eat aa the disease progresses. is aa _ freeiment that its eradication demands phy NOW PLAYING "THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE" e Baily CAPITOL MON., TUES, WED. "RUGGLES or RED GAP" | Escaped Portsmouth Convict Wounded in Battle With Minneapolis Police. Trailed to Minweapolis: By Detective Duncan And Deputy Warden Tucker--Policeman And Two Bystanders Wounded. Minneapolis, Minn, Dec. 15.--Four escaped convicts, were cornered after leaving the Minneapolis postoffice last night, shot and wounded a polloeman and two bystanders. One of the gunmen was cap- tured and dalcen to police headquanters, where he gave the name of "Red" Rysn. Al four of the men escaped from penitentiary at Portsmouth by Setting fire Lo the prison barn and climbing over the walls. Later they ure alleged to have robbed banks at Detroit and Chicago. Those ehot were Patrolmen Norman I. Schaef, seriously wounded; Gustaf" Brickson, Minneapolis, slightly wounded; Carl Erickson, son of Gustaf, slightly wounded. "The four comwiots were followed to Minneapolis about a week ago and 'were seen to collect mail regularly at the general delivery window. Last night, when they called they were followed by elght patrolmen, de- tectives and secret service operatives, When they got to the sidewalk two of the detectives closed in on the quantette. who RYAN SHOOTS AT DETECTIVE. Rysa drew his gun and shot at one of the detectives 4 buttet missed its mark and struck Gustaf Erickson. A moment later, Ryan's compan- ions whipped out their revolvers and started firing ac they ran. The po- loo returned the fire and one of the bullets wounded Ryan in the shoulder. The bandit ren into the front entrance of a clothing store and started through it to the alley. Ryan stumbled over a box as he reached the rear entrance and was overpowered, The other three escaped. TRAILED BY CANADIAN DETECTIVES The men were tralled to Minneapolis by Walter Duncan, chief inves- \ tigator of the department of Justice, - Ottawa, and R. H. Tucker, deputy » 'Warden at Portsmouth penitentiary. An elaborate plan for the capture of the gunmen had been evolved with the assistance of the Canadian auth- orities, who warned the Minneapolls police they would confront one of the most dangerous gangs known to the Canadian police. $ The other convicts whisked away in g high-powered car. dave thrown a net around the city and they are following up The police the trail, : * BER" RYAN'S CONFESSION. Minnespolls," Minn. Dec, 1§«=Norm¥n "Red" Ryan, bank bdndit, Who was shot and captured here last night following a gun fight, con- fessed, the police say, to havin in Canada. He stated that on etate bank in Bt. Paul and cbta Be had been operating in var , @scape from Portsmouth, November 5th he held up Grand Avenue ined $5,000, and that with other gunmen fous parts of the United States since their Wag very sore over the fact that the other convicts deserted him after he bad driven them in the automobile from the home of Mrs. HH. W. Rich- ardson, King street west. It has been suggested that when McMul- len heard there was a chance that he would be charged with setting fire to the stable at the prison, he stated that he would not plead gullty to such a charge as he did not set fire to the building and intimat- ed that it was "Red" Ryan who started the fire. MeMullen stated that he was one of the convicts who arranged the ladder, Movements Were Known. It is a well-known fact that the authorities at the Portsmouth peni- tentiary have been aware of the ever changing whereabouts of the four convicts who have been absent from that {institution for months, The prison authorities have been kept in touch with the movements of these men and when Their Prison Escape. The four convicts, in company with ard McMullen of London, . Ont., made a successful escape from the Portsmoutlk penitentiary on the morning of September 10th. McMu. len was recaptured late the same 4 oon after being badly wound- © 8d in the band by a bullet fired from JR revolver in the hands of Guard For- Bythe who fired at the automobile in "which the convicts were escaping "when it turned off King street "west onto Pembroke street. On Wednesday last, Edward Me- Mullet appeared before Judge H. A. Lavell and had four years added to 'his sentence for the part he played 'fu the sensational escape. " Although nothing official has been {given out by the prison authorities, ft Is understood that since Edward McMullen was captured he has given the detectives considerable Informa- tion that assisted 'in traeing the conviets. When captured McMullen & escaped from Portsmouth penitentiary | three | KINGSTON, UNTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1923, WHIG