Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1923, p. 9

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J fa | | 4 Mr. RT Wr Ev gs b z Pills they will receive the same re- " NERVES A WRECK THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1928. COULDN'T SLEEP HEART WAS BAD omen a hai Shankful , i] the, Benen 1 have re- y using urn's Heart and Nerve Pills. When I came home from overseas, in 1920, my heart was very badly affected by concussion, and my nerves were a dreadful wreck. I was very short winded, and could not possibly Sleep at night, in fact, I was in such condition I felt as if I did not bh anyone to speak to me. I ought I would try Milburn"s Heart and Nerve Pills, and before I had taken two boxes I could enjoy a §00d night's rest as well as anyone. There are lots of returned men who are suffering the same as 1 did, and I feel sure that if they would only try Milburn's Heart and Nerve 4 lef that I have." Price 50c. a box at all deal mailed direct on receipt of ey by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- By careful studying the expression and facial contour of each patron, we furnish glasses that are attractive us well as optically correct. Modern- ness is a hobby with us and to this we attribute our constantly growing business. R. ARTHEY, Ro. Open ---- . CHRISTMAS GIFTS + BUY A WATCH OR CLOCK FOR CHRISTMAS. Watches and Clocks Repaired, HEMSLEY & SON 109 BROCK STREET ---------- Banquet Judge Mowat, Belleville, Dec. 6.--Hon. Mr. Justice Mowat, presiding at the non- jury eitting of the Supreme Court here, was banqueted by the Hastings | Bar Association on Tuesday nignt. hy 7 | Our entire stock of Skirts If there were such a thing as envy in heaven, I know one leading citi- zen of the New Jerusalem who would look with envy upon mortal ministers of this year 1923. That .man, the most outpressing and rest- less and imperial-minded figure ever produced by the Christian Church, is the Apostle Paul. He wrought wonders in extending' the boundaries of the Kingdom of Christ; though he could only travel by donkey and horse and by slow-moving sail-boats. Aside from his own voice, and the work of the followers whom he fired with bis spirit, he had to depend upon laborously hand-written letters to carry his message to the crowds he coveted. As during the early part of this year I travelled over most of the scenes of Paul's activities. I kept thinking, "What if Paul had owned an automobile! And imagine him with my privilege of writing for the millions of readers of the daily news- papers! Most of all, think of 'what Paul would do with the radio!" Not only would he be speaking his vital word over continents and seas; but he would also organize the Church for a utilization to the very limit of the radio, the newspaper, the maga- zine and book field, the automobile, the railway, the motion picture, the air craft--why, the very thought: of what Paul would do in Gospelling with our present-day appliances 'is thriling and- exciting. ~ Making the Most of Th World, Frankly, modern Christians have fallen down on their job. That must be admitted when the resources and size and activities of the church are contrasted with the 'wonders wrought by that first fellowship ot Christianity. They were few and poor and hampered by persecution. Yet they carried the Good News to the limit of their little world. It was | no formal, perfunctory, professional- | ized, testimony, either. | amazingly few years after the death Within an of Jesus they had penetrated into the palace of august Caesar with the Message. Heathen and Jews alike had been won to the Cause. As far as trade or travel, commerce or conquest could reach out, there the glory was told. This Lesson really needs to be studied with a map of the ancient world before us, Then as we read the eight romantic chapters of the Book of the Acts that are the Les- son text we can trace the progress of the Early Church-=first up into Samaria, (then a real journey; now a couple of hours' automobile ride over a modern road); then down the desert way towards Gaza, where tla incident of Philip and the Ethiop- fan Eunuch took place (recalling to EXCLUSIVE STYLES MODERATELY PRICED KINGSTON BELLEVILLE PETERBORO BROCKVILLE TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS IN WARM WINTER COATS Formerly Up to $31.00. : *19.95 Velours, Beaverine Trimmed, Plaid Back Coating in Dark and Light Invisible y Check, etc. Undoubtedly the best Coat values in Kingston. All you © have to do to realize this, is to try them om, see the styling and finishing, and feel the wonderful materials. Sizes up to a. A Your: choice of eight different styles. has been @ i drastically cut in price. * Each and every Skirt bears a new price, which is just half its / regular selling price. Silk and Cloth, fine and wide pleats. i ' Tr cea wien ne seinen » , for » Cas THE. DAILY BRITISH WHIG RELIGION AND THE RADIO. The International Sunday School Lesson for December 9th Is: "Tha Outesanh of the Easly Chusgh Vom Apte R41 1K:28, By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. us the fact that Queen Candace's present-day successor on the throne of Abyssinia is a Christian queen, who was put there by a coup, to pre- vent the nation's turning Moslem); then farther north to Damascus, and the marvel of Sauls conversion; then back to Lydda (the modern railway junction