TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1938. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 7s] SPORTING NEWS KINGSTON QUOIT CLUB. ) "iy WED., DEC. 12 . ENGLAND'S FOREMOST ACTOR SIR JOHN TIN HARVEY | Supported by MISS N..DE SILVA and his en- London Company--direct from a sensa- Sonally successful season at the Century | Theatre, New York. PRESENTING 'A Cigarette Maker's Romance" Marion Crawford jiove with the son of the ihe editor of fene paper which has ruined her life, { the plot develops in rapid strides. | | Miss 'McAvoy's Spanish dances are | exceptionally fine while the opening | | scenes on an old Spanish. planta- | tion of New Onleans have been de- {piled With untsual charm. MODERATELY PRICED AMUSEMENTS _ What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions EXCLUSIVE STYLES Held The Anpmal Meeting. on. Mons | He day Evening. On Monday night, in the Curling | Rink, the Kingston Quoit Club held | its annual meeting, which was a very | representative one. Plans, by-laws, rules, etc., were discussed and much | FOR CAPITOL COMING enthusiasm prevailed regarding the 1924 season. The old officers were || "The Light That Failed" a're-electod: Drama of Stirring Scenes President~-Dr, Waugh. Vice. president--James Taugher. and Rare Appeal. Secretary, 8. A. Hitsman. Treasurer--Thomas Copley. i Committee--J. Marshall, J. An-| SIR JOAN MARTIN AARVET VETERAN ENGLISH STAGE KINGSTON FRENCH EVENING GOWNS Imported Direct From Paris--Priced at Less Than Maker's Prices : 25.00 47.50 By far, the smartest, the most recently styled, the most beautiful and most mode- rately priced, genuine French Evening Gowns shown this season. BELLEVILLE =~ PETERBORO BROCKVILLE will Present "A Cigarette Maker's Romance ' Wed=- nesday Night. The secret of Sir John Martin Harvey's greatness as an actor lies in his versatility. No living aetor more entirely submerges himself In his part than this veteran of the English stage. Whether the role be Hamlet, Sydney Carton in "The Only Way," Reresby the Rat In "The Breed of the Treshams," or Skaria- tine in "A Cigarette Maker's Ro- mance," in each character we are presented with a study to the life. They are all widely different plays, centred "round a [distinctive person- | Last night the Allen Theatre pas- sed out of existence and in its place | grove, BE. Walsh. ras come the Capitol, Kingston's During the evening the president home of marvellous pictures. Tue) called on Harry Angrové, who, in a change was evident in the replace-| toy well-chosen words, presented the | ment of familiar letters and signs prizes to the winners, who are: First || and in the uniforms of the doormen | yriza John Elliott and Jack Derry; and ushers which correspond to | second prize, John Marshall and Tho- | those In the largest cities in the | a5 Mijlo;, third prize, J. J. Barrett I ality and the actor who is able to] =hitel x : | and W. Fritell. | portray each one with such consum-| _. nd the picture--well, Short speeches were made by the | mate perfection must need be a mas- | 1s best feature of the lot. prize winners and others and a vote | 1 Ng " eo Sin- 3 tT 1 | ter interpreter of temperament and I ght inst Failed, Rudyard Kip-| of appreciation passed to the execu- {| emotion: | ling's erstwhile failure, fs all that tive for their good work. Altogether || Of .the many character, successes) =gvance notices claimed for it the season has been a successful one ! which have built up Sir John's great any hk isle more, i or ae Hore ac and the sport prevailing augurs |: reputation, the part of Count Skar- ee Bo 505 coi Pi In o pr 1L| well for the future. fatine, in the Cigarette-Maker's Ro. the powerful appeal that this fi me» The club decided to join the Do-1] mance, to be présented at the Grand play has for an audience. Were | minion Quoiters' Association and |! Opera red on. Wednesday, Dec. Bipline to see now what George Mel- |} ones to be represented in the a9-| 12th, is to plany playgoers the most | '07¢ has done with his story, then minjon games next year. / ot : the great Rudyard would throw away appealing 'of all. The play Is a 'dra- " tat s ' his pen and get into the "movie matic adaptation of Marion Craw. : . . game,--or the cinema, as they call ford's novel. The story concerns the |. . . * : : E i it "o'ver there. Incidentally it fate of a lovable Russion nobleman 3 + ab might be of interest to recall that of the old regime, a victim of am-| 3 ite A : : The Sheik" was also picturized by | nesia, who is reduced to earning a| he | this same George Melford, and precarious livelihood in a mean tit- | tle German cigarette factory. seems to have but one weakness, that e a pi re without It is a charmingly delicate play, a he cannot produce a picture v 8 e § a. fine plece of character study, in- "desert scen y : x Of course there are various things stinct with old-time courtesy under |, : 3 a in 'most pictures which old cranks the most adverse clroumstances. : . , , like ourselves find fault with. Nor When at last the count's patient|. i » y i is "The Light that Failed" any ex- vigil is rewarded, his unbounded joy } i : . ception. For instance we would re- is shared to the full by the audience. . . s : commend a switching of heroes, mak- There may he more