¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG GENERAL REVIEWS re THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1938, TIMELY = | For a-% Poor Scoring Machine" Their Totals Look Pretty Good ~ At different stages throughout the . football writers, failing to find flaws in thé Queen's team else- Picked on its scoring records 1d Quickly played up the fact that BY were not 'rubbing it into" BR teams as an Indication that 'were not a scoring machine. iw. badly that idea was dismis- id €an only be known by those who the senior final when Regina t Queen's never did anything #8. but score. The year's totals 80 show some interesting facts. total number of points scor- ring the season was 159. This iS done in eight games and, though may hot seem very large, it aver- 8 over nineteen points each something of greater signific- still is recorded and that is the that in those eight games only points were scored against n's, with an average of less three points per game. ing the playing season Queen's d eighteen touches, couverted ye of them, and had nine field one safety touch, and twerty- rouges or touches-in-goal. . The touches were scored against following teams; three against ll in Montreal; one against arsity in Toronto; one against Me- "at Kipgston; one against Var- 'at Kingston; one against Ottawa Ottawa; one against Argonauts at fonto; one against Hamilton ers at Kingston; nine against fina at Toronto. Of the fleld goals eight were made y Leadley and one by Batstone and fhey were scored in the following pder: two against McGill at Mont- 3 four against McGill at King- 3 two against Varsity at King- ; one against Ottawa at Ottawa. only safety touch of the sea- as scored against Varsity at on when Pequegnat was shov- k over his own line. Single points from kicks to the adline or rouges were scored in followng order: two against Mc- Bill In Montreal; three against Var- ity In Toronto; one against McGill . Kingston; five agalnst Varsity ngston; three against Ottawa wa; three against Argos in seven against Tigers in three against Regina in ly one touch was scored against | during the season and that by , of Hamilton Tigers. Three "goals were sent over their bar, Hughes of McGill as the final hist: 5 blew in the game in King- one by Snyder of Varsity at the y 1 t on the following Satur- and one by Plaxton, of Var- §, in the opening of the game in Ld MeGill kicked against Queen's for points in the opening game. made two via this route at Brown Betty Tea Sets in- Sugar, overlaid with silver "deposit make a useful gift. Priced from $11.50 up 'Also separate Tea Pots in 'quaint new shapes from $1.75 'SPORTIN Kipgsifn and Argonauts, thanks to| the mighty toe of Morris Hughes, gathered four points in this manner. The record altogether is a remark- able one and recalling of the various scores brings to memory some of the season's greatest plays. U. OF 1. OPINION ON FOOTBILL COACH What The Varsity Says About the Employment of a Pro- fessional Mentor. Professional coaches are employ- ed in some branches of athletics at University of Toronto, but not in football.,, The undergraduate daily mewspaper, the Varsity, says, in part, as follows: The surprising thing about the predent discussion of the coaching system here is that so many of our foremost athletes should express themselves in favor of a professional coach. This is a startling change of opinion, a right-about-face, from the opinions of two years ago, when the University of Toronto took pride in her adherence to amateur coaching. The rest of us are not prepared to accept the new doctrine so readily. The onus of proving the superiority of the professional coaching system rests with its advocates. . The only logical way .to form an opinion on this subject is from a study of what has happened in those colleges of the United States where professional coaching has long been established. There can be no reason to belleve that we shall not be ex- posed here to the same dangers which now threaten the' American game. When it is the general opin- fon of those who have studied the subject, that the situation in Ameri- can colleges at present is to be de- sired here, then a professional coach may reasonably be employed. The evils to be feared are many. They include such vital things as the decay of sportsmanship, the impor- tation of "students'" to the Univer- sity for their prowess in the field, the distribution of unofficial "pre- sents" to the players, the déteriora- tion of the University degree. fhe employment. of a professional in football means more than in a sport such as boxing, where a paid instructor is the rule. Football is influenced by mob enthusiasm more than any other amateur game played in Canada. The crowds cheer. The papers report the games in full. Ex- citement waxes high, and competi- tion is keener, permeating the game to an extreme degree. It becomes too important to win a game. If under a professional the winning of the game is to become still more important, the evils we have men- tioned will follow inevitably. IE NOW LEADS REST Great Three-year-old Passes Winnings of English Horse lIsinglass. Zev's victory over In Memoriam at