TOLD ABOUT EXPECTED CAPTURE | the opportune time came, Deputy | Warden Tucker and Detective Dun- can, with the assistance of the Ame- | rican police, laid a trap which re-! the | On Tuesday the Whig had an exclusive story on Page 10, column 5, to the effect that de- tectives were on the trail of "Red" Ryan and his gang, and that it was expected they would | be rounded up in the course of | @ few days. At that time it was learned that detectives were close on the heels of the des- peradoes across the border and that it would only be a short time before they were landed. It was known that Deputy Warden Tucker was in the ehase. '"'Red" Ryan's capture ghows that the Whig had the inside facts. | sulted im the capture of Ryan, most dangerous of the four. | After leaving the prison the four IN DESPERATE FIGHT | | | | f WOULD KEEP where they remained for a short Tories Trying to Effect a Lib- time and then moved to Hamilton oye | and worked backwards and forwards between these two cities. It ig eral Coalition. | picious that the prison authorities | were after them, so they crossed the border and visited Detroit and Chi &0 and later arrived at St. Paul Minpeapolis, which is well known as the place where all the bandits of | | the western states congregate. Is to Kill the C lit ol Socialism in the Next Election. thought that the convicts were sus- | RR | | Credit Due Deputy Warden. The prison authorities do not | | enim that the other three convicts | will be at large very long, as "Red" | | Ryan was the brains of the quar- London, Dec. 15.--A period of tette, and without him they cannot |, nder-ground intrigues has now be. | do much. gun and will continue until the | The credit of the capture of | meeting of parliament. The die | "Red" Ryan is in a great sense due |, rd Tories, who formerly opposed | to the excellent work of Deputy |, coalitions, are making rrantic Warden Tucker, of the Portsmouth | to induce the Liberals to penitentiary. A couple of weeks ago join tn a new coalition to keep out when it was decidea that Deputy 3 y w: soa ii 0 Pp Warden Tucker should cross thet: Lal rites. y : hak | border in search of the convicts, the | It is stated the first thing which | prison authorities asked the Domin- | tho Labor Government intends to do lon government for the services of |1$ to recognize Russia and arrange Detective Duncan, a former mem-|& complete resumption of trade, In sion to enter this cauntry as a visi-| ber of the Toronto police detective |that it will have the Liberal £Upport, / tor [as well as for the second plank, aw! LOT {extensive scheme of relief work for | FERGUSON NETTLED, | the uncmployed and a big = house Toronto Real Estate Man [Peilding programme, and the third Stabs Himself to Death | He Said Some Mean Things About | plank, to call a new international | | ol y 8 | Alberta's Premier, conference to discuss the European i 15. --Wit steel Edmonton, Dec. 14.-- Premier Situation and if neces ary revise the St, Das T3 ly Ras og [uses of Sacha mows, is SHY Vorsatlies Treaty. Holt, aged forty-four, a real estate | er devoid of a sense of humor or he oT : | " ent, was found dead in the base- | |Is inspired by ideals, inimical to the Tary-Liberal Hopes, Boa, King street Knot' Yorr [best Interests of Canada or he is| London, Dec. 14.--It is evident ; De SC > | terday afternoon. Holt, the police | |stupld."" said Hon. Howard Ferguson that any attempt to ensure a Labor ati | reported, had been worrying over | {Premier of Ontario, addressing a combination with Liberals is certain | the loss of money in real estate tran- | {meeting here last night. Mr. Fer. [to fail, the Labor party publicly af-« { |guson was discussing a criticism | firming ft; intention to govern the | actions. | made by Hon. Mr. Dunning of -------------- the country without any from of coali- | |ctatement credited to Ontario's [tion. ALLEGED ACCOMPLICE {premier 'that Ontario would OF MURRELLS CAUCHT 'dom-, Lloyd George makes the declara- Pat Norton Under Arrest In {Inate" the Dominion. tion that: "In this election we have | | killed protection and destroyed re- Indiana--London Officer to Go There. An_Englishman's Wife Dies on Ellis Island New York, De¢. 15.