly sald that a mall car That the tender of Harry Hunter rier delivered mail within one hun- handle any kind of machine shop > to make repairs to fire station in ac- h t five houses outside the W work, from the smallest to the great- Bro eet ve A 3 had seen | COTdance with specifications for the e store your purc ase this carrier standing on a corner ht 1584 Ha Del Ad, . for twenty minutes waiting for a Bridge Co ay 1o foruish 2 steel Bi street car to take him back to the mpa t office. He might just as well I beams for the upper fire hall for pos the sum of $301.60 has been accept- , = H KING AND QUEEN STREE1> be delivering mail to other places od j On recommendation of the prop- SEERA RR EN only Comiaittec it was deciles bos ro A release the Bank of Montreal from | its lease of the west end of the city K buildings for the present, or until a in : i ish suitable tenant had been secured. gston 2 Biggest Home Furn ars. The Orphans' Home was granted a refund of rental of the city hall for a charitable function it recently held. GANANOQUE Among the communications were the following: " - mine R. G. Armsirong regarding injury| Dec. 5.--Dr. and Mrs. Bird are in to motor car; Canon J. W. Jones re- | Montreal! until Saturday next. | garding accident at corner Brock and Mrs. Burns Gilbert is visiting | Gifts that make Christmas morning] | We know we have astonished you each day this week by the wonderful opportunities we have given you to save your Christmas money, and still you get high grade China, and for Thursday, Dec. 6th Bagot streets; J. H. Bell for permis- | friends in Kingston. sion to build portico in front of Mrs. | .2 Mr. and Mrs. , Albert Neale, : Pound's house on west side of Divis- | Kisgston, are the guests of Mr. and fon street; B. McKane regarding in- Hiugston, an a John 'street. For Stormy Weathe: jury to car on Clarence street. Miss Joe Ford is spending the , In attendance were Mayor ADErove | week with her sister, Mrs. Ralph, / and Alds. Boyd, Chown, Driscoll, J. | kingston. fp Holder, W. Holder, Johnston, Kelly, Mrs. Frank Rackham, Toronto, Is | Kidd, Laturney, McCartney, Nash, |; town until after the holidays, O'Connor, Peters, Price, Robertson, | wip her mother, Mrs. Gordon, Pine Richardson and Sargent. street. | i * rio: Broce was 1a Sov Over alters WOULD POOL RECEIPTS. DPHO., Brockville, was in town ; yesterday... \ What Principal Taylor Says of Inter.| Miss Violet Leo has left for 5 ) A Tle Sar: Youngstown to spend the holiday : : . "1 wonder if it is advisable for |season with Mr. and Mrs. Willlam ' : | these intercollegiate teams to go| Knight. .- further than the intercéllegiate lea- . : gue?" asked Principal Bruce Taylor, D.D., 1LLD, the "educational May Allison, motion picture ac- father" of Queen's famous Dominion | tress, has filed suit for divorce at champion football team, at the|Los Angeles against Robert E. El- Canadian Club meeting in the King | lias, her actor husband, charging S Edward Hotel, Monday, says the To- | cruel and inhuman treatment. OO OS c p i mm | ronto Globe. In Niagara Falls, Ont., a by-law : : -N m= "Of course," he said, "in Queen's [to purchase a $16,000 motor-truck : 0 ) ; == | We need to do it because, as a mat- | for the fire department carried. 3 2 ' ' SS | ter of fact, we do need money. We x don't get a single cent out of these . A com lete, well chosen stock, d : 0 treal. 77 2" P : reacy Minton China needs no "write up" by us. We only wish to im- '§ Crone he" iiarniegnis Jeg o oe : 10° meet your requirements, press on you that you should not miss this day's special. : ve got i our own gates in Queen's | : : 3) which are inevita small. There : Many other suitable gifts in our large stock. Bo receoter some 30-10 Stns where the home team would get the Jarger share." -------------- Mrs. Elizabeth Macoun, wife of a we offer you some articles in -------------------------------------------------------- a the first sign of al old. Medical on mailed free. om Co.. 156 WP Srect tr