TURDAY, DECEMBER THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS Indigestion Gas On Stomach Pains After Meals Many people suffer terribly from gas and pains in the stomach after every meal, and are kept in constant misery. For the past 44 years Burdock Blood Bitters has been bringing hope and joy to thousands suffering from various forms of stomach trouble, helping them to eat three square meals a day; helping them to eat anything they wish, without having to suffer for it after. : Mr. Fred "Nielson, Moose Jaw, Sask., writes:--"All last summer I was troubled with stomach trouble and' indigestion, and also gas on the stomach. I could not eat anything except some light food and even then 1 would be bothered with pains after each meal. I could not work a whole day without being done out. I had tried everything; doctors, medicines and pills, uatil I read about Burdock Blood Bitters. I have taken dour bottles and it has nearly, if not com- pletely, restored me to health again." Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. . Keep Catarrh Away With Vicks > "Finest Thing I Ever) Used," Says New Brunswick Lady. Vicks is good for common colds, sore throat, bronchitis, catarrb, croup,/tonsilitis, grippe and all in- flamyfations of the nose, throat or lungd| The ingredients, Camphor, Mentl\ol, Eucalyptus, Turpentine, . Thyme and Juniper Tar, make Vicks equally effective for inflammations of the skin, such as cuts, burns, sores, brindees and skin itchings. Mrs. Thomas Brown of Sandy Point Road, St. John, New Bruns- wick, says: "Vicks VapoRub is the finest thing I have ever used. TI had catarrh of the throat and nothing seemed to do me any good. 1 read about Vicks and bought a jar at the drug store. 1 was relieved at once, but I kept on using Vicks. I now feel quite well." Vicks is a salve that acts like a plaster and a vapor lamp at the same time. It is absorbed and in- haled. A valuable family remedy kept on hand in millions of homes. Vicks is used constantly for all the daily ills and hurts of all the fam- - y. At all drug stores, 50c. a jar. For a free test size package, write Vick Chemical Co,, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal], P. Q Though Vieks is new in Canada it] has a remarkable sale in the States. Over 17 million jars used yearly. "GALLAGHER'S SERVICE 9 6 0 'DAY AND- NIGHT | ------------r SOMO OAOEEO AE aaa TIVIPINNNNI NNN MNNNMNe Stops Coughe Ouchy AER LSbAL bE TTY vreau TETITEIeS EVER PIIte SOSA Est aa SOLA LE LLL ttt 0n TITAATITTITTOOPPPOOPOTMTYS You be surprised to know that the thing you can use for - Se Songh, ie a Tem hi easily N home just a fow moments 's but for prompt it beats ng else ever tried. Sually stops the ain ough on het ecid 24 / dren like it--and it a . Pour 2, ounces 28 5 cough med nothing better to be had at t righ gives TU lasting % the heals the infin ine the \ Brown Betty Tea Sets in- cluding Tea Pot, Cream and | Sugar, overlaid with silver . deposit make a useful gift. ~ Priced from I $11.50 up . Also separate Tea Pots in "quaint new shapes from at aE TOMORROW'SMENU Breakfast Grapes Cereal Wholewheat Griddle Cakes Coffee Sirup . Dinner Porterhouse Steak Mashed Potatoes Stewed Celery Lettuce, Russian Dressing Coffee, Bavarian Cream Supper Spanish Omelet Olives Biscuits Cocoa, Jelly Cake Making the Popular New 'Shade Pulls" Every housekeeper Who sees the new shade pulls In shops or at a friend's house, Immediately wants some like them for her own home. Not for years have we Lad a vogue which is as universal as this one. "They dress up a window, so!" one woman declared to me, "I shan't be happy till every window in my house--at least, every window downstairs--has one." This feeling fs shared by multitudes of other housekeepers. So today I am printing directions for making them. I am sure that many of my readers will use them, It is just these little touches that beautify a" home. There is no doubt about it, a room has a "richer" look it its window shades are outfitted with these new tassels and cords. Materials: A number seven steel crochet hook and two balls of num- { ber three crochet cotton (either white, gray or ecru--depending up- on the color of your window shades.) To make the Four-inch Tassel: Cut a piece of very stiff cardboard four inches long (the width does not matter) and wrap the crochet cot- ton around this 125 times. Then tie BOOKS THE WEST. MORNING IN By Katherine Hale. Publishers, The Ryerson