THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . A . Mr. Swain, plano tuner. Orders ~ received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 664w. The Salvation Army bend was out last night rendering Christmas car- - ols, The people serenaded were Senerous = 5 Avice beds on Long Island, N.Y. Book _ Your Christmas order now, at Car- novsky's. . The Canadian Club 1s to be joined by the Kiwanis Club in a a % SE fe t + dinper on Monday evening with Hon, W. BE, N. Sinclalr, K.C., as speaker. Prof. Ira Benn, Godfrey, Ont. Was & visitor in the city on Friday. He is the discoverer of an eczema gtire 'which has brought him many fire 'testimoniale, *' The many friends of Master Law. rence Cromien, 167 Alfred street, Who underwent an operation for ap- Oysters direct from the Blue Point | | poe ------y § PRODUCE MARKETS. | | Toronto, Dec. 15. | _Heay®steers $6.50 to 37. Catile $6 to $6.25. Lambe $10 to $11. Hogs $7 to $8. Hens 18 to 22¢ Chickens 14 to 16¢ Turkeys 25¢ to 35c. Manitoba wheat, No. | bay ports, $1.05%. { Manitoba oats: | No. 2 C.W. not quoted. | No. 3, 43%ec. | No. 1 teed 42¢ | ~ Ontario wheat nominal, 93 to 95¢ outside. | © Oats, Ontarlo, No. 2, | 40¢c. Hay: 1 northern track, Toronto. No. 2, $14.50. No. 3, $13.50. Medium, $11 to $12 Eggs, firsts, 37 to 38¢ Seconds 32 to 33¢ Extras 42 to 43¢ , Cartons 44 to 45¢. Cartons fresh 80 to Sic. peadicitis last Saturday, in the Ho- " Eo © tel Dieu hospital, will be please | Eggs Jeliveie) Toronto © to know tha: he is progressing fav. Eyurag 62 0 Gon. S6c by praply. a - Storage, firsts, 33 to 34c. : E FTOCK COMP a Seconds, 25 to 26c. xX COMPANY. s 3 REX STOCE 3 Splits 23 to 25. { ; " OW Butter to retail trade A "Twin Beds" Will Be Given Final : 8; x Presentation To-Night. Sune sn fancy 45 to 46¢. Ke: Avother good-sized audience oi Ne 2 4 © ft. * Jeyed the production bf "Twin Beds" A 3 10 42 E. given st the Grand Friday night by ald or © the Rox Stock Company. This play G ive oZONID: he ds a wgream from stert to finish, In PL id specal solid 40% to were present Friday night were still Inughipg over it on Saturday. It is 8 fine play, well acted, and should Bot be missed. It will be given for the last time to-night Ningston Ourlers Limited. A meeting of the members of the Kipgston Curlers, Limited was held sad refused to allow themselves to be re-elected by acclamation as they felt that the board should be elected fe sentative of the shareholders. 88 follows: H. Aungrove, T. M. As- selstine, P. D. Lyman, J. F. Mec. Millan, and E. Mooers. The direc- elect the president, secretary and _ treasurer. A new issue of $7,500 | worth of bonds bearing interest at| 7 per cent. was authorized. ! "Sunday Services. | Salvation Army, Princess street. Services, 7 am, 11 am. 3 pm. "spd 7 p.m. Sunday school, 10:15 | &.m. and 2 p.m. Ensign and Mrs. | / her in charge. Everybody wel- oe. | Ostarequi Lodge Neo. 10, 1.0.0.F. 4 bers are Invited to attend Lodge evening, Dec. 18th. Discussion .of motion, purchase of pro- NG RR. M. Douglas, Sec. o v members of the Frontenac Coun- | Dights of Columbus are requested 5 At the home of our late Brother (Prevost, 113 Ear] Street, at 8.15 p.m., 3 December 16th. lors will be received at the undersig: up to 12 o'- ay, the 21st day of De- for the supply of sand for ents, 'and all information d at the office of the City H. 8. DICK, ' City Engineer. 15th, 1883, am be. em »¢ . gt gn ON : 3 vidumi Instruction ida u iy aaah ar further toa 'apply jd to. conduct Auction] ston or the County: ua wy fact so funny that Kingstonians who | at 'the curling rink on. Friday eve- | ning. The old directors Tape by nomination and should be repre- | 3 The | ~ election of the directors took place | xorning that the jundor team of the tors will meet in the near future to | The senior cadets also made an ex- ¢| Common and a quantity of liquor of| ary examimation. £ I -------- k s {will play a game in Belleville tonight | No. 1, 381% to ¢0c. No. 2, 38% to 39%ec. Cheese: New large 22% to 23%¢c New twins 23 to 23 %c KINGSTON SEA CADETS WIN LAURA SECORD OUP For Military District No. 3-- | W. Thomas Makes a | Possible. 