Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1923, p. 14

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REA FERRARIS IEA, na MBL Dra KR NAS TI Mo PO NIT RT Ral THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 192s. OPERA HOUSE GRAND ~ TO-NIGHT Sho RATORDAN OUR OWN REX STOCK COMPANY Presenting fhe Laugh Festival ZANA "STWIN BEDS" - VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS PRICES: Evenings 10c., So0c., 20c., B0c. Sat. Mat. 10¢. and 23e¢. ------ ---- ONE-MAN CAR | onpnencing Monday, December (7th, An one-man car will he pladed in opern- tion. Will our patrons please be good enough to co-operate with the Com pany In order that the one-man car may be as great a success in Kingston as dn other cities. Kindly keep in mind the following: Ist.--Enter and leave hy the front door, h 2nd. Please have correel fare and deposit same in box at right hand side | of entrance. | 3rd. ~When desiring to leave ear sig- mal motorman by use of push-huttons, 4th~--~When car is stopped the fr i door will be 30 ft. above the crossing. Sth.~Rear door must not be used ex- cept in case of emergency. KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH & CATARAQUI ELECTRIC RAILWAY Q0,/ SA Aram mr I a ---a 1 heatr: NOW PLAYING Taxi Service Boni } 16 DAY AND NIGHR THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE With EARL WILLIAMS BARBARA LA MARR PAT. O'MALLEY WALLACE BEERY MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Extending till Dec 16 'Men Boys -- Ladies JOIN NOW The case of Albert Debruge and George A. Debruge, charged with having stolen and killed a team of horses belonging to Arthur Joyce, of the Tin Cap, is in progress at the sessions in Brockville, ; Forty vessels, buffeted by moun- ,tainous waves, were forced to seek shelter at Welcome Islands, near Sault Ste. Marie, on the last dash of the .season. At the Lyndhurst Poultry fair ov- er $30,000 was paid out to the youl ay breeders. Now Dorothy Dalton in "DARK SECRETS" Daring, dashing Dorothy in her greatest role ! PLAYING Your old Friend, SANTA CLAUS, who is making his headquarters at MOORE'S TOYLAND is going to attend the BIG SANTA CLAUS MATINEE At the STRAND Theatre Saturday After. noon at 2 o'clock. He will meet every child and give him a present. There will be special funny pictures --- 11c. to all children. "UNIVERSITY LECTURE SERIES PROFESSOR JOHANN MASIH _ Of Indore, Central India, will lecture on Gan- _dhi and the Passive Resistance Movement in Convocation Hall, To-nig at 8.15 o'clock. if and Margaret Murray, --OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SPORTING NEWS Indoor Baseball. A double header of indoor base- ball was staged in the armories last evening, when "B" Battery defeat- ed R.M.C. Staff by the score of 18-9. R.M.C. appeared to have made a great number of changes in their line up, and are badly in need of practise. '"B" Battery put up a first class "amo of ball. The second game, District Sta® versus No. 3 Battery, resulted in a wih for the Baftery by the score 35- 13. Distriet Staff greatly surprised | the spectators by the poor exhibi- tion' of ball they showed especially aftor their two last victories over "A" Battery and P.W.O.R. It | doubtful if the errors made by * this i.team could be duplicated sven if an was made to do so, and not until 'the 9th jonings did District Staff show the spectators they were SUll in the game, by knocking out '8 runs. However it Is cxpeeted that ed strong in their next game. Queen's University, 8.15 p.m.,| Martin's and the Political Situation 'India, Admission tree. "win be found" among to-day's want ads. rr TE A, 272 Prine siree See our windows for quality and AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions At The Capitol. {The marvellous beauty of the sil- ent vast spaces of the frozen Cana- | dian northland is the background | for the massive Metro spectacle, | { "The Eternal Struggle." which op- | i ened to a capacity audience at the! | Capito! theatre yesterday It produced by Reginald Barker, cred- ited with being the greatest director | for this kind of pictures in the en-| tire film world. that | long in "The Eternal Struggle" will