--Bert Dodge, | an Englishman who came here to welcome to his new home in Boston, | his wife and baby daughter, Kath- | leen, passengers in the Samaria | which arrived Monday from Eng- land, greeted and bade his last fare- well to his wife. She died Thurs-] day at Ellis Island of pneumonia, | contracted while she awaited permis- | services. . | [PREMIER ! THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. faction. It remains for us to make At this season of the year, the Sure In the next election -- which Christian world reverently turns to |Will not be long delayed--thar we td | put before the people a programme the | °F well-considered - soelul reforms i {which shall kill the crudities of A t1® lcocialtsm." This declaration fs cer. | simple vet beautiful language ot the [tain tq increase the Labor deter. | Bospel narrative. In spirit let us | mination to go it alone. | 80 over to Bethiehem and view -the| The fate of the Weonomic © Con- | place where Christ the Lord was | ference reference offers is seeming- bora. {ly sealed, Liberals declaring that, | Bethlehem is situated about six | "If the king's epeech asserts the miles south of Jerusalem. Starting |M€ce-sity of more doses of Imper- | from Jerusalem by the Jaffa gate, | 18] Preference; it will be impossible | the journer is over a rough and hilly! or. Liberals to pass ft unchalleng- | | the little town of Bethiehem { lovingly recalls the story of Saviour's birth as set forth in Toronto, Dee. 15.--It was decided by the .atlorney-general's 'depart- ment yesterday afternoon to act upon information Feceived wr tow: don, Ont., that "Pat" Norton, an alleged accomplice of the Murrell brothers in the Melbourne bank rob- bery, is under arrest at Aurora, In- diana. A message was sent to Aurora by the provincial police headquarters directing that photo- graphs and finger prints of the pri- soner be taken at once. A London officer, who knows Norton, will go to Aurora. country road amid scenes that awak-| jen in the mind reverent memories | | and fill the soul with loving emo- tions. On the west 1s the Gihon | valley, where Solomon was crowned. | and on the south-east 'is the valley | | of Hinnon, where nearby, in the | Mexican Federal troo | Nayarit retakes the cit rebel troops. Ps at Tepis Y and route ----, BERMUDA. WRITTEN FOR THE WHIG BY ARTHUR HUNT CHUTE. fleldrof Pephal, King David defeat- ed the Philistines. | But a short distance from King | David's well Bethlehem greets the | eye, There on a high hill it stands, with its closely clustered houses of | '* No man can find out the world from beginning to end," says Solo- white stone, its massive walls and mon. But happy are those that find out Bermuda. towers looming forth in the bright-! No place ec vear the North is so rich in the luxury of the South. | hess of the morning sun. | On the fortunate side of the Gulf Stream, this abode of the blest is bathed Christmas should mean infinitely | in sunshine, while wintry cold and fog are holding sway across the divid- more to us than can be expressed by { lng current. Bift or language. It ic not to bei The winter season in Bermuda fs not too warm and not too cold. a season of tears, but of joy. ti To quote a familiar parapbrage, * Doubtless God might have made a should fill every home with 8lad- | better season, but doubtless He never did." ness and the noise of happy chil-| I remember my first trip to these islands. I sailed from Halifax dren and parents. Let the children | harbor, in the month of February, the thermometer well below zero; our come home, let the parents throw ! vessel seemed to shiver from the all-pervasive cold. As we wepe standing out to sea, we met a trans-Atlantic liner, in- p of ice was a open their)homes to them; let the | yule log be laid in the fireplace and | i d, jeed up from stem to stern. The sight of that shi lighted, and with songs match the boys p p fit parting from " Our Lady of the Snows." {trailing Ryan for a long time, and | Being Waged by the Police Women | [rendering valuable servic BANDIT RYAN HAS OBJECT In Confessing to Bank Rob- ~~ bery At St. Paul. MAY FIGHT EXTRADITION The Canadian Authorities Have Been Trailing Ryan Fer Some Time. Toronto, Dec. 15,--From the facts Monterey, Dec. 15.--The censor- that, according to Minneapolis des. ship of Mexico City suddenly was patches this morning, "Red" Ryan lifted at about midnight Thursday potorfous Canadian: bank bandit [night and the Obregonpiets along and ex-convict captured fn that city ithe international frontier feel more yesterday, has confessed to a bank |optimistic about the immediate sup- robbery fn St: Paul, it is thougit|pression of the revolution by Adore' here that Ryan proposes to take |de La Huerta and his followers, his chances first with United States On the western front, facing the Justice, and fight against extradi- revolutionaries under General En- tion to~Canada for trial in Toronto |rique Estrada, about 8,000 soldiers on the charge of holding up the {under President Obregon are march- branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia !ing along the north shores of Lake on Septembef 27th last, and of es- Chapala in the direction of Guadala~ caping from the provincial peni. (Jara, the second city of Mexico, tentlary a few week's previously. Canadian authorities have been UPON REBELS Mexican President Hopeful of Suppression a of | Revolution. THE CENSORSHIP RAISED : On Mexico City-The Rebels Have Captured Two More Places. More Captures by Rebels, Vera Cruz, Dec. 15.