'It was announced on Saturday Kingston Sea Cadets won the silver jeup In the recent Laura Secord com- | petition for Military District No. 3. ceptionally fine ehowing. The names of the five cadets who formed the winning team are W. Newman, W. Thomas, A. Lailey, T. Rowe and F. Francis. The shooting was held at Barrie- fleld ranges and tem rounds delib- erate and ten rounds rapid fire were fired by the teams taking pert in the eveut. The best score was made by W. Thomas, aged eleven years, who | made a possible. The other scores wera, W. Newman and &T. Rowe, 99; A. Lalley, 96 and F. Francis $4. Police Court Brevities. A young man pleaded guilty to an infraction of the Ontario Tem- perance Act add was fined $300 and costs. The fine was paid. The charge was laid by Inspector William Mec- was seized. Stanley Hamm is charged by his wife with noun-support. The case was enlarged. A lad appeared in the juvenile court charged with the theft of money from Price's Dairy, and the case was enlarged for a week. | | Court Frontenac No. 59 LO.F. At the regular meeting of the Court Frontenac No. 59, 1.0.F., held on Thursday, the following officers were elected: C. T. Trowbridge, C. R.; J. E. L. Chatterton, V.C.R.; R. 8. Graham, R.8.; Thomas Lambert, |owNs DRINKING CUP | OF YOUNG PRETENDER | Cornwall Physiclan's Forbear | Received It From Bonnie i "Prince Charlie. GIGANTIC FACTORY OPENED THIS MONTH Now Ford Plan 50 Porc; OF; | Cost Ten Million Dollars Cornwall, Dec. 15.--Dr. Charles A. Build. ! to Bu | Stewart, who recently 4ook up his | 15~-Produsiion) residence in Cornwall, is the Ppos- | 0 $ seesor of a highly valued relic hand- | {has started here in the great DEW [ed down by his forefathers. ha Itisa| ¢ 0 t | |$10u000,000 Eo MiMlom of. the silver cup formerly owned by Bon-| = ' nf inc 4 yd 4 | Lid. marking another step in (he nie Prince Charlie. After the battle Tops of Cinada's largest Auto | of Culloden in 1746, Prince Charlie | one aa 5 larges "jtarried a while on the Island of | Skye wi is ki 3 { .The first car off the ye with his kinsman Stuarts and | | | 1 Ford City, Dec. temporarily | white, 38 to| Extra No. 2 Timothy per ton $16, | | ARGU being beholden 'to Donald, a Youth- | fs as. lite wis gi No | tut scion of the house, bestowed | G : .-Ntl.upon him uaigh or Highland | 1451,506 and it left the line 'at| SP° 2 quais 8 10.30 o'clock" Monday morning Dec. | 3rd. \ line Changing of the assembly jfrom the old building to the uew plant was completed Saturday, and {Monday morning workmen took up [their places and production started. | The new plant will soon house all ithe machinery of the Old Machine (Shop and additional new machines | which are being installed as rapidly jas they arrive. When the new !buirding is fully equipped, produc- tion facilities will be doubled and the capacity output will be 500 com- Dleted cars and trucks a day as com- pared with 250 at the present time. When all the machinés have = been cleared from old river-front Machine Shop it will be converted into a {body.bullding paint wheer the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, [will build all its own bodies inde- pendent of other companies. The [new addition covers 15 acres floor space, is one storey high and |the roof, of the saw-tooth type of |steel and glass construction. permits |a maximum of daylight and except- |lonal ventilating facilities | Back In 1909 the first Ford (ever manufactured completed in the then small factory of the Company. During that year 548 Fords were shipped to all parts jot the British Empire, | During the first eleven months of |the resent year 74,315 passenger and commercial Fords were produced and shipped. Indeed, every month this year the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd., has beat all pre- vious records for corrresponding months and is closing a year which has been marked by SHprecedented sales, car ED PROPRIETY OF OHUROCH DANCES Dr. Guthrie and Vestrymen Appeared Before Bishop Manning, New York. New York, Dec. 15.