remain unrivaled for a time gnd the big group of players he took with him well as at great ex- pense, Mr. Barker spent many | monthg in the bitter cold of Arctic Circle filming dangerous | scenes among gorges, | hurtling rapids. "The Eternal Struggle" ig a Met- ro-Louis B. Mayer presentation adap- I ted J. G | Katterjohn B | novel, "The Law-Bringers." | photographed by Percy Hilburn vpn SECRETS" POWERFUL PICTURE." | A screen production ranking with the best can fairly be said of Dor-| othy Dalton's new Paramount pic- ture. Miss Dalton is superb in the stellar role and she is ported by Robert Ellis as Lord Wal- | lington, her fiance "Dark Secrets" may well be classed as the screen success of the month and it will be | on view at the Strand today, Fri-| | day and Saturday. ---- Santa Claus Matinee at Strand. There is a big treat in store for { the kiddies of Kingston, on Saturday | afternoon, at 2 o'clock when the | Strand management is holding their | {| annual Santa Claus matinee. Santa Claus who is making his headquart. ers at Moore's Toyland, has promis- | | ed to be there and greet each'kiddie | as they arrive, each and every one | will be given a present from Sanita | himself, for he has a big bag ot| good things packed already for the | kiddies who attend this matinee. | There will be special funny pic-| | tures shown and the price will be as. | usual, 11 cents ito all kiddies. | | Bring the kiddies for their share | | of Santa's bag of presents. as by from G. Spiritual and Floral Offerings. The following spiritual and floral offerings were placed on the casket j ot the late Miss Alexandarina Le | Blanc, whose funeral took place on Tuesday last. Spiritual offerings--Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. | Golloghy, Mr. and Mrs John Murray Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, Miss Agnes Haines, Miss Doris, Doritta | { Miss Nellie | | Golloghy, Mary and Teresa Shortt, | Miss Vera Martin, Miss Dorothy and Jack Day, the Misses Pecor, Miss Pa- trica Hutchings, her school compan- ions, Miss Flofence Minifle, Floral offerings--Cross from fam- ily: spray from Miss Dorothy New- ton, Mrs. Rita Dark a spray; Norm- an Ferris a wreath; Miss Fox and| Geraldine a spray; Miss Mary White and mother a spray; Mr. and Mrs. James Callan, a spray; Mr. and Mrs. T. Whitehead, a spray; Sgt. Fowler, a spray; staff of Gilbert's store, » | spray; Mrs. J. Smith, a spray; Mr. { and Mrs. Charles Peters, a spray; Q. M. S.and Mrs. Ellwood, a spray: | the Holtham family. a spray; Sgt. and Mrs. T. Alistone, a spray; Miss | B. Ma¢Pherson, aunt, a spray; the| Smith, Watts, and Brown boys, a! wreath; W. O. staff sergt. and] sergt's mess, R.C/A., a wreath; officers, W.0. and N.C.0. and men of A Battery, R.C.H.A., a wreath; | C.0. and men of B Battery, R. { C.H.A., a weath; employees of Im- 2 perial Laundry, a cross, Making Alterations. The Allies Cafe, on King street, directly opposite the market which | has been closed for the past week | undergoing extensive repair will | | be re-opened on Saturday morning. | "Joe" Lee, proprietor, has spent | considerable money on the improve. ments and will now have one of the most up-to-date restaurants in the province, New white enamelled | stalls have been built. When down- town it would pay you to drop in and have a meal at the Allies Cafe. men Injures His Hapd. "Billy" Hughes, instructor in, boxing at Queen's University, had] the misfortune to injure his hand on Thursday while practicing with Tiny Adams and he struck the big fellow so hard that one of the bones In his right hand was injured. It is not thought that the bone is brok- en but four X-ray plales have been taken to try ang find out the ex- tent of the injury. is tn Charge Indian With Cruelty. Amos Maracle, of the Indian Re- serve, was served with a summons to appear beford Magistfate H. R. Bedford, Descronto, on Friday. to answer to a charge to cruelty to an- imals. Maracle was driving a horse on the highway when #t fell afd he leff it lying there all night: in the morning the horse was in a paralys- ed condition and was shot. First steps in the formation of A TR TPR pie's purty, in