Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Dec 1923, p. 2

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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1923 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ; up to 1895, when it, too, entered |§ ------r : MASONIC TEMPLE the Golden Lion Block. {| Within the. past three years iwo DEDICATION CEREMONY new lodges have been formed in { Kingston, The Queen Lodge, and | | The Royal Edward. Both are grow- | ac simends filina sr grest mead; NesEnesl Building One of Finest in Can=| ,,, i1ree older lodges were increas- | ada--Past Quarters of [ ing in numbers and becoming too | | large. No lodge, it is held, should | pe : Kingston Masonry. : | : | contain a membership of more than | er our ur at | 'A new epoch In the history ot| 25 in order to function properly. | & ) i ¥ { : | Masonry ih Kingston is marked by | Masonry in Canada. the dedication of a temple with ap-| mye history of Masonry in Canada | propriate ceremonies . Wednesday | hogan when a number of military | evening which will be conducted by | lodges came into the country with! ow dil dVe |the Most Worshipful Bro. W. J.|the British and colonial forces fol- k | Drope, the grand master of the lowing the conquest in 1759. In Grand Lodge of Canada in the Pro- Nova Scotia, however, a lodge was i ; Grand | formed at Annapolis Royal in 1737 j¥iuce of Ontario, aegisted By gd { under the jurisdiction of the Henry Lodge officers, and M. W. Bro. W. N.| 54.4 provincial Grand Lodge, Bos- i JPonton, PLN : " ton, Massachusetts. A civil and mili- ; ; The ne the Kingston | tapy " 0 | w home of the Kingston tary lodge was formed at Halifax fo \ Santa Claus, whose headquarters has of a. | Masons is one of the finest Gothic | under Governor Cornwallis, and in- 3 structures in Canada. The build-| stituted July 19th, 1750, with the is always been at MOORE'S TOYLAND, has ing was ersgted by the First Con-| governor as the worshipful master. ; \ i kindly consented to attend the matinee at e_0 | gregational church people and after | It was under warrant of the Pro- { RE : | tion fu aX } being purchased last spring, the in-| vincial Grand Lodge at Annapolis , ME: TA the Strand Theatre on Saturday afternoon, terior was modofied to suit the re-| Royal. TIPS! 3 y ! D | quirements of lodges. The ou From that time on, Masonry \ YX / 8 3 x . 15th, and will have a present for ; Abad every child who attends. g auditorium --has = been beautifully | spread with British occupation and furnished and lighted for regular lodges came into existence under the lodge purposes, while the hall ad-| jurisdiction of the Grand Lodges of EE | a NY oR Hore sic 4 Tew yuggestions for oMmem | s0¢ 8 a] ec n o establish pro- ' . On and after January 1 st, = { The committee in charge of the | vineial Grand Lodges, the Grand | \ Td body's stocking: - Dolls, Carriages, Sleighs, , vf ' A Tricycles, Games, Kindergarten Sets, . 3 | work is being congratulated on | Lodge of Canada, with jurisdiction you will have to pay an addi- | every hand, and the Masons of | in Ontario being formed in October, } M Dolls galore, Mechanical Toys. 5 ] > Kinston generally appreciate their | 1855. The title was changed in Gi % rks : tiona tax of 6% on an 1 iB good fortune in acquiring a perma-; 1886 to The Grand Lodge of Canada | \ " " o / a ything | nent home and one that may, in-|in the Province of Ontario. . Christm Cards and Decoration. deed, excite the envy of the craft you may buy. $6.00 on every lay | $100 i For the past twenty-eight yeafs Clny's DOG POPULATION » i ' | the Masonic lodges of Kingston oc- 4 : cupied rented rooms in the Golden = Block, but the steady increase | Js Reported to Be Increasing | | | in membership and the formation of i additional lodges made the gques- Dog Catcher Is Again tion of a mew hall a matter of | Needed. supreme importance. Previous to If you are contemplating buying a Fur I. Coat you can save this by ordering during { December. 1895 the lodges passed through ex- Kingston's dog population con- T ? - periences that were unique in the | tinues to increase. According to the ® ® light of the advancement obsérved | statement of Assessment Commis- Ch . 