Louisville reecntly added $20,- 000 to his total earnings, and car- ried him to the peak as the big- gest money winning horse of all time and all countries, i Here are the leading winners of the American, English and #rench turf: $208,112 249,465 244,208 193,560 184,438 180,912 172,909 Exterminator {Domino |Sysonby $291,275 227,215 238,900 223,665 204,795 Flying Fox 197,916 Ksar $260,000 211,505 Maintenon . eee vee 81,705 La Camargo kee ras Zev's total includes the valde of the International Cup of §5,000. It is contended that he should be credited only with the value of the replica but even so he would still head the list. "y The Queen's football victories of this year have been received with great delight by many of their youthful admirers and fwo of them, Herbert Hamilton and Robert Mec- Bride, of Form 2C K.C.I, have put thelr feelings into verse. Here is the result: Queen's and Regina. The heavyweight Reéginas Came out of the west, Through all the wide border Their team was the best; They plunged and they tackled They kicked and they fought, But the Tricolor defeated them By fifty-four to naught. Try This on Your Piano. Oh, Mister Gallagher, Oh, Mister Gallagher, I just came from a very rotten game. Regina, from the west Sent a team that was their best, But they failed to stop Queen's on their way to fame. Oh, Mister Shean, Oh, Mister Shean, I thought they had a mighty fine old team, ? That their wings were excellent That their line could not be bent. Couldn't they play for goals, dear Mr. Gallagher? They couldn't play for nuts, dear Mr. Shean. i SPORT FLASHES ! A Canadian team of lawn bowl- ers is arranging for a tour of the British Isles next summer, Nearly the entire population of the State of Nevada could find seat- ing accommodation in the new stadium of the University of Cali- fornia. The game of bhilllards was first introduced into Europe by Knights Templar on their return from the first crusade, in the early part of the twelfth century. As many as fifty games may be played at one time on the courts of the White City Tennis Club of Syd- ney, Australia, which is one of the largest clubs of its kind in the world. An: agreement has been reached for a fight between Georges Carpen.- tier and Erminio Spalla, Italian heavyweight, says L"BEcho Des Sports ai Paris. The bout, which will be for, the championship ot Europe, will be held at Milan 1a January. It will be subject to the option given Francois Descamps for matches in London end New York, which expire on Dec, 15th. Pin, The largest deer shot in the reg- fon of Las Vegas, N.M., this sea. son, was killed by Jack Dempsey. The animal was a seven prong buck, weighing more than 300 pounds. Jack Burke, Dempsey's sparring partner, bagged a buck with five prongs, which weighed aimiost 200 pounds, Dempsey and four mem. bers of his traihing staff are spend- ing a week hunting in the mount. ains near here, Carl Weygandt, football official and former member of the Ohio leg- islature, used an airplane in order to officiate at gridiron contests at 4Toledo Thursday: afternoon.' After officiating at a Toledo high school game in the morning, Weygandt hopped into a government air mail plane with pilot Arthur Smith and landed in time to officiate In wsu Baldwin--John ' Carroll university game here in the afternoon. Loren Murchison, star Newark sprinter, may have to retire on ac- count of injuries received in auto. mobile accident. Several boxing matches headed by Jack Hausner of New York and Ernie Goozerman were stopped by the police on orders of Mayor Wik liam E. Dever after Arthur B. $ar- well of the Chicago Law and Order League bad made complaint. This 'was the first attempt to resume box. ing in Chicago, since boxing match between Benny Leonard and' "Pinky" Mitchell several months ago which broke up in a freefor- all fight, GALLAGHER AND SHEAN--- (Sing the words i Future Queen's Meh f! | FROM THE OUTSIDE-LOOKING IN. | In eight games one touch, three field goals and nine single points were registered against Queen's. Is it still maintained that they are not ® Ee Ee LU TTR pT great team ? by the U.S. Davis Cup committee. hockey squad once more. But the him badly enough, that's sure. paper in the mud. the end of the game. Kingston and Queen's. PINCH HITTING BIG ASSET Resourcefulness Oounts In Tennis Where Victory Won Under Pressure. Column after column has been written about the "money player." Babe Ruth, the home-run king, is the greatest money player in the his- tory of baseball. Jack Dempsey, king of the heavy- weight division, is a great money fighter. Bill Tilden, lawn tennis champion, always produces his best in the crisis. "Little Bill" Johnston, famous coast wizard of;the net game, has the happy faculty of coming through in the pinch. In the lawn tennis game the man who can produce his best at the most weritical time is called the "match player." 