Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1923, p. 8

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¥ vat ¢ . : . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC » NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS Phail, King street, while in town box. These preity trifles make ideal foe she Brgdens Ohriatiaw Moves Chriotmas sift ! POOR RIBIND | { SRD " wo i oe po - . ment conference. -- » va Quali guaranteed beca Lipton' L I FE'S SO c I A L Si D E a oe Hunter Ogilvie, Welling- That the V.O.N, Jhully sive il HOROSCOPE | EY . 8 w f blond it i k a, . ton street, who is in Toronto today Christmas tea to -- for Mrs. Cockshutt's luncheon at! mothers who bring their babies to Government Hquse, will return tothe clinic at the Welfare Station. | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12. g town on Wednesday This might well appeal to the people | A generally propitious forecast i | few days for his home in Los An-| Miss Ramsbottom, Trinity College, | who would like to make Christmas|, 1. peced on this day's plin- The commandant, staff and gentie-| geles, California. Toronto, spent the week-end with happler for others, as a way to reach | oiary operations. AH ocommercias men cadets of the Royal Military| Ariss Joyce Cowie, Montreal, will | Mrs. J. F. Rowland, University ave-| those who may not have much Christ- | 41 q professional activities should | College of Canada have sent out in-| be among the Montreal guests at- | nue mas cheer unless it comes from their { gop yon nder the encouraging lunar + ¥itations for a ball on Friday, Dec.| tending the Christmas ball at the| Miss Marion Laird, Toronto Medi- | more fortunate fellow citizens. The | 4 oo) figures. There is an aug. 21st, Royal Military College. cal College, spent the week-end at| Victorlan Order has many calls on| 0" change or journey of ad- «- v= | (Rev. R. M. Hamilton, the guest oFkthe "Avonmore." | its rather slender funds at this sea- vantage, and those in the employ- 38¢c. 1b. { ve ss ® | son of the year, and a donation to- ment of others are justified in ex- Best for "The Misses Folger, "Edgewater," | Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Horne, Albert hei - in ; c : ; entertained the junior Monday | Street, for the week-end, returned Miss Buffam, Toronto University, | 27d their tea would not co ©) pecting recognition or advance the table 75 . b. x a fs ment if qualified for such good for. 6 i Editor of Women's Page, Teles | six months among his old friends in 5 phone 248. Private 'phone B5Tw. the city and country, is leaving in a y. # - * » Bridge Club this week | to his home in Brockviliegon Monday was a week-end guest in Kingston. ----- ! pie 'w { a. a.» Miss Daisy Carre, who has been | Another Christmas suggestion | LANe: It will be wall to give especial Thomas J. Lipton « Tea Planter - Ceylon Miss Harriet Gardiner, "The Miss Helen Nicol, Toronto, gen-|'h® guest of Mr. and Mrs, Ceell Be-| 0 tom New York. "Boudoir fu , Chestnuts," is today's hostess of the eral secretary of the Students' Chris. thuge, Ottawa, for a week, has re-| 'oo oo 0l'on pe ain test of pastel 'Tuesday Bridge Club. tian Movement spent the week-end turned to her home In Belleville. |g ,500 400 now the height of fashion. «. s » ging ' : : Miss Griffiths, Western College. | my 0 200 glorified pin-cushions in | Mrs. J. E. Kane, 201 Brock street, Miss Kathleen Dawson, MeGil| london, Ont. spent the week-end ... ius circles of palest blue, will'receive on Thursday and after- College Montreal: spent hs Pek with Miss Kathleen Dolan, Broek |..." iw ana vellow silk, and ! 