v THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1S, 1928. WE CAN SUPPLY THE FINEST CALS POLICE T0 HELP MONEY Dalal Coupons in Bach Package and Tin SR KIND OF GET HUSBAND BACK: a A = | it 3 Dr ; : ; | Belleville Woman__ Searches | L so i pruce Detroit for Mate Detained { Brief hut Important Lessons in | |" Finance, Markets, Stocks, Boads by Important Business. | and Investments Unifo pa illed--i i | rm grades well milled in Flooring, | Detroit, - Dec. 17.--"You'd better | V. Joint, Novelty Siding and Sheathing. | go back home to Belleville. I've et us have your inquiries. | Sot some business to settle up, and}. | HOW MUCH INSURANCE {I'll join you in a week." : p i |__ This, according 'to "Mrs. Mildred | SHOULD THIS MAN |. | $ | RA : | Harkins, of Bellevitle, Ont., is what | CARR + | her husband told her, about two | 3 vy ¢ ° weeks ~ ago. So, with her: three | years S { small sons, Lawrence, four VICTORIA STREET. 'Phone 1042 'old; Vernon, three; and Albert, then.| only two weeks old, she returned | to her parent's home. | | A week passed, however, and her | husband failed to appear. She waited a few days longer, and then | decided, she said, the best way to! get him back to Belleville was to | come after him. i "Besides," she said, "I was a| little suspicious about this business Ee Ee he. wns] PVN RB YEARS Op psn Deliciously ins' returned to Detroit. . At first OWNS NO HOME immigration officials frowned on; EN : her desire to. enter the United : 1 " ragrant el a= oa om. She JR States. The mcome wuich a man believes "But I've come to get my hus-| his dependents need should be the band," she exclaimed. "If I didn't | basis to determine the amount of | come after him I'm afraid he would- | life insurance he should carry. One of the most common questions is "How much life insurance should " = = AES n't return to me at all." Mrs. Harkins was taken to the Woman's Detention Home, while police officers were sent to look for [I carry? her husband at an address she had The answer is simple. How . much given them. To convince Harkins | income do your dependents need of the desirability of his returning Naturally the needs of one family his wife, the officers armed | are not the same as another. It all a to themselves with a warrant charg- | depends on the scale of living. Con ing non-smpport, sworn to by Mrs. | sequently, in taking out life Insur- a Cis -- ) Harkins. ance a man should figure- on having rr N Harkins was located on Leslie] enough to furnish an income to his Street, Highland Park. He was taken | dependents which would - maintain JOHNSTON ~» WARD HANLEY'S to his wife. 'them at about the same scale of 1iv- "Did he say he wasn't mv hus-| ing as that to which they are accus- AGENCY hand?" she asked ineredulously. He | tomed, ; : sure did," one of the policemen re- If a man thinks his family needs ! Bibby's Block, Princess 8t., Kingston. FOR ALL plied. an income of $100 a month, he i OCEAN "Well, I didn't think--"" should be® carrying about $20,000 STEAMSHIP LINES " " i life i , bec 20,000 HH Hello, Jaan = a He nAvreges boveuso $i 209 o Investment Securities Special attention given your family / aw ' - : 1: or fr « smile, 1aid his hand on his father's [$100 a month. Probably' $20.000 overnment, Municipal, Public Utility TC Orn CouuE {9 or Teturaing fra; arm. looks lke a lot of money, but it 1s : and Industrial Bonds. Passports arranged for. : "That's enough," said the officers. | not the principal that counts; it is ) For full particulars apply or write to: -- , he Harkin fam-| the income. . : The last seen of the Send for our list of offerings J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & T.A.,, C. N. R'y ily It was journeying, intact, to- Office: Canadian National Railway Station, corner Johnson and Ontario ward Belleville, Ont. wes owzess | LETTERS ON ENEMY ASSETS To The Editor | |_To The Editor FLAT RATE SERVICE Canadian Secretary of State Ba = aT ng your car in, or send for us to call and get it. We | Obtains Securities in Settle= , Bank Inspection, will give you a flat rate for overhauling it or repairing it. CHRISTMAS CHEER ment of Demands. Hamilton, Dec. 14. (To the E&- First class mechanics. Special Compressed Air Ofl Spray- tor)--The published annual bank er for removing squeeks, and the Greasing Rack, are some oft MEANS CHRISTMAS COMFORT --which means fire. Don't florget London, Dec. 17.