TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1923, A Bulider from Childhood to Old Age Sea DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home, W.C. CANNON 164 BARMIE STREET Phone 1130J. a. Sa ela, REALESTATE, GENERAL INSURANCE § Reliable Euglish, American: Companies represented. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phones 340-506. 56 Broek St. " THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. . See us for all kinde eof Carpentry | timates vem On w_ floors, nip nay a he floors' clean- | ed with our mew floor cleaning .ma-| ehine, * { PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjustiog. Norman H. Butcher, 27 "Pine Street. PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT 2 DENTAL SURGRON, Corner of Johnson and Wellingtun Streets Phone 363 For ¥ URNITURE, SAFES, FREIGHT, PIANOS, « CAR AGE and STORAGE OF ERY DESCRIPTIO Kingston Transfer Co. uome 377. Evenings 323231. 168 WELLINGTON MTREET. | | Pental Surgeon 7 DR. J. C. W. BROOM =D.S., D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 100 Welllagton 8¢, Evening by appointment. PHONE 670. ny WATTS | Canadian and | x= LT AES BRONCHITIS MIXTURE COUGHS - GOLDS BRONGHITIS AT ALL DRUGCGISTS we Coats a. to (order from $12 up to $25 L. WINSTON LADIES TAILOR Phone 003. 07 Wellington Street. Removal Notice DH. H. A. STEWART announces that he has 'moved his Dental Office to 84 BROCK STREET, Opposite Livingston's Clothing House that « ough before it be {lak take p ed EMULSION Dr. Vincent A. Martin! DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w, |{Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENGAL SURGEON Corner of "Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. HONE 2404J. Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. AAA AAA AAA A Airy | $$$ SAVED FOR CHRISTMAS | SHOPPING--PHONE 2166 Allow us to send for your Clothing. Have them Cleaned, Pressed and Re- paired for the holidays. National Cleaners & Dyers, Corner of Bagot and' William Streets QUEENS HOTEL THE DAILY BRI BRITISH _WHIG KINGSTON and VICINITY Uhesee Boards: , There were 224 boxes - of cheese boarded at the regular Cheese Board meeting; 17 3-8 cents was bid; no sales. . ------ His Son in Partnership. Dr. into partnership hig son, Dr. God- frey Bird, Toronto, who has been lately taking Dr. Campbell's prac- tice in Lansdowne. Sale of Boys' Overcoats, Most sensational value ever of- fered ip boys' overcoats at $10.50. The regular pric f these overcoats 'were $15, $16 and $17.50; ages from 10 to 15 years. Prevost, Brock street. Will Do Plastering. The windows in the new Queen's library building are being boarded fn so that the plasterers can gpt to work on the ceiling and walls. Once the windows are closed, the heat | will be turned on. Resigned Position, | Miss Mary Cooper has resigned | her position in the Bank of Nova | Scotia at Sharbot Lake to return to | Perth. Mps. B. C. Walroth gave a farewell party at Sharbot Lake in Bird, Gananoque, has taken | | her honor. To Pay School Grants, The council of the counties of Lennox and Addington has author- ized these school grants for 1923 to be paid: Napanee Collegiate In- stitute, $9,550.05; Newburgh High School, $4,210.85; Tamworth Con- tinuation," $2,487.99; Odessa Con- ASPIRIN | Say "Bayer" and Insist! | Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescrib- ed by physicians over twenty-three DYSPEPSIA | WAS SO BAD | Could Hardly Eat | Anything Mrs. C. Stope, Nanticoke, Ont 4 writes: -- "Some time ago I had al very serious attack of dyspepsia. and | was also troubled with gas on my stomach. I could hardly eat any- | thing, and very often had pains after | meals. I had used different medi-| cines, but they didn't seem to do me any good. At last I happened to run on the track of Burdock Blood Bit- ters, and after using it for a short time I felt a lot better. 1 continued its use until I was completely re- lieved and now I am ready to re- commend it to anyone troubled as 1 was." Burdock Blood Bitters is manu- factured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. A era ct creat tinuation, $1,401.03; Bath Continu- ation, $1,473.19; Stella Continua- tion, $1,971.13; Denbigh Continua- tion, $731.20. Hoping for Ice, The members of the Kingston curling club are anxiously waiting | press abuses the Kingston teams, as | for the cold weather so that the ice makers can commence their work. If there is going to be a late-arriving | wintery an artificial ice plant will | have to be installed, Angle Worms Come Out. The beautiful weather has made | even the angle worms enjoy the | bright sunshine. Bat