' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 'SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1923, ™ NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS | + p------ MacKEY'S BETTER BREAD ternoon when five tables were in play and the winners of the pretty The Story of the | ABOUT QUEEN'S GIRLS | LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE [igi re im doi a Ens ow uve chysanthemums were chosen This week has been a very quiet tc decorate the rooms and the tea : , The very first Christmas carol ever , One al Queen's, with the exception =r 5 Editor of Women's Page, Tels Mo. the marri } 0 Mo.. ¢ age to take plac table where Mrs. John Nicolle | phone 248. Private 'phone 857w. foro the New age place be- a oo heard by mortal ears wes sung by o Jloudey when the Alma Mater | i >"... | > ss Mre, G. Hunter Ogilvie, Welling. | {he band of angels over the flelds | ~OC!®tY elections 'were held. There | © The members of the newly form-| Mm, R. C, Cartwright, University |ton street, will go to Toronto ou|®00Ut Bethlehem when our Saviour | "9S ETeat excitement around the col- | &d branch of the Metaodist W. il. avenue, Wan the oral, aL Itonday was born. "Glory be to God on high, ge all day, and at night a large | 8. at Glenburnie were the guests of bridge | ; . and on earth peace and good will to- | (TOWQ attended the meeting Which | ridge on Thursday evening in honor| Mrs. W. Morgan, Barrie street, was held in G | the executive®of the W. M, 8. of lor M | S rant Hal. Pictures of {or Mrs. P, G. Gray, Jackson, Mich. {has returned from Baltimore, Md. various candid | Sydenliam street church on Friday | $e» : | Herbert Wood, who was = with : screen or tee -- po: no 'afternoon at the regular monthly| Mre. Chal i rood. | dred years after the birth of Christ short speeches were made | . Cha v . | Mrs. Joh A i rles Lowey and Miss Al John Fairlle, dnd: Mrs. Wood, | "wn 0 C0 nas carol was|PY the suctesstul and unsuccesstul | Meeting and afterwards at supper lice Lowey. P- Brock street, has | or ghes wa u i pe d . eft for To , x 7 3 cton, , entertained 3 Toft Tomo sung by men. It was sung in a tiny | CODtestants. 'W. Hughes s also ward men." But it was not until twelve hun- the hall dining room. Mrs. R. Mrs. 7 A { i y . R. Mrs. 7. A. Davi A He will return t end Christmas . Jolliffe, the president, prezided, io dinner Fy irpnie S Bivgstos, with his family >" : #iliage if lialy near Assisi. . Here iin at 33d1ese0d the students, and Mrs. R. 8, Graham led the de- $F » Miss Crocker, who has been visit. | \t WAS that good St. Francis and the ae ing them for their support of ers. Votional meeting. - CF. W. Mrs, Franels Coustantine Ear) | Mrs. Kearney Jones apa Miss brethren of his community first in- e team. , street, eo 3 ' Stra augurated the custom of singing ed : Mrs. R. J. Vair Glenburnie, and Mrs. | Bridge Oriana, the R.M.C. Te se Bireet, returned tv Christmas hymns in honor of the Now that the rugby season is over, = MACKEY S BREAD 8. H. Simpson sang, and Mrs. W, Nay ajcron. "vies birth W# the Savicur of the World | In oie i remplenshive 19 x ot Phone 834 M. Campbell and Mrs, Charles Jack- Hon. E. J. Davis and Mrs. Davis Mrs, Frederick Etherington will Since that time carol singing has ye Ie designing 3 Iaink ot : : 808 played a plano duet. Mrs. Jol-| who have been with Mr. and Mrs. [Témain in Baltimore for another Spreaq ito every: Ckuistian World, time tables a Af ough xe voll call oe Lyisimes sory. Tne) Elmer Davis, Sydenham street have |Week. She has with her at pres- Se he Ee a rial Jas The medical a Srpeared Fa 1 was answe y . e y . 