SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1928, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG DIAMONDS CHRISTMAS What gift could be more appreciated than a -- . BEST'S Suggestions Tollet and Manicure Sets. Shaving Seis. Perfumery in cases. Perfume Atomizers. Fancy Stationery. Fountain Pens. | . . Powder Compacts. { Diamond Ring | Safety . | . ee Cameras. Diamond Bar Pin Chocolates. A big display of beautirul or and useful gifts. : OPEN EVENINGS, D 1iamond Set Ribbon Watch L. T. Best Phone 59, ( | for "Milady" | ora | | | Diamond Scarf | FOR SALE | ns low, § X f 3 EE rot wviams § resme, to Cuff Links a oy AmULTy, 7 rooma, for electric ta, "FATHER, BROTHER $3000--4 rooms, teilet und electrielty, | Several to choose from. { 83500--Frame, 7 rooms, 3 » bath, fur. | mace; nice location; stable and serage; electricity. 84700«<For 3 stone Cottinges. A Spap for quick buyer, $0000---Stone, 10 rooms, hot water heat, * electric light, b.w, floors through- { out; a beautiful some, 'Bateman's Real Estate 136 Wellington 1 St. or BEST FRIEND" We have a splendid se- | lection and would be glad to have you Inspect them, STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. ll | ard and his immediate family, Mr. || Two Presents For Mother A new, all cast, Happy Thought Range, which has been, the range of quality for fifty years. A new Electric Fixture for one of the rooms. . Make these one of your presents to Mother. | Mkevey & Bich, Lied 3 Jobber of Plumbers' and Ges-Fittery Supplies. Stoves, Shelf, Weavy Te + ' Hanging, ee all Sts erat. The wise buyers are making their selec- now, This year we are in a better than ever to meet your requirements. ro hr Se ea 0 Sew- ing Cabi Piano and Ches- graphs, Records, Player Rolls. We will stare your purchases i un ; YR ART SE FRI TRG | | | ll | Judge Madden, Fred F. Miller, C. i| E., Fred 8S. Richardson and W. a. "| Peltor, and a large number of rela- THE CHURCH BAZAAR [1t 1s Estimated That at Least | Nine Hundred Dollars Was Taken In. -- Napanee Dec. 15.--Although the | Inclement weather, which prevailed | here on Thursday, interfered with | the bazaar, lunch and supper given | by the ladies of Trinity Methodist | churenh; they have mot much reason to compiain of the loyal Patronage | of their own members and those | of the other churches { n. There | was abundance of good thin to eat at the two meals which were admir. | ably served and there was a good | revenue from the large number of Paying guests. Tea wae also served during the afternoon. The bazaar tables were loaded with useful and fancy articles, many jot which will appear later on as { Christmas presents in many homes, | The decorations 'were charming and | | attractive and the sale of the wares | | offered went merrily on. It is, as | | yet impossible to say exactly how | | much money has been realized by | | the 'efforts of the ladies, but it a | estimated that at least $900 was | | taken in. This amount is likely to | j be largely augmented when the filo- | al accounting is made. ! The funeral of Mrs. Leonard took | place on Friday afternoon at the | church of St. Mary Magdaline. The | services being conducted by Rev. J, | H. H. Coleman, M.A., vicar. The | handsome grey casket was iow | | with a profusion of beautiful flow- i ers, tributes of affection and re- spect. A very large congregation | was assembled to take part in the | beautiful and impressive service for | | the burial of the dead. The hymn "Peace Perfect Peace." was sung by the choir in procession. Later 'the hymn "On the Resurrection Morn- | Ing," was sung. The Nunc Dimittis | Was sung as a recessional. The eort- | ege was reformed and proceeded to | Riverview cemetery, where inter- | ment was made. The pall bearers were: Dr. Gal braith, Ww. ss, Herrington, K.C., Wilson. The chief mourners present during the last sad rites were the bereaved husband, Dr. R. A. Leon- {and Mrs. William Leonard, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lace, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Byers, Gananoque; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. E. Graham, Belleville. A brother of the deceased, Sidney tives and dear friends from out of town took part in the obsequics. Mr. and Mrs. J> G. Daly ana Miss Celestine