A A A A SF A HUN ES Sr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG (co rain to measure .01 inch. A {sprinkle now and thei does noi vi- MONEY tiate his prophecy. The term : | "clearing" means that rain ve : ; iprabably fall durng part of the time ATWIORR | covered by the forecast, | When the forecast is "warmer" - {it means that the mercury will rise Bier hut Smiter tocar Bonds a certain number of degrees, wary- and Investments ing for different ns and differ. ent parts of the country, ang simil- arly with "cooler." If no change is YOU CANT SELL ant.cipated and the forecaster says : | not much change," "continued WILD CAT oll warm," or 'continued cool," it means there will be no appreciable variation up or down. The coming ? of a "cold wave" promises an a , amount of fall commonly considered tc ' 4 as very much colder and to an un- * 3 SAMY. » usually low temperature, varying ' om ete cir 3 : with season and locality. For the g: 3 ret 7) ol J region extending from southern yl Maine to northernu New Jersey on . Tra! 7) 2 $ y "RY, -. the coast and westwards to Nevada tmas O ; / vs the drop in temperature during the | . YC winter, months must be 20 degrees in 24 hours and to a minimum of 10 degrees above zero or lower. , OR that Christmas party and' w loved ones aches abou the | | AN Oi Man | [1 SUCCESSFUL BAZAR eB aI A In Odessa on Tuesday--The Ri ed | / {7 4 e eS home-fires, ura Secord are A man usually. buys poor stocks truly the Gift Supreme. ¥ | in an attempt to get rich quick. The| Event Realized Over Th x only reason these stocks can ever be $300. ere never was and never f | sold to him is because he is unfam. : 9 hu could be a more expressive gift jf | War with that line of business. Odessa, Dec, 10.--There was an § hE eT I than the famous } You can't convince a shoe man | to" jhe Drigtise of hut his \ J proven exc Py)? nee that anybody. ever became rich in are spending the winter with their y f . that business without working his h head off. He knows too much about mel Profomek Hijet, Fetonsor. ; it. Yet a slick stock salesman prob- a leit Sara to TE i ise X ably wouldn't have such a very hard winter months with their daughter | vi him th time convincing him that he could "70! Ettinger, Kingston. dr. OLp-Tim . 1 1 p h X Sut Sow 8 Ma: Woney i fhe on and Mrs, Watts will be greatly mis- Am Oo ! E It is human nature to believe that un a large number {riengs Who d th 1a the other fellow gets his money i dopa iheir return The are renowned the wor without much effort. The shoe man . perial y ov if th ' ' d h 1 % | thinks his neighbor is getting rich| MT. and Mrs. Henry Smith were Im Tobacco Com any er for their purity and whole- Jf | casily in the ofl business, and the oft |1h® Buests of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence of Canada Limite , Smith, Parrott's Bay, last Friday. someness. man probably has the same ideas ATrott ' X about the shoe business. Mrs. Lewis Snider returned Sunaay, For your convenience in one ; There is nothing enticing about |from spending a couple of weeks two, three, { d 8 3 y the cold hard facts which each man |With relatives in Sydenham. Kingston, and Edward Crumley, 1 ¢e, tour an ve poun understands in his own business.| Frederick Sproule, Toronto, spent|y qe Angeles, California, called on boxes--all 60c the pound. v Consequently, the get-rich-quick [the week-end with his parents, |their friends, Mr and Mrs. Isaac salesman in any given line will have (Mr. and Mrs. 8, J. Sproule. Jack | Fraser, last Tuesday. ~ John Kenny to lure his victims from another Long, Oshawa, is a guest of Mr. hag purchased the Beker residence. business. He can't fool the man who (and Mrs. Donald Thompson. Miss| Mrs 'William Gordon . passed understands that business. Laura Fraser, Whitby, is sepnding away at hér home last Tuesday, hav. 138 Princess Street l Be sure you understand a business |2 few days with her parents, Mr. ing reached the great age of al- : : Kin to RN before you let any one sell you stock jand Mrs. Austin Fraser. Mrs. {most ninety. The funeral was held 1Istmas gston » fn it. It you have no knowledge (Filander Rose, Westbrooke, has been | Wednesday afternoon and the re.