'wards on the first Thursday of the and with Mrs. H. A. Wilton, Arch | street: ; others which are merely big rose- signing of papers and In _Buarding month during the winter, : Dr. and Mrs. James Cappon and |, .. surrounded by a swirl of | 28ainet fraud or treachery. Those BECAUSE: ' . . . It's raised with Fleisch- Edward Crumley, who has spent | Mies Alice Macnee, are enjoying the " in the employment of others should mann's Yeast. The lovely climate of Sicily where they gauze push for advancement if undeniably chell, William street. for the Christ. | Are Spending the winter. { deserving. A child born on this wonder food eaten by millions of health seek- B alor-General Si hibald Mac- | ¢ be ambitious and clever and WE MAKE HATS mas dance at the Royal Military Col- Major-General Sir Archibald Mac- | gay wil be a ers. WE TRIM HATS lege donell has returned from Toronto | will be generally successful. It will MACKEY'S BREAD WE SELL HATS. | Miss Nan Lewis, Toronto, will be | Where he spent the week-end the $ v ; § succeed in the employment of oth- | Phone 834. attention to the signing of all writ- ings. or contracts, and also to give heed to the possibility of duplicity. Those whose birthday it is may \ look for an active and flourishing Gini iid MacKEYS BETTER BREAD 1 | : | i street A 4 Miss Rosalie Britton, Montreal, will be the guest of Mrs. W. A. Mit- tic a : s g . 5 ally here origin- | . an guest of his cousin, General Mac-| ers, especially in lines w | among the out-of-town girls at the al thought and ideas are appreciat- * x 2a aD Rx 3 Parisian Shop || cirietmas dance. donell. Dundas street. A # 822 BROCK STREET { Miss Buhlig, Y.W.C.A., left today son Power. who was With y | for New York and wlll go on +o Mzs. Joseph Power. who Was : % : ------------------er------ y 8 3. P. Denison, | her home in Chicago for the holiday her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Denison Fig Favorites. 0 9 a "Densmere House," has returned tc | i LER EN = GALLAGHER season. ee New York. 3 4 ; 1 cupful sugar, 4 cupful water, . 4 G: f Tartar, L TAXI Miss Eaton, Macdanald College, AD ie lenepomnta cream 9 x ; Guelph, Miss Roberts, National - 13 , SERVICE ae ori, Nationa . Boil the sugar and water together : | 58 Ir g 00', Toronto, The Editor hears TE without stirring until it is light DAY AND NIGHT were the guasts of Mrs. Donald: Mac- Ovown In color: Then 'stir' in the y the Local C il of Wome 3 : i] cream of tartar just before renor- 8 na gy Xx & : ing from the fire. Have the figs wash- B w B® Mo = B ENRNRRNRRREEng] took no action whatever in the mat- ook no ) € ed and cut in pieces. Lay them on a ter of the much-talked-of sign on the a ; X . MAKE THIS AN cricket field. : \ 3 4 y buttered pan and pour candy over | 7" f them. Cut in squares. ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS That the cadets who brought the | f J : : "+. Biwerd Ketcheous will: be. ths second. Domi ¢ cha n- 3 second Dominion rugby champio RE | ..coccor of Belleville to succeed J. ra ak Z ) hip to Kingston received a great So ; 0 See that this year's gifts are the kind that will give » 3 r - -- Co. -~ A. Kerr, who resigned. w : ° a ; . ovation on their return from To- MRS. WINTRINGHAM . ' life-long happiness. Here are a few suggestions: Tonto. ThE Kingston. colleges have Who was elected to the British Com. | sermon wn ~~ FOR THE FAMILY--A RADIO SET would be most mons on the death of her husband, has Ask Your Druggist ra covered themselves with glory and| een returned in the recent election. appropriate. It will give them 'years of entertainment. even the friendly rivalry that exists | She was one of three women in the . IW WW sm is : . & od British House, all returned Each of . 1 FOR THE WOMEN FOLK---Curling Irons, Boudoir between Queen's and R.M.C. is sil- | the three replied thor hyaeh of ® ® rons, Boudoir Lamps, Table and Piano Lamps. enced by the storm of applause they | Lady Astor hen her husband was or 1 alive . elevated to the House of Lords, and Come in and see the above at both receive from the citizens. Mrs. Hilton Philipson when her hus- Imrie S | band was disqualified. Five new wo- Is Best for Grippe and All Cold men have been elected members. Troubles. Th H Ww N » That there is a fad to-day for| ; rather small taffeta wrist-bags to be | ---- e i. W. Newman Electri lo! sulial apons Comm Misi : 5h ; i C carried to the opera. These perish | Mrs. Willle Hebert, of Gulager can be satisfactorily filled from 167 PRINCESS STREET - PHONE 441 ably dainty things in faint rose, lav- Ottawa, Dec. 11.