3 . everywhere, Th writer is indebted | stoner Edwin Mooers there were 763 ¥ 1S mas u eS ons : On all model Coats m stock we are g1v- to Brother G. W. H. Comer, for} canines assessed in the city for the § ing special reductions to clear this month many years secretary of The Ancient | past year. Of that number 649 were ¥ . val < . St. John's Lodge No. 3, and one of | dogs and 144 bitches. This is eleven 6 00 1 A BLE CLOTHS FOR We invite you to call and see our wonderful the first formed in Canada, for the | more canines that were assessed in . . : . fv J following facts. 1922. values in Fur Coats of Persian Lamb, Pluck- sn-- It is stated that this is by no means 12 only, pure Linen Table Cloths--size 2x2 yds -- three ed Beaver, Hudson Seal, Raccoon, Musk- Early Meeting Places. | {20 gushes of dog that ate ib Kins: retty patterns. Price $3.95 each rat French Seal Marmot F Ch k The Ancient St. John's Lodge LOT hy a Well ruown fact that P YP . lateiersiniein vin o ea ; - 4 es whe 5 i : : S 1 M F C yu Dire, ag iy il Lia and the meet: | Ming bis a ol AR 6 only, fine, heavy Damask Cloths--size 2x2} yds. mn g for the purpose of o : » are . . toles, Men's Fur Coats, Caps, Gauntlets, was held 94 Aug. 7th, the Free Ma | A0Y 408s In the house, the answer Is Rose and Tulip designs--regular $6.00 Cloths for ..... $3.95 Robes. sees tavern, 4 building that stood Ne. . Atdbe gig Yme people may | \ Tr . A at the corner of King and Barrack y Pile bu ey are a sont FANCY TURKISH TOWELS streets. The lodge continued to | [rom the house at the time. Last fall the ei i cided | ® . . . . wie tty Sounei} devided New arrivals in fancy 'Jacquard Turkish Towels with col- meet there for some years and when that there were too many dogs run- it changed, the meetings took place | in John Darley's house, a residence | Ning Wild about the city, and no per- ored borders; very new and pretty -- colors are Rose, Blue, on Rideau street, still standing and | 800 paying tax for them, so it was . known as the Bajus residence. Other decided to engage a dog catcher. As Gold and Mauve Priced EER 75¢., $1.00 and $1.25 each places of meeting were: Bayman's | result of this man making a tour : 1 in 1814, a building that stood | of the city for a period of one month ho In : about one hundred and fifty animals EMBROIDERED P ILLOW CASES, 85c¢. where Livingston's store is on Brock street; McArthur's house that stood | Were caught. 3 3 : o A on the kouth side of Princess street| When people realized that they 3 very pretty designs in fancy Irish Embroidered Pillow where Redden's store is. This was | had to pay the dog tax and have tags i : re . in 1825 and for several years fol-|on their dogs, they visited the city Cases beautiful quality size 42 ns. Each * sinineie e 85¢c. lowing, In 1833 at Olcott's tavern | hall and paid the money, with the hich stood th site of the | result that the city treasurer bene- a ol Brinson aty CRIB BLANKETS, $1.50 ISL Windsor hotel, Princess street. In| fitted to the extent of about $300. 1845, Patrick's house was used. It At the present time, there are a . ». . : ANDROLL was later od as The King's Arms | large number of stray dogs wander- Teddy Bear and Bynny designs, in fancy stitched Crib BUTTER tavern, a building that occupied | ing the streets and the city council Blankets for baby--two sizes 30x40 inches, $1.50 each. the site of Waldron's store. Two | would De well advised to engage a 36 50 . h $2 00 years later the lodge moved back to | dog cateher for a month or so and xX mcnes, . . Artiving dally, extra fine-- Princess street to the Frontenac Ina | clean up the wanderers. » 6, 8 Ib. rolls. Per 1b. 87c. that was just opposite Olcott's tav- In other cities the police depart- SILK QUILTS, $2.00 UP CHRISTMAS FRUITS ern. This building stood where | ment is in charge of the issuing of . . . . Finest quality, lowest prices. Montreal street runs : Hhyrough 5 the 40g tage, If a citizen wants to Silk Baby Quilts in pretty plain shades and embroidered. Beedl Brock street. A big fire later eep a dog, he must appear at the : : 3 . : Pay | Cr ge Haina, id stroyed several buildings in the | police department, pay the tax and Colors White, Pink and Blue. Priced $2.00 to $3.95 each. Figs, Table Te. Dates, block. Walker's old hotel that|receive a tag which permits the . ' stood just where the council cham- | owner to have the animal. WN 1,000 lbs. fancy Seedless Rai- ber is on Brock street was a favor- % EIDERDO : COMFORTERS McLintock's famoy$ Eiderdown Comforters with pretty sins, extra fine ..8 lbs. 40c. ite meeting place until after Mr. eaned Curran . Walker built. the New Walker's ho- . . Cleaned Currants, per Ib, '17c. { Rotary Club Activities. i Satin and Sateen covers: Priced ......