Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Dec 1923, p. 15

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wt 6.21 Wednesday night Pl \ Regular Readers Of This HE D a T --LGAL- NEWS, Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. ---y There was no session of the po- lee court on Thursday morning. Mr. Swain, piano tuner. Orders rocelved at 100 Clergy 'phone G564w. The Weather Man has joined th "wets" again, but colder weather {s promised. New crop walnuts, almonds, berts, pecans, Brazils and cocoanuts. Now at Carnoveky's. The bank clearings at Kingston for the week ending Dec. 12th were $796,947.95; corresponding week last year, $667,281.49. The firemen were given a call at to extin- guish a fire which started some boxes in the laneway off Queen street, near Wellington street, Only slight damage was done. -- Kingston hockey players will have to get an artificial ice plang if this weather continues. Ditto the curlers. - SAID ON THE SIDE d Despatch from Toronto says that Toronto clergymen are marrying people who are drunk. Ars people dot things they would not do in thelr sober senses? --- Now. that the football season is over, and "Boo-Hoo" is lonesome, 1t will be up to Queen's to introduce the famous mascot into hockey cir- cles. And yes, what about curlifig? The C.P.R. gardener was station on Wednesday. After this rain, he may be picking flowers. is sitting up letters from Santa Claus these nights reading the "kiddies." The prison authorities: were tak- ing no chances with Edward McMul- len; the bank robber, making his escape, while in court Wednesday. Nearly every other man in the court room at the trial was a guard, de- tective or special officer. Kingston's dog population con- tinues to increase, according to the | report of the assessment commis- sioner. What about the cats? Judging by the noise at night, citi- zens will agree that there has been no falling off in the number of fe- lines. a ? ----- On Wednesday night the down- town streets were jammed with au- tomobiles. Almost every street was | used as 's parking area. Some for- tune was répresénted in the array of cars. A DELIGHTFUL LECTURE. Given by Rev. F. J. O'Sullivan, Port Hope. Rev. F. J. O'Sullivan, Port Hope, for years associate editor of London Catholic Record and the To- ronto Catholic 'Register, gave a de-| ~ lightful lecture in St. Joseph's hall, Hotel Dieu, Wednesday night on "Catholic Sentiment in non-Catholic Canadian Poets,' "{itustrated by read- ings from the works of Marjorie Pickthall. In introducing his subject, Father O'Sullivan gave three reasons why poetfy is not popular to-day--ma- terialam, lack of supernatural re- ligion, and lack of sanity. Poetry is | a minor revelation of God, and in its widest sense embraces all the fine arts, architecture, sculpture, paint- ing, dencing and music. God raises up poets to give us supplementary glimpses of the beauty of His works. Even the pagan poets in their ideal- ized creations of beauty, seif-sacri- fice and love prepared the people for the great mystery of the Incarna- tion. They did this umconsclously, for 'thoughts beyond their thoughts to these high bards were given." In like manner we find beautiful poetic tributes to faith and virtue from the pens of those who did not themselves possess the gift of faith. With fine elocutionary effect Fa- ther O'Sullivan illustrated hls thesis from the works of the late Marjorie Pickthall, quoting such ' poems as "Pieter Marinus," "Pere Talemant," and "The Lamp of the Poor Souls." : Mrs. F. J. O'Connor, president of the Ladies' Auxiliary, presided, and the thanks of the meeting were conveyed to the lecturer by Rev. Dr. Casey and Mrs. J. F. Sowards. Thé Prosperity Story. ERis Searles, editor of the United Mine - Workers' Journal, sald in Washington the other day: "The hard coal operators blame the miners for the fact that coal costs the consumers from $14 to $20 a ton. At the same time they admit that hard coal only coets $4 & ton at the mine: Thus their own words prove that with the jump from $4 to $20 the miner has noth. ing to do. Tr Ts TR who made up the prosperity story. "A miper--sg the prosperity story. his motor-car street west, | 1 1-4 among i en- gaged cutting the lawn at the local | late | the | |_Ghe British Whig i * KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. | Indexed, standardized and popular. ized according to All ads. e restricted to their proper