Press, Toronto. It is to our Canadian poets that we must look for the interpretation of the soul of Canada, and of these poets is Katherine Hale. As a de- \lightful reminder of days spent to- gether in an observation car as we crossed the brown prairies, watch- ing the straight lines of steel stretching eastward to the horizon, of galeties in Vancouver and of a sall on a sunlit ea to Victoria, we have received her latest book, "Mor- ning in the West." In these short poems she has caught and held the spirit of our sgsmopolitan land. The Indian maiden Cun-na-wadum lives again for us "The tip-end of a swan wing for her fan," and in "Buffalo Meat" we read with a thrill the story of the English girls we have known as older women, who ven- tured forth with the high courage and daring of their race, from Pica- dilly ballrooms to the Canadian west, shared her husband's hard- ships and loved him the more for the touch of savagery aroused in him from the dangers to be faced. The French counterpart of these brave English women is portrayed for us in one of the most striking pieces of work in this (Interesting collection of verses, "Madame de Cournament," who "excels at brid, jo" yet motoring home to the Crp Laurier from an Ottawa gaiety, shudderingly hears the howl of a dog in the streets of Canada's capital that brings back hours of lonely agony om the banks of the Red river while the wolves howled, when the world was half a century younger. But the songs are not all of the west. A motor trip through familiar country brings us to North Frontenac and the great "FREEZONE" CoRNs lift right off | a tiny bottle of cents, sufficient A " .. - i it somewhere with a small piece of | string (so that it will not lose its | shape when you slip it off the | board). Slip it off and cut the threads at one end; at the top ead, { tie it again so as to form a little | knob; this small knob will later be | slipped into a crocheted' '"'cap," to | form top of tassel. ol) To Make the Crocheted Cord: | There are many ways of making the | cords to these new shade pulls but a crocheted cord is as pretly as any kind (I regret that I cannot give di- rections for making the woven or braided kind as they are made on looms--often on a homemade loom consisting of a shingle with nails in it--and it would be impossible for me to describe the method of doing it; one would have to be shown how to make them--mere words could not adequately describe the method). Take two threads of the crochet cot- | ton and make a chain 70 . stitches long. The two ends of this cord are passed through the top of the tassel "cap" and secured to the tassel it- self, before the little cap is slipped onto the top of the tassel. To Make Tassel Cap: Chain five and join. Single crochet eight times in ring, twice in each stitch in the second row, making 18 stitches for third row, Single crochet once in ~cach stitch in every row. Make this cap eight rows long, then turn it in- side out before putting it on tassel, All inquiries adaressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the 'Efficient Housek'mping" department will be answered in these columns in their! turn. This requires considerable 'ime, however, owing to the great namber received. So if a perconal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- «d and self-addressed envelope must te enclosed with the quesilon. Be sure to use YOUR full name, straet number, and the name of your city and province. ~The Editor. rock at Bon Echo '""'that blazes with color in the sun." In a canoe, the dwellers in a crowded city steal close to the monster crag and in the dusk watch the shadows as they pass, daring to-dream the great, elemen- tal forces of nature find here their old abiding place--and their wor- shippers. The Round Table, December. The fing. article in the December number of The Round Table intro- duces summaries of the proceedings of the Imperial and Economic Con. ferences. It shows the change In attitude that had taken place since the 1921 Conference, as a resuit of | constitutional and economic difficul- |tieg which gradually made another conference a necessity, and the at mosphere in which the 1923 confer- .ence met. The world situation !which confronted it is also describ- ed, and a'tention is drawn to char- acteristics which made the confer. ence different to all that precedeq it. The aq.ual conclusions of both conferences the reader will find is an appendix, The problem of