pretentious]. . a : 5 ' ing Jacqueline Logan the Maisie of plays in Martin Harvey's repertory, the piece and Sigrid Holmquist th but there is none which gets a great- Ple oigr er grip on the emotions of the audi- Besgto~ always providing hat sig- DETECTIVE ON TRAIL ence. It is a gem of its kind, a) 0 cOUld scrape up enqugh pep") QF «RED" RYAN AND GANG | , ©. | to take the part. It was really too! clever, artistic performance which | bad to see this Bessie girl, with her lingers long in tite memory. marvellous face and figure, deposed Stated That Round-up May Be} --_-- as a mere waif of the London Made in a Few. streets. It is one of the ridiculous Days. things in the picture, with her beauty she would be a "waif" only till some theatrical producer or moving pic- ture man found her. Jacqueline is one of the brightest spots in the that was | "The Adapted from the Novel by F. By Charles Hannan Prices 50c, $1.00, $1 50, $2.00, $2.50 Seats now on sale REERED' sr Natl ARERREARRRAER | Youthful, straight lines are featured in -- | this new assortment of Dance Frocks. Col- GRAND 7 HOUSE 1 8 DAYS, COMMENCING Thursday, Dec. 13 Curtain at 8.15 sharp. OUR OWN REX STOCK COMPAN Y The ra US a » "TWIN BEDS" VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS ces. Evenings 10c., 20c., 80c., 50c. Sat. Mat. 10¢. and 25c. A<GROUP. Intermediate Series. Group No. 1.--Cornwall,, Brock- ville Rifles, Queen's University, | Belleville, Kingston Frontenacs. iil venor, Georges wie Nn TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS ON ALL I WINTER COATS Plain and Fur Trimmed Velour, Mar- vella, Bolivia, Peachbloom--in fact, every Coat in our superior stock has been remark- ed at savings to be had nowhere else in this Regular up to $125.00. Now marked up to *69.50 CHRISTMAS PERFUMES Our line of Perfumes and Exquisite Toilet Preparations is complete. Perfumes by the most favored French per- fumers in the world, and by the best makers on this continent--all most attractively boxed. See the Dainty Toilet Combinations For Men and Women--the artistic Powder Compacts for the Girls, and Perfumed Bath Crystals for any friend--any of which can be had for, each --$1.00-- Do not forget that we carry the largest as- sortment in town of genuine FRENCH IVORY Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street - - - EB DiC 343. syrup, she prefers the honey. - A Bicycle Rider Injured. [idea with the motor car, receiving WAITING FOR ICE, Montreal street was the scene of [injuries that necessitated his removal another collision between a bicycle to the General Hospital, where he rider and an automobile on Monday ag, ne nD. 5; SoD. MeCal. afternoon. Mr. Caff was riding the [injuries and a severe shaking up. On ibdcycle and when turning from James Tuesday he was able to be removed street on to Montreal street, he col- [to his home on Markland street. 0 H. ors: Navy, Black, Flame, Rose. Beads in conventionalized designs com- prise the only trimmings. Junior Series. Group No: 1~Brockville, King-|| stony Frontenacs, Queen's Univer- sity. Convénor--George Van Horne, { Kingston. Meet at Kingston. THE REX STOCK COMPANY, For their second play of their lim- ited engagement here the Rex | Stock Company is going to offer per- haps the funniest comedy ever stag- ed "Twin Beds." Like the first play it does not give all the company a chance to appear but that in no way detracts from the value of the comedy. Our old friend Bill Yule has the chance of a life time as Signor Monti, the singer. To say that he is funny is putting It very mildly. Playing across from him as his wife is the stellar comedfanme Hazel Williams "The Red Head" and be- tween the two of them they keep the theatre in an uproar. Rex and Zana of course appear in the lead- ing parts, the former as the husband with the grouch, and the latter as the cry baby wife. Billy Seymour | plays a nice young man whose name should have been Gertie and the bal- ance of the cast have all good roles. SHOWING vicinity. Although very little has been said about the movements "of "Red"| Ryan and his gang, who made such | picture. a sensational escape from the Ports. || And for the rest, Percy Marmot, mouth penitentiary on Sept. 10th | | as the fellow whose light failed, and | last, it was learned on Tuesday, that | David Torrence, as the celebrated | detectives are still on their trail, and | war correspondent, do their parts | that it is expected that they will be well and nobly. rounded up soon; in fact one report There is a beautiful love story gtates that there may be develop- interwoven with the whole picture, | Ments now in the course of a few only we should have liked Bessie to | days. It would appear as if the auth- have had a permanent "case," as we orities are working very quietly om said before. But we are also glad | the case. that '"Torp." stuck to his bachelor- hood, for his soul was much too small to be happy with one of Bes- sie's calibre, with limitless possibili- ties. It's a fine theatre and a fine piec- ture, and the latter runs till Wed- nesday night. MADE FRIENDS WITH KITTEN; Queen Boo-Hoo is Lonesome Since Rugby Is Over. Queen Boo-Hoo, pet bear mascot of Queen's rughy club, absolutely re- fuses to go into the winter quarters built for her in the Jock