classification, and to the regujar Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive | insertions: i { Minimum charge, 25 cents. i Dally rates per lige. Charge Cash ¢ days "ee 3 | + duys . » 4 1 day .. "ee + Deaths-- On Births, Engagements, $1.50; cash, $1.00. Cerd of Thanks and -~ Memoriam Notices --Charged, $1.50; casn, $1.00 | each insertion. Adverusing ordered for Irregular ipsertions takes the one-time Inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less thas basis of four lines. } Lount Six average words to the ine. ! © Charged ads. will be received by telepnonel and if pald at The Brit- { ish Whig Office withiz 6 days from | the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of | times the ad. appeared and adjue'- , ment made at the rate earned. ' Rate por line for white space Is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising Wise people have no p | knuckles, charged, Marriages, knuckles! whose value to you in profit to be easily determined. Ls Giving Brass Knuckles To Opportunity always whining that they cannot hear Opportunity when it comeg a'knocking at their doors. The wise ones hand Opportunity a What 18 merely a faint tap to others is mistakable crash to the wise ones. ~it's time everybody knew the A-B-C Classified Section Daily there are appearing among these ads offers And all these offers are care- fully indexed--for your immediate finding. Reading--and heeding--this section encourages Op= portunity to batter down your door! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME---IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN vho are atience with those set of brass en un- tle ads In brass that the helpful Ii are Opportunity 8 and satisfaction is too great OPPORTUNITY upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or 1eject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243, ask for & want ad. taker. | Automobiles Automobil es for Sale, 1 hin. TEAMEV AEN hn WE HAVE A FEW BARGAINS IN : USED CARS LEFT 9 One Ton Ford Truck Price $1560.00 One Ton Ford Truck Price $400.00 McLaughlin E45 Repainted, -reoulit and new top. Let us give jou a drive.in this car 80 that yog® may know the good qualities In it. Price right. BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock Bt Phona Zviw. i Announcements { Personals | | | MATRIMONY Handsome lady of | means, would marry, If suited. rite! Violet Ray, Dennison, Ohjo. | - 1 | INFORMATION WANTED--Concérning one, John Keller (or his family), sup-| posed to have Been born In Eastern | Ontario about 1520 and removed to the States 1865, believed to have mar-| ried Maria Cowie (or Cowley), in or| near Kingston. Keller was a one- legged man. His wife's father is sald | to have been in the Marble business in Kingston. A brother of his wife is| reported to have been a stage driver) from Kingston in 1875. Address: King] & Smith, 71-73 Clarence Street, King- ston, Ont. SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers,| Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent-| ly. Satisfactory GI fitted and furnished after others . | Goltre cured without © | years experience. Dr. Elm Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Ba Street. Lost and Found | | | | | | | | | Auto ACCENSOries-- L1res--L Arts 18 | | | | | GAS--We have Peerless Gas-- that gives you quick getaway ii weather astern Canada Ma Co., Queen and Untario Streets. 1 Ct | Xotire Crankshafts, gears, wheel mo- BAY MARE--Lost, § years old, strayed | tors, magnetoes, bodies, | from barn, én Clergy Street, on Tues-| tires, tubes, cte. day. Finder please return to Fallon | | PALMER AUTO SALVAGE Bros., or phone 837. Corner Bagot and Queen Streets. | 8 tops, seats BAG -- Lost, trimmed with| roses, containing unfinished work, of value only to owner. Reward on re- asim aim ---------- turn to Miss Eva Falr, 183 William Garages--Autos for Hire--1axi 14 | Street. | | GARAGE---For rent, close tu businieas/ IAG | district. Apply Box M-6, Whig Uffice. | BAG--Black Silk Shopping Bag. Ap-|. Palais vox ply Anderson Bros. | a Telephone 1i65M mn -- rm €s8 Services Busin Business Bervices 'Uniered | | GOLD BROOCH %- Found in Ontarfo| { 18 Park. Owner apply at Whig Office. | | | GLOVE--Found, on Sunday, on John-| son street, lady's brown glove. Apply at Standard Office. PAIR OF LEATHER SOLES-- Found, on University Avenue. Owner may have same at 356 Johnson Street AUCTIONEER--~--For courtesy and hon-| est dealing, W. A. Iwigg, #74 King | Street. Faone BivJ or i:sbw. | WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary watetr wells, the oldest, the .argest, the only | sanitary well drillers in Frontenac) and Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. | For full intormation write to F. J.