4 Seprure red by 3 verse | returned to Newmarket. ent, Mise Goldsmith, Toronto. and, although in this day and~age, before the holidays but the Arts and | eye 3 Mrs. F. Smith and Mr. and John Miss Nan Heeney, Ottawa, who is it has unhappily fallen into disuse Science ones do not come until { Stirling, Toronto, will be with C. C.|With Major and Mrs. Frederick Al to some extent. it is one of the love-| January. ' Mrs. Hugh B. Aird, Toronto, wear- | Hodgins, Clergy street, for the holl- (demon, Collingwood street wil re- liest ways in which folk can express ng her wedding dress of ivory kit-| day season. jmain in town for the Christmas| per joy and thankfulness for God's On Wednesday evening the Levana : MAKE THIS AN Debating Society met with the men's : tens' ear crepe, yesterday received! Mrs. Stretford Dawson who has (dance et th 3 s y ! Mrs. . e Royal Military 11 , i i y for the first time sinco her marriage | been with h . Mi y > y ce eae | Zoat Eift. to mankind o7- Mie: Only fo | er mother, Mrs. Edwin ss Jean. Duff, Princess street, | Son. : club, and a debate was held. The ELECT ' in her new home «n Bryce # venue. | Loucks, Division street, will return [has returned from Toronto. . | subject was "Resolved that the RICAL CHRISTMAS Rady aire, Searing + swan Jrock | to Montreal on Monday. Mrs. 'A. H. Fair, West street, | Te custon begun oy St. Prauts choice of a wife is of more import- pagne georgette with orc Mrs. A. E. Ross, William street, |Miss Lilian Fair and Miss Eva afr | OF A88isi soon found favor w ©| ance to a man than the cholc , i r 5 hy » Mi q I . y ; ar : e of a See that this year's gifts.are the kind 1 y {hat corsage bouquet of orchids, | will go to Toronto on Mdnday and motored to Lyn on Friday and were| "P0le Christian church, and. it be-| profession." Levana upholding the life-long happiness. Here are a few TE Evy ea with the bride. Mrs. A. H.| will be a guest at the luncheon given |the guests of Rev. Thomas Dowdell | $Me & part of the Christmas ser-| amrmative side of the question, won FOR THE lack, in a pretty frock of grey|on Tuesday at Government House by and dell, * w| vices for the bishops to sing carols {ne debate caus eat : FAMILY --A RADIO 257 Youd be Moat Wag AeA pa A e by Mrs. Dowdell, The Rectory. with thelr clerey. Many Folerduecs] & Sona Bin much merriment. appropriate. It will give them years of entertainment, erepe, y . Mrs. . . * ' . J was decided t oy §; . es vie Capt. and Mrs. K. N. Holloway, | {0 ¢arol singing are found in the 1it-1,, more ey ist Berg Noga we \ I rs THE wouey FOL Carling Jroms, Boudoir Lady Elizabeth Byng and Lady ' . ess aL 3 *?| erature of England and we find Mil-| bet A SHE rons, Boudoir Lamps, Table and Plano Lamps. ' 7 Bely " onli ot Byng, daughters of the Earl of Nrs. R. C, Bolton and Miss Mar. | Chateau: Belvidere," are spending tons in the twelfth book of "Para-| efore the holidays. : Come in and see the above at i flord, reached New York on their [J°T1®: Tweed, have been visiting 'in the week-end in Gananoque with dise Lost," thus alluding to whas| had - , 1 Kingston. Mr. and Mrs, Sampson, HS , : . . | An enthusiastic meeting | of the = --~ a ee ll De Clifford Reynolds, a young Toron-| MT™. W. Harty, '"Roselawn, a he 1egared as the first OLTISt- | Dramatic Club was held on Wednes- Th in ay t uncle. Governor-General Lord |10 1aWYer, is viefting friends in the will go to Toronto on Monday to T : iif evening, a large crowd attend- e . . ewman eC C ¥ Byng. Before proceeding to the capi- .- for a fey days. ead raph with her mother. Mrs. | upg place of birth a solemn angel | aS 167 PRINCESS STREET - PHONE 441 tal, Jey wit be the £3ema tor 4 iow a, ie, Viva, hii Col. Sutherland. | Browne. wisi T Jobs Nouheits Rots wep, This weok-cnd a conference of the KINGSTON'S PIONEER RADIO SUPPLY HOUSE DME gdh ar Eo [aug J. E.