--Capture of several sensational es- |Urnapam in the State of Michoacan, migsea (4 railway cgntre, and of Acambaro being taken at a dance, and hig in Guarapjuate were announced last boarding house here was watched by right by the revolutionary head- armed police for days. On one oc- Quarters, Acambaro is about eighty casion when the police here heard {uiles from Mexico £City. that Ryan wag hiding at Wagner's | Pay, near Han'ilton, a posse in au. |U.8. GIRL 8 SOUGHT IN MURDER MYSTERY tomobiles rushed to the neighbor ing city and with Hamilton police beseiged the place, but the bird Wife of a British Officer Found S8tabbed--Her Husband Missing. he has had capes, In Toronto he just had flown. As Ryan and his bandit comrades entered the United States as unde | sirables and convict: they can be | deported without extradition pro- ceedings, London, Dec. 15.--The police of | Hove, near Brighton, sent out yes | terday a general call for Norma Hasg- | seller an American girl, and are un- | derstood to be communicating by | wireless with liners naw at pea. Miss - Hasseler is belleved to be of New York. |able to throw some light upon a' New York, Dec. 156.--The police- | tragedy which occurred at Hove on Women of the New York force are | Thursday of last week. Mrs. Mar- ® in the! jorfe Bailey, twenty-two years old, campaign that is now being waged | wife of Major Norman Percival Bail. against fake dentists. In fact, prac-|ey, was discovered on. Friday mens tically all of several cases that arcing to have been murdered in her uow pending before the courts are | sleep. She had been stabbed to the based on evidence secured by wonien i heart by a dagger, and had been shot members of the force. [in the head. £95 # It is declared that there are over | Since then no one has seen her a thousand fake dentists In the «ity j husband, though a number of letters ; and Attorney-General Sherman de-| have been received from him by re« clares he will con'inuc the drive latives and by editors of newspapers against them until they are all either ' in Straffordshire, from which both in jail or have been frightened out, he and his wife came, of the city. All those communications have -- the same tenor. He admits killing | his wife, but declares that he did i§ from excess of love, and not as a re. sult of a quarrel. Something went wrong in his brain, he asserts. WAR ON FAKE DENTISTS, TEACHERS WELL TREATED, in England Going on European Tour. London, Dec. 15.--~Canadian teachers, who Have exchanged with English teachers under an arrange- ment with tho Imperial Union of Teachers, are being well treated. Beventeen of them from Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Van- couver will leave ghorlly for Switzer- land where they will enjoy the win- ter sports. They will then go to Genoa, Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan and Paris. The trip will be under the auspices of the League of Empire. Canadiars TWO CANADA STEAMSHIPS, ' Are to Be Transferred to Canadian Service, London, Dec. 15.--~It 1s under. stood that the Cunard Company is about to make an important new development in jts Capadian pers vices. One or two of their large, ships now operating in the New York service will be transferred to Quebec and Montreal services, it is stated. The Cunard company an- nounced last night that the ships in question were Coronia and Carmas nia, and that the new service will commence in April next. Not Abandoning Singapore. London, Dec. 15.--"There is no foundation whatever for the report merry crackling log. Say, come, friends, come strangers, "If it be but a cup of cold water that's given," and a kindly smile, it wili do some- thing to show that TUBERCULOSIS 'Is Not Hereditary--Iit Can Be Conquered g . "God's in His heaven, All's we!l with the workd." Tuberculosis is undoubtedly a preventable dieease. ES That the forests with their fea- thered songsters declare Hig good- ness, that the cattle on a thousand bille are grazing at His feet, that the crows pick food from His hands and that man is redeemed from sin and Is the government, or the people, who are really the government, doing their best in the matter of preventitive measures ? How would we act if a ship load of immigrants afflicted with tuber gulosis endeavored to land on our shores? Would we allow them { Everyone knows that we would use every means in our power to. prevent landing. 