| Jarrison Co., Colebrook, Ont. Ladics' Hair Panor, | | SUIT CASE--Lost, at inner Canadian| National Station, on Dec. 18th. Finder "la | Automobiles ro Automobiles For Sale 1 _~-- | wspeifiosm-------------------------------------------- LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS -- Bob- | FORD SEDAN--Very late model and! bed curls, switches, shampooing, | loaded with extras, wire wheels, shock| singelng, curling, Ladies' and Child-| absorbers, dome light, dash light,| rens hair cutting. Mrs. Cunningham, | speedometer, 1 large tilting steering) 66 Bay Street, Kingston. | wheel, and very cheap. Apply Cal |= Sn mE lahan Garage. Phone 1410. He 21b| stitching | PICOT EDGING -- Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs. Felld, $62 Barrie Street, near Princess! Strest: Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs. | Card. | USED CARS-- Several. Apply Riue Garage Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets. Insurance 23 | ment en. ------ ____ MUuSiNess Service Painting, Papcring, FLANAGAN and Decorator. Phora 1432 Kingston Ont Paperhanger| Estimates submitted. 247 Montreal Street, 275 Bagot street. i | SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear| i Architects 28h, | { ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, | Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington hiropractie Chirc Registered > -Drs. G. F. ang Jennie A., practic Specialists and Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 913w. | Hours: 4-12 a.m. 1 to 6, and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. ! | SERVE {| CALENDAR AILY BRITISH WHIG Employment of SR RR 4 Help Wanted--F emale 3%] GENERAL SERVANT -- Experienced. References required Apply 115 Gore § { I. GIRLS --Good wages. S Apply | 200 Frontenac Street MAKE MONEY AT HOME-§15 to $680] paid weekly for your spare time writ- | ing show cards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with work West-Angus Show Card Service, i Culborne Bld., Toronto. RELIABLE WOMAN For genera! work; g good "wages and good home and will middle-aged woman wantung a good, comforta home apply t« House of Ir stry, Athens, Ont. YOUNG GIRL--To assist with general] housework; one who can sleep at home Apply Mrs. Z. Prevost, 113; Earl Street. Help Wanted--Male 83 SALESM Apply Wright Litho ¢ A Wanted. ,. London, Ont WANTE man with as exciusive tunity to permanently 900 to $5,000 a your own t be able invest $1500 fe a connection with largest cmoest s tac the ¢ Lhe Avenue, Help--. --Male or Female T 84 Agents 35 | SALES AGENT ---Rellable, for unrepre- | sented districis. Good pay, free equip- ment. We are the largest growers of | fruit and ornamental trees in Canada. | Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber You will be successful. Write: Pelham | Nursery C Toronto. "Solicitors, Canvas Teachers Wanted TEACHER Duties Protestant commence Salary Johnston, R unt ~ Financial d Apply to t Sr 3300 R. Neo. i, Yam- worth, Business Upportultes PUDNEY ton stree Hours rdon, 182 Welling- Cousultation free -8, and by appoint- Dental 28d. SPARKS & SPARKS --- Dentists, Wallington street, corner Phone 346. KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Offige: 268 Princeas Street. Phune 852w. Qpen evenings by appointment. a re a ECs 159 of Brock 8c. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Soliciters, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. Cunningham, K.C.;| Cyril M. Smith. Legat DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and golicitors, 63 Clarence Street, King- A. E. Day, Adrian L Reveille. ey te loan. Mor Phone. 206. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Soliettor. Law Oilive, corner of King and Brock. over Royal Bank. | Usteopathy oe OSTEOPATHY---A. T. Still graduates.! Drs. Hovert and Edna ashcroft, 204 King Street. Phone 447 for appoint- ment. Repairing 20 Money | © NERY BUSINESS Arade Wall se OF particulars t unt MILLI Money 0 Loan Ww. 2 B. Cunni¥gham. Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentur morigages pur- chased, luvesis Jonas ior sale, q:- Pusils received sad terest allowed. It. CL Cartwirigat, raanuager, $i Clarence Sireel, ningsivin Live Stock morses, Latte, Ampie smatched black horses, avout 3.000 Ibs... two pure ored holstesn bulle monihs old Apply Richard uily, Haruvngton, Ont Wanted--Live Stock m ¥ s oki, weaght also seven Ww i 50 | { POULTRY We want your poultry, live or dressed. Write tor price ilsts. Wal- | ler's, spadina Av { Articles For Sale FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. Call and see W. Lnscoll, 323 Joan! street. hone 296k. | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed: Cai or drop a card. W. J. uavine, 216 Bagut Etreet. | UPHOLSTERING--ARNd general repair- ing. leave vraers al ur drup a card to I. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. | SHOE REPAIRING--AN hand work. | Hubber heels a specially; efficient ser-| vite. Adolf hanunski, coiner Mont- "real and yueen directs, UPHOLSTERING --~ Covered buttons| made same day as ordered. Uphoister-! ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good-| ridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone! 20430. | A FEW BARGAINS [5 i Lite, | _' . r USE p nity, Accident and Sickness, | 3 SLIGHTLY USED ROBES. Office 603w.. Rex. $42w. | 1 DOMINION LIFE 12 Ford Tourings 191 7. | Arch. Thomson, Branch Manager. | B. COOKE -- Representing Imperial London Fire and Globe Indem- Phones: | Office: 56 Brock Street. Telephone 68. FIRE--Automobile and Casuaity Insur-| ance. 1. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. | Phone 178M. FIRE-- Automobile, cident Insurance. Only reliable com- anies represented. Call or phone. E. Villiams, 2 Couper Street. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable] companies represented Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 93 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. | Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 McLaughlin Touring, 1918. | Ford Sedan 1921. These cars may be purchased on easy payment plans, or our special winter pian VAN LUVEN BROS. 34 PRINCESS STREET Sickness and Ac- | | | ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and | yards, cléan job dome. A. MacGregor,! 34 Russell Street. Phone 3285. | STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean | Street. Talloring and Pressing 80 SUITS AND OVERCOATS-- Made to your order, $30. Easy terms of pay-| ment. J. G. Pattersom 120 Johnson | Employment | a3 Help Wanted-- Female EARN--§5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the pleasant Home Work way making, socks on the fast, easily learned Auto| Knitter. Experience un ry; dis-| tance immaterial; positively no can-| vassing. Particulars je. stamp. Dept. 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. { - | To-Day's Blunder Corrected (See Iliustration on Page 14.) eralls, and said genially to his wife: » "Well, Mame, how much do you want this week?' * 'Oh, for gracious sakes, Bill, give us a chance,' the woman said impatiently. 'I ain't got started in on last week's yet. "--Detroit Free Press. ing ads in to-day's classified ad section. i 1 | | and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 143; In every post office there is a i] Nelson street. Phone 1331J .or 618. {| amount of equipment idle most of STORAGE--For furniture. clean. dry, thel day because of the fact tifat peo- | ey joc Bn ara, Xo | ple wait until about 5 p.m. before | 205 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w. mailing the bulk of their letters. | Tus long row of empty sorting cases will be jammed with workers | after 5 p.m. If folks would mail! | early in the day it would save great | congestion. STORAGE-- To let, 3.50 per month. Furniture, ete. ing Street, or phone 336. for automobiles, 196] ' SOME READERS are ayeady answers ANTIQUE CLOCK---- Very old, wooden works, case elaborately hand carved, in good working order. Can be seen at Smith Bros. Jewelry Shoup or phone 1436 between § and 7 p.m. AWNINGS -- Teats, Automobile Tents, Peterborvugh Canoes, Life Saviog! Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. . Cooke; 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. | BUY Your Aluminum, Pyrex a Christmas goods at Taylor & Hamil | ton's, 5% Princess Street. i CAMERA---Ensign reflex, quarter plate, focal plane shutter, Goertz cellor lens, | 4.5 lens, Will cover x7 plate. Double! plate holders and film pack adapter. | Several extras. Phone 2084w. | BOBSLEIGHS--With patent coupling. Draft and coupling arrangement is superior to all others. Medium team] size. ". B. McNamee, 345 Alfred St. Phone 2293w. BRICK--Harda and soft, any quantity. | Ardly E. E Walthem, corner Birch an Soiagwovd Streeds. Phone 613% or 1391 | | STOVES--Lawrenson's for Goud Cheer | em -¥ Investment sident, APARTMENT --Four rooms, all Section Are Saving and Making Money Continually Merchandise i js for Baie. se | GET--Yqur Re and Separator Oli} for the De Bl and Melotte | Cream Separators at Frost & Wood Agency, 236 Ontario Street, | HALL HEATER---'Brilliant Favorite,' | in first condition. -- Wii be sold! at a bargain. Apply 83 Frontenac Street. near Earl street. Phone 1261M. | HARDWOOD Mixed wood, mixed] slabs, soft wood slabs, one car cholce | body hard maple, shingieg $4.00 thou-| sand; rough lumber, cupe siding. Ww MH. Talbot, yard Concession Street, near Division. Phone 2303W. HICHEST PRICES--Paid for old wal-| nut, mahogany and curly maple fur- niture, brass candlesticks, old pewter, | etc. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Prin- cess Street. Phone 1045w. | MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Try here rst. Concertinas, Accordians, Vio-| lines. Mandolins, Saxophones, Guitars, etc.--Elder's- Cigar Store. PUSH CHAIR--Baby's White Wicker, in splendid condition. Would ap to quick buyer. Apply to 41} y Street West ard Heintzman, Sheraton, | ood as new. Easy terms chaser. Apply F. J. Grace, | 7 Mack Street. | PIANO case $37 Tar PRIVATE Mahogany | bargain for Lindsay Upright, fuil rich tone A Jasy | terms Aarrar nce and Ontario Streets, QUEBE HEATERS -- Combination | Stoves, dining roomn and other furni- ture. We also buy. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone 16800w. va | | , RIFLE --.22 Repeating, latest model Marlin, slide action, hammerlese take- | down, Ivory bead front and step rear] sights. A splendid gun, slightly used.| B Fever, 3§ Union St. W Phone 9947. uebec Stoves and Heaters, | Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var-| nishes. 387 Priucess Street. FPhone| ~339w., opposite Orange Hall. SCALES--AIll kinds, new and second- | hand. Cash or easy terms. Toledo Scale Co. Ltd, 209 Princess St, King- | ston. Square | SPECIAL -- Special for this week -- layer felt mattresses, $9.50. Frontenac | Mattress Co. Phone 1961J | --AMirrors, counter glass cases, ewing machine, hat stands. All| millinery goods. Apply 182 Welling-!| ton Street. | TUXEI! ey oe tee: XO SUIT--S1ze 38; best style and! y; perfect condition; worn twice. pment Wonder- set. Money Canada Ra- | filled RADIO-Stil] a ful Rayfcnes at $3.85 back guarantee of course. Wanted---- To Bay ao i OLD GOLD--S8ilver, or Ralae Teeth, for | cash or exchange. W. Lyons, 244 Princess street, Kingston. | 1 PIANO--Wanted good used Upright Pi-| ano for cash or exchange on new piano er phonograph. C. W. Lindsay, | Limited, 121 Princess . | ; Rooms For Rent | Rooms Without Board 68 BEDROOM -= One comfortable front bedroom; all conveniences; centrally located; reasonable rent. Apply Box | A-11, Whig Office. BEDROOM-- Furnished, with electric] light, on bathroom flat. All conveni- | ences. Apply 813 University Avenue | or phone 852w. ! Wanted~--Rooms or Board FURNISHED ROOM -- Must be comfortable. Whig Office. For gentleman. | Real Estate For Rent Houses Fur Rent HOUSE--At once, new, seven oon with large lot and barn on North Al fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. Phore 1083m. a BRICK RESIDENCE---No. 350 Albert $t. Unfurnished. Appiy to Cunningham & Smith; 79 Clarence Street; HOUSES~-- Two, on Charles Street, Electric light and gas for cooking. Ap- ply H. ¥. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. TO LET--6 roomed house. west end. near Union, newly decorated, electric light, gas, furnace. Immediate pos- session. App Box L-27, Whig Of+ fice, or phone 68w, 213 BARL STREET--Small House; all conveniences; moderate rent. Apply at 87 William Street W. Phone S3iw. 318 EARL STREBRT--1 rooms, furnish- ed, rent reasonable for winter months, Apply at 318 Karl Street, or phone 591J. sell aca Real Estate For Sale. Business Property or | BLACKSMITH SHOP--House and age in thriving village. Good I For further particulars apply to wolf Wikeon, Gananoque, Ont. "Lands Sale 88 FOR SALE OR FOR RENT---100 acre farm, at Swnbury. Good buildings, Stone, thr.a #torey house. Apply tO. Maynard Campbell. Sumbury, Ont. * Farms and 78) Apply Box z-1,} FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE-- For Ontario property, 240 "sore farm in Carman district, Manitoba, - one half under crop; frame buildings; fms mediate possession. Chas. R. Webster, S33 Brock Street. Kingston. Houses For Sale 84 DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE--Princegs St, half minute from car line, 3 bed! and bathroom injeach, electric an Sas Ee Teter ® $6750 for Doth ox + 3, singly. No agents. Appl E-15, Whig Office. vy . HOMES --For sale and parts of the city, First Mortgages. Barrie Street. 