== ee a ---- Ee | 1 NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS O° hound : = points to prosperous conditions in ENERRBIENER SATURDAY. DuCEMBEL 13, 129. : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 2s % . ecclesiastic and bemevoignt activ. . es ities, , There is a warning against . = icien tims Driers AUCTION BRIDGE ANALYZED EAT g caution, ' y wo ] Tacs whose Uithaay it 1a re 8 MacKEY'S BETTER BREAD USE funder a a rule making for trouble BY WYNNE FERGUSON. = - ¥ {With writings and with young peo- Author of the Authorative Book: " 5 . Dec Laure. A. Kirkman |vle. Attention to this warning and orative Bok: "Auction Bridge for.1023. === to business will bring success. A ' BECAUSE: = Te -- oy TOMORROW'S MENU, Twentieth row: Chain three to [child born on this day may be talk- " Attention " Is Key to Good Play, Says Fergasoa--Blige Expert . 7 A Breakfast, ++ | form a picot in'every third 8. C. with ative unless it is well trained, bu. the Advantages of the Redoubled No Trump. . A liberal amount of / - Stewed Prunes {one S. €. between each picot all it will succeed. If the average player w sked what t of the game of auction : Cereal | around. Row 21: Have the picot | Monday's horoscope holds proph- To hi 8 Jay ote « ; ag : "rhe f th Malt Extract goes 1n-~ Waftles, Maple Sirup | between the picots of preceding row |ecy for fairly successful conditions | 2PPea = to © most, he would undoubtedly reply: *"Thé play of the h d h . Coffee { with Si C. over picot alternating. {in business, but warns against|Dands." It is remarkable that this is true, for the bidding is infinitely to eac ough, In- Dinner | Row 22; One Picot, 1 8. C.. 1[troubles in home or heart affairs. | MOre important than the play, and yet the majority of auction players : 3 ry Celery | picot, 13.8. C., 1 picot, 1 8. C., picot, [In the latter realm sickness or dis. | take much more interest in the play. | creasing its nutrition, Roast of Beef 13 8. C., repeat-all around. Row 23: (appointment may enter. Beware You often hear the expression: "If I could only play the cards like | adding to its flavour Potatoes Canned Corn |1 8. C. over picot, 1 picot, 1 8. C., [speculation in business, but new |eo and 50," but never " If I could only bid my hands like so and 80." | and 1 Fruit Salad : 1 pleot, 11 8. C, 1 picot, 1 8. C., projects: may flourish and employ- The reason for this attitude is probably the fact that the play of the ' na color, NU Coffee, Lemon Meringue Pie 1 picot, 11 8. C. Repeat all around | ment bring benefits, hands is Sith hl i Supper to.end of row. Row 24: Alternate Those whose birthday it is may a concrete proposition, while the bidding is more or .less an = MACKEY'S BREAD Olives picot and 8. C., decrease two S. C. [expect a 800d year in business or abstract one. Whatever the reason, auction players everywhere admire = Scrambled Eggs in this row, repeat. employment if they avoid specula. he good player more than'the good bidder and are continually striving Phone 834. . Jam Sandwiches | Row 25: Alternate picot and 8. C. tion, In the home or realm of the mprove their play. Cocoa Doughnuts | with seven 8S. C. in this row. Row laffections there may be disappoint- What makes the good player and why does one show so much more | NERNRERNERRRANNERENENE ~ Orochet Directions for An Infant's | 26: iterante Diol jug En ment. A child born on this day [ability in this line than his fellow players ? The difference between 8 Helmet Hood, Ave 8. C., repeat. "i: will be fortunate in business or em- good and bad play is attention, constant attention, continuous attention. ' id oy {nate S. C. and picot with three 8. ployment but may exercise some Don't ascribe bad plav $ ot long ago you printed a re- C. Row 28: Same as preceding |q tot t in H tt r your play to lack of memory. You cannot forget what eT : quest, from another reader, for cro- TOW Row 29, 30 and 31: Single poi ment in its other rel-|yoy never knew. 4 chet directions for a baby's aviation crochet