b Tw DR Comer of Jobmson and Wellingtun Phone 368 => Ghildhood to Old Age} ; , hs THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG L. WINSTON, LADIES TAILOR Winter Coats made to order from $12 up to $25 KINGSTON Anp VICINITY. DELCO- LIGHT The compicte Klectrie Light aad Power plant for every couniry home. W.C. CANNON 164 BARI shad phone 11500. announces thet Dental Office to 84 BROCK STREET, Opposite Livingston's Cle House Hope to Have Minister. The minister of Edmonton, Hon. G. H. Ferguson, is expected to open the mew high sehool in Carleton Place on Jan. 3rd, 1924. Firemen Received Pay. The sum of $1,286 was divided GENERAL INSURANCE Reliable English, Canadian an American Companies represented. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds pought sand sold. R. H. Waddell Phones 540-306 »6 Uroek Bi. THOMAS- COPLEY kinds of Carpentry un Bew Hooks weed Aeors eiean~ laid. our hard ed with 24 mew Beer cleaning Jae 5 chine. DENTIST « Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. among the thirty members of the Perth Fire Brigade according to the number of marks to the credit of the men during 19283. -------- Secured the Positions. H. MoC. Wilson has been appoint- d ed caretaker of the High street Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Prisco and Barrie reets. Entrance: 3i4 Barrie Street. PHONE "404J. Office Hours: 5.30 aan. to 6 p.m. school in Carleton Place at a salary of $300. He will also be the school attendance officer at $100 a year. Sale of Boys' Overcoats. Most sensational value ever of- fered in boys' overcoats at $10.50. || Mixed-Dry Mixed Firewood Hardwood and Slabs. Prompt Service. PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjustiog. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. DENTAL BURGKON. A. W.WINNETI Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. The regular prices of these overcoats were '$15, $16 and $17.60; ages from 10 to 15 years. Prevost, Brock street. Heartily Greeted. Col. F. 8. 8. Johnson, United Stat- es consul, spemt his Christmastide with friends in Pregcott and Og- densburg, N.Y. The consul -is be- ing extended hearty greetings by his scores of warm friends in Kingston. Playing Ground Hockey. As there is no ice for hockey as yet, the boys who are fond of the hardwdod garden, paved street. $4600-~Brick Bungalow; 7 rooms, wood floors, North. garden. $5500--Brick bungalow (new), rooms, 8 bedrooms, "FOR SALE $2800--Frame, 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 8 p. B., elec. and gas, furnace, floors, garage and $4700-- Brick, 7 rooms, 8 bedrooms, 2 p. B., sep. toilet, elec. and gas, hot water heated, veran- dah, garage and garden. North, bedrooms, 8 p. B,, 2 verandahs, elec. and gas, furnace, hard summer-kitchen. $5100--Brick, 6 rooms, 8 bedrooms, 2 p. B., sep. toilet, porch, elec. and gas, furnace, garage and 8p B, farnace, hardwood floors, fire- place and good garden. South. game are engaged in playing ground hockey. Followers of the game are wondering if Kingston is soon to get ice for the sport. -------- Entertained for Her Mother, Mrs. George Pettingill recently en. tertained a party of ladies at her home in honor of the eighty-second birthday of her mother, Mrs. Phila A. Pettingill. Music and conversa- tion occupied the évening and & tempting lunch was served. BR Good Christmas Trade, While merchants in some lines re- 8| ported a very dull Christmas trade, many of the merchants reported a very good business ffi view of the conditions. The bulk of the busi- ness came two or three days before Christmas. mh ---- Fire Motor Pump. The city council is to meet on Friday evening to award a contract for a motor pump for the fire depart. ment if the fire and light committee, 6| which méets this afternoon, is ready to make. a recommendation. The pump will be ready for delivery some time next April, ------------------ Was Badly Injured. Mrs. David Gillies, Carleton Place, fell down her stairs some days ago and suffered fractures to her ribs and wrist, besides bruises. Par- ticularly at this season of all sea- sons, the accident is most lament- able. ' In Business for Themselves, It is rumored that-some of the 15ETE YEsvery rmported intervie nmanty ol fed townahiD,. Lanark a few years ago by James Park, Poland, are leaving the parent stock and starting business for thém- selves, as evidence of thelr work has been seen on the Clyde near Ander- son's rapids and also on Dawson's creek, near Gillie's Lake, Made a Presentation, Members of the Queen's football club remembered the wives of "Billy" Hughes, the coach, and Bil- ly Hughes, the trainer, on Christmas Day. Bach of the good ladies was the recipient of a very beautiful sil- ver bread tray, the gift being "ac- companied by the best wishes of the members of the team. an-------------- Cannot Come Till February. Rev. A. W. Mcintosh, the newly- appointed minister of Calvin Presby- terian church, Pembroke, will be un- able to arrive in Pembroke until the first Sunday in February, Winnipeg presbytery being unwilling to release him until that date. Passed Through, London. The London police recall that two men now identified as "Red" Ryan and the late Arthur Brown passed through that city the latter part of September in a big auto. They stopped at a service station for gaso- line and then continued on their way west, At the time the men were not suspected. ------ Summer Resident Dead. William Huff, internationally known polo player, coal king, society debonair, and a national figure in sports, died at Greensboro, Pa, a suburb of Philadelphia, on Monday, leaving