Harty arena. | It had been expected that when the | | rugby season was over there would | be no trouble persuading Boo-Hoo to rest for the winter months, Since the rugby players have not been around the skating rink, Boo- Hoo has been rather lonesome, but on Sunday she made friends with a kitten that wandered into 'the rink, and they are now pals. The bear and the kitten sleep in the same bed and they have both gotten to admire each other. Boo-Hoo plays with the kitty and is not a bit rough. Boo- Hoo is simply crazy over honey and is continually looking for the jar which contains the sweet stuff. Al- though she has a large can of maple Norris, late Bdr. F. The Late Bdr, The funeral eof the E. Norris, R.C.H.A.,, took place Tuesday afternoon from S. 8. Cor- bett's undertaking parlors to Catar- aqui cemetery with military hon- ors, The troops of the garrison furnished the band, escort and fir- ing party. The casket bore a wreath from the men of his unit. Major, the Rev. W. E. Kidd, offic. iated and interment was made in the veterans' plot, an "Her Reputation." Thos. H. Ince's latest picture opened at the Strand yesterday. Cor- rect in every detail, tense with dra- atic situation--the plot of "Her Reputation" is refreshingly new. May McAvoy gives a remarkable portrayal. of a young girl who runs away from home on her wedding day, the innocent victim of a news- paper scandal. When she falls in THE ACTION DISMISSED. Justice Orde Finds Against Piain- diff an Radway Case, Decision has been given by Jus tice Orde in the case of Tewell vs G. T, R. Co The action iried iu Kingston was to recover. §3,000 damages for injuries to plaintiff and | wreck of his automobile, which was struck while cro:sing track of defendant company, near Kingston. Judgment: In this case the plain- itiff's own admi:sions and hav.ng re- gard to the fact that the company had the right of way over the cros. sing, that the plaintiff knew - the crossing was there and that a train approaching from the east could be seen for a distance of nearly half a mile at any point upon the high- way within 250 feet south of the crossing, the plaintiff's failure to ges the approaching train (if be really failed to see it, which 1 doubt) was, in my judgment, due to his neglect of his plain duty as a| Waiting for the cold weather so that matter of self-protection to look | the ice makers can make ice. The out for an approaching train. 1| Queen's men are at a great disad- am of opinion that upon these facts vantage on account of not having ficial ice. In Toronto the 'Var- no jury could erly or reasonably | arti ro ys the pi i | was caused sity students have been practising otherwise than by the negligence or EE ek 1s. the plaintiff himself, I think 1 Poor people are neighbors , whd don't make quite as much as ypu make, Lodge No. 10, LO.O.F, sin bers are invited to attend Lodge venin December 11th. Re- Queen's Students are Anxious to Catch Places. The Queen's students, who are go- ing to try out for places on the col- lege hockey teams, are anxiously , CLASSIC AND MODERN pink of condition, whereas Queen's DANCING Cl and individnms instruction Adults and Children. ought to have taken the case from the jury and dismissed the action. The action will, therefore, be dismis- players will only be commencing to get into shape. sed with costs, Sons of England Officers. At a regular meeting of Leicester Lodge No. 33, Sons of England, held on Monday evening, the following officers were elected for 1924; Past president, W. J. Lowen, Jr.; wonthy president, A. Brown; vice-president, P. PF. Stacey: chaplain, A. G. Os borne; treasurer, Charles Selby; financial secretary, 8. Hinchliffe; recording secretary, T. J. Grigg; 1 guide, C. W, J. Adams; 2nd guide, H. Kay; 3rd guide, T. 8. Bullen; 4th| guide, J. Hallam; inside guard, F.| D. Nicholson; outside guard, S. ton; trustees, F. R. Y. Baldwin, W. A. Twigg, T. Mills; physician, Dr. H. 8. Angrove. Noack Coit Tot 5 Toronto, Dec. 11.--Dr. R." R. further Information apply 4 =» UNION STREET WEST NN St. Andrew's Young Women's Auxily g fary. - The annual meeting of {he Young Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's church was held on Monday even- ing, The secretary's report show- ed a large increase in membership and that a satisfactory amount of work had been accomplished during the year. The officers for the com. ing year were elected, and a sum- mary of the work to be done was 'made. It. ig a custom of the auxil- {lary to give a life membership to one of its members annually. This year Mis Fthel Davis received the "{covetsd honor, Listowel Schools Closed. Stratford, Dec. 11.--By order of . {the Listowel Board of Health the connection with the death of Trl ~ |public and high schools in that town | Patterson, a Jirl of eighteen years) New is the woman's court to-day. a IRARKRG Fe FAY TT Ce To ; fier as Nev °F = ¥ Gorman 1 hark. who have hed p a profitable business A Cigarette s Romance, {three mild cases of smail-pox which | © William Pinkerton, world - fam. | fading worthless paper marks forthe new money, which em scored by E eveloped last week. ous detective, died at Los Angeles | FErMANY is trying lo eslabiish, are sometimes badly handle Gp ; " i : pasting with their wages for the old paper