SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1023, _-- A Builder from Childhood to Old Age] A mm A i DELCO- LIGHT | , The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home, W. C. CANNON Hotel Frontenac Kingston's Lending "oles | Every room has runaleig hic and ool¢ | water. One-half block from Rallwa: | Stations and Steamboat Landings i J. A. HUGHES, QUEEN'S HOTEL Has been taken over by M. J. BER. IGAN, Iate of the Whitney Hotel. First class Hotel Service in as Good yard d stables in connection. Your patronage is solicited. 119 BROCK ST. - PHONE ee 164 BARRIE sTHiseT hone 1158J. a a nr REALESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE Reliable English, Canadian and American Companies represented. Guarantee Buads Victory Bougls bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phouen 36+ =H, »4¢ Broek an. a" "THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. See us for all kinds of carpentes| work. Estimates given om sey a :| Jald. Have your hardwood ve cd with our mew floor cleaning chine. A | PIANO TUNING Plano Tuulng, Repairing and, Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street, ' PHONE 134. RP f Johnson and Wellingtyn Lurucs ut Phona 863 | For Moving GHT, NIT URE, SAFES, PANELS CARTAGE and STORAGE or) EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. 7. hvesmngs 2431. 103 "WELLINGTON SMREKT, Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BRUOM L.D.S., DDS. d Hreck Streets, Neluston 139 Wellington Sg, Evening by Appointment, PHONE 67! rt aN WATTS People's + Florist 1TT W Street. Fresh MowéFs and Plant dally. a ul designs, and wedding houquets to order, Phone 1763. Residence, 1137. Phone Y87.| WHY DELAY Buy Your Coal Early, Get Better Ser- vice at Less Cost and have it whem you want it, BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 138 - Grove Inn Yards Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale, I. Cohen & Co. W720 ONTARIO STR, PHONES 886 and 837, W. H. Godwin & Son INSURANCE Winter Coats made to order from $12 up to $25 | WINSTON, LADIES TAILOR Phone 09L 7 Jeliington Street, Psp mn Removal Notice) DR, H. A. STEWART announces that he has moved his Dental Office to S54 BROCK STREET, Opposite Livingston's Clothing House Dr. Vincent A. Martin! DENTIST Evenings by appointment. Princesa Street. Phone 2045w. | | 272 S8HOPPING--PHONE 2166 Allow us te send for your Clothing. Have them Cleaned, Pressed and Re- | | poired' for the holidays. | National Cleaners & Dyers, | Cormer of Paget and Willlam Streets | mmm || Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Cerner of Princess and Barrie Streets. 314 Barrie Street. ONE Z404J. Entrance: PH Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. FOR SALE | $4700--Brick, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 8 p. B., elec. and gas, furnace and fireplace, hardwood floors and garden. | 834800--Double frame, each has 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 8 p. B., elec. and gas, cellar, porch and gar- | den. "| $4600--Brick, 7 rooms, 8 bedrooms, 2 p. B., sep. toilet, elec. and gas, bot water heating, veran- dah, good garden and garage. Easy terms. | $5800-- Brick, 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 p. B,, elec. and gas, furnace and fireplace, verandah, hard- | wood floors, garage and garden. { FARMS $4000--100 acres, 45 acres work- land, ' balance pasture and wood, sandy loam, spring and wells. 3% mile Odessa. Good | house, barns, hog-pen, hen- | house and drivehouse. | $4500---80 acres, B50 acres workland, balance wood and pasture, clay loam, 7 room house, barn, hog- pen and hen house; also drive house, school and factory 1 mile, E. L. MARTIN 111% Mrock Street. ih FOR CHRISTMAS Don't miss seeing our large stock of novelty Christmas gifts selected from England, France, Japan and Canada. The best values momey can buy. s Extra help this week to serve you promptly. M. R. McColl (Opp. a am, Church) Phone 82 For Christmas Rain Sticks with Clever Handles Umbrellas with unusual handles make very welcome gifts. These have fine grade Silk and Silk mixture tops. A large variety to choose from at $5.00 up Extreme Novelty Folding Umbrellas at $7.00 up Kinnear & dEsterre PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON "The Gift Shop of Kingston" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pred) Morton, Melville, for the New Year. "Buy Christmas Sweets." Gibson's. _Preprietar ! 750. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG- KINGSTON anp VICINITY VisiEng dT PHen SE] } ~ Capt. Tullock of the SS. Clinton has returned to Kingston after visit ing old friends at Santa Cruz, Ont. red. | Sale of Holsteins. Eldon Connor, this week for state. shipment to New York Triumphant Arch, suggestion' of a triumphant as a war memorial for.Belle The jarch ville and Mayor-elect W. C~ Mikel. would have it eretted on one of bridges. They the He Is In Wellington. Dr. James A. Mandeville, pembroke {who hes been at Hotel Dieu hospi- [tal for treatment'of the eyes for | .several weeks past is with his family lin Wellington until the is fully re | covered. Sale of Boys' Overcoats. Most sensational value ever of- [ tered in boys' overcoats at $10.50. | The regular prices of these overcoats | $$$ SAVED FOR CHRISTMAS | were $15, $16 and | from 