A a ro eb ENT ONE RR AP HW Ri St WLAN . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A CHRISTMAS APPEAL, nition. In making his refusal, See- | tunity, but they declare that the Among the various worthy local , etary Hughes did not simply close | amount {s Insufficient. There is not | : the | enough to g0 round, they say, and | {the generous hearted citizens His | the kind that exists is moderate in| | Sea- | Course was a wiser one. He let the | Attractiveness, compared to 0 i dav the | c¢pme to their aid at this holiday { opportunities men find . in United | son, as the advertising columns an- | Soviet leaders know that they Were: siates . i | nounce, 1s the Kingston General! being put to a test, that their good | Right here, there comes in the | BiBBY"S » EL! 1 - ¥ y | Hospital, faith was on trial and that ig the¥ esr E TW RAT fa opportunity? f br RS TI Tom eI DF that | Would meet certain conditions, there | finitions hy ong person disagree with | Absolutely N ew--Last Minut Arri Is : 6 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1923, THE BRITISH WHIG | = "VIN YEAR. i b g | Organizations that are appealing to | the door and bolt it beyond to | power of its being reopened. RN = { Was under recent absentee manage-| oThese conditions are very much to | J { ment. The eonditions existing - at | the point, and might well have been | 18 not. Opportunities that young | that time were deplorable, and a call | adopted by the other allied powers | agiries after yo not foiaside With) throm of aot page oa thera. | ho Seve Yun nesolietes "ihe | The older country has developed em of control. This paper advo iL E . sis the; any fields of Industry that as yet | cated the appointment of a business | Soviet government is required to | nave not appeared in the younger, | | manager, who would actin close | restore the confiscated property of | and the younger has the work of de- | | conjunction with the efficidnt medi- | United States citizens, or make ef-| velopment still ahead of i which | { cal staff. The opposition that de-! fective compensation. Second, the | in itself is a splendid opportunity, | veloped was small, but it was noisy | Soviet authorities are required to | just the sort of opportunity, in fact, | CHOICE, CHICK AND DAINTY a rTien WHIG PUBLIBAING | ----ag the Whig well recalls. We were | Tepeal their decree repudiating Rus- | that appeals to certain STpes of wan) NECKWEAR 5 CO. LIMITED _.| told that we were injuring, it not|Ssia's obligations to the United Stat-| Dood and womanhood. | y : kG. Elllots ,.... «+ Preatdent| destroying, one of the city's finest | es, and to recognize them. These | Something very pretty at (tlas A. Gulla . pEditos and, 100 useful institutions. But, | matters, states Secretary [ 95¢., $1.25 SEE OUR PURE SILK Managing-Director Hughes, | ENGLISH | knowing the facts as we did, the agi-| do not require any conference or TELEPHONE } ; hange, connecting all tation was kept up until the much | negotiations. * They are placed portunities for development work. Something different. 4% needed change was made. A busl-| squarely before the Soviet govern-{ Visions of the future glow with | ness manager was appointed. in the | ment, and a straight answer, either | ®Plendid vistas and. opportunity 501 person of Mr. Fred Taylor, late of | affirmative or negative, ig required, | beckons to the men and women of $1.75 Each Tie in meat fancy box. EE---------------- TT | i | i the British Whig had something tog Was a hope that recognition might [definitions by | another. Of some ! | ay about this institution while it|be secured. Sorts of opportunity there is plenty | Jo in Canada, and of other sorts there | i ed | "= dl id JANE | 1 EE Sp 1 (lal BIBBY'S EXTRA SPECIAL-- GOOD VALUE Club Bags, Suit Cases and Vanity Cases EE ---- THE BEST SHIRTS This season we have a stock of handsome and exclusive Shirts that we are proud of. The choice of the best Shirt mak- ers--English Broadcloth, Pip Poplins, Tobralco, Taffetas and Pure Silks. Extra Special Values at $1.35, $1.95, $2.50 ---- OUR $3.50 SHIRTS are truly beautiful Shirts--all new designs and fast colors, UMBRELLA SPECIAL Good quality Umbrella -- neat handles; particularly good ones at $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 