A Mrs. F. .nesday. D. [ To §| Shanda ; LAKE OPINICON, Dec. 1.--The rains of late have put the roads in a bad condition. The Ladies' Aid met last week at Smith's. F. Best received the sad news, on Saturday, of the death of his uncle, Charles Grey. H. Austin has disposed of some of his property to M. Hughson. A number from here intend taking in the poultry fair at Lyndhurst, Wed- and F. Emmons made a businéss trip here last week. Mr. and Mrs. K. Darling spent Thurs- day at Elgin. Mrs. L. Hughson and daughter, Mary, and little John, spent Sunday at M. Hughson's. Mrs. iL. Lyon is going to spend the win< ter with her daughter, Mrs. W. Emmons. : Dec. 4.--A number of the farm- ers attended Westport turkey fair. FAT rR FH ee J ed the week-end with Mies Bessie Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy, Westbrooke, spent the week-end with C. M. Kennedy. Har- ry Ball end sister, Miss Luella, at- tended Napanee fair. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Moon are visiting at James Judge's, Mrs. E. Thompson arriv- ed home after spending a few days * Kingston. George Lee arrived home from Brant, Sask. ELGINBURG. Dec. tended the poultry fair at Napanee fast Wednesday. Mrs. John Reld has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Dunbar, Montreal. The young peo- ple are practicing for a Christmas| entertainment. D. Emmoss , and family are moving to Kingston. James Reid, Glenburnie, has pur- [ Nerves So Bad That She Would Sit and Cry Mrs. Mary Hocking, Madoc, Ont, writes:-- - DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 50 Cemts a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., 14d., Tovente =] He will be very glad lo kelp this Christmas - | n---- EVERYTHING IN HOTPOINT GOODS--IRONS, TOASTERS, The H. W. Newman Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET - TELEPHONE 441 PERCOLATORS, CURLING IRONS, etc. | £ | 2 fs the small Yausine, snd ia (graceful antique bow to the fine open face. 4500 7 Jewels GEVEN Jewels, full bridge Oe ps F the result economy methods applied in the fine watch field. f t THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Sore Foot Lumps, - Corns, Callouses 'Dissolved Away Wonderful Hot Foot Bath Treatment Frets Zadar Prayer ERR a Just a few drops of Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor spread over stinging corn or callous, and followed later by a hot foot bath; brings off your s without discomfort. You will your foot or toes as smooth ahd sound as & baby's. It doeg not cost much, and the time required Is very short, because relief oomes . Be sure 'you get Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, that wonder- ful antiseptic remedy. Bnjoy its pain- less, effective, and thoroughly hygienic resuits. Sold by dealers everywhere. | chased Mr. Emmons' property. Mrs. | M. Shannon, Glenburnle, spent Mon- 4.--A few from here at- day with her sister, Mrs. C. Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stover, Yarker, vis- ited at E. H. Stover's and Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker, Sydenham, at M. H. Stover's on Sunday last. a---- ARDEN. Dec. 3.--The Young People are busy practicing for their Christmas entertainment. Mrs, W. W. Pringle and daughter, Helen, returned from Kingston on Tuesday, where they have spent the past two weeks visit- ing. Mr. and Mrs. G. Vandewater, Watertown, N.Y., is visiting friends fn this vicinity. J. A, Pringle mo- torgd to Kingston on Wednesday His wife and little daughter, Joyce, accompanied him back. Cecil Stule spent Saturday at George Loyst's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson are spending a few days visiting friends in this place. A few of the young people attended the: pie social and dance at Mountain Grove on Fri- day evening. Mrs. S. Loyst visiting at Mrs. Hiram Card's, Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Ear! John and son, Hou- ston, spent Sunday at Mrs. W. W. Pringle's. G. Steeie-and family at Mrs. William Wormworth's on Sun- day. Willet Clark, Bordenwood, spent Sunday at Harry Hayes'. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott at Everett Scott's on Sunday. MISSISSIPPI. Dec. 3.