--Bishop Wil. liam T. Manning and Dr. William Norman Guthrie faced each othe? in {the office of the Cathedral of St John the Divine and argued the pro- | priety of recent celebrations in St. of | in Canada was' { drinking eup. This Chief Donald | Stuart was the lineal ancestor, five [or six generations baek, of Dr. | Charles A. Stewart. John C. Stuart, | of Skye, came from the old land to the new, bringing with him as a| | most cherished heirloom, the cup. | | In the course 6f time the drinking | | vessel descended to his grand nep-| hew, Dr. Charles A. Stewart, who | dow has it in his possession. It is | of solid silver and about two or three | inches in diameter. There ic a lug on each side of the cup, on one of which is engraved "K.C.," which the | present owner interprets as King | Charles, and on the other, "D.S.," | 'which stands for Donald Stuart. DANCING AND LIQUOR, May Bo Dealt With in New Year's Pastoral, | © Quebec, Dec. 15.--On the occasion | of the New Year Cardinal Begin will | issue a pastoral letter, as Metropoli- tan of the Roman Catholic church in this province, which is expected to have a far-reaching effect. At the ! cardinals palace nothing is divulged |-In this connection, but as far as can | 'bo ascertained the letter will refer | to modern dances, the liquor ques- | tion and several other moral matters. | It is understood that the stand of the church regarding all dances, and | more so the new types, will be de- fined. Regarding the liquor ques- tion the illicit manufacture and im- gportation in violation of laws is men- | tioned as the probable angle which will be discussed in the ecclesiastical document. Some time ago a 'warn- ing was given by the religious auth- j orities in this diocese against illicit | distilling, and the pastoral may be on the same line. | -------- CHRISTMAS DELIVERY, la Good Thing To Aliys the Child- ren to Hep. It le not a very successful Christ- | mas which has not taught a child the joy of giving, as well as the glee of receiving. They are very different states of mind, but both belong oqually to Christmas, and ore is the necessary compliment of | the 'other, Even very little children may help to do up Chri.tmas parcels, may | | Ford Weekly Purchase Ford and Christmas Your wife--=your children -- your them need a car--a Ford Car. Some day soon you intend to gat one for them. It would come as a matter of course imagine the shini model you intend to buy were placed the breakfast table Christmas morning. The special Christmas Delivery Form is reproduced above. Delivery may be specified now --or later --at your convenience. The new Ford models have appeared at time -- to give you a wide models--the highest quality Fords ever of low Ford prices. Plan Inquire about an en- rollment on the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan as a Christmas gift. range for Payment may be arranged on the deferred payment plan. rO7°cl CARS TRUCKS - TRACTORS mother-- your sister --some of Bext spring or summer. Bute ng eyes if a signed delivery order for that Ford selection in open and closed produced --at the lowest Vanluven Bros. . someone's plate at a particularly fortunate FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, ONTARIO J | Mark's-in-the-Bouwerie. They part- be given a share in tne act of giv. ed with the mutual understanding ing, and, as soon as a child is old that certain specific requests of the enough to make anything with his bishop would be given "careful and | bands, he shou!d make some of his sympathetic consideration." Sym. |own Christmas presents, should bolic .worship will continue in St. ears money he wishes to spend for Mark's, but with discretion. his dearest beloveds, and should be When Dr. Guthrie was called to jellowed to help in the choice of account for the barelegged dancing BUts. Also he should be told about In the parish hall at the feast of St. (about the gifts he sees in prepar- Nicholas, he defended himself on the | ation, and ailowed to share in the ground that there was nothing im- general Christmas atmosphere ot | have made representations to the bishop that the accounts of the fes- tivity were exaggerated, but that as a 'matter of fact he was taken un-/ awares when tWe girls appeared in the costumes that evoked criticism. Bare-legged dageing in his church ting ready the little gifts for playmates, and then taking about himself on a little siergh, early on Christmas Eve With what shining eyes and a certain droll | mimiery of Santa Claus on his beam- | ing face did he undertake his Christ. | F.8.; Albert Neal, treasurer; Dr. F. O'Connor. physician; M. Todd. ora- | tor; A. McFarland, organist; J. H.