Ladies' Umbrella The latest style Handles-- ga nice one for $4.00 and $4.50 BOYS' SLEIGH FREE ! With Our Boys' Suit or Overcoat Bought this month we give a dandy, strong Sleigh FREE. Extra good values in Suits, Overcoats and Sweaters for Boys. BIBBY"S EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE SWEATER COATS Co-Operation Needed, AND GOLF JACKETS Canada is immensely rich in op- | SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Dally axdition) year in city year, by mail to rural offices, year, to United States BIBBY'S Headquarters for Dent's fine GLOVES for Men. FANCY WOOL GLOVES 75c¢. to $3.00 Kid Gloves $2.50 SILK LINED KID GLOVES New Cuban Brown for $2.50 GREY SUEDE tra Eg 87 34.00 St. Luke's Hospital, Ottawa. Mr. | The Soviet is in the testing pefiod. | ite Demizicn 0 come Jorvarg aud we | Taylor proved his efficiency in Ot- | If the United States' conditions are | into realitios to make ihem sub- 00 tawa, and it is doubtful if a better | accepted, Russia will have earned | stantial instead of visions only. Co- | ATIVES: | choice could have been made. | the right to the confidence of her | operation intelligently pushing on- John $n Dgutreai | These thoughts are but a preface | fellow nations. If they are rejected. | ward can accomplish this. CLT to an appeal that the general hos-! recognition of the great powers will; When opportunity beckons to-Ca- be as'far off as ever, and the poasi- | nadians to unite in the work of de- | j port. It is an annual appeal, and | bility of a regenerated Russia will | veloping their home country why is Job In past years It has met with the | be still very remote. | not the response more general? Why | | 1 ! | does not every Canadian step for- | { Boneraus response that it so well de- | ¥ ward and salute? All Canadians | | deserves, The need this year is Brent CHRISTMAS, love Canada. They are proud of the | | er than ever before. The sick and the fact, that they were born in the Do- | | suffering in the wards are our un Christmas is one of the words of f 1 v are ou - i y : | | | the language that convey - | minfon. What hinders them from | fortunate brothers and sisters; we | Euage y onvey 2 'Suiges | tion, create . | Joining together 9,000,000 strong | cannot deny their claim upon our | create a vision, project an at | " E ?" Why | | mosphe and "putting Canada across | sympathy or our purse. The call to-| phere of glamour, romance and sentiment far greater than themselv. | SatRet the Joduiatiod sf Canada, day ig more urgent than ever be-| ~ "| like the population of Australia, or | not going to charge | fore. Those whom a kindly Provi-|®: TO say Christmas is to OPenf of Japan, or of New Zealand act as dence has favored will feel it both 'N® e¥es of the mind and the doors | a unit in the business of "boosting?" | la duty and a pleasure to assist the | a i216 Boat 3 oe dearest recol- Jatin yoni teow the owiiide ections of our childhood: world "tor rears, lible | | needy and the helpless at this joyful | 04) wag these] 35 3 Nation twe generations ap and | , Bome men can't work on an empty | season of the year. The general| ©" and shadowy 1 | i : | of no importance, except for her art mach, but surgeons always prefer hospital! will welcome your contri-| mean little unless they create in us | 8 and her tea a single generation ago, that way. bution, be it however small or great. the desire to have Christmas mean vet to-day she is one of the five great | 8 much to children to-day as it | powers. How did these people whom meant to us when we were tiny. | Christian missionaries speak of as | For Christmas, the birthday of | heathen, bring their country from a | an immortal child, was, is and must | position of less importance than ; ties commission eal sell much more | remain especially the festival of the' that of China to-day, up to first The most dangerous time of your | 5 x * | ] : ! | bright Innocence -of infancy. That | class rank? . Ife has come when you begin to | ©leCtrical energy than it can supply. | !s why we resent it when some over.