St FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1923. Founded 1847. ting Pure Wool, Silk and : that is certain to meet Emphasizing Savings ool, plain Check ang = with his tastes, special at N t Low Price ot effects, { $1 up to $3.50 o 75c¢. to $1.50 20% " 5 ONLY AT 10 O'CLOCK Discount || © HATS Bags. : s Every one the last word in style. There are a few Navy shades in the collection. OFF ALL MEN'S AND BOYS Regular prices ranging from $6.00 to $9.50. Winter Special sii $D 48 Overcoats | 'mens suit sate || | Ladies' Winter Coats Odd lines to clear--values up to $35.00. 1. A great big reduction on a fine assortment of Ladies' Coats. Shades are Black, Brown, Navy and Taupe. for "19.50 Velours, Bolivias, Marvella, 2 | Black Plush, Wool Kersey, Livingston's RZ | Baby Lamb 75-79 BROCK ST. They make nights at Many styles, including side closings, all round belts, etc. Some have Fur Col- "If Off Your Route It Pays ie autre 43 well lars and Cuffs. Prices from To Walk" : $10.00 up f= aa. *1 4.9 5 to $85.00 , Urge Action (0 Offcet ~ Andi-Atien ||| ~ ht ; ~- : ANDERSON BROS. Limi ed Tokio, Der. Tooroued by the SPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING return from the United States of {large numbers of Japanese immi. Quality--Larger Market---Service 'grants various public organization: | { {and vernacular newspapers of the { Retail Marher Phones 455-459. Business Office 865. Empire are urging the Foreign Of- j Wholesale Department 1767. {fice to take some action which wili 0 offset the effect of the decisfons 01 : > {the United States Supreme Court, Granulated Sugar with order, 5 Ibs. for 53c. sustaining anti-alien land laws of | * : (California and Washington. ! ! ; Rhos far, bayou sending instruc | 200 yds Fine quality, nicely finished-- 3 * . ar ions for the guidance of Ambas- $ . . C Boufer's Faeded Raisins, new Sr Ihe sador Hanihara at Washington, the | . all pure wool and 18a big value & ack, EE AT nae ea . contents of which hay not be All WwW l S : 3 2 1 S : Pp ; SL. ea Juve Bot oer} 00 erge at this price. Width 54 inches. én no action, I CANDIED PEEL -- Ls ge and Ji aren Onto sine. -- t fF ' t ro "F For en, o een's | Hn gs ales : pe hi oon. Pe Tar as ! Queens 200 PAIRS 500 YARDS -------- { for the church union meeting, on : | Wednesday night, was in a great : : FLOUR--""Superior Brand" for your best | sence responsible for the cuccess ot Blankets Flannelette the gathering. Rev. J. K. Curtis, astor of Princess s Me is . - . . . Christmas baking. . .. 24 Ibs. for $1.10 Frureh, assisted 1a the sores | Made from soft, White Flannelette -- Fine English make Striped Flannel- dward Martyn, Iris | : Bl ts are ette. Assorted stripes in Pink, Blue or LARD---kettle rendered. Use it for your by felch, Sramatist | Pink or Blue borders. Blankets a Ane bet cede: You died = heres is Love separate and each one is bound. Large Grey. Very serviceable material --27 Dance in G.W.V.A. hall Saturday size, 12-4. Splendid value. inches wide. Regular 20c. yard. | toni ge Joelle, rer aad gs -- . 100 Shed Pini Hors, 4008 to Ton titra at $2.69 pr. $1.35 ea. Special 15¢ yard Dainty Pork Sausage, Little Pig brand. HR STMAS I Butter Io commie to sen 1a aa , BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS A RDS- : 1 Dairy Butter Rolls and Prints. Lb. h NEATLY PRINTED " Every Egg guaranteed, for cooking. Per doz. ..89c, HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR Darra = AN er-- Pillow Cotton - Remnants ! Kidney Suet, chopped or whole. Lb. . .20c. JAMES REID «Big value is offered in chins Circular Wabasso Pillow Cotton. Widths are 40" The Ola rum o1 254 and 256 PRINCESS to 48." Regular 50c. to 75¢c. yard. Turkeys orders taken for Christmas de- Sie ne : | +000: doen California Navel Oranges. ee od flavor and good color. Doz. . ..