| Suddards, S.W.; J. W. Standen, J. W.; William Lacey, 8.B.; H. Michae, | J.B.; J. McQueen, P.C.R.; A. Wat-| son, C.D.; H. McQueen, auditor; J. Hipson, J. Hall, Thomas Smeaton, trustees, Community Club. The officers of the Rednersville Community Club for the .coming year are: Hon. presidents, Rev. H. P. L. Seymour, Hon. Nelson Parlia- ment; presidents, Douglas K., Red- ner; first vice-president, Charlie Bet- teley; secretary, James W. Grim- moun; treasurer, Annie A. Price; community song leader, John Hall; hon. community song leader, H. G. Stafford. The firemen checked a serious fire which broke out at 9.11 o'clock on Friday night, at the home of Joseph Campbell, 37 Wellinglon street. A shelf close to a stovepipe in an up- stair room caught fire and the blaze made considerable headway, doing damage both to the building and the contents. -------- Valuable Destroyed, D. F. McQuaide, 117 Ordnance street, is advertising a reward for information concerning the party responsible for the death of hig dog, which was killed by belng fed ground glass, according to veterin- the Intermediate O.A.B.A. i. Pouton 100k = div la Lake io on Sunday, Dec. 9th at Sa) Was not a novelty, but the costumes on this occasion" were. He always had been in the hahit of seeing dances beforehand, but this time he did not view the numbers in ad- vance. | Dr. Guthrie himself is reported to! mes delivery! The gifts were al- ways very small, often of his own make or purchase, but he was ex. ceedingly proud of them, and was certainly both better and happier for the thought and effort they had The delivery was: the moral or {llegal about the perform-|giving. One child, from the time! , T ance. In this his vestry stoutly sup- | he was four years old, found the hap- The oliowieg are he 2 Ria y | ro Sais in oi ". Tusaday orted him. He fe understood to! _ |schedules as drawn up by e ca ple . r : | plest part of his Christmas in get- | games, and choose LHe teams for hig |cOmmittee, Geo, Van Horne, conven- tnem [°F¢ | dan, FORD DEALERS SPORTING NEWS err ------------ ey ---------- J." A. McRae, H. W. Newman, J. C.| ¢ Ponsford, M. P. Reid, T. J. Rigney, A. E. Ross, L. Sleeth, T. Slater, A. |B Treadgold, A. A. Turcotte and F. | Waugh. nttiond th O. H. A. SCHEDULES, {club series, -- { Intermediate. { 4--Brockville at Cornwall. { 4--Frontenacs at Belleville. |! 9--Belfeville at Brockville. 11--Queen's at Cornwall. i 15--Cornwal} at Belleville, 15---Frontenacs at Brockville. 18--Brockville at Queen's. 18---Belleville at Jrontenacs. 21--Queen's at Belleville, 21--Frontenacs at Cornwall. Fresh Maple Syrup Run at Huntsville Huntsville, Ont., Dec., 15.--A real | old-time taffy pull with taffy fresh | from the first run of maple syrup | ever recorded in this district was the : ; unique experience of J. E. Mosley, of | Huntsville.© Mr. Mosley tapped a [dozen trees in his yard three days cost him. have been surprised over the effect | °° 3 25--Belleville at Queen's. | ago and has more sap than he can produced. 'At any rate, on the sec- | A181 touch in Socks of anticipation. 25--Cornwall at Frontenacs. |use. After replenishment of the ond day of the festival the costumes t sa good plan, too, to let child. 