of Ludd, where the traveller may change cars for Jeru- salem) and Joppa, where Peter had his housetop vision that revealed the universal and extra-Jewish charac- ter of Christianity; then far up and away to Phoenicia, Antioch, and the Island of Cyprus, and all of Asia Minor, on thé other side of the Medi- terranean. What a sweep of con- quest it all was for that little group of ordinary men and women who be- lieved that to tell about Jesus was their most important interest in life. Jaded and Juiceless, But '"'Jazzed." "Gee, but it must be great to be as much in love as Tom is!" remarked a blaze youth to his flance; who straightway jilted him. And he did not care; for he had atrophied his capacity for deep feeling. That young man represents the jaded, juiceless, but "jazzed" type of mod- ern who has lost the power of en- thusiasm. A deal society is of this sort. It is now- adays not "good form" to grow ex- cited over anything; stimulation must come out of a bottle or a hy- podermic needle. Such persons look with uncompre- hending amazement--if they may be persuaded to look at all--upon the phenomena of the hilarious Early Church, all afire with zeal for the Name. / "It must be great to be that interested in anything!" remarks the surfeited son of sophistication. It was great--and irresistable. Before we consider the conquests of Christ- janity in the first generation, we must contemplate the consequences upon the character of the Christians themselves. "Behold, how these Christians die!" cried the later torturers. They outsang the roars of the animals in the arena that were to devour them. Their hymns rose above the crackle of the flames that were consuming them. In deepest dungeons they sang songs of joy, as did Paul and Silas. One reason why the Early Church was "irresistable was that life, in all its best expressions, bub- bled over in their hearts. Chaste, simple, benevolent, humble, they yet irradiated a fullness of happiness which all the luxurious life of the Roman Empire at its most self-in- dulgent period could not provide. In brilliant contrast with their world, the Christians were happy and helpful and 'holy. Now, as then, that sort of incarnate Evangel is all-conquering. Tapping The New Wells. A travelling correspondent who must be much In the centre of offi- cial discussions grows weary of talk of oil, and possible new sources of supply. One outstanding feature of the great game of present-day state- craft js the quest for fresh oil fields in the world. It is far more interest- ing and {important to find new sources of power in human nature, The old reservoirs of diplomacy and governments seem to have dried up. So it becomes a very real and pressing problem to know how we may tap new springs of human en- ergy, as was done by the Gospel in the first century. Unsuspected re- sources of vitality and culture were released in the Early Church. _En- tively apart from the old processes of power and procedure, the Christ- fans became a dominant force in their world. They transformed em- pires and changed the current of civ- ilization. In the mass of mankind, they did what the Goapel to-day does in the case of an individual. All who kmow most about the present plight of the world covet, for the sake of civilization's salvation, such a resurgence of simple Christ- fanity as would repeat in our gen- eration the experience of the first era of the Church. There is no ques- tion about Christ's being equal to this hour; the only possible question is whether His friends and followers will give Him a chance. The big- gest perplexities In world politics of Christ; but mostly it is unutilised power. An aroused Christianity, getting back to its primitive faith and practices, could so wield the' of our present | B.S = Th] - oR An Sn ERIS 2a to i" Ambassador Pattern Let Christmas Morning Bring Completeness to the Silver Service Many times this year, no doubt, the hostess in your home has been reminded of the pieces of silverware she lacks--pieces that would make possible a wider entertaining of her friends and just the graciousness of serving , shedesires. 'What more appropriate Christmas gift than these very half-dozens or dozens of pieces that will bring completeness to the silver service! You will find them all in 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate--salad forks, butter spreaders, orange spoons, bouillon spoons, oyster forks, and serving pieces. For three-quarters of a century '1847 Rogers Bros." has delighted the most fastidious hostesses. Its beauty always charms. Its durability is an accepted fact. Your dealer carries just the pieces your household needs. Notice the attractive gift boxes for which there is no extra charge. Write for "How Much Silverisare." This booklet suggests the silverware families of various sizes usually need for every-day living and for entertain- ing. Meriden Britannia Co., Limited, Hamilton, Ont. 1847 ROGERS BROS. "STLVERPLATE Fo 2M SURI 0) Ye NA ROGERS 1847 SILVERWARE FOR SALE BY, Smith Bros. Jewelers Limited COMPARE OUR VALUES. KING STREET for Near Bast Relief appeals to-day is that thére are many thousands of comfortably fed, whose upkeep is still a present ity. That is somewhat aside from, but All patterns 1847 Rogers Silverware "Christian" powers the Christians rare out of Turkey to-day. 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