Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Dec 1923, p. 13

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1928. "THE DA 1 LY BRITISH WHIG : : ite : sora Se yy pa --_-- ------ WEEKLY POULTRY LESSON | i 4p 1 Under the Authoritative Direction of : CHRISTMAS pop ERS g Dominion Poultry Husbandmen \ 5 HE A 11 ¥ IC wi Specialized Information fl i SE---- ee oy 0 « SUGGESTIONS Contributed by G. W. Miller 'N AVY CUT Get His Git fr Author of Coldbelt Poultry Course. Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act. | Crate Feeding Poultry For Market. | very satisfactory feeding crate may The Christmas demand, for table | be easily made of 2-<inch by 2-inch | poultry is now on, and a large sup- | lumber for a frame, 2-inch poultry | ply of birds are ' coming forward. | netting for the top, back and ends, | The prices obtained by . producers | and lath for front and bottom. Al varies greatly, sometimes differing{ crate for fifteen birds should be 54 4 is Man's Store It's logical to assume that the man who buys his wearing apparel here the year round will be pleased to receive his holiday i gifts from this Man's Store. He knows that Quality and Value and everything good in merchandise are to be found in our most generous stock. MEN'S SILK MUFFLERS AND SCARFS A gift that will be thoroughly appreci- ated by anyone. Pric- ed from $1.95 to $4.00 MEN'S SILK SHIRTS In Plain White, Pon- gee and fancy stripes. Priced from $4.00 up MEN'S FINE SHIRTS in Madras, Soisette, Percales and Zephyr materials. Every Shirt No. | grade. Priced at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00 PYJAMAS FOR MEN nd or White Enghih'Soisette, at $2.50 a Suit English Flannelette Pyjamas at $1.79 and $2.50 Suit A useful gift for any man these days. In oS MEN'S BATH ROBES . A wonderful variety of patterns-- always an appreciated gift. $7.00 to $11.50 MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS Black or Tan $2.50 Romeo Slippers He expects them. He needs them, Don't disap- point him this Christmas, We have an exten- sive range of beauti- ful Ties to select from. Priced at 50c. to $1.50 Every Tie in a gift box. Arm Bands, Garters and Combination Sets in fancy holiday box- es. Priced from 35c¢. to $1.00 HANDKERCHIEFS For All Men's from 15c¢. ea. Ladies' from 10c. ea. Children's . . . 5c. ea. Plenty of Boxed Handkerchiefs to choose from in our gift department. EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF Suits and Overcoats . at $19.95 Shop Early and Avoid Being Disappointed Louis Abramson Phone 1454w. | | | | | monly used for | Fed In the right. way, 360 pounds of | Bis he © "The 06-8 10 KING 8 SPLENDID DISPLAY |= | as much as 35¢. a pound on the same | market. This is due langely to the condition in which the birds are marketed. In the majority of cases quality is controllable by the farm- ! er, or producer. The quality of market poultry can be much improved by proper feed- ing for a few days before marketing. A hundred pounds of poultry selis | for more than a hundred pounds of any other kind of live stock coin. meat production, the right kind of mash feed, moist- { ened with buttermilk or skimmilk, will increase the weight of the aver- | age run of farm poultry. by 100 pounds. Thus, for an expenditure of | $7.00 to $10.00 for feed at least | $30.00 worth of additional meat Is provided for sale. Moreover; the | quality of the flesh is so improved | that 'an additional 10c per pound lds easily obtained. Say, the original | weight of the birds is 400 pounds, the final result would be something | like this: | 400 pounds of unfinished ¥ chickens at 20c.. .... ..$80.00 Cost of extra feed to pro- perly ' finish and add 100 6500 pounds chiclen at 30c¢ ....$680.00 Net profit. . .. Prime Poultry a Delicacy. Prime milk fed broilers and roast- | ers are a rare delicacy. There is a | constantly growing demand for this | quality of table poultry, and the con- | sumer is willing to pay for it. It | 8 the most profitable kind of poul- try the producer raises. Young growing stock uses its feed for both growing and fattening, and so will make greater gains per pound of feed given th fully matured stock. The highest percentage gains can be secured with young stook weighing 13% to 214 pounds each, although birds weighing from 2% to 43% pounds ¢éan aleo be fattened very profitably. Vigor and vitality of feeding | sfock is as important in poultry | teading as in other live stock feed- ing. Birds that have been out al summer on farm range will make very rapid gains. An observation of the relative gains of two birds in a crate, one of the weak, crow-head- ed type, and another of the strong,' bold and vigorous type will con- vince anyone that the matter of vig- or is of great importance for profit- i able feeding. How To Make a Fatteming Crate, The best method of finishing, or fattening, is by the use of crates. A AAR AA A AA AA inches long, 24 inches deep and 18 inches high divided into three pens. The lath or the bottom should be placed about 1% inches apart, . &o that the droppings will fall through. The lath in front should be two inch- es apart, so the birds can eal the be V-shaped, and placed six inches above the floor on the outside. This trough should be removed except when the binds are actually feeding. Good Finishing Rations. The ration for fattening should consist altogether of mash feed moistened to the consistency of gruel with buttermilk or sour skim- be made as follows: 60. per cent. finely ground corn- meal. 40 per cent. low grade flour. Another good ration, but will giwe | a somewhat whiter appearance to the flesh is made of: 40 per cent, finely ground corn. meal. 40 per cent. ground oats. 20 per cent. middlings. Care should be taken not to over- | pdod the first two days. After that give the birds all they will eat up in 20 to 30 minutes twice a day, as nearly 12 hours apart as possible. From ten to fifteen days is as long a feeding peniod as Is necessary. oatmeal or sifted Questions on this Week's Lesson. 1. What factor controls the price obtainable for market poultry 2. Why may feed be mome pro- fitably used with young stock than with mature binds? 3. Describe how to make a fat- tening crate for fifteen birds. 4. Why should a producer finish, or fatten his birds for market? Answers to last Week's Questions. 