|"as with Col. and Mrs, Victor An. | OE Ep erie, Keeping WAI | presidents of the various Student he ; : y night; Christian Movement Associations of 24 fer of Mr and Mrs Otto Kahn her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. d Bhtretold. & R a erson, Barriefield, has t | ' , ae. Hopkirk, Frontenac streef. 8'4 is returned to| They gladly thither haste, and by a the colleges of Ontario and Quehec, A Ottawa | " Xwmong the Montreal debutantes] Mrs. P, G. Gray, who has been |Ot3Wa. quire is being held at : Who will attend the Christmas dance (the guest of Mrs. Herbert Robin-| Willard Lawson, Toronto, 5 | Of sqnadron'd angels hear this carol | wonty delegates are semented fot | at the Royal Military College, King-{son, King street, and for whom a|%PeRdIDg a few days with his cousin| , gupg." : London) Toronto and M in al Li y ton, on Friday night, December |=umber of small parties have been | Y8JOr Lawson and Mrs, Horace ! ' aug Hoare], 4 81st, are Miss Dorothy Molson, Miss [gtven, lalt for Picton today, and |L8WSOD, Johnsoa street, | In the history of English poetry it is noted that in 1562 a license 'Qonstance Dawes, Miss Katherine (will. later go on to her home in ee au. A BIG BOW SOUNDS was granted to John Tysdale to print Acer, Miss Lois Willlams and Miss Jackson, Mich. = Mary Elisabeth Henderson. Mrs. W. Workman, St. Cathar NOTE OF FASHION (note the quaint old English spell-| + What Shall We aye ines, arrived in town today to visit |1ng): "Certayne goodly carowles to Give Our Friends ? Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Baiden, Ports- |her danghter, Mrs, W. CG. Baker and : be sung to the Glory of God." This mouth, announce the engagefent| Prof. Baker, Centre street. . H is believed to be an evidence of the --y of their daughter, Nora Beaupre, to| Mrs. Howard Rogers and her oR attempt to reform - the Christmas After a1 Why fot Vooks 'tora Allison Haines Briden, of Montreal, little son, Dundes, are the guests / ) | carol at the time of the reforma-| _ o y [ tion, prior to which it had become | Christmas gift? The Whig's Satur- - son of Mrs. G. 8. Briden, St. Louis, of Mrs. Harold W. Elliott, Alfred ook pa iad riews rar street, | less devotional and more popular Sy K Dage ne, Nag review > : ' \ ing. ? > . ; and often rough and roystering will suggest wore of them to you be Men's Silk Ties--pretty patterns-- WE MAKE HATS ' Mr, and--Mre;T, A. "Davidson { ' Coming down the years we find . WE TRIM TS . tween now and Christmas. Then . . HA |Kingston, have been visiting her me OE are Sosely. Dysoviited there are the old favorites that may good quality--each one in a neat gift brother-in-law, H. M. Spafford, of : ide. Ma: int customs | NOt be in your friend's bookcase. As box for 50c. each Cherry Valley, for ten days. of Yulet . au Tue NE o for. the children, don't forget the' . . > . nd, en : , nl Salil. Ctr sinter, {he youn folk went Bout In bands | fAlry tales such as Grimm's and Wr : o ' . » 5 at = ay 5 singing during the days immediately Kissin us ar Babies, tod Men's Lined Kid Gloves -- Dent 8 * preceding Christmas. In fact the te he people who te : ' . carol was characteristic of the sim-| YOU NOt to encourage the children to English make; real Mocha, all sizes, plicity of the day. Goldsmith in| Well upon unrealities. We have or $1.50 a pair. his book "The Vicar of Wakefield," | the 2a ition of aie Shrues upon a describing the simple character of | S00n enough; what most of us ne : 5 . his 'parishioners, says: "They kept | Is @ world apart from sordid things, Gift Handkerchiefs--an immense up the Christmas carol." a word.o !maginalon » wicirwe : : It is not hard to picture these | Can take refugd now and then. His- variety in fancy boxes, from 30c. a box little bands of children, some wee | '0TY, t00, especially that of our own up. tots, with tiny treble voices, accom.