OPERA i GRAND HOUSE { TO-NIGHT | i AND SAT. "OUR OWN | REX STOCK | COMPANY : PRESENTING ZANA "Oliver Morosco's Great Long, Lingering Laugh "OVER NIGHT" VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS 80c., 30c. Sat. oat. aD _and 25c. 'GRAND OPERA HOUSE AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Say About ; Coming Attractions 'A ROYAL DIVORCE." Magnificent British Film with Stir- * ring Scenes of Waterloo. "A Royal Divorce," leon films screened to the trade last week, Is a photoplay which is not only a credit to Mr. G. B. Samuelson, which Napo- || but a picture which is a triumph | for British film production pressive to a degree, of the fascinating life of Napoleon is fit to compare with the productions || from any other market and is, un- |] 3 DAYS COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st G.B.SAMUELSON Presents "A ROYAL DIVORCE' YW mami or sUROPE Louise, two of the most nd live in this Royal Romance. Waterloo and other grand histori Tosephing and Marie world's history love a in staging Moscow, hit of the pieture in actress Gertrude McCoy fascinating Despite $2,000,000 spent ¢ sights, the outstanding ils record breaking European runs was the in the role of the Empress Josephine. MARIE LOUISE: -- "Permit me to doubt the Emperor's love for you. No man casts away that which he loves. " JOSEPHINE: -- "Madam, I have no answer to such vulgar taunts." creatures in the famous English Seats now on sale Evg's: 25c, 50c, 75, $1. Mats. 25c. 500. | CAPITOL THEATRE NOW SHOWINu Jom Mix LEA MINUTE ROMEO with TONY THE WONDER HORSE fran The Gun Gentleman by MaxBrand-Direcled byLasmarriinives , doubtedly, the finest picture hat | Mr. Samuelson has ever given us. So splendidly has it been produced | that with its excellent continuity the | fim, although = of considetable] ! length, runs smoothly as possible, all | the time holding one intensely inter: | | ested with its fascinating peeps into ! | Napoléonic history. The story of | [ «a Royal Divorce" is well known to | old and young alike. It has played | at the principal theatres throughout | j the United Kingdom for years, and | ! interest mever flags in this moving | story of Napoleon and Josephine, In the picture, Mr. G. B. Samuel. | son has faithfully followed the play, and the result is an appealing:-photo- Im- || this photoplay | Song "THE SE FUR TRIMMED COATS 0% to 50% OFF EVERY COAT IN THE STORE Prices regular from $19.75 -to $60.00 Sale Price from $10.00 to $29.75 MATERIALS MARVELLA BOLIVIA DUVETYNE. VELOUR CHECKED BRUSHED VELOUR. ENGLISH CHECK BACK TWEEDS. Phone 1071 | FRIDAY, DECEMBER aT JACKSON METIVIER'S LINED SON'S GREATEST CLE LADIES' AND WRAPS 2 DAY iit CKSON-METTV EVENT SATURDAY and MONDAY FUR TRIMMED wit FRENCH BEAVERINE. SHAWL#Sor KNOTCH STYLE TIPPED OPPOSUM AND CLOTH COLLARS COLORS: BLACK, TAUPE, FAWN, REINDEER, RR TED Ii4 PRINCESS STREET JACKS 28, 1923, UP ABS h AMAALALLA LLL SSS SS LS SSSSe | | Phone 1071 AAKSA Hillyer is responsible for the good direction, Watch for *"Tribly"" BEGIN) RC" ARRESTED "LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked ON TRAFFICKING CHARGE| / W. A. Twigg Age Again in Police Court--~Case Adjourned for a Week. Up by the Whig Re- porters. Phone 220. Gibson's. ~_ Only a few more shopping months before ice cream cones. Owing to the unprecedented suc- cess with which this picture has met all over the country it has been im- possible to secure it for Kingston, fans before Jan. 14th, 15th andy 16th, owing to extended runs in the film gives us many splendid specta- cles, notably a wonderful shot of the retract from Moscow. This scene, play that is certain to succeed. : Late Mrs. Robert White. Cataragul Lodge No. 10, LO.OF. of the most beautiful in the entire Mrs. Robert