1. Females for the breeding pea should be chosen by selection con- tinued for some weeks. This may be commenced just after the birds have been placed in winter quarters, and should be continued until about a month before eggs for hatching are required. ¢ + 2. A bird thet is not & good lay- er should never be selected as a Sreeder, neither Ahould one that is deficient in racial characters. Both these factors are essential in a 'breeder. chosen for the breeding pen by sel- action, after slose o™servation over a eons' derafile period. 4. Charactess other than feosndity roweired in a broader are type, size of body, ability to assimiiews large amounts «of feed, good abdominal taparity and good haalth. RADIO od | One of the easiest ways to start an argument among radio enthus- fasts is to broach the subject of aerials. There is no and to the different opinions held by radio amateurs as to which type of aerial will give the best results. Some like the inverted "L," others favor the "T," while there are thou- sands who pin their faith to the singl® wire, multiple wire, indoor loop or some aerial of there own de- sign. For every type can be found strenuous advocates who are quite prepared to become almost oratorical in defence of their pet faney. Even radio engineers are not unanimous in favoring any particu- lar design, but . generally speaking their experience leads them to be- lieve that almost any tvpe of out- door, grounded aerial will give bet- ter results for less expenditure than an indoor loop. The indoor loop, while it has many backers among amateurs, has one de- . fect, according to authorities on the A ie A Constant Headaches It is hard to struggle along with a head that aches and pains all the time, and in nine cases out of ten the persistent headaches are due to some derangement of the stomach, liver or wi Undoubtedly the cause must be re- moved before permanent relief may Burdock Blood Bitters removes the 7 subject. That defect is the fact that the amount of energy picked out of in the case of an 'outdoor, grounded aerial, edly true that to get the best results from the use of an indoor loop much more elaborate and expensive receiv- ing apparatus is essential. With an indoor loop additional amplification enthusiast knows, means that the 'operation of a receiving set is more costly, and complicated. With radio manufacturers bending every effort to make receiving ap- paratus more simple to-"Operate, it does not seem likely that the indoor adherents among the ' trained men who make the Study of radio their life work. The only possible advantage of an indoor loop is the fact that its use does away with wires outside build- ings, according to radio emgineers, This is a feature that wonld undoubt- edly appeal to department dwellers. However, it is pointéd out same result can be achieved by the use of special plugs which screw into the light socket dnd make the glectric light circuit an aerial. These plugs may be used without-having to purchase equipment of & costly or complicated nature, they state. TO STOP MARRIAGE OF UNFIT PERSONS Ottawa, Dec. 13,--The institution of an international committee to inveetigate whet national precau- be necessary to ensure of all those intending ras advocated by the Can- adian Social Hygiene Council, In mash from the trough, which should | milk. A very satisfactory ration may | 3. Unirapped femsles should be | the air is very considerably less than | Because of this fact it is undoubt-+ is necessary and this, as every radio | loop aerial is destined to gain many | house | by authorities om the subject, this | | More | " comb | | sold "than all other brands ined Beautifully Cool and Sweet Smoking. / V1: 50and 100 WwW (TH18 YEAR CHRISTMAS HEADQUARTERS ARE THE DUOFOLD COUNTERS) They'll hail you Prince of givers When Christmas Brings Them Parker Duofold The Oversize Pen with 25-Year Point The Black-tipped Lacquer-red Classic HEN your loved ones spy the Duofold's cheery chlor Christ- mas morning, they will know in a flash that you give from the heart! For they know Parker Duofold is the finest pen any one could give them. A classic in shapeliness, a positive treasure for balance, with a color that's handsomer than gold and makes this a hard pen to lose. Yet more famous still is its 25-year point--a point of polished Iridium, set in extra thick gold. The tip alone costs up $2340 a pound. That's three times the cost of ordinary pen tips. It's a point that suits all hands, and one dares to lend at will. For no style of writing can distort it. It's guaranteed 25 years for perfection and wear! Most of these facts are widely known. So be careful to give the genuine Parker Duofold. Anything less, a copy or imitation, is apt to seem ungallant. Neat Gold Pocket-clip or Gold Ribbon-ring included free. Also the strong %Gold ! i frierids from deceptions. i i | i { , Same adn.es waa foe prio 9 Girdle around the cap--the / last loving touch. This was $1 extra until sweeping demand : down our cost per pen. Duofold is really a $10 value for $7. Look on the pen for the stamp, "Geo. S. Parker ~DUOFOLD ~~ Lucky Curve." Look carefully and protect yourself and your scaled | | . MADE IN CANADA~SAME PRICE AS IN THE STATES THE PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN CO, Limited --Toronto, Ontario Ask also for Parker "Lucky Leck' Pencils - -- . { visability of supporting the ama { teur athletic association as a val- 1 uable recreational adjunct, the urg- | Ing of all churches active efforts | regarding social hygiene, and the need of banning many of the sala- | cious fmported . publications now | coming into Canada. { i { | Marquette University has given Sousa a degree. He is a Doctor of Music.'* Well, music needs one. ~ Man of 82 married a Woman of 78 in Lime, O., which gave the neigh- bors something to-talk about. There is ne better fuel for resus than dry Maple ood. We have received a few more gars of the wood we were for last year. Cut 12" per load. i Our H COAL 1s" meeting with praise from every user -- 4.50 per tem. No clinkers, very ash and great heat. ne er No sa By careful gtudying the ex] well as optically correct. ¢ ness is a hobby with us and to we attribute our constantly business. :

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