} country and the men and women panied by the bigger boys and girls, | Who have played their part in its ing from house to house in these | making. Several books of this kind 3 : : A have been reviewed on our book Fancy Silk Scarfs In plain and | little English villages, singing that . : | dear old song which we all know so | Page, as thrilling as any story of ad- striped--very new designs at $1.25, { well. venture, that would delight the heart of a small boy, Two more from the $1.75, $2.00. pen of a Canadian author suggest "God rest ye merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay, themselves to' us, "The Humors of | * i ¥or Jesus Christ, our Saviour 37," and "The Valley of the Hum- WwW N Linton ber," by Miss Lizar. For those who ® * Oe 'Was born upon this day, To save us all from Satan's power | are fond of poetry there are the Pl 191. The Ww. Id S When we were gone astray." standard works of the poets whose names are household words and the songs of the band of Canadian sing- A 'bpige colored frock, designed | gti] very general in Devonshire, and | rs, Archibald Lampman, Charles D. on the smart lines of the dress In| she usual custom is for the singers | Roberts, Pauline Johnson, Duncan the drawing, depends for lis finel| 40 club the money which they re-| Campbell Scott, Bliss Carman, Nora touch of smartness on. a big black ceivg and expend it on a social mer- Holland .and many another sweet satin bow at the waist ine, and 8| rymaking on Twelfth Day, a fort-| songster who will sing us songs of tiny frill of sheer linen or batiste,| nient after Christmas. our own land. New novels too are homstitched by hand, from neck to| gome churches and organizations | always a welcome gift. it the likes waist, , in Canada attempt to foster the cus- | and dislikes of the reader are known. . tom of carol singing, but, unfort-| There have been 'several good new | . ' unately, it seems to be dying out. | books this year by QCanadian authors | The Editor Fears We thing this is rather a pity, for | Which should be of interest to us. it has in it all the true elements | Fill up the book shelves with some- that go to foster the community] thing worth while. spirit. In this day of hurry and \ bustle and jostle and push afd pull, i BAZAAR AT TAMWORTH, ERR ER RR ---- These Christmas Eve carols are That the frienlis of the Y.W.C.A. a4 Sang up-to help along the good work being done tion. a ED. that Sain. if there is one time when all such . 3 twelve dollars for the work of the '°©!ings should be laid aside in the ha _ Teirls' cl bas b spirit of fellowship it is during the Ladies Real a Good Sum Your dealer con show you this celebrated line, sent to abe of . oe Snouymously 'Christmas season, and there is noth- Their Event. . BR OWN'S | & - ing that we can think of more con- Tamworth, Dec, 6.--The annual : v \ That England h ; ducive to fostering that spirit than bazaar, held under the auspites ot 4 horror of Io Suit laentiy 30 the joining together of everyone inthe Ladics' Ald Was held in: the. we hear that th \ . | song. town hall, on Saturdey last. The : ian, the Duch hall was very nicely decorated for' The ] Su of Athol, lady Astor and Ms. gros rr of the occasion and the ladies had a Yuletide Gift New System very large display of fancy goods of all kinds and everything was Here's a new way for all fat people, te at Sei : P at * in the evening was well patron- by both the old and the young. | A So] usar With $25 worth of Music Rolls $675 : ~~ Not for one day, but for every day in the year will this wonderful instrument bring joy to your home. Egsy terms. a good price. The concert held ized The a one e does RE ana L a AE iA