it was their death. They crawled out of the earth, spread themselves over the cold cement walks and were trod- den under foot. Lansdowne Conservatives. At a meeting of the Conservatives at Lansdowne the 'following officers | were elected for the ensuing year: President, Robert Shields; vice-pre- sident, A. E. Mooney; secretary, J. Hillyard Warren; treasurer, W. G. Jobaston. Grants Remitted. The department of education has intimated to the Lanark county council that their grants have been forwarded to the treasurers of-the several school boards: Almonte, $1,425.16; Perth, $1,885.50; Carle- ton Place, $1,177.59; Smith's Falls, !and resided in New Brunswick all i his (life. | at All Hallows Barking-by-the-Towef" | during the Anniversary Celebration | WHER SPIN WIRE WHIgRpTesEst } tative who attended the game, said | that Kingston people do not want to ! pay any attention when the Toronto the men who write the articles can- { not see any farther than Toronto | teams--which did not win one cham- | | | yiouenip this Igor. Shipping Christmas Trees. Christmas trees In large quantis| ties .are being shipped from this | i ig to points in the United | Sta It was stated today that not in many years has there been such a heavy shipment of Christmas trees to the other side. It is also stated that they are being purchased at a very low figure and disposed of across the border at enormous prices. To Repair the Car. The claim for damages as a re- sult of an accident to Jack Hay- cock's car on the road near Young's Point, was laid before the Lennox and Addington county court. Mr. Haycock, in trying to pass the mail man at night ran over the edge of the road which gave away under his car and his car fell over the bank, badly damaging it. The chair- fnan of roads and bridges was au- thorized to have the car repaired /at the expense of the county, Tate John Bohan, Bath, N.B. Word was received in the eity Monday of the death at Bath, New Brunswick, of John Bohan, follow- ing an iliness of three months. The deceased was fifty-five years of age His wife predeceased him but there are surviving three daugh- ters, one son, three sisters, and two brothers, one of whom is Michae!' Bohan, proprietor of the British Am. erican Hotel, Kingston. Mr. Bohan went to Bath, N.B.,, a week ago, ac- | companied by his son, Edward, when notified -of the serious illness! of his brother there | | War Relic of Toch. The Prince of Wales took back with him from.Canada the sword of Edmund street, which he will place beside the Lamp of Remembrance of Toch., on Dec. 15th, Edmund | Street was the first officer apart from two survivors, to serve the first Talbot House. He was born of an old Loyalist family in South Ontario, and educated at Toronto and King- ston. Tll-health withdrew him from the army before the war, but he suc- ceeded in rejoining the Sherwood a v ES Red Cedar Shingles Our Edge Grain, Red Cedar Shingle? make a superior roofing. AA thousand. of them. will cover 135 seusse feet. which fa a. Square and a quarter. 2--Being quarter sawn, they will not warp nor curl, but lie flat ' and are not lable to take fire. 3--When laid with rust proof shingle nails on a well pitched roof, they will last 35 years. 4--Warm in winter, cool in summer and the price is most rea- sonable. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED ocodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. by and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER---1571. Double Your Christmas Joy Make This An Old Time the Famous Laura Secord Candies Time of good will--happiness--love, It would seem a good fairy had created the famous Old-Time Laura Secord Candies just for every Christmas occasion. For your convenience in one, two, three, four and five pound boxes, all sixty~cents the pound. 138 Princess Street Kingston Canoy SHors $1,833.50. Forresters in August, 1914, and was with them in France from the first until his death, when second in Has been takem over by M. J. BER- RIGAN, late of the Whitney Hotel, Firat class Hotel Service in assured. Good yard d stables im conmection, years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago People's Florist Shop Early. to 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Planta daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence, 1137. * | NOW is the time to fet us fill your Coal Bin and make You as happy as a lark, Do not put it off any longer, Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. L Cohen & Co. ¥67.275 ONTAIIO STRUM: PHONES 836 and 837. -- WA Godin INSURANCE First class companies repre- Your patronage is solicited. 