--There is a Na-| Shediac, New Brunswick, says: "I { have used Vicks VapoRub for a cold KINGSTON'S PIONEER RADIO SUPPLY HOUSE ender, and pearly white, are just|tion-wide representatign, of dele- rod 3 large enough to hold fan, opera Bates at the annual meeiing of the (and obtained great results. My child our large stock of useful articles. rape 4 le ie 3 # : ; e glasses, handkerchiefs and powder [Canadian Social Hygiene council go 1 went to my druggist and pur- which convened at Ottawa on Dec. Li f ipti chased full-size jar, and rubbed 1mnens or ever - 10th and 11th, under its national thelr ell good and they are all y description, Hos president, Hon, Justice Riddell, well now. 1 cannot recommend . . Fifty-two local councis are affil. | Vicks io highly and will never go iery, Gloves, Umbrellas, Eider- fated with the national body. The | Without it in my home." speakers of Internationall reputation |, Vicks VepoRub comes in = salve downs, Scarfs, Underwear, Ties, were Dr. Lee K. Frankel, vice-pres- apply it over throat and chest and X ident of the Metropolitan Life In-|cover with a warm flannel cloth. The | Shirts, fancy Aprons. surance company of New York, and | body heat releases vapors that are Dr. W. JF. Snow, general secretary | inhaled all night long into the thous of the American Social Hygiene [2nd lungs -- Menthol; Camphor, . : . y Thyme, Eucalyptus and Turpentine. The bi est variet of la Counelil, Vicks is also absorbed through and gg y P m and Other outstanding ' portions of stimulates the skin, aiding the vapors : . the comprehensive programme In. [to relieve congestion. Usually colds fancy Linen Handkerchiefs ever cluded (discussions by Professor J. |go in one night and croup is com- . . A. Dale of Toronto on "How Our | monly relieved in 16 minutes. shown in the city. Universities Can Teach Social! Hy. |, AL all drug stores, 6c. a jor. por PR . a h c giene"'; Dr. Bruce MacDonald of Chemical Co., 344 St. Paul St, W., St. Andrew's college on "Play in the Montreal, P. Q. ° Life of the Child"; Dr. George Ross Though Vicks is new in Canada it and Dr. A. K. Haywood of Mont- | has a remarkable sale in the States. "® ® on ® real spoke on "Marriage in Its Re- | Over 17 million jars used yearly. {iation to Social Hygiene"; Dr. J. r= Phone 191. The Waldron Store. Heurner Mullin of Hamilton, lately president of the Ontario Medica! | Miss Allen's Aisociation, presented facts and fig ures of "Venereai Disease Mortal ity"; Dr. Gerald H. Pearson, of Ot- TESTED lawa, dealt with "Women's and FOR Children's Clinics"; Tom Moore, on RECIPES : "Labor and Social Hygiene; ur. CHRISTMAS J. J. Heagherty of Ottawa on "How to Talk to the Boy"; and William No. 3 y Harrison of the Canadian National «LI: o' Newspapers' as ociation. with the His Wife 5 "Relation of Popular Reading to Sex Morality." In addition there was symposium on "The Church and Social Hy- giene," contributed by three out. standing clerics in the Catholic, Pro- testant and Jewish faiths, while Juvenile Delinquency, were given thorough dissection by several Juvenile court judges and officia's from various parts of the Dominion. Look Close at Home, Christmas time makes a splendid excuse for dofog things that would not be poesible at any other time, It gives us an excuse for acts of kindness that would be taken as an impertinence, perhaps, at any other season. It gives us the entry into homes that all the year are closed books to us. There are tragedies going on be- ? . : hind thoss closed doors in many : The Playing of Great Pianists farm communities. May we suggest ; ON THE to Women's Institutes, everywhere, that they use the open sesame of this Christmastide to gety bekind those & . closed doors. It is easier to hold ¢ . . ' some deserving cause, than to let We invite you and.recommend you to inspect $his wonder- in the Hight on a domestic trouble in , ful instru well as to learn how easy it is to possess our midst, But it is the last that " instrament: 38 . oh pa" calls most loudly to us at this sea- son. Let every Institute member, no matter bow difficult the task, call OR every ounce of womanly tact she pussesses and bring some echo of the Ls CE] in, Eik TH HH] a a a Le ET A aN 5 hts rg : TS PT YY RTT ' 8. F.Newton united Clarence Root, | aN ¥ Bervard Lescy & Co., Pembroke, The sur: of $198,642.35 - Rockport, and Miss Nellie Kelly, { AR iad a severs fire on their premises | your expended on county : 3 ' on Dec. 7th; the second in five years, | vinelal county rods and Cul Fa Wal] y

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