--Mrs. Robert McGonegal and her two children, Arnprior, are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wil- liam Kirkham. Messrs. William Geddes and Thomas Dowdell mo- tored to Perth on business last Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rhodes' infant daughter, aged two months, ing cough. Boyd Fournier and Wil- liam Dowdell motored to Maberly last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson and family motored to _ Perth on Sunday last. The U.F.O. shipped a carload of lambs and cat- tle last Saturday. The young peg- | ple aroun. here are busy practicing for a Christmas tree. Mr. and Mrs. ! Jack Laroch and child and Rowatt Giigrist spent Sunday at Lewis Mor- row's, Fish Creek. Messrs. Willlam McKinnon and James McKinnon spent the week-end at Mrs. Mary Mc- Dougall's. . si ttt ell] J CHARLESTON. Dec, 3.--Frank Slack, Lyn, is spending a few days with relatives here. L. Dack spent a week in fngston and attended the rugby me between Queen's and Hamil- ton Tigers. Mr. and Mrs, H. Hal. liday spent Sunday at W. Kaven- agh"s, Sheatown. the winter Mrs. Macks closed her cottage a few days ago and return. ed to her home in New York. - OUTLET. Dec. 3.--Farmers have completed theirefall plowing. Our factory is in operation only two days weekly gow. Miss Eulalia Flood sperg the week-end in Gananoque. Mrs, R. J. Leeder, Trevelyan, is visiting at F. 0'Grady's. Several radiophones are being installed in this vieinity. Mra. Robert Leeder, Lyn, is spending =a few days at W. A. Deir's. Miss Wil- helmina Sales spent the week-end at her home here. Several from here attended the show in Lansdowne on Friday night. { 'Dec. 3.--~Council met at 11 am, members all present. Minutes of {last meeting adopted. Communica- tion from A. L. Sutherland, post office inspector, Toromto, re road Gananoque R.R.B. Accounts pas. sed: Thomas Maxwell, work $24.20; J. 8. Gillespie, gravel and work disbursed, $105.95; W, J. Berry, ditching (1932), $20; § : | Hanson, Crozier and Edgar, print- ing, $91.87; Anglia & Co., lumber,| $38.40; Greenlees Bros., sheep son, lumber; $21.84; Fred cock, work, $5.90; Baga repairing bridge, $15; William died last Friday morning of whoop-| e {and who is the possessor or a new J. Young has' gone to Ogdensburg, N.Y., to spend ', Road, and Wilmur were well repre- led by dogs, $14; Mitchell and Wil-| Hiteh- Harrowsmith, Monday, December 3rd, at 1 o'clock p.m. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting adopted. The following accounts | were paid: $10, Andrew Armstrong, | services sanitary inspector; $1.25, Charles Davey, for blacksnfith smith work; $3, Jacob Drader, for cutting brush High Falls road; $2, Mrs. L. Kish, rebate on taxes; $2 L. D. Goodberry, error in dog tax; $1, Jacob Walroth, for cleaning ditch; $200, Thomas Cowdy, secre- | tary-treasurer, 8.8. No. 3, for school purposes; $90, Thomas A. Kerr, | secretary-treasurer, 8.8. No. 6, for school purposes; $9.50, Andrew Armstrong, five trips to school as truant officer; $28, Edward Tallen, four sittings Division court; one of fire investigation; $6.75, Stanley Babcock, 27 hours cutting brush Wallace Hoad; $16, George Bab- cock, bonus on sixty ~ rods wire fence and drawing tile from Watts crossing to Holleford; $2.60, Tho- mas Cowdy," 6% hours putting in glass in hall; $6, Martin Kenny, bonus on 24 rods wire fence; $6.75, John Babcock, work with team drawing gravel in front of hall and drawing brush off county road; $4.25, Thomas Botting, for 17 hours team drawing gravel and help- ing to take brush off county road; $55.79, Hanson, Crozier & Edgar, for printing; $24, Standard Pub. Co., for printing; $2.21, municipal World, for supplies; $14.65, C. H. Maybee, supplies for crusher; $2, George Lillie, febate dog tax; $2, William Garner, rebate dog tax; $2, W. Silver, rebate dog tax; $2, John Green, rebate dog tax; $2, Mike Per- cy, rebate dog tax; $10.64, Frank Cousineau, work om Hinchinbrooke road; $2.80, Miles Goodberry, for sledge hammer; $40.33, Climax Good Roads Machinery Co., for crusher repairs; $65.32, Clinton Gallagher for supplies and 'error in assessment, 1922; $1, Sanford Card four hours cleaning out culvert; $34.70, James Wallace, services township engineer; $78.64, John] Sagrig, error in assessment from | 1915. Council adjourned Harrowsmith, Saturday, 15th, at ten o'clock a.m. to meet in December MUCH ENJOYED PARTIES | Were Recently Held ai Various | Houses in Ardoch, Ardoch, Dec. 3.