an estate of over twenty-five millions. Mr. Huff owned expen- sive estate at the Thousand Islands and passed a great many summers there: ---------- A Bill for Boards, At the last meeting of the Smith's Falls council a letter was read from the Perth Posting Station Co., com- plaining that 100 feet of the posting plant had been cut down by men in the employ of council. An account was enclosed for $79.70 for work, material and time. Mr. Robinson said the boards were taken down on the recommendation of the railway commission as they were supposed to be a menace to those crossing the tracks, Went for Yachting Cruise, \ Selaoin are Canawian winters such that one is enabled to enjoy a yacht. ing trip on Christmas day, yet such was the experience of Robert G. Weddell, Trenton, Mr. Weddell took a party of guests on his tug Aurelia down the Bay of Quinte as far as Niger Island and return. Among the party were W. H. Ire- land, M.P.P.; 'W. J. Potts, town treasurer; Girwood Weaver, J. H. Tinney, W. Shonikes; I. Galna, J. H. Nulty and Messrs, George and W. Sharman, Toronto. s -------------- Tax Collector Following a made by a special Pembroke -counci deal with applicafio) tion of tax coll was given the appointm ly salary of $1,600. Barrand stated that first agréed with the finding of the other members of the committee he had later felt that he could | not support it and had not signed . the report, i ' A in Operation, } and repairs have been ted. recommendation committee of Soom Rebuilding . going on apace at the Yorkshire stock mill, Almonte, which was de- stroyed by fire in September. The mill will be in full operation shortly. Meanwhile the picker machinery is already running and is \aking care of all the custom work. The card- ing machines ii the main factory are being overhauled, reclothed and tuned up, and in the course of a week or ten daye the entire plant will be ronning to full capacity. I -------------- The Year's Fire From January 1st until Dec. 26th, the Kingston fire department res- ponded to 220 calls, the largest num. ber om local record within a year. The largest number of calls respond- ny other year was 133. The i! i : ; 2 5 5 2 | i i the | 'ness. ats Was. anited in mas | riage to John Sherman Cook, For- est Mills, The bride wore her travel- ling suit of navy blue tricotine with | grey hat and fur. Miss Deby Cook, | sister of the groom, attended aa | bridesmaid, and Christopher Friz- gzoll, brother of the bride, was best man. The groom's gift to the brides. maid was a beautiful bar pin set with pearls, and his gift to the grooms- | man was a pair of gold cuff Mnks. The happy couple left for a short | trip, and after the Christmas holi- days they will make their home in Port Huron, Mich. -------------------- Are Back Home. Mr. .and Mrs. Osborne Wallace and daughter, Jean, London, Ont, are visiting the old home on the 7th Hne of Ramsay for the Christ- | mas holidays. Osborne is the young- | ®st of a family of ten, being a small boy when the mother died in 1903. The family home was taken up then and they have never been together since. Osborne went to Lumsden, Sask., to grow up. There he lived with his older brother and sisters. Jater he learned the tinsmithing and hardware business and after- wards became a partner in the busi- Some years ago he sold out his share and went -travelling for a Toronto firm. He was transferred to London, Ont., last March. He has never seen the old home nor his trother Milton, on the homestead since he left. Sines bo loft aires Gas On Stomach May Cause Appendicitis Constant gas causes inflammation which may involve the appendix. Sim- ple glycerine, buckthorn bark, eter, as mixed in Adlerika helps any case gas on the stomach in TEN minutes. Most medicines act only on lower bowel but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all gas and poisons. Excellent for obstivate constipation and to guard against ap- pendicitis. T. H Sargent. 1 GRAY'S SYRUP RED SPRUCE GUM sors IRE TR ane Hardwall Plaster, Wall Board, Brick, Cement, Lath, etc. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay. and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1871. f few INVEST YOUR GIFT MONEY Of course, if you the least outlay, you (Canada Radio Stores The only All-Radio House in Bast ern Ontario. Years of experience makes us better, yet Fv pricés are lower. Everything ° Radio CHRISTMAS IN RADIO! t the best for ust come to Don't Blame Us If You Miss This Big Offer. GENUINE MARCONI RAYPHONES $3.95 Every pair guaranteed! Going fast ! The C.R8 Mail Order Service Is & winner. Out-ofitown Radioists writ us your wants. ; . Only one address and that is 269% PRINCESS STREET. Phone 12073, On the uptown grade. Look for the Tower on the Roof Clearing odd lines of $25.00 to $35.00 Suits for $19.00 OVERCOAT SALE 'SPECIAL VALUES AT - $25.00 - SEE OUR FINE BLUE SERGE SUITS, INDIGO DYE $27.50 "TWEDDELL'S ' Clint) $e rubber footwear its SG LE a Groton, Winey, # later on JDON'T neglect the important duty to your health, and your children's future. School nurses tell us that the child with cold damp feet today will probably be the invalid of tomorrow, : for the first fall of snow and early winter slush and mud, | your own and the children's health protected from the dangers of cold and damp feet by wearing DOMINION Active, scuffling, heedless little feet of boys and girls give suibes fou hardest tet. All DOMINION beau rier stand the hardest kind of wear and tear--to arin ids health of children and grownups. - > the feetand x 'Because of their splendid wearing queliy DOMINION economical to