White passed away at The members of the aboye } e are reminded that the meeting will be held of New Year's Day. D. Pound, N.C R. M. Douglas, Sec. --- A si NIA ny Madge Bellamy, Hobart and Tally Marshall. FOR "TRILBY" Toronto, Dee. 28. Heavy steers $7 to $7.50. Castle $6.25 to $6.75. Lambs $10 to $11. Hogs $3 to $9. Eggs: Firsts 35 vo 6c Seconds 28 to 30c. Extras 43 to 4c. Cartons 45 to 46e. Cartons fresh, 65 to 70¢. Eggs delivered Toronto: Extras 45 to 50c. Firsts 35 to 40c. Storage firsts 31 to 32¢. Seconds 25 to 26ec. Splits 23 to 24c. Butter to retail trade: Creamery, extra fancy 45 to 46c. No. 1, 44 to 45e. No. 2; 41 to 42¢. Dairy 37¢. Deliversd Toronto: Creamery, special, 41%e, No.1, 38 1-2 to 1c No. 2 38 1-2 to 39 1-2a. Cheese: New large 22% to 23%e. New twins 23 to 23 1-2¢. Mauwitoba wheat No, 1 bay pons $1.05 1-4. Manitoba oats: No. 2 C.W. not quoted. 0. 3, 42 3-4¢c; No. 1 feed 41 1-4c. De wheat nominal: 92 to 94c outside. Oats, Outatio, No. 8. white, 38 to Hay: £ Extra Ne. 2, init per ton, + Ns ruck Toronto. » solids 10% w aorthern . on Memday evening, Dec. 30th, instead | i PRODUCE MARKETS. 1 | atte which was taken in the Tyrol, is one production, and small wonder that | the trade show. { erloo 1s staged Here the producer has--had-the ad-| vantage of having the resol s of | the War Offico placed at his' dispo- sal, and handling his supers ex- tremely well, has given us a convince, ing battle that is the terrible climax to the picture. It is easy to see that many thousands of pounds have been expended upon this photoplay, for the film bears every evidence of be- ing richly produced. and uno stint whatever being apparent. TOM MIX IS STILL MIXING IT AT CAPITOL. Ingenious plot complications give "Mile-A-Minute Romeo," the Wil- liam Fox production that opened for a 3 days' engagement at the Capi- tol theatre last night unusual charm for a Tom Mix picture. By which we mean, in addition to the breathless action and expected number of thrills, Tom Mix offers in this re- cent motion a story of considerable interest. One of the uncommon situations presented is the Machivellian scheme of exterminating (wo rivals by each other's throats. The crafty lover informs both ri- vals separately that each has insulted the other. A gun fight ensues in which the rivals learn that they have been the dupe of the third rival, and that their fight was 'framed' to kill either or both of them. Lucky Bill, played admirably by Tom Mix, is one of the dupes. Having wounded the other dupe In the "framed" fight he offers to com- pensate by helping the latter elope with the girl. He is double-crossed innumerable ti and finally forgets his difidence 30 Tar as Ww to get the girl for himself. Bo previous x contriving to get them to fiy at duction as '""Tribly." Andree Lafayette, ths French star, ands all over the country in it evoked : continuous applause at | key cities, but it is with great pleas- The Battle of Wat. | ure that we offer to the theatre-go- remarkably well. | ing public of Kingston, such a pro- the | victs, stage, and now is delighting thous-| the | leading role of the screet version of | th: famous novel and stage play. Keep a date open for "Tridly," at the Strand on Jan. 14th, 15th and| | fo 16th. * The answer will be tound among 'to-day's want ads. Knights of Grip Banquet, The antual banquet of the | Another sensation was caused in penitentiary circles late Thursday afternoon, when Detective Robinson, celebrated | of the dominion police force, placed | darling of the Mont-| under arrest Willi am Arthur Twigg! "trafigking with con. " when serving as a guard at | this institution, There were two charges, one dated on or about the 20th of December, 1922, and on {or about the 20th of June, 1923. A. E. Day