10 to 15 years. | street. $17.50; Prevost, ages Brock Formerly of Kingston. Mrs. Selma Mary Hoard, wife of George A. Hoard, 63566 Champlain avenue, Chicago, and mother of Mrs. F. A. Longston, who passed away Dec. 2nd, was a former resident of Kingston. Snakes Were Killed, The boys at Glen Creek, Prince Edward County, killed a large number of black snakes and garter snakes on Sunday, 9th. The snakes were out sunning themselves near a hill, His Condition Satisfactory. Marble Billings, Lyn, a patient at the Brockville General hospital for the past eight weeks, underwent a critical operation and his many [friends will be pleased to learn that {his condition is satisfactory. Sells Plum Hollow Property. Last week Mrs. J. Thompson sold her property at Plum Hollow, the home of her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. C. Tackaberry, to Isaac Chapman, Glen Elbe, who has taken possession. Reduced the Fee. Renfrew curling club has reduced its fee from $15 to $10 per year in an effort to increase its membership. W. H. Harris is the new president. R. D. Scott is again secretary-treas- urer. To Close His Pastorate. Rev. Willlam Miller, pastor of Baptist church, Picton, has recelvea and accepted a hearty and unani- mous invitation to become pastor of the Buptist church, Parry Sound. 230. | He closes his ministry in Picton at the end of the year. Engagement Announced, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Powers, Trenton, announce the engagement of {heir daughter, Inez Bernice, to Orloff George Alyea, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Alyea, Trenton, the marriage to take place quietly early in January. Creamery is Sold. The Rideau Creamery at Merrick- ville, which has been operated by O'Hara Brothers, of Perth, has been sold to R. H. Ferguson, of Burritt's Rapids, and Ernest Turner, of Mer- rickville. The price is said to have been $6,500. Announced at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kennedy, Jr., Owen Sound, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Harriet Rogers, to John Worden Edwards, son of Dr. John Wesley Edwards; Kingston. © The marriage will take place the latter part of December. Signs of Spring. The continued mild weather is causing buds to form on the lilac bushes and the shoots have been brought to the Whig office by sey- eral people whose attention was at- tracted by the bright green buds. Old residents have observed this phenomena before, Remembering Friends, John Macdonald, late secretary- treasurer of the Board of Education, has fond memories of his nauve city and many friends are receiving Christmas cards expressing his great affection for them. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald are living at 7330 Foun- tdin avenue, Los Angeles, Californ- fa, ------et en An Unfortunate Occurrence. Scarlet fever will interfere with quite a few family re-unions on Christmas. Kingston is not alone in this respect for there are quite a few cases all over the province. The disease is of a mild type but the doctors have to quarantine the chil- dren for thirtyfive days. As a re- sult the Christmas joys will have to | be curtailed and the little folks will "not crowd about grandpa's and grandma's tables. Resigns. orp Ronse STW Ares He years, Principal H. M. McCualg ot the Welland High School has tend- Gananoque, sold a | herd of teh registered Holstein cows! is advanced by J. E. Walmsley | eect aH SPPresIato cessful incumbency. was a former Kin the late Rev. Finley | Chalmers Church. Mr! McCuaig McCuaig: of Fire Chief Killed. Fire Chief Wi. A. Taro of the Everett, Washington, fire depart- ment, native and former resident of Brockville, has succumbed to in- juries sustained while on the cail of { + duty in that city, Stole Handear and Fowl, Omer Jones, of the township of Bastard, was sentenced at Brockville erve three months following a | conviction of having stolen a hand- car, and with two other men, Rus- | sell Burt and Samuel Golten, of the same district, with having stolen | thirty-five chickens { hurst man. Burt and Golten were released on suspended sentence on paving cost of the action and the | cost of the fowl, which they sold in Perth at ten cents per pound. Stop the Speeding. "TI am glad to see that the police | epeeding awiomobiles," remarked a | leading citizen to the Whig to-day. | "There are some drivers who should not be allowed to operate cars. They | tear around the streets at a break- | neck speed, and it is a wonder to me there are noi more accidents of a very serious nature. It is just with them that they are able to get away with such reckless driving." Canadian Pacific. City street, report the following arrivals of their steamships: Montlaurier from Liverpool and Glasgow, due St. John, Dec, 22na. Montcalm, from St. John, due Liverpool, Dec, 21st Melita, from St. John, {boug and Southampton, rand Antwerp, Dec, 23rd. ( Minnedosa, from Antwerp, South- ampton Cherbourg, "due St. John, Dec. Mariloch, fast and Glasgow, Dec. 22nd and 24th, from St. John, due Bel- Dec. 24th, Mother Superior Loses Arm. An accident which caused a shad- ow of gloom among the reverend Sisters, at the Hotel Dieu hospital, Cornwall, occurred on Monday, when the Mother Superior, Rev. Sis. ter St. Patrick, (Katherine Anno O'Shea of