$12.50 to $27.50 each 1 tel, now known as the British Ame- on and Orange Peel, 1b. 40c rican, in 1807 when the lodge left i Shelled Walnuts, 1b, the old hotel and met for many : At the ; 4 - omg In and look around. | years in the new one. Jacob Rel-| py 00 Ro a 3 ter's hotel that stood on the MAF | 41s Britien American hotel on Fri- Snowflak: orte: > Sh hing, Ib. 18c. ket square just opposite Wadding- day at 12.30 (noon). the Ker MAHOOD Il ton's butcher shop was another |... ,. gq ) Hi 9 meeting place. Another building be Jowres Augen Arlasv ons, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ! en ED utilized was that at the corner "of | \orane" children. His subject will \ Wellington and Brock streets now be-"Some Humor of Inimigration.™ CASH AND CARRY occupied by Lawson, the florist. The - rooms were on the second floor. . . ~---- [ERE Richard Town, a contractor, 4 . TO planned to give the Masons a per- : . » ; manent home when he erected the, "THE HAT STORE" List Your Property with Us, and Get Results building on King street just below . | the Whig office. He had the letters 81 U Your cut in stone "Town's Masonic Hall" 850---Upper Street, frame dwelling, 6 rooms. which he proposed to place under dS d This raised strong op- J $2,000--Brock Street, frame dwelling, 5 rooms. the cornice. $2,500---Victoria Street, double frame dwelling. ' position among the brethren, but ; z $2,600--York Street, frame dwelling, deep lot. Mr. Town put them over the back While Furs are our biggest business at the Christmas season, $4,500--William Street, semi-detached stome dwelling, iw good entrance in the lane, and only the our Hat Departments for Men, Ladies and Children are attractive ¥ words 'Masonic Hall" appeared in now for the buyers of useful gifts. the front and they may be still seen ' there today. Cataraqui and St. Half Price Sale of Ladies' Hats $4.500--York Strost, detached brick dwelling, right of way and good John's lodges moved into Town's MULLIN hi 5 ¥ als A Give Something He Will Appreciate. Give | hall and remained there until 1895 » Our Millinery Department is filled with at- Houses for rent. Five I : & : hin Te vas Tound thal the rou tractive Ladies' and Children's Hats. Every } Cor. Johnson snd Division Streets. Telephone 639w and 5384. ] : , HABERDASHERY were too small and they moved to ; ' x | Dr hnandead hey ; the Golden Lion Block. . i Her Ladies' Hat is at a bargain price, some of them ee ---- OUR NEW STOCK IS MOST COMPLETE J pod : £88, half price and even less--none over $8.75, and % 3 Sy ea el | | hotness Quueted. a.) 'the showing includes the very newest creations B - ; , i Cataraqui No. 92 was in- © in atin and metal effects. : HH HITS FROM THE DUMBELLS an 40c., THREE FOR ONE DOLLAR, POSTPAID stituted on Jan. 30th, 1858, and the -- : " | meeting place was in a hall over Tm . 1 . Ep , tallor shop. In "1868 # MEN'S HATS, CAPS and GLOVES Lil Old Granny Mine © Winter Will Come Mr. Comer was initiated there. The useful - "him" 2 = Road to Anywhere It's Canada, the Land For Joage cominued to Test hate until _ -- we : : i; Give Me a Cosy Corner Come Back Old Pal Me Town as | it joined a x Shuffling Along Down Apple The Anelent St. John's and Minden ; B #2 Oh Gee, Oh Gosh, Oh peal one Tree in the Golden Lion-Block. A Wonderful Achievement. the record year of its active ex. ; or Ban Wg 3 ; : Ottawa, Dec. 12.--The late Lord | istence and continued with it for PPO x ; ; po IE SEA A BAR A DARGIS goby Hg » 24 : : RR Sy SE Op SOR TI RET re MEL : DIDNC R1 wis perpetrated in he BE a LI : NB a Stemtest record (nu point of actus | When he joined the company fn seen | Seberement o sey "men In ae] 06710 PUTVSRS den lp mn lation world. This was pos i LARA. & be jomed the world's | ed 14,821 wiles in Casada and cou transportation system, the ( trolled 5,102 miles in the | 3 FES SB NRERE DN ERR TR ---- - THEE

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