- TT ----y RT STIS te oe Fe ||. DA H WHIG THE INTE Z0TIQUE PREVOST "THI BEDS" AT GRAND) | | 4 4 | | One of Kingston's Merchants Passed Away on Friday Morning. { | | | On Thursday evening af the Grand Opera House, Rex Snelgrove and hfs popular players certainly { produced a winner, both in regard | to the number of laughs "Twin Beds created, and as to the quality | N 0 | of the acting. Those who enjoy a | good laugh should et miss "Twin PEN EVERY EVENING FROM NOW TILL Jeds" $n which all our favorite | stars 'shone' Driliantiy. CHRISTMAS -- SHOP EARLY ! The story of the play runs thus: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins, (Rex! Now and Save 7 land Zana), have a very cosy and | Santa Claus will be at Strand Theatre Saturday Matinee and will ANP | comfortable flat, and are happy, al- | . . p . | y 4 3 | though friend husband has a great) v give every kiddie who attends a present, 0 1 ee grouch on because his wife is very i tond of entertaining, and they sel- dom have an evening to themselves. The climax comes when all the peo- ple of the apartment are gathered in the Hawkins' flat, at least all the | desirables. However, Mrs. Hawkins' | desires their company, but hubby | very much desires their absence, es- { peeiaiind of Signor Monti, (Wir | | Ham Yule) who it appears to him, is One of Kingston's oldest and becoming too fond of Mrs. Hawking | ¢ | most widely known business men | Se ey A De our store. Shop early ! . On and after January Ist, kn { passed a Felusy [morhne in the | sing all over the place, greatly to the | person o otique Prevost, who for | chagrin of Mr. Hawkins. The sig-| you will have to pay an addi- ; 3 | a period of fifty-one years carried ! (Hazel Williams) de-| : . | nor's wife, on business as a clothier and men's | clares to Mr. Hawkins that when her | | furnisher at 55 Brock street. Mr. | husband begins to sing his love- | MOORE' | Prevost Nas soveniy-elght years of | songs to his 'adored ones" it is {age and was actively engaged about | time to act, and they proceed to | his business right up to within the | 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET IN THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING BLOCK i plan to ges out of each other's way. | past five weeks when he was taken | ; 8 ® ; 7 | 111 at his residence, 113 Earl street. They decide to move (each family The late Mr. Prevost was born at not knowing where the other is go- Trembio. dear: ally 1 up at the Point Aux Tremble, near: Montreal, | :D8), 8nd finally land up = sa F tment house. When Mr. : . and came to Kingston in 1868. By | S3me aparimen ie If you are contemplating buying a Fur his energy he worked up a good bu-; Hawkins goes out one evening to : . i ' wv " attend a club meeting, and Signor Coat you can save this by ordering during Sileds, for many. Yeats Supyivies n . SIE Mont{ comes home 'tipsy' and gets F Youch Tatiamet on Yarden Island, | into the Hawkins' apartment by mis- December. | He gained a reputation among busi- ' - | ness men for his intégrity and hon- { orable dealing. He occupied the take, and incidentally Mr. Haw- king' bed, the fun is fast and uri v signor fin- | same store continuougly and at the furious. How the gna ¥ time of his death there is probably | only one of his old associates still | ally is gotten out of the Hawkins' | in business. "Mr. Prevost was a con- | stant reader of the British Whig flat after a great trial to Mrs. Haw- | kins, and a great deal of fun for the | for fifty-one years and he regarded | it as a splendid newspaper. audience, furnishes good entertain- There are surviving his wife, one ment. daughter, Mrs. E. W. LaChance, and All aboard for Toyland -- we have the most wonder- ful and largest assortment of Toys in Kingston. Visit THE LATE Z. PREVOST tional tax of 6% on anything you may buy. $6.00 on every $100. On all model Coats in stock we are giv- ing special reductions to clear this month. We invite you to call and see our wonderful values in Fur Coats of Persian Lamb, Pluck- ed Beaver, Hudson Seal, Raccoon, Musk- a, A Mw rat, French Seal, Marmot, Fur Chokers, as Wn a ae Stoles, Men's Fur Coats, Caps, Gauntlets, been identified With the business of | Robes. . his father and will continue to ear] Timely Suggestions for Saturday BOYS' GOLF HOSE, 50c. RIBBED HOSE, 50c. UP Heavy Wool Golf Hose--Grey with fancy Boys' heavy Wool Hose--Ribbed. Sizes 6 tops. Sizes 8 to 10. to 10. Built to wear. Saturday ..:.......... 