28--Brockville at Belleville, | syrup supply, he used up the surplus were 'modified and © the slit tunies ia, as the Hugo i Sle vod 28--Queen's at Cornwall, | of two days' run by inviting some of 5 sewn up so that the draperies swept [°%:BL grows fainter in their lives, Feb. 1--Cornwall at Queen's. | his friends to the big "pull." The Ho a within six inches of the ground. Hig {Play at his part in secrecy and 1--Brockville at. Queen's | Weather has been good for sugar tt . anonymity in gifts to children , making even if Christmas is less The Shower will be found among own daughter, Miss Phoebe Guthrie, is one of the danclag givls. . These facts were made plain to Bishop Manning when Dr. Guthrie and his vestrymen called by request at five o'clock after the hishop had "written that he 'was "greatly shock- ed and scandalized".by reports of occurrences at Bt. Mark's. This is the second time within a year that the bishop has called one of the rec- tors of hig diocese to sceount. The controversy with Dr. Percival 8tick- ney Grant was based on theological dogma and ended gmbiguously. This issue is more clear cut, although the bishop refused to say whether the matter had ended with yesterday's conference: younger and less fortunate ne themselves. Theat the legends have Santa come in silence and secrecy is not without a meaning. Sd child- ren and all should learn to give without thought or thanks or re- turn, : Metal Glands Give Aged Locomotives New Power Eg | San Francisco, Dec. 15.--sLocomo- tives. while not subject to gland transplanting, can be rejuvenated, according to an announcement by the Southern Pacific Company. The railroad is authority for the Jan. 11--Frontenac Circle Feb. 4---Queen's at Frontenac ue 4--Queen's at Brockville. 4-- Belleville at Cornwall. 6--Frontenacs at Queen's, | 8--Cornwall at Brockville, to-day"s want ads. Miss Ann Rath has resigned her position in Toronto, owing to il health and will remain at her home in Tweed until after the holidays than two weeks off. * I ------------ The death took place at Astino- lite on Thursday, ef Mrs. John McNaughton, one of the oldest resi- dents of that district. She was over Junior. Six: at Brockville, ninety years of age. at least. 16--Brockville at . Frontenac a iad FRR RRR 21--¥Frontenac Circle Six at] we --- Queens. J T. K. MORTON will open a store at 260 PRINCESS STREET for the Christmas season, with a choice collec- tion of Seasonable Plants and Cut Flowers. 25--Queen's at Brockville. i ' $0--Brockville at Queen's, cle Six, ---------- ER ng. Ju} Kingston--Harry Batstone, Joe | The question was being. asked in| statement that weak and decrepit Jack Powell, Geo. Va o episcopal, circles. whether Dr. Guth-| jocomotives can be vitalized. ener- Smith, Jack Pe 0, Geo. suRotnei} ) rie had committed any offense which | gized and otherwise made over into rett, C. Ferchette, Ernie Lang. | House Phone 2367 r 33. might cause him-to be put on trial hard-working haulers of trains. Cornwall--John Dennenay. : ; : by the diacese of New York. There "Some of these engines are being Brockville--Wm. Simons and a Fs gat a ! ! were some who wondered if he might operated with greater efficiency than Cite, Swaze, | he. tried for. conduct Snbgesming 3 when they were new." sald George | EE -- : clergyman, inasmuch as. he had held | MoCormick, superintendent of m: g ? 2he had Sings ont 'en tatermjon | ptomer or the rulrond. fh Culing Mhipe Chowen. HITS FROM THE DUMBELLS as he had given 'ont an interview Various new appliances and parts) At the adjourned annual meeting . FOR ONE 1 i criticising Gig are "grafted" om the old eigines,|of the Kingston Sdning lub, held 40c, THREE DOLLAR, POSTPAID Moab : They are-overiauled. from ender ty) 9 oY owios Bl Lu 010 Granny Mine Winter Will Come . ig om soweateher, .} 3 ape tor tne coming fff. pC L EC ere It's Canada, the Land For Mo , x . y : Ard So I " rl = CSA I EO OIE PRE om oss ADEA Perot ? oAwe c) BIRR ROG IA a Ge NS SCL TSS "Come Bix Trews : Eduionion, Dec. 15.--W. J. Blair, | wright, A. B. Cunpingham. J. B Shuffling Along Down by Old Apple Tree party has purchased. the Morning |a.successful farmer. whose home is Cooke, J. H. 8. Derry, H. Doug- Oh Gee, Oh Gosh, Oh Golly; I'm In igge- Delleved. how: {at Provost, Alia. last evening was|les. 8. W. Dyde, W. J. . G. oy ever, that 'the Post virtually isiin }ihs unanimous choice of the -Atberfa Hanson, J. Hooper, Book Store the market. ek iva: dtsoctation for