Europe, the most intractable of the questions which faced ithe conference, is discussed in the second article. It traces the steps and the blunders "which led up to ithe present. crisis and sug- gests the polick which this country should adopt now that the proposed committee of enquiry in which Am- erica, as well as the Alles, was to have taken pazyt, has come to noth- ing. h > The third article, "Inflation and Deflation," deals with the currency problem. Another ainiicle describes our work in Mesopotamia, where a new experiment in Anglo-Asiatic relations is being conducted. next article gives a vivid skeich or Ireland as it is from an Irish pen. The article that follows is a weighty survey of the economic and financial conditions of India, in which natural forcos play such a proeponderating part that the Bur- opean standards can handly be ap. plied. 'The frst seqgtion of tho Un- ited Kingdom article discasses jamong other things the effects which Mr. Baldwin's new fiscal pro- pasals are likely to have on English {political life and the election pros- pects. Unemployment is also dealt with and the special measures which Lave eircady been taken to pope with it. The usual articles from the Dominions follow. The Cana- dian article shows the enormous pos- sibilities of that Dominion in other directions than agriculture. arn, ps-- HOROSCOPE BY GENEVIEVE SEMBLD prophecy for lively and conditions in all alliances. IF STOMACH IS SOUR, UPSET Instantly! End Flatulence, Gas, Heartburn, Indigestion Chew a few! Stomach fine! So pleasant, so inexpensive, so quick to settle an upset stomach. The moment '"Pape's Diapepsin" reaches the stomach all pain and distress from indigestion or a sour, gassy stomach vanishes. Millions know its magic. All drug- gists recommend this harmless stomach corrective. The |" | Iv should affairs of u ad 4 p 'lT0.DAY'S FASHION By Vers Winston. | | | Social matters and romantic affilia-; tions should be pleasant. Those whose ;birthday it is may be assured of a successful, and prosperous year. A child born happy | on this day will be favored by for- | tune and rise in life. Monday's horoscope is not very important. The augury is for the routine course of events, but those in the employment of others may find things pleasant and unfolding for their benefit. All financial risk should be avoided. Those whose birthday it is have the presage of a quiet and unevent- ful year, although persons in the employment of others may find con- ditions favorable. It may be haz- ardous to risk money in any man- per. A child born on this day may be expected to have a rather quiet and uneventful career. - A Darker Shade of Trimming Gives This Brown Suit Its Distinction. Brown remains one of the smart Winter colors. It is a most practi- cal color for the serviceable sur, and a suit of this type becofes orn- |amental when it is as atiraclive as [the one above. y The trimming, consisting of bands {of brown fur and tasteful brown em- tbroidery is darker in tome than {the suit. Note the uneven line vn a BR 0 pC A = Dutch Contains no ADA WE SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given first class attention, THE VICTORIA CAFE 354 King Street. Siug Lee and Gan Lee, Props. Telephone 768. » ; { embroidery where the suit coat ties| The skeptic always has in stock 3 at the side. a whole lot of things he doesn't | The collar, with its eoft puffing [believe because he. has not investh about /the face, is also most effec. (gated them. ! ve. uv, { If both sides of the story could {be told at the same. sitting thers, would be less trouble in this old world. "Tis comparison that makes men happy or miserable other nouri , inviting Millions like Bran In one short year Post's Bran Flakes has become the daily cereal of millions of people. . And all because Post's Bran Flakes has done for them what no food will do. By its genuine laxative Sualities, it has brought them back to normal, It has eliminated atiguing poisons from their systems, brightened their eyes and cleared their complexions. You, too, will welcome this delicious laxative food. Crisp, deli- cate flakes with a wonderful flavor and with most of the food value of wheat---but with all the laxative value of bran. Try Post's Bran Flakes with Other Parts of Wheat tomorrow. Order from your grocer--but be sure you get Post's Bran Flakes. Made in Canada Canadian Postum Cereal Company Limited Head Office: Toronto Thy Alt Factory: Windsot