| - from experience, seek the advice of [spending the past week with friends. mains placed in the family plot in an honest, reliable man who has. Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas Carnosvky, Cataraqui. Besides her husband, w |, As Shakespeare says: -- N 4 WN of rR v7 1 Lo fa "Now, good digestion Ronis dawra docord | fo wait on append heslh on both" BT Ton Yl sorologisal ; Make health, digestion and appetite asthey ; should be by taking a morning glass of The Forecasters Vernacular. 5 y \ To follow intelligently the daily 4 4 9 forecasts of the Weather Bureau a $ ; : FA : knowledge of the meaning of the " vernacular is necessary, Few peo- 4 wh ple fully understand it. When the § 8 ® 5 forecast is "rain" it means any kind : Ladies of precipitation in season, whether f "For Constant Health" 278' rain snow sleet or hatl, thougn the forecaster will specify snow when i 3 ---- o h e can. If the fall is less than one . . - hundredth of an inch the forecast there are two sons, Wilkam Gor- - " don, on the homestead and James is considered to have failed. Fair . means only the absence of precipi- Gordon, Cataraqui. MUSIC HATH CHARMS The L. A. S. bazaar held fast in all the newest shad tation. The forecaster differentiates : 1 I the ts es a8 far as possible, however, between Hassan Pasha, a professional snake-charmer, performing | Tuesday afternoon and evening was ) a wonderful success and much : the kinds of falr weather expected.|his weird magic in Egypt. He has the power to charm the MEN"S SPATS as "partly cloudy," "cloudy," "un-| Most ferocious snakes from the jungle with the music of his podit bs Sua the adie Jajing yar; settled." "overcast" or "threaten.|pipe. Hassan is eighty years of age, but still hopes to visit fwoolen goods and all othen. No: in Fawn, Beaver, Brown or Gre : > Soke? Bi : : y LD ' y ing," and he is correct if there. is England and display his powers there. {surpassed by far anything that had am hai AN Mertens, dry |ever been held here previously, IES' E wits tase. N What the World Is Dota Sra t son & eb Ag ring 2nd the Wisics A buyer for that CAS SEEN BY POPULAR cMBCHANICS c MAGAZINE on the cafeteria plan. The con- mandolin? : cert at the close of the day-had a yr The Sawyer Shoe Store | Sn DAY hah on ei 1 ' Hair Nets So Fine Machines Earth's Age Is "Set" at Two a Lamune, Tie DIS "Come right in!" Canoy Shoes 184 Princess St. 't Make Them \ or Three Billion Years cal and instrumental selections. au Ties long Cavestigation Son, ientiots hyve Thu, receipe amounted to pearly PHONE A about i ------------ billion yes. Geolopial Messivetacns Notes From Selby, WANT AD Selby,, Dec. 10.--The funera: of the late Mr. Mc¥Farline, Roblin, was z held to St. John's church last Thurs- present discovery rests on the mate i i day. Prof. Johnson Toronto which radio-active substandes change : : by preached in the Methodist church These materials are not perma- but in time turn {hers on Sunday afternoon. Many ah data Jena enjoyed the play here given vy the A RIDDLE Dramatic Club. Miss Herrington . . returned home after spending some Why get along with time at the parsonage. N. MoMil- * : lian has moved into Mrs. Allison's Just one pair of house. Mr. and Mrs. Tumon and children spent Sunday with friends CUFF LINKS?" at Letta. Miss Ellen Gorin of the N. H. 8. spent the week.end at F. Thats a riddle to ask any L. Amey's' A number are practic. man. He'll have three Suits of ing for the New Year' s entertain- clothes, and as many pairs of ment. The W. M. 8. ladies are boots, but only one pair of Cuff having Thursday a day for prayer. Links. Some men make ome Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. M. Doidge pair do for every occasion, from at W. Doidge's; J, Dénison and son tweeds to evening clothes. at D. Fitzpatrick's; Mr. and Mrs. R. MoFarline at Mrs. Bradshaw's; R. Have at least two or three Cassidy at J. Gollingher's.. pairs--one pair for dress occa- Half the work done in the wo 1d sions. H We have goveral dozen de- is done 18 an slfors 40 dodge work, signs to choose from--Mother >» of Pearl or Platinum. Priced from ....,... $1.50 ! 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