1603w. to let in all Money to loan on H. B. Wilson, 327 Ho Opposite Y.M.C.A. Tele shone E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker, Johnson and Division Streets Phone b39w. See advt. Pagh 8./ SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- Seven rooms, all improvements; garage for two cars; Lest locality in city; also build ing lot adjoining; will sell with house or either separately. Apply Box 0-28 Whig Office. Piy Box O.ghy Double Brick house, all improvement: Barrie Street--§6,500. p sy bouble Rough Cast, lights, Bath and Toilet, garage. York Street--§3,000. 2 and T. and' Brick house, lights, barn, Stephen Street--$3,500. Brick house, Frontenac Street, all ime rovements, garage---$5,000 House, Mack Street, al ments--4§4,300. Frame house, provements, 1 improves Barrie street, all 2 B Eurage~$3.800, me ungalow, Chatham stree lights, B. and T.--$2,590, % Many other good homes to choose froms M. B. TRUMPOUR 337 Bagot Phones 704 or 18428 © i i im- BEE--Bateman's large Real EB tate i vertisement, page i, column a aa Seu WEESE'S RESIDENCE-"Two lots, buss ry iness, also stock of frames, Pi etc, frames and photos made der, All prices reauced. We BUSINESS SNKRVICHN W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Building, and King Streets. Phone 701 or 36m General Insurance Agency, f Writing Fis Acol- dent, Sick B ete. Representing only rel panies. or- to Burglary ble com. MuEMCHANMDIYE Real Estate For Rent == A and Flas o 4 ences; 1} json 7B Apply | | | Clar- | Phone 1994. ven hot water heating. . White. HEATED APARTMENT Over ence Sireet Garage. UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS --261 Un! versity Avenue, near Johnson. and six roomed apartments, Well equipped. Apply 337 Johnson Street. B Places For Hemt¢ 75 LODGE ROOMS---Rooms on Kin, ---formerly occupied by the Apply to Cunningham & Smith street O.0.F. | CANARIES--8ingers and breeding cages for sale, John Street. CRUISER---36 foot. Oheap for cash if! sold at once. Apply Box X-10, Whig| Office. { hens. 'Also| Apply 27] COME IN--And see our stock before] buying anywhere alse Men's Over-| coats, Pea Jackets, Army Leather Vests, Sheepskin Coats, ete. Special line for hunters. Bedford Cord Riding| Breeches. Bargains in every line. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. | COKE--$10 to 1-4 and 3% ton lots, | 25c. extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs, ! 12.00 cubic cord or sawed in one foot lengths, making 4 single cords ati $4.25, or half single cord $2.35. or if] $2.50--measured and delivered. | 290 Wellington, corner Ordnance Street. W. C. Bruton. | ---- | Furniture--Contents of weil furnished! house, including walnut dining room | suite, Chesterfield. Davenport, walnut! bedroom suite, rugs, ete. Telephone 2566w. : | ENGINE--One traction #fteam engine --! about 25 h.p,, In excellent shape. Will! eel] cheap if sold right away. Apply Box C-13 Whig Office. ~~ 77 n Princess St, gas and electric, | newly decorated ! Houses for Rent HOUSE--8mall brick, o near Division Street; 2 fireplaces; al] Phone 951w, READ Classified Ads. AND HEED tne WHY NOT USE COKE? Domestic Nut Coke. impurities. Hotter than coal; goes as far. Cook Stoves With and without tanks. Heaters. Reat PHONE 705. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2 8 # Gasoline and steam opernted centrifugal Pumps, both for sale and fer rental All kinds of machinery mp- paired. Boats and engines buflt tg or- | DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End, Wellington Street. a1 Good, clean fuel; no $14.50 per ton. Fine for the Quebec Heater. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street BRINGING UP FATHER MY BUT YOU LOCK COMFY IN YOUR NEW LIBRAR! BOOK ow BE A CREAT HELS TO YOU LL LEAVE YOU NOW ~ TO ENJOY BY LOLLY MAGGIE 1S I «4 LL on RIGHT THEY 'WiLo COME. In HANDY - My | TE m----

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