Ontario, which ex- Premier Drury I¢ credited with hav- ing" conceived, are to be taken in R10 SB ABB Ae ' plegenie. States cement trust * disolved by judge's aecree. It oper. was | There are many thrilling episodes i With great danger to himself || the || ice-jams, and || Hawks and Monte M. | Lancaster's th It was || finely sup-|( Goldale '.... .. .; ,.., .. Lorrain ated in restraint of trade. Gifts of Beauty AND USEFULNESS Pointed Heel PURE SILK HOSIERY $1.95 All shades to match any shoe. TO GIVE PLEASURE AS 1ONG AS WINTER LASTS WOOL HOSIERY Brown, SPECIAL ! $1.39 +3 pairs for $4.00 PURE SILK HOSIERY Black, Brown, Grey, Beige, Navy. English Ribbed | AAA AM in the new shades ALL WOOL Black, Mode and Fawn. Values to $1.50 98c. Black Cashmere ALL WOOL--SPECIAL Italian Silk Hose Special $2.49 (Black only). BEACON KIMONAS In shades of Mauve White, Rose and Grey, two pockets. $6.95 Suitably boxed for gifts. BLANKET CLOTH and Blue and White -- made with wide , edges bound with Silk Cord. Silk Girdle at waist ana English All Woo! With Silk Clock--regular $2.00 Saturday, $1.39 Suitably boxed for gifts. VERY SPECIAL VALUES IN LINGERIE JERsEY SILK KAYSER GLOVE SILK * "ESTS BLOOMERS VESTS " Pink, White, chi nk, Whites, Orchid Pink In . shades Navy, and Coral. Opera : style. Strap Should- White White, Pink, Grey. Coral $1. 75, $2.95, $3. 95 2 boxed for #4 LADIES' SILK SCARFS Maize, Orange, Mauve, Honeydew rel 6 5 CHILDREN'S ACKSONYETTY LIMITED Il4 PRINCESS STREET anaa a ---------------------------------------------- arrivals for Christmas Giving Every ate the costume possibilities in these Sand, Honeydew, med with new Collar and Cuft designs. Suitably boxed for gifts, 98c¢. GIFT BLOUSES TRICOLETTE woman will apprect. Overblouses in Navy, Beige--trim. Sizes 36 to 44. $2.95 Fancy Boxed Handkerchiefs LAAALLALLALALALAASAS I STOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street. Members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes). Montreal. J 14th, 2 pm. -- Power Dec. Abitibi Asbestos : Atlantic Sugar Bell Telephone Brazil ..... Brompton . British Empire Steel Cc om British Empire Steel 1st pfd British Empire Steel 2nd pfd Can Converters Can Cement Com Can Cement pfd .. .. Coban Can Sugar Com Cuban Can Sugar pfd Can Steamships Com | Can Steamships pfd Dom Textile Dom Bridge 4 Detroit United .. Gen. Electric Laurentide i as Montreal Cotton .. C Montreal Power Mackay .... .. 400 en National Breweries Com National Breweries vi Oghivie ... v.cias Ottawa Power .... .. Penmans Price Bros Quebec Power .. ... Spanish River Com . Spanish River Pie Smelters anit a Shawinigan .. .. .. .. .. Steel of Canada .. Toronto Ralls Twin City .... Wabasso Wayagamack . .. .. War Loan 1925 5s .. 100.05 War Loan 1931 6s .. 100.25 War Loan 1937 Se .. .... 102.55 Vietory Loan 1924 5 1-2s.. 100.10 Victory Loan 1927 5 1-2s.. 102.00 Victory Loan 1933 5 1-2s ., 104.90 Vietary Loan 1934 § 1-25 .. 102.00 Victary Loan 1937 5 1-28 .. 107.00 Renewal 1827 1st Nov 5%s 101.10 Renewal 1932 1st Nov 5%s 101.50 Refunding 1928 3s .... .... .. Refunding 1943 6s .. 98.40 -- a ri 43 12% 9% €Q4 40 117 320 C 1 TRL. Vipond .... Lrawh. New Ray .... .... Teck Hughes .... ve Wright Hargraves , a Se we ws es eas Arg0 .... MAY sown vv td ts ready ie | July .... .. [ Pec . «un 4 May Baldwin Loco B.'& C..... Cosdem Oil. ... Corn Products... . Crucible Steel.... . Cuban Cane Sugar Com. Cuban Cane Sugar Pfd . Gen. Asphalt. . G.8.'T. . Kelley Springteld Mack Motors . ven Marland Oil.... N.Y. Co... New Haven.. . Pacific Ofl.... Pan. Amer. Pete. . Pan. Amer. Pete Producers & Refiners Studebaker. ... .... Sou Pac. cae Ax va Sou Ry.... Px ena Sinclair Oil... .. .. Standard Oil of Calif. Standard Oil of N. i Texas Oil. MR Union Pacific. va U. 8, Stesl.. clock the firehien were called to the store of H. Hh Fre ia he Sa og store was causing trouble. ond vice-president of furred tion. in Toromto. 