Tolet and co Sets, pizers We take this 'A big display of beautiful opportunity and useful gifts, OPEN EVENINGS. of L.T. | Tale fi oe Phone 59. our many Friends A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 609-~Frame Bungalow, § rooms, tol. Tet, ata Mghts. Let 3sxiin. $1800 rame, Fortamouth, 7 rooms, electric lighta, 30004 rooms, toflet and electricity. Several to choose from. $3000-~Frame, 7 rooms, $ p. bath, fur- mace; aice location; stable amd serage; electricity. . SH1Srrex & stems. Gutinass. & Sup tor quick buyer. $0000--S tome, 10 rooms, hot water heat, electric light, h.w, Soors through- out); a beautiful home. Bateman's Real Estate SOWARDS STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. Universal Food Clipgrs : Aluminum Percolators-- $5.00, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 Electric Heaters-- $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $10.00 Skates. "Medicine Cabinets . . - Bathroom Fixtures. - Tools of all descriptions. Electric fixtures ........$2.00 to $25.00 iSleighe s...-. <...............51.50 Knives, Razors and Scissors. Nickel Teapots. Pyrex Oven Glass : Electric Irons and Toasters. Fire Sets. -$3.00, $4.00, $7.50 | [sure taken during an | for insurance, and the reading has af {Leen rather high. $1.75, $2.00 Walking, riding horseback, Jog- {ging along in carts, 'sailing over the |sea--these were the ways people | got from place to place during the | Middle Ages, | There was one kind of person that {almost always walked-- the pil- grim, | Pilgrims were men and women {who wanted to visit some sacred iplace." Palestine was the most im. | portant. It was called the Holy {Land, because Jesus spent his life there. Rome was another place pilgrims liked to visit. They were always glad when they could see the pope and get him to give them his bless: ing. A great many persons in western Europe could not afford such long of saints. A saint was a person who led a very holy life. A shrine was a place where peq- ple went to pray. Sometimes the saint was buried at that spot. 2 other cates, he had lived near ft. Often a spring was called holy be- cause a saint had drunk some of fts water. Many persons belleved they could be cured by going to a chrine and touching the bones of a saint, or by drinking the spring water, Pilgrims were treated well by families who Mved along the road. Seldom were they turned away when they asked for food. It is sald that many poor persons quit their homes and wandered around most of their lives as pil. grims. y so doing, they got food and shelter without any labor--ex. copt walking and talking. The telking part was importafit, In those days there were no print. ing presses in Europe. There were no newspapers like the opes of to- day. People bad to get their new: from letters--or by talking to oth- ers, In trade for food, we might say, the pilgrims told the news of the places they had visited. Quite often, the pilgrims made spending money by selling relics from the - shrines. Such relies seem to have been sold on a wide scale near certain holy places. Pil- grims bought them and carried them away to sell to people who could not visit the spot. Sometimes the relic was the joint of a bone. Sometimes it was » hair or two, sometimes a rag sara to have been cut from the saint's clothing. trips. They visited the "shrines" That Body of Pours By James W, Barton, M.D, A Thought on Blood Pressure, You have had your blood pres- examination You are not rejected, but thy phy- siclan suggests that you come in at a different hour, some other day. He speaks reassuringly and you drop in perhaps two days later. The reading is considerably lower' and you are accepted without question, What hes made the difference in the readings? Well, the first day you were Lvery nervous, much excited by the exam. ination. It was your first examina- tion possibly, Perhaps you had just eaten a very hearty meal, and bad gone directly to the physician's office after eating. Perhaps you were somewhat con- stipated which would also result in a high reading. And so physiclans whilst still finding the blood pre:sure instru- ment of great use in diagnosing conditions nevertheless are recogniz- ing that various conditions not nec. essarily serious ocan wake a differ- ence in the readings. Because after all, your blood pres- sire may be only a temporary con- [dition just as you have a' rapid pwise or high temperature duriug some slight illness, As a matter of fact many people have a high blood pre'sure normal- iy. It would appear to run in families and doesn't effect their general health as they have no disorder whatever with the heart or kidneys. You see tigi blood pressure simp. iy means that the heart is working harder. This may be due to some poisons it is trying to drive out of the sys- tem, "This something may be of just a temporary nature, and the heart, blood vessels and blood pressure | become normal aiaip when it is re- moved, A tent, is present at all ho day, and lasts for some may be some underlying cause, su as kidneys that are not working properly. The symptoms are puffiness under the eyelids and frequent urination. Perhaps it 1 of a beriditary na- lure as seén In large fleshy people. CHRISTMAS, BY W. S. Maclavish, Belleville, {We may not hear the angels sing | again, | The gladsome strains they sang o'er Bethlehem, | But we should chant with joy the sweet refrain Of "Peace on earth,'--the chor- us sung by them, And let us gladly seek the further- ance Of tranquil times, when flags are furled; By kindly word and deed let us ad- vance The reign of peace in this war. weary world, vattiv With courage let us face the task | entailed By a quadrenaium strife; And seek, by peaceful means --where carnage feiled--- To Propagate the nobler things ot fe. { of war ena With loving hands let us remove | the scars, And Jet us pray in faith that wars | 8) may cease, And let us end our vain appeals to Mare, . And usher _in an age of love and peace, A ---- PERTH ROAD PARAGRAPHS. The Christmas Entertainments Are Being Looked For, Perth Road, Dec. 19.--The severe weather of this week has frozen the roads and made it quite rough in places. Many are looking forward to attending the Christmas enter- tainments at Wilmur school and at Perth Road United church. Mr, and Mrs. R. Thompson spent Tuesday in the city. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. R. Stonness, accompanied = by Mrs. R. McCrimmon, motored to Kingston. E. Stokes spent Wedmnes. | day afternoon at Sydenham, Misses Pauline Reberts and Luella Slack are both convalescent of scarlet fever. A number from the vicinity enjoyed a pleasant evening at Mrs. 8ills', Leland. Boyce Campbell was a recent eal- ler at, R. Thompson's. Elwood Shales visited friends at Battersea recently. . Miss M. Howe spent the week-end in Kingston. Cairds, the poultry buyer, was. around recently, H Amey spent Wednesday in King- ston. Ait ara glad 10 heat that Mek x. Amey, who is undergoing treatment at the Ki General houpial, s improving. oh Or it may be in old people about §8 rma DT rote a pressure thould not flan' you Totem wre some trouble With heart, kidney or d vessels is present. i STORE OPEN TO-NIGHT Continuously as on Saturday for the convenience of Christmas Eve Shoppers. CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Christmas Eve in Toyland A Great Half- Price Sale Everything must be cleared away to-night regardless of cost. Our entire stock of Dolls, Kiddie Kars, Sleighs, Hockey Sticks, Plush Animals, Mechanical Toys, Books, Games, etc, etc. All marked in plain figures at half the marked price. No restrictions! « Last Minute FOR WOMEN Waists. Neckwear. \ Gift Suggestions 'FOR MEN For Children Socks. Hosiery. Shirts. Underwear. Ties. Handkerchiefs. Pyjamas. Snow Suits. Handkerchiefs. Sweaters. Mitts. Gloves. Tb Gloves. Hosiery. Umbrellas. Handkerchiefs. Underwear. Whitewear. Hand Bags. Sweaters. Linens. Kimonas. Gloves. Umbrellas. Dressing Gowns. Our Annual Year-end Starts Wednesday and Continues to Monday, Dec. 31st. A great bargain occasion, offering seasonable wanted metchandine at a 8 price concessions. WEDNESDAY FROM 9 TO 530 OCLOCK