Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1923, p. 2

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i TR Order Your Fur Coat | Now and Save 6% Additional Sales Tax | On and after January Ist, you will have to pay an addi- tional tax.of 6% on anything youmay buy. $6.00 on every $100. If you are contemplating buying a Fur Coat you can save this by ordering during December. ; Charles W.. Root. | Dec. 11.--Nominations for Water | | Commissioners yesterday morning | | resulted: C. C. Skinner, Aubrey Lott, | Gordon Bishop, A. Laver, and] ne of this num. | ber will be chosen apd they will | j pave until nine o'clock tonight to | qualify. Captain Kenneth Holloway and | | GANANOQUE | THE DAILY BRITISH WHI SAID ON THE SIDE ] It is said thet several thirsty Kingstonians have been using up a lot of gasoline and wearing considerable shoe leather trying to locate the chan who was hers. ower the week-end trying to sell a case ot liquor, By the way, the two fellows nab- Mrs. Holloway, who are staying at | bed by the police, found that a bottle Chateau Belvidere, Kingston, the winter, motored to Gananoque, | | Saturday, and spent the week-end! with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sampson, | returning Sunday evening. In. the| afternoon Capt. Holloway played | eight holes of golf, the links being in very good condition for this time of year. Robert Tulloch and Miss Anne Tulloch motored to Syracuse, N.Y. | at the week-end to spend a few days with their sister, Mrs. Johan Goul- lette. Sunday was like a lovely Septem- ber day, and a great many people epent the afternoon on the river, golf links and motoring. Miss Eva Glover spent the week- end with friends in Kingston. Misses Nellie Kidd, Margaret Chapman, W. Reid, J. Conlin and R. Button spent Sunday in Kingston, + Mrs. Stephen Dorey; who under- went ar operation in/the Hotel Dien a few days ago, is progressing favor- ably. Dr. Edward Ryan, Kingston, will deliver a lecture this evening in the Lyceum. - A silver collection will be taken up. Jack LaFrance spent the week-end in Mallorytown. Mr. and Mrs. Her- bison, Miss Hilda Herbison and Mrs. Pergau, Lyn, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Lattimore over Sun- day. Keith Burns, Queen's Univer- sity, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Beale. Dr. D. H. Rogers, Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. dePencier motored to Ot- tawa on Sunday. Miss Helen Bain, R.N,, Toronto, is home to spend the On all model Coats in stock we are giv- ing special reductions to clear this month. We invite you to call and see our wonderful values in Fur Coats of Persian Lamb, Pluck- ed Beaver, Hudson Seal, Raccoon, Musk- rat, French Seak Marmot, Fur Chokers, Stoles, Men's Fur Coats, Caps, Gauntlets, Robes. | RU-BER-0ID 'WALL BOARD FOR THE ONLY PER- ~ MANENT ROOF USE BUTTER - Arriving daily, extra fine-- 8, 6, 8 Ib. rolls, Per 1b. 87c. CHRISTMAS FRUITS Strip - Shingles SPECIAL! 1,000 Ibs. fancy Secedless Rai | sins, extra fine ..8 lbs. 40c. Cleaned Currants, per 1b. 17c. Lemon and Orange Peel, Ib. 40c Shelled Walnuts, 1b. .....80¢c. Icing Sugar ..... 2 lbs. 28c, Snowflake Shortening, 1b, 1Sec. Cullen's For All Purposes. Bold by The K. D. Mfg. Co. 680 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 1681J. iat BUY ADVERTISED GOODS Their Makers Guarantee Them - 'gift in a good VIOLIN. 