| The Will was there. That is the | take yourself seriously. | The demand for power has increased f literal and painfully conscientious | 20SWer. The will to do. Prayer! mm ---- T-OF-TOWN ; 23 Toronto. Letters Sditor a ; : , : ere to the Editor end iliaied) pital is now making for public sup- . BEE OUR PURE SILK KNITTED TIES in the new Cross Bar and Panel Btripes--extra special values $1.25 HEADQUARTERS. FOR MEN'S FINE HOSE Genuine Irish pure Wool Hose, Bilk and Wool Hose. 75c¢., 95c., $1.25, $1.45 PURE SILK HOSE 95¢c., $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 PURE CASHMERE HOSE Tans, Blacks, Fancy. 50c., 75¢c., 95c. ENGLISH SILK NECK SCARFS in new Roman Stripes, one of the best offices in Canada, circulation of THE BRITISH ' WHIG is anthenticated by the ABO Audit Bareau of Cfrculations : § The world 1s f with your failures until you quit GENUINE PECCARY GLOVES GENUINE BUCK GLOVES, DRIVING GLOVES Something particulari svod looking and servicoadle. $3.00, $3.50 MEN'S GLOVE SPECIAL! MEN'S MOCHA GLOVES Wool Lined--Grey or Tan $1.35 pair BIBBY'S REAL SWELL HOUSE COATS GOWNS and BATH ROBES | Don't forget to send it in. ---------- THE POWER SITUATION. Just now the Kingston public utili. S---------------- | Light in and do what you are paid do, or light out and find some- § else to do. | this year beyond expectations, and | | did not do it. Offerings to the gods : la he rr on om, has | Porson rises up in duty bound to de- 4id not do it. Action accomplished The British are polite. Members | ' | clare there 1s no Santa Clause, Such | it--united, intelligent action. In-! 3 | been attained. Industries are ecal-| z 'parliament have got out to give | | Joy-killers, robbing the rse | of pa g 8 { Hiog' Tor tore Yower. and. If the 5 nursery. of | dividual Canadians surely are as energetic as individual Japanese. | more women seats. ps {an illusion cherished, would take - ------ | Hydro Commission at Toronto is un- | ! Physically one Canadian would make | bree times - | {away the fairy tales and quell the Another way to make an ass of | able to increase Kingston's allot-| te of adventure and flood every | two Japanese and can do t "man Is to interview him and let | ment soon it is possible that the mystery of shadowland with the | 88 much real work. He surely will | [local commission will order the light of common day. not admit that he is not intellectu- $4 50 { steam turbine started as it will not Liet no improving modernist tam ally as able, that in brain power he y per with the old-time traditional | Is in any way deficient. : ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC : If Canadians will all pull toge-| BRUSHED WOOL SCARFS observance of Christmas. We need | ther, they can earry their craft See $1 35 . for the life of our own souls the, geross the Seven Seas. Is there any our . Chri bine and depend solely upon Hydro i un 9s 384 ths Yolo tog at Teason why they should 'not bend 1 { to the oars in perfect unison? Is power. It made an agreement w ere. | ings hung arow, and the joyful elat. ture take its course, S-------------- A man seldom feels true chari-| see manufacturing plants suffer for leness unless he is full of sound | lack of power. The Kingston com- fon or good rations. mission did a wise thing seven years ago when it refused to scrap its tur- BIBBY'S A ------------. i One way to be a success is to sel- it & modest goal not beyond reach your rated horse-power, | it because they do not gee the vision, do not see the beckoning hand of | opportunity? Does something ob- scure the vistas towards which op- | | antl i ---------------- | into action in order to keep down dinner with the family gathered the peak load, should it threaten to round in glad reunion. with one' hand Bome things could be worse. Aus- | has a postal strike. Imagine such | 'calamity during Christmas. shot at her husband in Chi- | . That Is the one way you can | When the honeymoon is over. iy OEE ------ ---- ot-- No head is really empty. If there | Bo brains on the premises, all ble space is used by prejudices, ~ ------ If you have a beautiful little graft, progress threatens it, you are the world is going to the dogs. this sentence: "Yes, I've over the paper," she admit- *but I never read those divorce fislation may make men and [men equal before the law, bat it n't make them equal before 4& bs &o above the block of power contrac- We need the sweet custom of the ted tor. Now the turbine will serve interchange of tokens, when