all around. - The most irritating errors occur through want of attention. The ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS 3 -- = 4 helidvy Oils Nader Bas in Edge with groups of three trebles good player, the one you admire, is probably no better player than you, Ah i RRR mx a le e i . i A Mind the RR an a { after making ear tabs of single cro but the attention he pays to the game is probably 100 per cent. while See that this year's gifts are the kind that will give ) not for wool. However, she can] Chet. Aliqw; 25 single erochet Wr | yours is 26 per cent. or less. life-long happiness. Here are a few suggestions: | experiment, using wool instead" of| ["OhD: repeat other J! oe MONEY { / The first thing to learn if you wish to become a good player is to FOR THE FAMILY--A RADIO SET would be most | i o 0 sige 1h pate ue ge, re ne! | notice what cards are played. Don't play along until the middle of the appropriate. It will give them years of entertainment. % : X, Join single 2 ; "Baby's Crocheted Helmet Hood: SRN ED Pavia two 8..C. AT WORK { hand and suddenly wake up to the fact that you don't know what has - FOR THE WOMEN FOLK--Curling Irons, Boudoir W Two tubes of Belding's Stylex Swea-| ~~. =" Decrease two of | & . been played. Without that knowledge you are obliged to guess, and guess ~~ Irons, Boudoir Lamps, Table and Piano Lamps. ; ter yarn ((artificial slik) and a num- | three S. C. Dfaw together with or work Is always unsatisfactory, Cultivate your attention. 'Don't miss Come in and see the above at 3 ber seven or eight steel crochet |; stitch. Chain length of 27 re sporiant Lemons in a card and your play of the hands will soon improve a, hundred per cent id hook. Begin'by chaining ten; join, chain st. Attach strings to bottom 'and Investments Remember, the difference between good and bad pla is attenti pe pi : . 2 D. 8. C. In ring. Row two: Two S. c. of ear tabs, and the work is done. tion--atténtion--ocontinuous attenti PSY. % allan r9iR e ewman ecinic in every third st. so that you have A tassle may be put on extreme top : 8 attention. ° . hs - five sections, the two single crochet! . ~. . cap. Contributed by Mrs. \ Ei Te 167 PRINCESS STREET | PHONE, 441 = being the centre of miter. Two|; il THE REDOUBLED NO TRUMP « KINGSTON'S PIONEER RADIO SUPPLY HOWSE B. C. Into every miter, Increasing eines In several previous articles, the writer has called attention to the x one 8. C. in each section. All inquiries addressed to Miss = value of a redouble when your partner's no-trump bid has been doubled. 3 Row three: Having four B. C. be-| girkman tn care of the "Bfficient This redouble is undoubtedly the strongest defense to the into: tween miters. Row four: Having keping" department will be : ; rmatory e Housek"eping Dp double that has yet been invented. 'S 3 five 8. C. between miters. Row b hav-| ynowared fn these columns in thelr one no-trump, second hand q wa Whose Tout yaraer dels agi bide 2 ing etx 5. C. between miters.Coninue | turn, This requires considerable | | on i Sean A hold a. sotromp. 1a Christmas comes but once a year, in this way till you have - C.| sme, however, owing to the great | 3 WHY * : y ation except by the redouble ? The . o . Between each miter, then single cro- | number recerrad. Be IE 8 moron | pow % AXES + | edouble should inform your partucr that you ale have 8 mo-framp seu And when it comes, it brings good cheer, chet afound without Increasing for | or quicker reply is desired, a ctamp- { MAN nat the doubler is sandwiched in between two good hands. From mew oa So, open your bottle without a tear 3 next six rows. #d and self-addressed envelope must { HS you should play for penalties. R . ' B ith te quesilon. Be i ; 4 > ¥o_sutiossd a \S Suite oe i A The. dollowing hand was played the other night in a big match emember : . Well Back Vicks pumber, and the name of your city { 3 & an lustrates peftectly the redouble and its great possibilities: A . Col d and province. ~The Editor. % h--K 10.3 ® Sieg : Against Any : --Q 73 About Christmas. ; d--K J 4 5 In : st | There are lots of interesaing § s--K QJ 7 3 on things connected with Christmas % ---------- i Day--its meaning and significance, § Wd 8 2 -- | I 3 i We'll back a jar of Vicks Vapo-| its observance in other countries, its | Y | bss TON R «c | Rub against any cold in Kingston| symbols and superstitions, and the c--A J 8 4 | | c--6 4 2 d 1 y and vicinity. date itself is of interest In an his- ; &--A 85 | A B | d--10 9 2 IS SOLD HERE Here's our liberal offer: torical way. Many facts have been| Economics has become one of-our| 9--A 7 3 | (Dealer) | &--109 § 2 ! Ge 0 Vicks at y ous gathered about this great world cele- | most-used words. Just what is its | Z At All Reliable Druggists . -------- ight with the re-| bration. Do you know what the | exact meaning? i v aly i Ent carton to: word "Christmas" really means? -- 3 2 2 1e THE ONTARIO WINE COMPANY, ; Vicks Chemical Company, 344 St.| The word is derived from the word 4 ee] Paul Street W., Montreal, and we will "Christ," and the Saxon wora dino is. the 5 ence Shat --Q 8 6 5 Lake Shore Road, New Toronto. iad Sladly refund the purchase price. We «Moegse," * which means mass, or a' uman wan --4 3 . Telephone Lakeside 5454. 5 make the above offer because Vicks 4 and the means by which they are No. store. 8 certainly does give quick relief in the | [°9t: and so Chrustmas means the satisfied. ore, first game, Z dealt ahd bid one mo-trump. A doubled and Y, majority of cases. feast of Christ, and in honor of His It is plain that our wants are not with a no-trump hand, redoubled. This redouble told Z that his pantner| Miss Amy A. Pond, Apr. 20, 50 Disthein the robe of yerPeiuatiug limited to necessities. We don't eat| 38d a big hand and fo play for penalties. B bid two spades, Z and A King St., Sherbrooke, Quebec, writes: great spirit of love and charit¥l,. ye: jnmead we often live to eat. | Passed and Y doubled and all passed, The contract was defeated 400 "Vicks VapoRub is one of the best and friendship ls it celebrated to- remedies for colds that I have been 4 y. The celebration of the day 48 We are not satisfied with warm |points, while #¥ Y hed bid two no-trump he and his partner would have lothing, or weather-proof housing. | scored only three odd i able to get hold of. I had a very a great holiday dates back to pagan e y + Quite a difference but nothing unusual in cag Hovere cold on my chest and I ap- umes when the Winter Solstice was | TY Must be ornamental as well. | where the redouble is sound ! Be on the lookout for such hands, = plied Vicks VapoRub and got great observed Scandinavian mytholo There is apparently no end to the 8, ¢ wesults. The cold seemed to break 1 . hat duri the Yul BY wants of man; no one is absolutely up, and in,a day or so I Was almost tells us, t WFnE. he Yulctias; | satisfied; the more wo get, the more HERE ARE SOME PROBLEMS free from a cold." | which falls at this same time of the We want, The following hand was played at one of the New York. ward -ovige Vicks is the external, direct treat-' year, there was a peace among the the other nigh i . ment for all cold troubles--rubbed gods, and that all strife and work | 10 Order to attempt to satisty ht and caused considerable discussion as to the proper. bid- ding of B's hand: on-----absorbed like a liniment--and, ceased. This Scandinavian idea, | these numerous wants, we have to : at the same time, inhaled as a Va combined with the old pagan cele. Ye extant Angin with b--10 ¢ i} Ro all drug stores 50c. a jar. For| bretion, { 1 ys the Maderiyivg satisty a Va nade Bi tiv 8 free test size package, write Vick | thought in our observance of a holi- | ™ economics, then, we study Chemical Co, 344 St. Paul St. W.,| day when work is stopped and peace i about what a man wants and how ' --K Q 10 9 8 7 k A Montreal, ry 15.90% a Canady is supposed to reign over all. he works to get it. To sum it up, | NO score, rubber game. Z dealt and bid one diamond, A