Apple Hill,) had her right hand caught in the mangling mach- ine in the hospital laundry, the in- juries being such that amputation was necessary just below the elbow. At present she is getting along nic- ely. Sister St. Patrick has been in the hospital for the past fourteen years, ---- + ------ Industry Supplies Splints, With an annual output of approxi. mately thirty-six thousand millions of match splints, or in everyday speech, match sticks. The Cana- dian Splint and Lumber Corporation Limited, whose plant is at Pembroke frm ne will be very grateful for your Christmas Gift be it small or large. Address MISS E. oof his-Tong ahd wde-, nian, a son of | from a Lynd-| have started another crusade against | | the year. luck | | mercial rates have been reduced by | Ticket Office, 180 Wellington | due Cher- | [Repl DUsy. One Hundred and Sixty. five men dnd women are employed with an annual wage bill of approxi- mately $119,600, while the com- pany"s outlay 'in logs totals $135.- 900 yearly. .The greater part of the | annual cu'put of spins is shipped to Messrs Bryant & May, England, the match manufacturers in {the British empire, and large ship- | ments aré also made to Belfast, Ire- land, pe Kiwanis Christmas Tree, About sx hundred city children jwill be provided for by the Christ™ mas tree commitfee of thé Kiwanis {Club. Tae committee held a meet- ing on Friday morning when re- iports were received showing tne {scope tv be covered. All children {in the city not likely to receive | |Christmas cheer have been listea | jand indications show that provision | {will have to be made for approxs- | |mately 600 little ones. Already the | subscriptions received from Kiwan- | |ians and their friends who desire to | |help spread joy among the: deserv- ing exceed $400. { Hydro Rates Cut. A communication has been receiv- | {ed from the Hydroelectric Power | { Commission "of Ontario notifying | Havelock that a reduction fn resi- | dential, commercial and street light- | ing rates will take effect the first of The residential and com- half a cent per kilowatt hour. In | street lighting the reduction on 250- ¢andle-power lamps is $5 a lamp each year, and $3 for 100-candle-| power lamps. This will mean a con- siderable saving. -------- ---- smn Bird Banding. ] Sportsmen throughout Canada | | are urgently requested to write the | Canadian National Parks Branch, Ottawa, giving full information | | about any banded birds they may se. | cure during the next hunting sea- son. These bands are being placed | through the voluntary effort of | naturalists, sportsmen, and scien-| tists, so thatthe fullest information about the migration routes of the fowls of the air may be obtained. | A single band may be exceedingly valuable and add much to the known facts concerning your favor- | ite game bird, or may help increase bird knowledge in other ways. | "The Canadian National Parks needs for its file the detailed record | of every banded bird found in Can- | ada, and everyone who finds a band- ed bird can help make this record | complete. If live banded birds are | seen, they should be trapped alive, the number taken carefully, and then the birds should be released, perhaps to be heard from again else. where. "Buy all Coty goods." Gibsons. | Herman Alyea has purchased the building on Cyrus Spencer's lot, | Consecon, formerly a grocery, and | has had it moved on his own prop | erty, to use as a butcher shop. "High class sweets." Gibson's. IMPORTANT Kingston General Hospital A. HUNTER, Gen, Secretary ered his resignation. The high school board voted the veteran teacher a Lite annuity of $1,250 per annum as ROOFING Ice, sleet and snow and wind will soon be tearing old roofs to pieces. lis more expensive to neglect an old roof than to repair or renew it. We can supply Wood Shingles, Asphalt Slates, best Roll Roofings, etc. Whatever may suit your particular need. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. | ee NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. \ HOCKEY BOOTS Hockey Boots make an ideal Christmas gift. We have an English Kip, Professignal style Hockey Boots for .... $6.50 Other styles from ...$4.00 up Open Evenings until Christmas. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Repeating Our 1923 Warning to Christmas Shoppers The Butcher, the Baker, and Candle~ stick Maker may try to sell vou a Ra- dio set or parts, but if you want satis- faction in every way, combined with a money back guarantee, you must come Canada Radio Stores Specializing in Radio only (not as & sideline). We are more than able to » you better quality goods at low er prices. Your pocketbook won't have that deflated appearance after leaving here Only one address-- 200% PRINCESS ST, PHONE 1207J. "The Radio Centre of Eastern Ontario™ Open every evening. RADIO PREPAY ALL MAIL ORDERS TO YOUR DOOR. WRITE! = Christmas Shoppe would do well to see our sto ppers Electric Grills, Toasters, Irons, Skates | Hockey Sticks Pyrexware Aluminum ware Child's Sets Useful gifts for everyone. Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9.30 GOURDIER'S Phone 700 SUIT SALE Clearing odd lines of $25.00 to $35. 00 Suits for $19.00 OVERCOAT SALE SPECIAL VALUES AT $25.00 SEE OUR FINE BLUE SERGE S INDIGO. DYE $27.50 TWEDDELL'S CLOTHING SHOP CR Tn CON STN