'We have them in stock from $7.50 up. ~ Also a completo selection of accessories, including Bows, Cases, Strings, etc. i oy : . "| visiting the holidays, Miss O'Neill and Miss Woodgar, Kingston, were the guests of Miss Hyacinthe Sophie over the week-end. Mrs. S. Turpin spent the week-énd here with her parents, Mr. and Mre. | Harry Burridge. | Next Monday evening, Dee. 17th, | through the courtesy of the Bell | Telephone Company, W. V. D. Earle, | district manager, BrocEKville, will put on a moving picture entertain- ment in Christ church parish house. There will be no admission fee and | j everybody is welcome. | John Shine spent Sunday in King- ston. Miss Nellie Kirke, Kingston, spent the week-end here with her parents. ACCEPT RESIGNATION. Of Wiliam McCammon, Market Clerk of Kingston. At a meeting of the city property committee on Monday afternoon, the resignation of William McCammon, market clerk, was regretfully cepted. Mr. McCammon resigned some time ago, but his resfgnation held over in the hope that his health would improve. Mr. McCam- mon has been market clerk and barbor master of Kingston sin¢e the 1st of October, 1890, and has rend- ered splendid service to the city. Bdward Green is acting market clerk until the first of February, London's Old Churches, The city churches--there is not such another series in the world-- are a' great spiritual influence in the daily lives and thoughts of thou- sands, notwithstanding the fact that some of them attract but sparse con- gregations on Sundays. Even for that there is a remedy. There is a deep-seated feeling that these ex- quisite fabrics--many of which dre numbered among Wren's choicest masterpieces--should be preserved as national monuments and secured definitely from any risk of destruc- tion now or in the Tuture.~--London Mail: ~~ Cr le per and Concert. The supper and concert given by the rien of Queen street Methodist rch on Monday evening was a great success. The supper was serv- ed at 6.30 o'clock and a splendid menu was provided. The concert was commenced at eight o'clock, with Judge Lavell presiding. HH honor also took part in the pro- gramme, which was given entirely by the young men of the congrega- tion. One of the special features was a reading by Capt. E. W. Skin- ner. He Looked Like Taft, In facigl appearance at least, the late Jamés C, Judd, Morton, bore a marked resemblance to Willlam Howard Taft, "former President of the United States, and it was one of the favorite anecdotes of Mr. Judd that he had been upon ong occasion approached and warmly greeted as President Taft upon an Ottawa street by an A can citizen who wis pital. ac- |. for [of bootlegger's whiskey was expen- sive. They paid $8 to the bootlegger, whife the grand total in police court fines amounted to $125. Tax on gasoline has been propos- | ed. Cheers from all the street rail- way companies in the country, "More mild weather assured this week" says the Weather Man. Cheer up, the worst is yet to come, With so many places organized for hockey, it looks as if Kingston will be left out in the cold, as it were, without a team. Many people will tell you that they dom't believe in signs. Probably that is why they want the sign re- moved from the ericket field. Now the sign has been removed there are many who are asking to have it put back again. It is cert. einly hard to please everybody. I PRODUCE MARKETS. Toronto, Dec. 10.-- Heavy steers, $6 to $7. Cattle, $56 to $5.75. Lambs, $11.50 to $12.50, Hogs, $7 to $8. Hens, 18¢ to 22c. Chickens, 14¢c to 16¢. Turkeys, 25¢ to 35c. Manitoba wheat, No. 1 northern, bay ports, $1.05 1-2. Manitoba oats: No. 2 C.W., not quoted. No. 3, 43 3-4c. No. 1 feed, 42 1-4c. Ontario wheat, nominal, 95¢ outside. Ontario oats, No. 2 white, 38¢ to 40e. Hay: No. 2 extra timothy, per ton, $186, track, Toronto. No. 2, $14.50. No. 3, $13.50. Medium, $11 to $12. Eggs: Firsts, 37¢ to 38c. Seconds, 32¢ to 33c. Extras, 42¢ to 43c. Cartons, 44¢ to 4bec. Cartons, frésh, 70¢c to Toe. Eggs delivered Toronto: Extras, 62e to 66e. Firsts, fr 45¢ to 50c. Storage, firsts, 33c to 34e. Seconds, 24e to. 26c. Splits, 28¢ to 26c. Butter to retail trade: Creamery, extra fancy, 45¢ to 46c, No. 1, 44¢ to 46c. "No. 2, 41c to 42¢c. Dairy, 37c. Dglivgred Toronto: Creamery 8 al golid, 40 1-2¢ to 41lc. No. 1, 38 1-2¢ to 89 1-2¢. No. 2, 38 1-2¢ to 39 1-2¢. Cheese: New, large, 23¢c to 28 1-2¢ New twins, 23 1-3¢ to 24c. 3c to Due to Natural Causes. The jury ielled to enquire into the surrounding the death of the late Miss Alexandrina LaBlanc, Who died in the Hotel Dieu hospital on Saturday night, found that" death was due to natural chuses, The inquest, which was held in the police court room on Monday evening, did not last more half an hour. George Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson, Brockville, was accidentally shot in the ankle on Saturday. It was a flesh wound. out | N° G MOORE'S TOYLAND MOORE'S TOYLAND A land of Dolls--a land of Toys--a land that echoes and re-echoes with shouts of childish laughter--that's MOORE'S CHRISTMAS SHOW ~--it's really Santa's pack crammed to overflowing with all the things that make little people happy. Here are a.few suggestions for some= body's stocking: -Dolls, Carriages, Sleighs, Tricycles, Games, Kindergarten ~ Sets, Dolls galore, Mechanical Toys. "Christmas Cards and Decoration." -- a ALL THAT'S NEW--THAT'S ALL . Christmas Suggestions CREPE KIMONAS in dainty styles with loose, flowing sleeves, edged with ribbons and trimmed with hand embroid- ery in colors; self girdle. Colors are Rose, Copen, Sky and Mauve. Priced $2.50 to $7.50 each. BATH .ROBES made of heavy Beacon Blankets; big as- sortment of colors; Shawl or Layer Collars; trimmed with Sa- teen, Girdles and Pockets. All sizes. Priced $5.95 to $10.50. CORDUROY KIMONAS--beautiful quality, made with Kimona sleeves, V shaped necks, self girdle, finished with pocket. ' Colors are Rose, Copen and American Beauty. All sizes. Special; each $5.50. $1.50 to $16.50. SILK UNDERWEAR, including Camisoles, Teddies, Gowns, Boudoir Caps and Bloomers at popular prices. BLOUSES in Crepes, Velvet, Dimity or Voiles. Priced SILK BLOOMERS made of fine knitted pretty shades of Orchid, Rose, Flesh, Peach, White, Navy and Black. Special $2.25. Jersey Silk, in than | SILK SCARFS--a beautiful range in all the newest shades, plaip and fancy knitted. Priced $1.50 to $4.50 each. 'Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE J MEETING OF THE G.A.U.V. An ---- H. L. Bedford Is the Newly-Elected President. (Contributed). The weekly meeting of the G.A. U.V. at 206 Princess street was ex- tremely well attended last evening. Owing to the increased attendance it has been decided to move from the present committee room into the large assembly hall as soon as con- venient. " Several mew members who have lately come to the organization ex- pressed appreciation for services re . The above points out the valuable work being carried on by the G.A. U.V. in Kingston and the progress In the recent slection of officers for the ensuing year much enthusi- President, H. L. Bedford; Ist president, L. Brosso; 2nd vice sident, D. Thompson; Maurtay; treasurer, C. Shea; tyler, REAL ESTAT $1,800--Brock Street (central), detached, roughcast. $8,100--Brock Street, detached frame, deep lot. $8,500---King Street West, detached stone. $8,900--Alfred Street, semi-brick dwelling. $5,000--Victoria Street, new brick dwelling with garage. $5,000--University Avenue, detached brick dwelling. MULLIN . Houses for rent. Fire Insurance. Money to loan. Cor, Johnson and Division Streets, Telephone 539w and 5395. | Ss ---- -------- HITS FROM THE DUMBELLS 40c., THREE FOR ONE DOLLAR, POSTPAID Winter Will Come It's Canada, the Land For Me Come Back Old Pal Down by Old Apple Treo Oh Gee, Oh Gosh, Oh Golly, I'm In Love The College Book Store 160-162 PRINUESS SU 3 * PHONE 010. {Mayor Angrove was present aticourt charged with stealing the inauguration of the new officers | valued at $256 from Robert Bond. . thal N ie. o i p" pra ! ¢ x » % 3 : He be sions, They are King vs. Albert De. ] police fowl LT nd CL Ante ing and killing two horses; the vs. Earle Walker, Gananoque, sedne- tion, and the King vs. Max Levison, Bastard were in Brockville

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