are spending the week-end. in Toronto. The Napanee Collegiate students their commencement entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morse, Win- vipeg, Man., are expected to arrive io town tomorrow to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Morse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ww. A. Daly. --n SATURDAY'S MARKET, Tarkey Market Rusted by Eager Buyers--Varied Prices. Saturday morning's market was fairly large as to vendors and =a giant as to buyers. It was hard to got around the aisles at various times during the morning and some of the farmers had sold out and cleared for dinner before eleven o'clock. Fowls were the main in- terest. Turkeys were offered all the way from 20c a pound to 35c a pound. Most of them weighed around ten pounds. One lady of- fered a 28-pound beauty at 20c a pound. Geese were also much in evidence, 'selling from 25¢ to 30¢ | 8 pound. Chickens brought $1.50 | to $2 a pair and fowls $1 to $1.50 | each. » Eggs ran from 60c to 70c a dozen and butter from 40c¢ to 50c a pound. Apples could be bought from 40c to 76¢ a peck. The vegetables of- fered were attractive and fairly priced for the season. ------------------------ Forty Convicts WII PROBS: Sunday, fresh Westerly winds, fair and > and ALL NEXT WEEK. for Christmas Shoppers. & This annual event offers many exceptional opportunities It offers a broad variety of gift suggestions at well worth while economies. MEN'S SILK TIES, 50c. each Flat Silk Gift fes in Jac- quard and strifed patterns --the finest values in the trade. ENGLISH CASHMERE SOCKS, 50c. Pair Morley's pure wool Eng- lish Socks in colors Black, Brown, Fawn and Navy, Regular 69c. values. SILK and WOOL SOCKS 69c. Pair Fine Silk and Wool Socks in all the wanted shades and sizes. Regular 75c. and 85c. values, MEN'S SHIRTS $1.50 Each "The Gordon"---the best Negligee Shirt in the trade at the price-- all new pat- terns and sizes, SALE OF SAMPLE SILK KIMONAS AND BREAKFAST GOWNS in all the most desirable shades; smartly hand embroidered; lace and Freach knots; trimmings; priced regularly from $13.73 to $27.50. WOMEN'S UNDER. WEAR, $1.00 Each Harvey's super-fine Tailor- ed winter weight Vests and rawers -- all styles and sizes. Regular $1.35, $1.50 and $1.75 values. . are making great preparations for |. Be Given Parole! Forty convicts at the Portsmouth penitentiary are to be allowed out on parole, in the course of a few days. 'Their time would be up around March 1st, so they are being given three months off thelr sen- tence. This will reduce the num- ber of prisoners in the penitentiary to 690, s | McCALL'S MAGAZINE One year's subscription $ 1. Two years $1.50. Three years $2.00. A gift that 'would be appreciated by any woman, and each month would renew grati- fication for your thought- fulness. NOVELTY WAISTS $4.98 Each 18 only, Novelty Silk Georgette, Canton Crepe and Flat Crepe Waists samples in sizes 36 and 38 only. Regular $8.50 to $12.50 values. WOOL JERSEY DRESSES $15.50 and $18.50 Very smart and new; in colors Grey, Sand, Brown, Navy and Henna--now en- joying a wonderful popu- larity in New York . . CAVALIER WAISTS $2.98 Each Fine Irish Dimity Waists with the new Cavalier Pointed Collars--sizes 34 to 42. Regular $3.50 val- ues. SPORT HOSE 89¢. pair - Novelty Ribbed All Wool Sport Hose in the Fawn and Lovat shades. All sizes - --regular $1.25 values, - WOOL GLOVES $1.00 pair English Wool Gauntlet Gloves, plain and fringed. GIFT GLOVES $2.00 pair - Perrin's fine French Kid Gloves in gift boxes--all sizes. Colors Black, White, Solos Brow, Fawn, Grey, Brown and Fawn. caver an Grey. : SILK and WOOL HOSE, $1.19 pair In flat and ribbed styles -- colors are Sand, Brown, Grey and Black and White. All sizes. Regular $1.50 values, HANDKERCHIEFS 25¢. box 1,000 gift Handkerchiefs in dainty boxes -- one pretty embroidered 'Ker- chief in a box. Special val- ues at 35c¢. each, . $2.19 a yard JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOPPERS FRENCH FLAT CREPE 150 yards of this beautiful Dress Silk in Navy Blue jand Black--the wearing and washing qualities of this | Silk are well and favorably known. T he regular 40 inches wide--while it lasts Here is a splendid gift suggestion for a husband to wife or son to mother gift. | | | | | | | | | a