'Tennis history is full of great match players. There is not a championship played that does not produce an incident that shows a match player. Probably no other factor has more to do with helping tennis gain its rightful hold on the public. A tennis player must show cool- ness under fire and continual daring, but he must also have resources at his, command. Resource {s ingenu- ity. It is the ability to seize the op- portunity as it opens in front of you. Very often it is the deciding factor in a long, hard five-set tennis match, It is resources that makes Tilden the great player he is to-day. Many critics are willing to wager that Western sporting writers point to Queen's back division and the Regina lack of it as a reason for that perfect 54. The Regina back division was the only part of the team in the game. It was that far-famed line that fell down and became a joke. Battling Siki has gone on another rampage, this time hitting it up in New York to give jaded Broadway a thrill. If this keeps on we'll begin to suspect that the capers of the black man are merely an oldy| old form of advertising played up in a new way. * Big Bill " Tilden is not the first athlete to rebel against committee, room generalship and he is evidently going to carry his fight to a finish. | If some of his charges are true, then there has been some *' dumb" work By defeating Ottawa Rideaus 8-3 yesterilay, the Loyola College team qualified for the junior final of the Canadian Rugby Union, held the Intercollegiate title for two years straight. Bob Ferguson is turning out with the University of Toronto senior | up as to his disappearance from the senior rugby outfit. Jack Adams will be playing-manager of Toronto St. Patrick's again this season, Jack made many new friends in this district through his | baseball activities around Napanee during the summer and his playirg will be watched with interest again this winter. | The Toronto Tew." ., a continues to throw Into its sporting columns some of the most: disgraceful slurs that ever dragged the name: of news- We wonder who writes them ? fellow who tried to referee the Queen's-Varsity hockey match here last year and was scared to death from the beginning of "the first period until On that occasion he was "let down easy " by both Perhaps he may come back again. That is ridiculous. Loyola has mystery stil remains to be cleared | They needed | LS 3 KODAKS, SKATES, HOCKEY BOOTS, PHONOGRAPHS No cheap trash this Christmas, but gifts the Boys and Girls will use. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 PRINCESS ST. CHRISTMAS 1923 USEFUL GIFTS ONLY PHONE 529. Possibly that Httle Johnston's game is sounder than the | famous Philadelphian's, and yet the latter, by his uncanny reserve power, simply blows the coast midget off the court. Resource is something that comes to a tennis player only after years of hard tournament eam- paigns. Rarely do we see a young- ster with any resourcefulness. "Big Bill" Tilden in the early days of his tennis career had absolutely no resource to speak of. Suddenly, after playing in all the important events for almost ten years, the famous Quaker built up an uncanhy | resourcefulness. Whenever Tilden seems helplessly beaten, at that mo- ment he is the most dangerous. The junior of to-day should not worry about his reserve ability. That will take care of itself, and is bound to come in time. - In the-early stages | various strokes and gains plenty of His Christmas Gitt of Silken Socks You please both Boy and Man with the gift of utility. What's more suitable than a box of Hos- iery, something in quality. We show Silk Hosiery, Silk and Wool, Fine Cashmere, Durable Wool Knits--'rom the modest price to the more expensive fab- rics. - George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. . Watch for to-morrow's suggestions. Phone 362w.. of his career if he simply learns the tournament experience, he will Un. | [Ee s------ MAKE YOUR WORK EASY doubtedly be a strong contender for the national honors later on. . A match player or money player is simply a man who is cashing eu on his long years of toll when he was Quietly going his own way and get- ting the necessary experience. Race For George Cup. The race for the George cup now held by the Crescent Yacht Club, Watertown, N.Y., by "Huskie" at the 1923 races will be held in the last week of July at Chaumeont Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS S78. Ee ---------- a bay. Several new boats will com- pete for the cup. An Irish philosopher says it's a wise man who has his afterthoughts Indian tribal traditions. It is in all. the meteor. mn MINING A METEOR FOR IRON Experts are at work in Arizona mining for a fallen meteor which fell there many years ago, its history being traced in tons and to consist of ninety per cent. pure iron, not ore, eight per cent. nickel, and small quantities of pJatinum, diamonds and iridium, and roughly is estimated to be worth $15,000,000 After a year of drilling, it has now been reached. The sketch shows the crater created by its fall and the position of estimated to weigh a million ' to the tune of Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean) Amn AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged for. i For full particulars apply or write 0: ---- J. P. HANLEY,C.P. & TA, C. N.R'y fice: Canadian National Railway tion, corner Johnson and Ontario Streets, Kingston, Ont. Open day and night. Phones 99 and 1433, COMMENTS i aL.