50c. Saturday . .... 50c. and 60c. "OVERSTOCKINGS SILK AND WOOL HOSE Children's heavy Overstockings--all wool -- Womena fine Silk and Wool Hose--plain or Brown, Heatlier, Grey, Red, White, All sizes. rop Stitch and Clocked--all the new shades. $1.00 and $1.25 $1.25 UP. 4 ry it on. KCL GRADUATION EVENT The Commercial Department | Students Receive Diplomas-- | Johan McKay Limited A Programme Rendered. | KINGSTON, CANADA J - The annual graduation exercises | of the commercial department of | the Kingston Collegiate Institute | were held on Thursday evening. Di. | plomas, certificates and medals | awarded for proficiency in bookkeep- | ing, typewriting and stenography | were presented to a large class of | clever students by Canon J. W. Jon- MATS MAKE VERY ACCEPTABLE .GIFTS A splendid range of Mats, including Wilton, Axminster, Vel- vet, Tapestry, Chenile, Rag and Wool Reversible Mats--all sizes and colorings. Mats priced ............ ...... $1.25 to $17.50 each 4 CUSHIONS and BOLSTERS Make very desirable Christmas gifts. We show them in Silk Velour. Priced In and PILLOWS, $2.00 PR. UP Beautiful, large, Down-Filled Pillows with fancy coverings. In Furs we are showing a wealth of assortment in the richest of fashions and quality productions that have ever come from our workrooms. A purchase of good Furs is always a good investment and BRING YOUR | BASKET 55, 3 Member of the Board of Fdu- = - Canon Jones presided, and a most | FRIDQY AND SATURDAY 'Christmas entertaining. musical programme | Candy The most popular makes are on display, including Billie Burke, Liggett's, Page & Shaw, Pattersons, Martha Jane and ~ Sweetest Maid. We are featuring this year a line of fancy Baskets and Japanese Lacquered Boxes -- filled with the choicest sweets. MAHOOD Drug Co. Ltd. Island Roll Butter, per 1b, 87c. Extra fine Black Tea, 1b. . .55c. Pastry Flour (7 Ib. bag) .29¢c. Cooking Figs .....8 Ibs. 25c. Seedless Raisins 14c., 8 Ibs. 40c Snow Flake Shortening, 1b. 18¢ Cleaned Currants, per 1b, 17c. Icing Sugar 25¢. New Pack Rolled Oats 6 lbs 25¢ WE SAVE YOU ABOUT 3 ON YOUR FRUIT CAKE Cullen's CASH AND CARRY was rendered by talented students | and the K. €. I. junior orchestra. | Canon Jones addressed the graduat- | es and emphasized the importance of the three-year commercial course which was not only a training along a special line, but carried with it a good high school education calcu- lated to prepare the students for the work they entered upom after graduation. Principal Sliter spoke on the work of the commercial department carried on under W. M. Shurtleff, whom he congratulated upon the accomplishments of the students. He also dwelt upon the splendid week of Canon Jones on the Board of Edu- cation, and complimented him upon his success in promoting the assem- bly hall so long needed. The graduates who received diplo- mas for bookkeeping and stenogra- phy are: Ivy Billing, Elizabeth Bourke, Margaret Corcoran, Mercy Driver, Madeline Grant, HABERDASHERY OUR NEW STOCK IS MOST COMPLETE Our assortment is both large and varied. BHIRTS--Only the best makes and SWEATERS, SOCKS, GLOVES. SCARFS and many other articles _ he will be delighted to receive. Jennings, Blanch® Lyon, Beatrice Martin, Grace Mayhew, Edith Price, Alice Raven, Jeffie Siddall, Lois Valleau, Evelyn Siddall, and James Bews. Bookkeeping, Arleen Powell. Thére were in addition ten cer- tificatas for typewriting, seventeen certificates for 9¥ng, and three spe- cial medals, for typewriting forty words and over per minute. The Dorothy Grant and Lois Baker. Two plays vere presented, "All Nost Bracelet." Plano solos were given by Misses M. Corry, Grace Horsfall and Lois Baker; 'a recita- tion by Mildred Lee, and solos by Dva Newell and E. Circle. Would License All Plants. "My own opinion is that the fac- tories should all be licensed and not be permitted to oper until certifi- cates