--Thomas Mul-|[reports, the Merchant Bank memor- the features. ill -- 2 jes, W. C. , M,P.'s let ce ni, | that open fire-place Christmas vey, Canadian under-secretary of Good s letters anu Servi day or night (repairing and washing). Ne uu CANNEL COAL. state and deputy registrar-general, [the general newspaper comment on . | [ie om een Si Et | BLUE GARAGES, Limited" [ll] wi For your convenience in sizes fo Canadian high commissioner, been [to one conclusion, viz:--Thas gov- ||] ' if (lf A MERRY CHITA } : in conference with the British auth- [ernment inspection, or any other | [i Cor. Bagot and Queen Hil ran Su. [| w A HAE Go one, two, three, four and five ; " | orities concerning enemy stocks and [kind of inspection, was of little or no which Canada has a (guarantee to the depositdrs or 3 bonds upon pound boxes, all sixty-cents the 2 | claim, and which tin now have been stockholder, 'and' provided no-akcuse pound. is in the possession of a British publicyfor government guarantee, trustee. Mr. Mulvey is now in pos-| That government guarantee of FOR AUTO ELECTRICAL REPAIRS session of securities amounting to a|deposits in ordinary banks is utterly - » 138 Princess Street large sum, and satisfactory arrange- (unsafe, impractical and impossible, Kingston : ments, it is said, have been made| That the dominion government 3 concerning the increment upon these [should issue and benefit by all the ® Io securities since the war. circulation notes, - That the Government Dominion Streets, Kingston, Ont.. Open day s| and night. Phones 99 and 1433. An P. O. Savings Bank Department The Auto Electrician--20 years' experience Before placing your order for : Canadian Ambassador "|should receive all deposits offered at Storage Battories recharged repaired work guaranteed 5 For Washington 800n 2/51 per cent., thereby directly pay- -y Al we e 2: Mosements 5 hie - : ees bE bo he people an additional otf 335 King Street - - ~ . Telephone 939 a A Ottawa, Dec. 17.--It was an-/60 million dollars, without costing I] 3 nounced here that, as a result of the [the public a single cent in taxation . J J. E. Mullen defeat of the Baldwin government jor otherwise, giving ab olute govern- | ou : > 161 Frontenac St., Can DY. SHops .- 3 in the British elections, Canada's ment securtity to the depositors. on Phone 1417, preferential trade agreement would| That all Canadian banzg are al- WE ARE NOW BOOKING prove of little strength, and that|together too large, as the Merchants ORDER: Rr . with the United States, Canada's|Bank investigators reported, and B FOR WINTER For Auto Repairs best customer, a Canadian Ambassa-|(hat no one man, or one set of (dire » * 0 dor for Washington would likely be [ectors could begin to properly look Automob Je Painting For all kinds of Automobile named shortly, after the opening of [after them. repair work, and where a real the Dominion parliament in Febru-| That if the banks were all smal. SELECT FINISHING mechanic is needed, see us and have it done right. ; ' ary. ler, and did business on their own WE MEALS stockholders' money, and credit bal- FROS SERVE GOOD NO Hone ARs ances, where the local directors AUTOMOBILE 1 "3 R. GREENLEES Good meals served to your liking. probable borrowers, there would be EVENING PARTIES given first class attention. Since She Used no danger of. their making such 200-505 QUEEN STREET. MILBURN"S loans as are reported in the Home : o Bank case. ~ THE V ICTORIA CAF E " Heart and Nerve Pills It looks as though the depositors' / 854 King Street. Sing Lee, Props Miss Bertha Charrette, Regina,{money was considerably used in risky . ' Lee ang Gay +, Telephone 708. Sask., writes: "1 have had a lot loans, . " Kingston Battery Servi of trouble lately, with what I thought! A thousand local banke in Can- ce S------ai| Was heart trouble, and after any ud-laje would be very, much better W. MILNE, PROPRIETOR. ~== | usual gxertion I always felt sick. than fittee . ~ My doctor advised a complete rest |. = od ig Senofal Jeska with Ee , . 0 1 AK FORAGE " and change, but this I was unable to peop! OF BA " " - MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Se potario. interested in Milhuru's a doles ped a TORS, GENERATORS AND MAGNETOS REPAIRED Heart and Nerve Pills, so started tak-|be considered by local Boards of OUR PRICE FOR CHARGING BATTERIES .......... 78e¢. Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your ling them. 1 have now taken thres|pirectors, and every man woul get _---------------- . boxes and am so mu improv can home. We have everything you may need to [|| 0 about my daily work without feel. [£1 the credit his local circumstances, ing any after ill effects, and have not (Mis financial standing and his hon- 118 BROCK ST. bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, had "uy weak lay spells forjesty of character would warrant, some time. Your m ne has done 5 - me more good than anything I have Halliday Electric Co. Band Nias Heart and Nerve EE ---- SE PHONE 04. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS S78. doer Ma Whe is w ° i ------ ------------------ so }| Price 50c. ) = ChE pen i Christmas Shoppers The T. Ca., Limited, Toronto, : Ill would do well to see our stock of Electric Grills, Toasters, Irons, 's 3 Ww. al >] : a Ptexyare Skates uminum ware Hockey Stic Child's Sets a Useful gifts for everyone. Lemmon & Sons veo SR ee ------ 3 s Ne ~-- Ara eR > was thirteen per cent. lower then in The 1923 marine season virtually 1921, 42 per cent. lower than In|ended Saturdey morning with 1920, and #9 per cent, lower thaa in » Ld