into an unlooked-for purpose--supplying that custom there creeps no accent power that the provincial commis- of compulsion, no hint of a merce- sion is unable to give to Kingston nary calculation. For we know that At present. it 1s of the very essence of Christ- The Trent river cannot meet the | mas to give, not to receive The demand made upon it by Central On- | blessing rests on those whose love tarlo from Peterboro to Kingston, |., . eat enough to ho id but Kingston is declared to be bet- sr & 1040s World, ter off than any other place in the! ks outlet. on this day to - other | lives--cram n i ed district. Even Ottawa, with the im-| ped and pinched, alone and or, meagre | mense amount of undeveloped pow] Po gre in comfort, facing the day without er in that region, is feeling a power y 0 3 smile and the . | night without the pillow of a hope. shortage and has ceased the sale of | It 1s a wretched celebrati electric stoves. What the outcome | : on of | the time to sh in Eastern Ontario will be is Prob-| : put Fagseif on ith 2 lematical. Sir Adam Beck says that | 22s P oard | of gifts and exult that we have so the only hope for relief is the devel- | h. opment of the St. Lawrence river| . Those whose Christmas is power. Something has to be done | De Berriowt, Wane omine your is very soon it Eastern Ontario is to | who give the Tu re in oe develop industrially . The federal | i ing give themsely e government cannot longer afford ul omselves. ignore the St. Lawrence development | . proposition, | --_-- | OPPORTUNITY. by the steam plant could be EE ter of the great moming, and the Cp --t---------- A TEST FOR THE SOVIET. ny lasting peace will come when fodder reaches for a brick time some statesman mentions 'may not be significant, but the | of people who refurn thanks ir food are the kind that least. A ------------------ i though the world is now tho- safe for democracy, a lot of countries are slow . about their dictators, A ---------- Beotch scientist who doubts and Eve story will please the projection that chafes t of one's collar. -------- 8 always a way out, The for this year's eggnog Will Zand fiery, but yoy can get and mellow egg. & re pp ------ Chief fault of the world energy." pl y, iPlutey. { blocks in the way of the Soviet gov- Brownell, MA. One of the greatest stumbling | f Clarence Ludlow al Boas: End, dE ernment"s effort to restore normals od trade and living conditions in Rus- Somet 5 sia has been the failure of that 80V- | versed Stimes & Son Sieui4 Ye ve. ernment to secure the recognition | Canadian president of a great in- ot" The great powers of the world. stitution would change the, order of Persistent efforts have been made | the principal words in "Canada for to achieve this very desirable end, | Canadiafis." He says: "we have but the evidences of good faith on| C20Ada. Canada is ours as much as the part of the Soviet have been so 2yiuing cua Siar what We lack is lacking that they have been attended the million. a Our oe em by ilu pices. Cet Suits Progress should change to 'Canadiags for Ca. 3 Some | nada." That expresses our neces- countries, but the full and free re- | pity." | cognition which is so essential to , According to this distinguished progress in Russia has been denied, | citizen, Canada is a glorious coun- not because the other countries were | tr¥ in' which opportunity abounds. unwilling to trade with Russia, but |All Canadians will agree with him rather because Russia has not shown that the Dominion is glorious, but as yet, a clean pair of hand Nes some will demur as to the oppor- Sotiations with Britain and France w-- have time and again been broken off with no definite understanding reached, and with no basis of agree- ment being set down by either par- tye ! It has been left to the United Stag. ©s government, however, to apply the real test to the Soviet leaders, / We extend to all our Patrons < A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS -- and portunity points Perhaps so with the generation those who have left school and col- lege within the past few years. One observer says thelr training has fitted them for work that is yet to come, so far as Canada is concern- ed. "White collar jobs" some say. Move .to States. Canada has not enough of these