E DAILY BRITISH WHI WINTER _OVERCOATS - The Very Latest Designs at Reduced Prices Regular $30.00 Overcoat-- Our Price $24.00 Regular $35.00 Overcoat-- Our price $28.00 George VanHorne' S 213 Princess ge ¥ Phone 362w. How to tell Eyestrain | - moving pictures hurt your J pains in the eyeball "ghar pain at the top of the Ere feel tired and the Hds The Holiday Season affords an opportunity to express again the pleasure we derive from our business relations with"youn snd cu behalf of our entire organization, we wish tor you and yours-- A Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year DENTISTS | more than $4,000,000. 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICK HOURS: 8 to 6 pam. Our eyes may be on the cross san day, but the dollar looms up the plainest during the week. Big Expensive Machinery need not lie idle while you are wait- ing for some part to come to make it workable. Why all that delay and loss when our welding will in a short time fix up the trouble and you an have your plant in full operation with little delay ? Bishop Machine Shop in | Steady Improvement in The Producers' Herds. Kiggeton SE reRnon WOE proad of the record made by the farmers of the district in the dairy industry. The year 1923 found the county of | Frontenac in the forefront in the | production of cheese and batter in | the British Empire, capturing first | and, second prizes in the exhibition | at London and Glasgow. This record has a firm basis in the industry and in{sgrity of the farmers who are conscientious stock breed- ers and there is only the highest | praise for those who have taken posi- { tions of leadership in the breeding of dairy cattle. There has in con- | sequence been a steady improvement in the herds, but large producers in the vicinity of the city whose output is consumed here; have (taken an- other step by guaranteeing the peo- | ple milk of high quality and at the same time milk that is absolutely safe. These farmers are D. C. Rogers, J. J. Wilmot, Pittsburg, and James Henderson and Sons, Baker Bros. G. F. Murton, Front Road, Ports- mouth. Their herds have been under the control of Dominion government inspectors with the result that bo- vine tuberculosis has been absolutely eradicated. There was considerable sacrifice in the loss of many fine ani- mals, but as long as there was evid- ence of tuberculosis the animals had to be removed and slaughtered. In some cases there was little or no loss, but in others the whole herd was practically wiped out and re- placed by cattle that showed immun. ity to the disease. The government inspectors make tests every sixty days, and the stables are practically under their manage- ment. To-day only milk that is safe and certified as coming from.certl- Ted herds is delivered from these dairymen for consumption in King- ston. OCOO0A COLA 00. 14D. ! William M. Brownlee is Appointed Managing Director. The formation of the Coco-Cola Company, of Canada, Ltd., and the election of William M. Brownlee, formerly president of the * Cable Plano Company, as managing direc- tor, are announcements made by the head office at Toronto. The new company will begin to function Janu- ary lst. The Coca-Cola Company Ltd, has an investmént in the Dominion of It earries on its rolls more than 300 employees in connection with its twenty-two offices. Included in the announce- ment is the elestion of Claud Dun- can as secretary and assistant treas- ufer. In the opinion of the head office the years 1924 promises to be the biggest year for Coca-Cola sinte it was first establised in Canada more than tem years ago. In Canada Mr, Brownlee will sup- ervige the four manufacturing plants located at Toronto, Montreal, Winni. peg and Vagcouver, and the eighteen bottling pldnts located at Belleville, Hamilton, Kingston, London, Ot- tawa, Peterboro, Port Arthur, Wind- sor, Chatham, Ontario; Brandon, Manitoba; Calgary, Edmonton, Leth- bridze, Alberta; Moose Jaw, Regina, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Nanaimo, British Columbia; Quebec, Quebec. | Catherine Fraser left Thursday to | In the Desevonto Park--The People -- GANANOQUE Dee. 25.