Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Dec 1923, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH I WHIG 10 FURNISH LIGHT FOR [SIR JOHN MARTIN HARVEY | #2 VESSELS IN THE HARBOR| AS DELIGHTFUL AS EVER | Utilities Commission Will Also| {Appears at the Grand Opera Provide PowWor Tor wie House in "i Tigareiie Chemical Works. i Maker's Romance." -- THURSDAY, usUKMBER 18, 1923, rset a7 A DELIGHTFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR CHILDREN The DELUXE | SET consists of genuine leather case filled with Pencils and Penholder in assorted colors, Ruler and Pencil Sharpeners. At a meeting of the public utili-| ! ties commission on Wednesday | we experienced when we crossed afternoon, Mayor Angrove asked | over into Canada and were able to | that the necessary electric power | work under the old flag once more." connections be made with wharves | These words of Sir John Martin | | along the harbor front so that light | Harvey brought a thrill to the audi- | may be supplied for the large num- | ence that filled the Grand Opera ber of steamers wintering here. The | House last night and were received | | general manager will sec that the | with great applause. The eminent | connections are made. The city | English actor, after ten curtain | ! council is paying for the light. | calls at the conclusion of his com- | Dr. Atack made application for | pany's admirable presentation of { 150 horse-power for the mew chemi- | "A (Cigarette Maker's Romance," | cal works to be established here, | was forced to respond to the audi- { and the commission will arrange for | ence's demand for a_ speech; and the supply. the actor-knight was as delightful By calling for new tenders and {in his little address as he was in | accepting a stock design, the com-| his role. He told of the grsat joy | mission saved one thousand dollars | of himself, Lady Martin Harvey 'on the tables, counters and grill and his London company to again work for the new office. The ten- | meet so many of their old firends in EN der of the School Furniture Com- | Kingston, where it was a pleasure | pany, Preston, Ont., for $1,590 wus | to appear, and they all hoped that accepted. {it would not be long before they i Gif S R. N. F. McFarlane (chairman), | would r Ki . « N. P.. Mc ne 14 , pay Kiugston another visit, he i t hop Mayor Angrove. H. C. Nickle, R. E. | They deeply appreciated the way . of Kingston Burns and H. W. Newman were pre- | their efforts had been received. sent. it is elghteen years since Sir | John Martin Harvey first appeared = [&] | in Kingston. He was then present- | tng "The Only Way," based on The most frivolous as well as the most practical ideas appear in this ,exclusive collection of choice gift suggestions. i i § | "You cannot imagine the thrill | | | t | { What Could Be Nicer Than a Good Travelling Bag or a Dandy, Good, Suit Case ? Something every young lady would ap- preciate. We are showing a good COWHIDE BAG --18 inch size--double handles--real lea- ther lined at . 87.65 Many other styles at . $15.00 to $85.00, SUIT CASES ranging from $5.00 to $35.00 "There's nothing better than a piece of BAGGAGE." Prices from 35c. to 90c. a set. R. Uglow & Co. = Keep Jack Frost Away SLIPPERS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Baby Slippers--in fancy colors. Ladies' Slippers--in all shades. THE BOARD OF WORKS WITH: AN ELEC- SPLENDID RECORD | TRIC HEATER Dickens' "Tale of Two Cities." On all his American and Canadian tours 'Much Done During Past Year since he has visited Kingston. His i | last appearance was three years ago. With Less Money Than { On his present tour, Kingston is the Spent in 1922. | first place in Canada he has visited, | | -- | the company coming here direct ' | The Board of Works has done from Boston. After playing in the | | splendid work this year under the | United States for some time, Eng- | chairmanship of Ald. Harry Sargent, | land's greatest actof might well be { who by the way has travelled, at his | excused for making that touching | own expense too, a great many miles | reference to crossing again to Bri- more than any other chairman in | tish soil where the Union Jack; the performance of his duties. Ald. | waves. Sargent placed himself at the beek | One of Kingston's most represen- | and call of all and sundry, and] tative audiences greeted Sir Martin motored here, there and everywhere | and his company. "A Cigarette when complaints were made to him | Maker's Romance," adapted from | about road and walk repairs that | pr Marion Crawford's novel, was | were needed. | presented in the finished way. that The Board of Works to date has | Harvey does things. Every little expended $29,312.66 on general | detail was perfect, for Sir Martin | street work as compared with $30.- | oversees everything himself. As 659.96 during 1922. At the close "Count Skariatine," the eminent ac-' of the year it will have expended | tor, now past middle life, was su- fully one thousand dollars less than perb. The years have not at all the 1922 board did, and it has more | robbed him of his musical voice, his to show ' therefore. Out of this |gmile, his well-known gestures, or $29,312.65 it has paid about $5,423 | any of his past brilliance. He is in uncontrollable expenditure. For |always the restrained artist and his instance it paid $1,600 for the pur-| climaxes are masterpieces. Sir chase of land required in the exten- | Martin has wonderful support by a sion of Brock street and also $1,193 | company of picked English players. in repairs to the Princess street and | His wife, (Miss M. de Silva), who other pavements. The Board of|has been his leading lady through Works is to be congratulated for its | the greater part of his stage career, good work during the year, which | still plays opposite her distinguished has seen a large amount of perman- | husband, and takes the role of ent road pavement done. "Viera" in a most sympathetic man- ner. Other outstanding players are Walter Pearce 4s" "Anton Skaria- tine," Alfred Ibberson as "Chris- tian," Eugene Wellesley as "Schmidt," Gordon Macleod as "Dumnolf," Marie Linden as '"Eku- Only the best in stock --Westinghouse, Ma- jesticc National, Equator. Graham Electric Princess St. Phone 1944 A most fortunate shop, in- deed, for the man -- here he can purchase gift items with every assurance that they are correct, charming and accept- able. There are also gifts for men, such as Poker sets, Leath- er Bill Folds, Pipes, Cigarette accessories and Roll-up Toilet Sets. A word to the wise: "Christmas Day is two weeks away." Kinnear & d'Esterer | i JEWELERS, Princess Street, Kingston \ J - EN ---------------------- CHATEAU Taxi Service S00 Phone WE NEVER CLOSE Live or Dead Storage Comfort Slippers for Men. Shop early and get service. Dr. Waugh NN a a Pa a a | ant DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers. Phone 256. | ! ¢ L ] + ¥ Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. GAS--X RAY. From Christmas to Christmas your gift of Furniture will be remembered. a It's going to be a Furniture Christmas. "Since. Sousa "hae pecome a Doctor of Music he should operate at once. A woman's face is her fortune only when It draws a lot of interest. From Your Own Plans and sketches we can make any kind of machine part, working model, tool, or other article in steel, irom, brass, etc. We are equipped to handle any kind of machine shop work, from the smallest to the great- os, Why? Because people know that there is nothing that | will be more appreciated by their friends than something that will add to the attractiveness of their homes. A gift of Fu ture is a beautiful, permanent gift--a token of esteem to be | enjoyed every day in the year. A few suggestions: i Card Tables, Tea Waggons and Serv- ing Trays, Floor Lamps and Bed Lamps, Smokers' Sets, Piano Benches, Fancy Rat- tan Chairs and Rockers. Shop early at: in, i p------ Dr. Service Pleaded Guilty. After pleading guilty to a charge of bigamy before Judge Wallace at Woodstock, Dr. Herbert E. Service | was allowed to go on suspended | lina" and Mary Gray as "Anna." sentence on payment of the costs of The scenes are laid in Munich the trial, amounting to $25. The | and the production is in three acts. hearing was a retrial of a case when Dr. Service was found guilty of big- amy and sentenced to serve five years in penitentiary. Last spring, an application for a retrial was suc- GANANOQUE a nT 5 ARAN RRNA RRNA AA WE WANT TO SATISFY OUR CUSTOMERS AND MAKE IT EASY TO SELECT THEIR GIFTS, SO IF YOU WILL "SHOP EARLY" WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER. WE KING p QUEEN STREE1> WOULD SUGGEST Casseroles with Pyrex Inserts Chis Tea Sets 3 Community Silverware Moorcroft Ware Flower Bowls Candlesticks, ele ih cessful, and the accused was releas- ed on bail until such time as the new trial could be brought on. The out- come was a settlement of the case. Det. 13.--The lecture delivered by Dr. Ryan, Kingston on Tuesday evening in the Lyceum was a great treat. Dr. Ryan is an easy, fluent and eloquent speaker, and It Is hoped that Dean Kehoe will be able to secure him for another oc- casion in the early future. Misses Maynie Brennan and Lorraine Pe- low in vocal solos and Misses Jean Lutz and Kate O'Neil in an instru- mental duet supped the musical part of the programme. Advantage was taken of this occasion to make the presentation of the twenty-dollar gold plece to Miss Helen Littlejohn, who obtained the highest number of marks in the separate school in the entrance examinations. Dean Kehoe offers this prize each year. Danfel Kenny, chairman of the separate school board, made the presentation. Rev. Dean McDonald, Portsmouth, accompanied Dr. Ryan, and gave a very interesting address also. A vote of thanks to Dr. Ryan was moved by T. D. O'Connor and seconded by Geogre Bauve. T. D. O'Connor acted as chairman. Mrs, E. S. Byers was summoned to Napanee Tuesday owing to the serious illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Byers motored up. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sampson and party motored to Kingston last evening to see Sir Martin Harvey at the Grand. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Nubtall mot- H.O., Brockville, were in tows last evening. Mrs. Corboy and Mrs. W. Wing are spending a few days with Mrs. James Kane, Kingston. : Mrs. James Latimer, JAMES REID bers held a euchre party in" their hall Tuesday night in the Acton block. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lacrosse, Watertown, N.Y., have returned home after spending a with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cole, Arthur street. The Badminton Club bridge party in the G.W.V.A. club rooms, Monday evening, was a most successful so- cial event... Many members and their friends were present. A large number of Gananoque people are in Brockville attending | the assizes. ero To Attend Funeral, Mrs. Neil Jackson, from Cape Vincent, N.Y., was in the city to attend the funeral of the late Walt- er Forbes. Christmas Trees are Plentiful. A large number of farmers are bringing waggon loads of Christmas trees to the city; they are being sold in quick order. Your influence commences when you have convinced the man that you are his friend, ---- Stops Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat i in a Night Think of a medicine so healing, so balsamic and antiseptic that every trace of cold and soreness goes be- fore it. "CATARRHOZONE" is so certain bronchitis, guaranteed if you use CATARRH- [OZONE -- a veritable death to ca- tarrhal diseases, because it destroys few days | TE, oh CI sam to act, sure in rats Better wot CATARRHOZONE - to-day. size, sufficient for two months' lose. small size" ati rss Lote mem 8 Iadisg Orsage Lodge mem- their cause and remedies their ef-}] fects. SUEY Nothing is more appreciated than Foot- wear. We have a gift for every member of the family. Useful and acceptable pres- - ents. Boudoir Slippers | Goloshes Dress Shoes Skating Shoes Felt Shippers .Overgaiters Evening Slippers Hockey Boots Rubber Boots | Moccasins . Give Footwear this Christmas, because it's always useful, always comfortable, fashionable and serviceable. : ns A ak Le

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