one heart, Y four diamonds, B and Z passed and A bid four heart y a remarkable sale in the States. economics is the study of how i pa s. and B passed, 17 million jars used yearly. everybody makes his living. Z doubled and A and 'Y passed. Should B bid four spades over the ~~ HERS t WHY THE WEATHER? | resem Sovble Of pass? An analysis of this hand Wil be given in the next bo --f DR. CHARLES F. BROOKS Commereial reports coming out of ® - | s TAXI Secretary, American Meteorologicalf | Turkey indicate that the Turk is ? PROBLEM J After Dishwashing! J SERVICE o octets, Tells How. feeling the loss of the Greeks an h--none : DAY AND NIGHT Armenians, literally driven into the fener sea by the onrushing armies of a Qs Aa 9 i Winter Storms. Move Fast. Kemal. Though the country is get- esliORe | Winter storms in the United Stat- ting on its feet to some extent, its i » | i ? 5 BE M 0 b 1 5 & and southern Canada move much | business is noticeably affected by the E------ : 2% 28". more rapidly than those of summer. absence of these thrifty tradesmen h--anone | Ba a 1an mm y The average advance in . the cold and workers, who formerly were re- YY. | Rone "months is a little more 700 | garded with the utmost hostility by| ©--K 5 4 | J 9 miles in 24 hours, or np 30 | the thriftless natives. The Turk has| 9--K Q jA i... B d--J 10 is simply wonderful for keeping the handa | miles an hour, while in tha cummer | heen notorious for his shiftlessness,| &--10 | (Dealer) | --K 7 beautifully white and soft and smooth. o | the speed is only 500 miles, or . athe prosperlty of the old: Ottoman | Z | Positively prevents redness and chapping. trifle over 20 miles an liour. The [Empire having been built by the now h--Q Use it at once after washing dishes, and reason for the difference is the |exiled peoples.--Louisville Courler-| ; 03 3 ; note the improvement of your hands. greater temperature differences be-| Journal. he, 08 : a 4 . tween the north and south in wint- ---------------- A : / bottle hand tch : jer. The south is older during wint-| Neighbors are people who Hve| | : | #--nene Keep a ' os y by the ki sink er than summer, but in nowhere near you. You wish some would | Hearts are trumps and Z is in the lead. How can Y Z win five of the six On Sele at All Drug Stores near the same ratio as in the north. | move and some wish you would] tricks against any defense. Solution next week. Therefore, general pressure' differ-| move. (Copyright 1923 by the Bell Syndicate Inc.) Pi | ences and the prevailing winds : or D a Miss Ellis' Rescuer, The Strange W of " I ith carey the Rom are Spire AN AWFUL ATTACK gl * Mrs. Starr, the nurse who went so A thirteenth contury Buddba 22 er rs winter my OF PIMPLES S 5 Z bravely to resoue Miss Mollie Ellis, [a wonderful headdress has ] | winter id wave a. barometst| ALL OVER HIS FACE rial, z ana hwadior incomon: i 10 aie | Hociveed la Sams. and off | ay Te ih ; T HAL 3 yi + | dian frontier tribesmen, is to marry | "smart" women in Paris ate pocasionally # mounts nearly fo 3¢| Pimples breaking the "body in a ] a 2 : : formes husband, br. Sav. mes ers | See oa ce {9 and other of the body a - : fg ormer husband, Dr. Starr, was mur- | Meanw ) | inches, dor Mbiive day qa] um. sure sign that the blood is mot im a 1 : ST) dered before her eyes by tribesmen, | ern dress, and the fashion } 'MEE, proagu winter shape. ye : : Which makes the more remarkable | Constantinople ere fall of pressure is more extreme than in the While the skin is the object of the | Warm months. attack the real seat of the disease is A her. courage in adventuring after | Paris "creations" --and this, Miss Ellis and her devoted nursing } to say, at a thme, too, when work, because among her patients | women are experimenting in all # 3 are many tribesmen of the same and varigties of the veil and " region as her late husband's as- | coming more , |sassins. According to Mrs. Starr, | with its subtle possibfi the bordet outrage in which Miss | Chronicle. :