119 BROCK ST. - « - PHONE 750. WHAT IS SUCCESS? What is suceess after ally; but the ability to travel straight te a destination, and that is to W. A. Mitchell & Co. and buy Welsh Coal for every purpose. -$16.50 per OR Tel. 67 and see if you don't « Suceeed. | $4700--=Brick, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 p. B, elec, and gas, furnace and fireplace, hardwood floors and garden. | $4800--Double frame, each has 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 p. B., elec, and ny cellar, porch and gar- Mobo_ Tc. 7 rooms, 8 bedrooms, 2 p. B,, sep. toilet, elec, R, Ang #85, hot water , ood Barden and | -- Tn terms, : Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- tains proper directions. Handy box- es of twelve tablets cost few cents, Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (reg- istered in Canada) of Bayer Manu- facture of Monoaceticacidester of Balicylicacid. . While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufac- ture, to assist the public against imi- tations, the Tablets of Bayer Com- pany will be stamped with their gen- eral trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." ------ Only eleven shopping days Christmas, but the merchants are prepared for the busy shopping sea- son. A glance at the gaily decorat- ed store windows will convince the most fastidious that their least and greatest needs can be supplied. Their Sixtieth Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Robeson, Athens, quietly celebrated the six-| tieth anniversary of their marriage. | Mr. Robeson is in his eighty-first year, and Mrs. Robeson was seventy- eight upon her last birthday. For | several years Mr. Robeson was in| CHRISTMAS GIFTS BUY A WATCH OR CLOCK FOR CHRISTMAS. Watches and Clocks Repaired. HEMSLEY & SON 109 BROCK STREET A SAFE AND SURE FOR CHILOREN charge of the stage line between Newboro and Kingston. A Winter Canoe Trip. D. 0. Hepburn and A. Taylor, final year science students at Queen's ; University, paddled in a canoe to Snake Island on Sunday, Dee. 9th, a record trip for the season of this year. They took some photographs on the island and returned none the worse for their experience. hs ss at Fell and Broke His Hip. The friends of Francis Lawrence, | Tweed, regret to hear of the unfor- tunate accident which befell him on Monday last when he slipped on the floor in his home and broke his hip. Mr. Lawrence is ninety-three year of age. He is progressing fa- vorably. POW | 1 ne oowrame NanooTioe. DoT Sita eve Absent-Minded Oitizens. There 'are a number of absent minded citizens when it comes to | looking after umbrellas. Postmast- er Stewart is fooking for the owners of a couple of umbrellas left in the _| post office lobby. , Nearly every day various articles are picked up in the lobby. Five Per Cent. Bonus. Staffs of the various branches of the Bank of Commerce throughout the dominion will receive a hand- some "Christmas Box" this year, as it has been decided to pay a five per cent. bonus, better business dur- ing the past year making this pos- sible. The bonus will be paid well before Yuletide. Presentation to Warden, Warden Nichols, at the last meet- ing of the Lanark county council was asked to vacate the chair in favor {of Mf. R. N. McCreary. Wjth Mr. | MeCreary in the chair an address was H read to Warden Nichols by J. Rintoul and a gold headed cane was presented by J. T. Somerville. { digestion for a comraand on the Somme in 1916. Edmund Street's sword will rest henceforth near the Lamp. Re a * | INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly! "Pape's Diapepsin® Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest syne monrent you eat a tablet 0 "Pape"s Diapepsin'" your indigestton | is gone. No more distress from a sour, acid, upset stomach. No flatu- lence, heartburn, palpitation, or| misery-making gases. Correct your few cents. Each package guaranteed by druggist to overcome stomach trouble. A Dry Mixed Slab Wood Best qu.lity Summer fuel. Also Dry Body Hard Maple; cut to suit your stove, --eaxompt attention given to all Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Good meals served to your liking. EVENING PARTIES given, first class attention. "THE VICTORIA CAFE 854 King Street. Sing Lee and Gan Lee, Props. 'Telephone 708. ALASKA SEAL HUDSON SEAL . PERSIAN LAMB GOURDIER'S Phone 700 ~------ What would, look more beautiful on her Boudoir Table than a pretty Piece Toilet Set, T, Brush and Comb in sterling - Silver with engraved ap" engine turned designs, ERA GOOD VALUES AT 725-*28-°30 $32 and *35 The season's latest models for Men and AAT TILIA A. 7 TI HDA