61% | 83% That Queen Boo-Hoo, the pet bear | mascot of Queen's senior rugby team | ndifn Mines Chicago clearly shown one day this week. "Billy" Hughes, owner of the bear, | wanted her to do something and| | when she refused to do as.he told | her, he attempted to move her along | | by the use of a small stick When "Billy" slapped her with the stick, | Boo-Hoo did not like it and went | away and sulked. "Billy" returned to the dressing rooms and placed the! | stick on the table, A few minutes | later Boo-Hoo came into the room where the stick was resting on the! table and when "Billy" was not looking, she grabbed the stick and! scurried away. The following day | | when going into the hole where Boo- | | Hoo rests at night "Billy" found! that his pet bear had buried tho| stick for fear her master might whack her with it another time, Wheat Corn--- uly | { } Lady Autoist Wins. ! Cobourg, Dec, 14.---F. M. Field, | K.C., has recovered from the Cana- | dian Pacific railway $1,700, in set- tlement of the action of Miss Lil | liam M. Redfearn, Colborne, for personal injuries and damage to lier coupe when struck by a Canadian | Pacific raflway train on the Lake- port crossing last August. "handler Motors. tire ea 28% ar TH .. 145 144% 65% | 151% 59 37 831% California Pete Another Doctor Found Guilty. Ottawa, Dee. 14.--Sentence was suspended on Dr. Robert Reddick 33% In the Police court yesterday on 109 one of the five charges of selling 90% | narcotic drugs to Leo Riddell, spe- ..35% clal agent, R.C.M.P., and the other 105% | four charges were withdrawn. The 14 | remaining four charges against Dr. ,46% | Gordon Booth were also withdrawn. 62% pe 60 | mmperial Oil. The legal department of the Joint 28% | committee on Chureh Union has fs- 107% | sued a statement announcing its 87% | intention to apply to the Parlia- 371% | meni of Canada at the forth-coming 257 | session for an met incorporating the 57% { United Church of Canada, 36 = ---- i 3 M. P KEYES | FUNERAL HOME \ 49 COLBORNE STREET ! AMBULANCE PHONE 1839, od JOHN JOHN CORNELIUS | and Embaimer i "RB On Friday afternoon at 2.15 o'- Newman, electric- | i an 'the rear o ro Rnbtansy Phone 598 1 erie) ONAN iis : Dr. E. Ryan has been chosen sec- | the newly | Phome 356w. 238-340 Bagot Street | Another Boo-Hoo Story. ] DAILY MEMORANDUM. does not like to be punished, was | . CHRISTMAS CARDS BEAUTIFUL. DESIGNS NEATLY PRINTED HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON BOKN, McILRAITH ~- In Kingston, ith, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs Mecllraith (nee Hazel Conner), daughter, Dorothy Iris rat ats ia a mato) DIED, Ww AITE £ Thursday Dec. 1823, at her home, 6% Brook« field Street a onto, Isabella, dear ly beluved mother of Harry and Bell Breathwaite Funeral service at above address om Saturday, Dec. 15th, at pm. Ine terment Prospect Cemeter) NICHOLSON drowned at Robinson's December 14th, 1823, Nichol- von, eldest Nicholson, on Dec. E. F. n EREATH 131) reey t late Amos tsmouth, aged 38 e from his late ith, on Monday yok to Cataraqui pectfully ¢ noun, at 2 oc Cemetery Friends and acquaintances res invited to attond PREVOST In Kingston, 1923. Zotique Mrevost, years. Funeral! from i Earl Street, or on Dee. aged 14th, Ki re family residence, 1g Monday morning, at S.50 to Bt. Mury's Catacdral, where a solemn regiiem mass will be sung for the happ L repose of his soul at wine ve © Friends and acquadnian ts are respect. fully invited to attend. (Montreal papers please 0opYy). --~-- IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of our dear father, Her ry V. Campbell, late of Battersea, td away on December 14th missed by sons an ------ We wish to thank our man friends for the many nh ietses shown in the death of Mr. Walter Forbes. Mr. and Mra Eaford. Figo 274 Princess Street | asin na. CARD OF THANKS, Sergeant and Mrs A Le Blane snd family, 39 B#rrack Street, grateful | acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and kindness shown them. : their friends and neighbors and also the epiritus] @nd floral offerin 3 re ceived {n their recent sad merit of thelr Roving 420g bdr. Tags WRIA » ET FS A ET JAMES REID The Old Firm of U 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET "DATE" Nospreaxuy TMA Sal fty ions H. Js KNIGHT Prof. F. W. Colwill, Kingston, is | UNDERTAKER AND ENBALMER ¢ PARLONS<--8ydenhams, Yurker snd

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