--Our snow has left us, and we are favored by an- {other period of mild weather. Many {are purposing to attend the auc- {tion sale, on Tuesday, which will | be held on the premises of William | McDougall, Jr., Ompsah. William | Dewe reecntly motored from Kitch- | ener, and enjoyed a vacation with | his parents here. Henry Mitchell still lies in a critigal condition. | The parties at C. Smith's, F. Har. | man's and P. Myer's were not only | largely attended, but also heartily | enjoyed by the youug rolks of the | community, | Herbert Hermer who has lately been employed at Campbeliford, car, arrived to spend the winter at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Smith were favored, last week, by a visit from their son, Ciifford, who ls labouring in Kingston. Misa L. Rodgers and A. Watkins spent over Sunday in Denbigh, ' Nicholas Weber recently left for New Ontario. William and Clif. ford Hartman, also Bert Scullion were sucessful in capturing Hve foxes, M. GO. Weber, accompanled by his father, recently motered to 'Tweed, where the latter is under- going medical treatmnet. PERTH ROAD DOINGS. { Continued Rains Great Help Farmers in Plowing. , Perth Road, Dec. 5.--The con- tinued rains are filling the wells and keeping the land in plowing condi- tion. The M.L.M.C. met last week at Mre. W. Ennis' and in two weeks will meet at Mra. B. Slack"s. Some from Perth Road attended the ten days' course in Home Nursing and First Aid at Inverary, given by Miss Pirt, trained nurse of Uxbridge. At the young people's rally, héld at Queen street Methodist church, on the afternoon and evening of last Friday, the Young People's Banner of Kingston District was awarded to Perth Road circuit. The five ap- pointments of the Feld were: Opl- nicon, Leland, Maple Leaf, Perth for sented, making a total of 68 pre- sent and a percentage of over 3560. Much credit is due to the energetic pastor, Rev. R. R. McMath. While motoring along the Perth Road near Loughboro Lake Bridge, J. Sear's car was suddenly stopped Ld wont S8asahls Trensdale, tor blak! | per. Mrs. :B. FF , THE UNIVERSAL POINT = IT Theyoll Never La symmetry precision 25-Year Its Black-tipped, Lacquer-red Barrel Is the Cheery Color of Christmas HIS Christmas the Parker Duofold Pen with the 25-year point is the gift that every- one covets. Send it toJour loved anes give joy ~ unbounded to them But avoid the mistake of giving them an imi- tation of this super-pen with red barrel and smart, black ti is . S. Parker-- For there is no Duofold but Parker. And it took Geo. S. Parker 30 years of infinite pains to Wherein a pen have you ever seen before such classic and shapeliness? It i» balanced with scientific that steadies the hand and gives the stroke full has the Parker name on the deceive you. have not lacquer- - Besure this SUITS ALL HANDS Aside ift MADE IN CANADA~--SAME PRICE AS IN THE STATES THE PARFER FOUNTAIN PEN C0. Ltd Torouts, Ontario Ask aloo for Packer "Lucky Look" Pencils by a colt springing from the bushes along the side of the road into the front of the car, smashing the front and splintering the windshield and doing further damage. The animal's leg was broken, but Mr. Sears, accompanied by E. Dunford, escaped injury. Later the coll was shot. Stanley Whaley is home from the States. Gene Albertson had the misfortune to cut his foot badly while- splitting wood. Mrs. H. Amey and Mrs. J. Raymond are re- celving (reatment in the Kingston . and Mrs, W. and Mrs. Wayford Alport of ham 'were recent guests of H. r at R. Simkins, accompanied by Hughson, spent a couple of TREES. irs. RH i. Mise M. At Bunker's Hill Bunker's Hill, Lec. 5.--Quite a number of the #armers have taken their cattle out of pasture. This district has considerable rain. Some of the farmers will take their turkeys to Westport fair. The rains have put the roads in bad shape. There is a great deal of water in 'the wells now. Mrs. A. Hoppins is at Sanford Leeman's. ny Mags Sewil Soe Wher You . NERVILINE It Actes Quickly . W. T. Greenway, formerly con. the Guide newspa) wtafl, a ri CN 2 ANEE HRFY mm Arse