'We would treat them the same as those suffering from plague, If so much anxiety and energy is displayed about keeping infected persons from landing in the country, why the apathy with regard to 'those in our midst * RL Tuberculosis can be stamped out sud the only apparent reason it is mot exterminated, is our unwillingness to pay the cost. "This is the marvel! of marvels re- vealed, When the silvery trumpets ~ Christmas have pealed, That humankind are the children of God." of There is one way to make a white Christmas even though there may be not a flake of snow in sight. Let the whiteness, be in your heart. Put aside all thoughts of guile. Forget all the big or little bitter- .' Wa do not séem to realize the appalling ememy to our economic prosperity tuberculosis is, especiatly through loss of output. Wha esraing tapasity of a victim is ; tuberculous victim is reduced year by some other person. Cast out ail li : i envy, all covetousness. all upkind- Why, should & preventitive disesse nol be sradirated ? a Sagavor to tether A EU Pa Sol sea Bi GTRAIR part, of. the. anergy we expanded MRst tuberculosis, we would soon be on the ® charity, Look YUH Workaday 'horizon. Get out of Yourself, Get" into the. 'heart of Bess You may be entertaining against] Practice anf bey 7004. and... above. § | Three days later, in Grassy Bay, I saw the sunrise across the Bermuda | Istands. Pacing the .deck, waiting to clear from quarantine, I watched ; the islands come out of the haze of dawn; low land, with gentle undula- tions, covered with the deep green of cedar, broken here and there by white roofs and white houses, in keeping with the dazzling whiteness of the beaches. "It's a lovely place," I said to my travelling companion, * but the sea that surrounds it is far loveller."" The long periods which I have spent there since have deepened the first impressions. My present home ls situated with the bright blue waters stretching to tbe south, to the east and to the north. Encompassed by 'the blue 'on every hand, a man can walk on this pert of Fairyland and truly pro- claim, "1 am at sea." Yes, and with equal truth, Bermuda itself ig always at sea. Yet how many there are that come to Bermuda and catch her greatest charm only in casual and flashing glimpses. The cafe, the lobby and the Garden bandstand Begulle the throng, while all the time the Inner Sound and the Outer Bay are waiting in sunshine blue as an angel's eye. : There is something more in Bermuda than hotels and trippers.- oe 1s as full of magic as Prospero's Island, for those that seek; It is replete with the medicine of silénce and repose. ; To see the island aright, you must flee away from Front street, away from the frequented haunts, away from the maddening crowd, with your back to the town, with your face to the ocean, you will come to know 'what makes Bermuda loveliest of islands. Whatever may be sald regard- dng her landscapes, they are merely an incident compared to her sea- ~The sea for Bermuda is st once her crown, her glory, her ali n all. There is no place, with which I sm acquainted, where land and water are wodded milo sach exquisite usion. The clue to every beauty, the secret of every spell, in the end is traceable 'to the encircling sea. . "4 b a Ut mesa red--for there are iy entapty may EA PEE RNY & RT i -\ Climb to the hill-top and ¥ Say Clown from Africa, received yesterday from New York to the effect that the Singapore base has been abandoned," says a note issued last evening by the secretary of the admiralty. In Conference with Poincare. Paris, Dec. 156.---Herr Von Hoesch, a German charge d'affaires, went into conference With Premier Poin- care in Paris on Saturday morning on various problems, including those involved in the Ruhr oceupation. ---------------- RATE DISCRIMINATION, -- " Imperial Committee to Probe Canes dian Miller's Complaint. London, Dec. 15.--The alleged ocean 'rate discrimination againet Canadian flour will be considered by the Imperial Bhipping Committee, Hon. P. C. Larkin has brought before them a complaint of Canadian mil~ lers that lower rates were being age cepted for flour from United States than from Canadian ports. Pl MEN SOLVE and RESOLVE Many things, But the greatest PROBLEM Ever given to MAN Is the WOMAN he MARRIES. Many men have TRIED To solve MANY women. In fact, MANY men have tried bir, MWe se bavey react ARR possibly not "You Said It, Marceline!" mss By MARCELINE &ALROY, On "Trying Men." And are SATISFIED. One man complains he has Lived with his wife For fifteen years, and doesn Know her YET. . Another man complains He has been married six Months, and Knows HIS wife