have been received authoriz- ing their operation," declared G. G. Publow, chief daity instructor for Eastern Ontario, at the West Hast- ings District Dairy meeting. He was making a plea for cleanliness as the one absolute essential at the farm site and at the cheese factory. There is no place where so much care should be taken as where food- stuffs are mmpufactured. = Telephone Girl a Heroine Sunday's Detroit Free Press. leading news stands.' + AT iy Books at Uglow's. no Christmas gift is quite as ap- propriate to the season us quality Furs. Every Fur garment or Neck- piece bearing the "Mills' labet carries with it our guarantee for dependability. Gertrude i That Glitters {a Not Gold," and "The | | Shore are Fur Coats here by the score in all the most want- ed Furs, Hudson Seal Coats All made from the very highest grade skins -- ome quality only -- in various medals were won by Edith Price, with Sable, Seal, etc. $245 to $400 Raccoon Coats Canadian skins ~ y $175 to $375 'French Seal Coats Always popular and made with the same care and iz the exact styles of the Hudson Seals. $1100 $195 Muskrat Coats The F325 ; and a big variety o. Scarfs, Capes, Chok- A ING PO Ear on oy Isr ra tried to foil dnight bank Tanda. | Sy -- a SE 1 \ =F | | is .and received with great Priced .... $2.00 t0' $ 10.50 pair $5.00 and $10.00 each EIDERDOWN--COMFORTERS The gift that will last for years--pretty Sateen and Satin cover- ings in the famous McLintock quality .......... $12.50 to $27.50 'Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE en "we all know Rex,' and we are nev- | er disappointed with his offering. Zana Vaughn was her usual charm- ing and winsome self. However, we might say that she seems to be more winsome every time she appears. Miss Vaughn possesses a rare charm, and an unusually fine voice. A Toronto gentleman in the aud- fence was heard to remark: "King- | ston theatregoers are indeed fortum- ate to have in their midst so charm- ing and capable an actress as Zana | Vaughn, she is certainly wonder- ful." Hazel Williams admirably filled | the role of the signor's wife. One of | the spectators was heard to remark: | "Wasn't she great; she is certainly full of pep." Mr. Yule had an op- portunity to star, and he was splen-, did. "Bill's" friends should certain- ly see him as "Signor Monti." Betty Leslie, one of Rex's new members, as "Nora," the maid, took her part well. The other members of the cast were good. All are deserving of praise. The scenery was of the best, and altogether "Twin Beds" was a most enjoyable performance. Between the acts, two special vaudeville numbers were presented applause. Hazel Williams and Billy Seymour delighted the audience with a splendM song and dance number, and Fred Dampier favored with one of his humorous recitations. "Twin Beds" will be presented on Friday evening, and Saturday mat- inee and evening. At the Methodist parsonage, Lyn, on Dee. 11th, G. W, Snell unit- Mira Pond, of di lmasei. v ou want to give, at Uglow's FOR SALE Facing Victoria Park, a detached frame dwelling, with 9 large, bright rooms, furnace, and all conveniences. 83 feet front, Large barn, good garden. TO BE SOLD AT AN ta ATTRACTIVE PRICE. MULLIN Houses for rent. 5 -- HITS FROM THE Fire Insurance. Cor, Johnson and Division Streets. Money #0 loan. Telephone 539w and 539}. DUMBELLS 40c., THREE FOR ONE DOLLAR, POSTPAID Lil Old Granny Mine Road to Anywhere Give Me a Cosy Corner Shuffling Along Winter Will Come It's Canada, the Land For Me Come Back Old Pal Down by Old Apple Tree Oh Gee, Oh Gosh, Oh Golly, I'm In Love . A. The College 100-162 PRINCESS STREeL Book Store - PHONE 919, -- ------ Zion Men's Club Concert. An exceptionally fine concert was given by the Men's Club of Zion EB PP A as BT aR Be evening. The following took part tn the programme: Miss Helen Guild, Mrs. J. Foster, Mrs. J. Tanner, Miss Kiolet Rossaiwhiie dd. Booth. Shae les Gates, Japhes Marshal! and Mrs. and Charles Gates gave a couple of bumorous numbérs which were very 'much appreciated. Harry Hill, tea- took part and accompanied the yvar- John Bell wae chair Telclés & Artiicial Snow at H. Horton. { Mf. and Mrs. Horton Uglow's.