jobs to go round. The Dominion cannot supply the demand. She has unlimited work for those who under- stand and are willing and compe- tent to attack it, but it is pioneer work compared to the work young people now find waiting for them in United States. United States have been through what the Dominion is now in the midst of. Jobs in the States look good Canadians because those are the kinds of jobs the Canadian schools have fitted their pupils and students for. If the schools could so orga- nize their study schemes and their teaching that the pupils would ac- quire a truly Canadian view of life and life's opportunities in Canada, there would be more Canadians for Canada. Canadian schools ground pupils wonderfully well for work--in the States. Why not ground them for work that is quite as fine every way right here in the 'Dominion? Within the past five years, more than 2,000,000 persons have left the Dominion and have settied in United States. One minister who has the friendliest feeling towards the Ame. rican Republie--he did his courting there and is as happy as possible in through United States and combed them for Canadians and made a lst of everyone who haled from the Do. minion since the federation, he would find more Canadians south of the line than on the north. Canadians are popular in United $ YEAR while with the other she beckons? | Just getting into harness today, with | to] his home life--says that If one went | AA Pt a States because of their steadfastness, their dependability, Their educa- | tion fits in with requirements there | and the pay is better. "Money talks", and the American dollar can be heard a long way off. A bank clerk | In Canada may recelve as little as ) ten or twelve dollars a, week, and [ may have night work to do. For | the same position--minus the work at night--he would receive not less than $20.00, in the States. This | unfortunate policy of underpaying | "because we have always paid such salaries' is another of the regret- table reasons that there are not more Canadians for Canada, I -- Sd in pt "Buy Christmas Sweets." Gibson's. A whale recently caught off the | shores of Greenland had in its body | the head of an old harpoon, which | experts ostimate must have been | there for fifty years at least. "Buy Hudnut's Perfumes," Gib- | son's. | The moon has three motions--it | revolves on its own axis, it revolves | round the earth, and along with the earth is revolves round the sun. Athens colonized the peninsula of { Gallipoli more than two thousand | ive hundred years ago. "Prince Charming Gibson's. | It would take 5,000 bees to weigh | a Cigarettes." pound. Do not forget that we S 802 Money to Loan We have private funds to loan on CHRISTMAS CAKES and PUDDINGS Special home-made quality, pecial Ice Cream, Frozen Puddings and Marron Pudding. LACKIE'S BAKERY KING STREET - - - - ar 141. J CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS and CHRISTMAS ORACKERS All sizes. All prices, do Our stock this year is excep- onally large, Make your se. lection early, mortgages. T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance 658 BROCK 8T., KINGSTON Phones 322J and 1797J. carry the largest as- cd "CHRISTMAS PERFUMES Our line of Perfumes and Exquisite Toilet reparations is complete. Perfumes by the most favored French per- fumers in the world, and by the best Tales on this continent--all most attractively boxed. See the Dainty Toilet Combinations TN Ae LYS OAL QUARTETTE nowadays. If your hobby is keeping warm and comfortable you should get acqua.nted with the superior coal we are selling. You'll find that our business me- thods are fair and that we put the "live" in delivery, Try us out, Eriony has a hobby | | | A To ry NEW | sortment in town of genuine il. . sn i runrimmrmoore LE REN CH. - BF ; | Dr. Chown's' Drug Store Crawford row iow [jf 185 PrincessStreet_- = Phone 343, fl "rt oom en They have been more anxious to resume trading relations with the United States than with any other | of State Hughes. TSR EE Sadia pie Ra Ratabey i : © Money placed on first mortgages on Once again, however, the essentials Rents collected. Money to loan, 't.{ of good faith were lacking, and the || 'Corner Johnson and Division Streets, 1s a straight refusal of recog: | lmmmm-- . a "