--Miss Betty Sampson, | Montreal, is spending the Rolidays' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sampson. R, McCullough, Brockville," in town yesterday. Charles Meggs, Detroit, Mich, is spending the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Meggs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Churchill and daughter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. James Crunie, Lyndhurst, and daughter, are the guests of Mr. and | Mrs. N. A. Webster. i Donald Sinclair is the guest of his | parents, Dr. and Mrs. Simelair. Charles LaRose returned home at. ter spending some time in Toronto. | Mr. and Mrs. Harold MeCarney | are spending a few days in Tweed. | Miss Brennan, Mary Jeroy and Vichie Wyle, Hotel Dieu, Kingston, are in town for the holiday. Mrs, G. Pergaie left for her home | in Lyn. i Mrs. R. Lee, Ottawa, is the guest | of her brother, M. J. Lee, Customs | house. . Mr. McCartney is spending the holiday with his sister, Mrs. Wiltse, i Mrs. C. 8. Lee, Oshawa, is spend- | ing the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Brennan, Redmond Nalon, Rochester, N.Y, Was isin town for the holiday. | Oliver Sinclair, Rochester, N.Y., | is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sinclair, John street. | | w---------------- EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD. The Birthday Party of Mrs. George Lucas. 'Odessa, Dee. 24.--A most delight- | ful evening was spent on December 15th at the home of Mrs George Lucas. The occasion was Mrs. Lucas' reighty-eighth birthday anni- versary. Twenty-five relatives and friends met to offer congratulations wishing her many more years of | health and happiness. The hostess, with assistance, made her birthday cake on which was placed eighty- eight candles and the same number gifts were received. G THI TTT TT ITIL) ill] CO TTL TL LIT Isn't it superb ? of wallnut meats. Many pe Mrs. Charles Timmerman spent a | couple of days last week with her | brother, Sam Winters, Yarker. Peter | Snider has had his new home lighted by electricity trom the J. H. Bab-' cock power house. Frank "lillier has ing Christmas holidays parents, Mr. and Mrs. omas Gra- ham. Mrs. Allen, N urgh, spent a few days with her.garents, Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Fraser, last week, Miss Gladys Venton, Kingston, and Miss Eva Venton; Toronto, spent Christ mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Venton. Fred Sproule, To- ronto, is spending and Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sproule. Miss Marie Kenyon is spending her holidays at home. The out-of-town teachers left for their different homes: Mr. Earl, Smithville; Miss White, Shelborn; Miss Ridley, St. Mary's, and Migs Mec- Donald. Mr. and . Holmes and little daughter, ce, left Saturday to spend a couple of weeks with rela- tives at Acton, Windsor, Ottawa and other peints. R. M. Lindsay, Bow- manville, is relieving in the Royal Bank during Mr. Holmes' absence. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fraser left Thurs. day to spend Christmas and the win- ter months with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Scott, Montreal, Frank Hillier and family left Sufiday to spend a few days in Peterboro with Mr. Hil. iier's brother, Fred Hillier. Miss spent her vacation with her sister, Miss Ethel Fraser, Toronto. Mrs, Lake Is visiting relatives in Toronto. PUBLI0 CHRISTMAS TREE. ' bb Appréciate the Whig, Deseronto, Dec. 25.~The citizens gave the children a treat Monday evening, as a large Christmas tree was decorated and lighted in the park. Presents were given to all good children' under twelve years of age. Steet Christmas carols were sung. The play by the high school stu- dents, on Friday night in Taylor's theatre, "Climin Thro," was a great and Mrs. William Hatch, the week-end |- I OE LO LL LLL TL ® RO nn . AND SHE FOUND IT HIRE! Sophisticated Dame Fashion longed for something "entirely new" in dress footwear for women. And so, we had our Style De- signer create this little gem--in Black Kid and Patent. x $9.00 and $10.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers All Roads Lead the Store of Gift A visit to this store of gifts will reveal hn of useful, acceptable and inexpensive giffs of. niture that should last for a century at least, A FEW REMINDERS: : Walnut Tea Carts, Tea Curets, Work T: and Baskets, Comfortable Arm Chairs and terfields, Walnut Cedar Lined Fur' Chests -- that will be remembered from Christmas to Ch JAMES REID Canada. He Mad resided Gar 1907, §5E8s Yaylor, Belleville, is in town. . Miss Valleria Hendersqn snd Mrs. W. H, Henderson motored to Kingston on Saturday and"spent the day. Mrs. Ear] Hammett, Trenton, called on friends in town on Wednesday of this week. Bilas Storring left tor Detroit Saturday morning. Feel lls -- Late J. J. Hickey, Carthage, NX. John Hickey; plumber, died at his home in South Clinton street, Carth- age, N.Y., Sunday, atd a.m, On Dee 5th Mr. Hickey fell down the cellar stair at his home, striking his head | on the cement floor and Sasing con. cons cussion of the brain, Pussmonta 1}; developed causing death. Mr. Hickey was bora in 1} Ont, on April 12th, 1 a, } ig of Stephen and ti. | key. He spent his i 1H ! 3 il ali Aor about twenty years, and favorably Kiown. On i 'he was united : : ers bial Feiler RBS FOR CHRISTMAS Fay ot five good sent reciated. 3 | gifts that will be | ings, all reasonably priced. your selections from » Overgaiters Rubber Boots