was present as counsel | r the accused and entered a ea of "not guilty" in each case. i | Rigney, crown attorney, was 4H pre- | , sent to go on with the charges, and | i the case was laid over for a week. | The accused was allowed out on bail of $500. The accused. it will 'be recalled, was before Magistrate Farrell sev- 'eral weeks ago, on charge of "tra- was dismissed. The two charges read as follows, the different dates being mentioned therein. "That he did unlawfully give or| convey to a coavict, an article not' allowed by the rules and did take or tuity from a convict and did endea- vor to do or knowingly allow to be done, the act above referred to, in violation of Section 67 of the Penj- | tentiary Act." Mr. Day raised an objection to the charge laid on or about June 20th, 1928, stating that Twigg had already pleaded "not guilty" to this charge, that he had 'been tried, and | the charge dismissed. i Magistrate Farrell stated that he | would make a note of Mr. Day's ob- { jection and that he would remand | both cases for a week. Raights of the Grip will be held this - $1.538,043 evening in the Fromtemac hotel and finances the speatirg of the evening will be cial Hou, G Howars Pursusen, Canon stagement in FisGerald, Sth, - flicking with convicts," and the case! receive for his own use a fee of go | her residence, Wolfe Island, on Fri- day morning after an illness extend- ing over a period of some mohths. | The deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Greenwood, and she was well known among the resi. dents of the island who held her in high esteem. Her death is the oc- casion for deep regret and sympa- thy with the bereaved family. Be- sides her husband, there are surviv- ing five young children, her father | and one brother, Thomas Green- wood, all of Wolfe Island. Montreal Hog Market. | Montreal, Dec, 28.----The feature of | this department of the trade so far { this week has been the much strong. er feeling in the market for live hogs and prices have scored advances amounting to $1 to $1.10 per 100 Ibs. as compared with the closing prices of last week, which was due to the light receipts and the keener competition between buyers for sup- plies to meet their requirements for the balance of the week, and sales of thick smooth hogs were made at 1 $9.25 to $9.50 per 100 Ibs, red and watered. In sympathy with" the | above the market for dressed hogs | was also stronger at an advance of 131 per 100 1bs., with a fair trade | passing in city abattoir fresh killed i stock at $14 to $14.50 per 100 lbs. } Arrested in Syracuse, N.Y. Syracuse, N.Y. Dec. 28. --Eugene ('Dent Langston, aged Yorty-three, ! for years a jeweler at Hamlet, N.C, i was arrested at the H. J. Howe jew- i elry store by Thomag Guilfoyle, of | the United States department of | Justice charged with a vielation of {the Mann Act, commonly referred to {48 the "white siave" act. in eloping j With Mrs. Gertrude Harrill, wife of { Rév. Benjamin Harrill, and bring- {18g her to this city. i Langston left behind a wile and ©} three children and a lucrative busi- ness. Mrs. Harrill's husband is in a sanatorium at Timberland, N.C., hav- $1.00 Gillette Razors. Gibson's. The first ehovelling of walks took place on Friday morning, Mr. Swain, piano tuner. Orders {received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 664w, "Buy Cough Syrups." Gibson's. Rev, Father Kehoe, who has been confined to the Hotel Dieu for some days, is reported mo better, Gillette Razors, $1.00. Gibson's, Clyde Fraser, Toronto, is spend- ing the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Baker, 66 Unfon street. Three inches of snow fell duning Thursday night. It was followed by a light rain early Friday morning. Buy Listerene, at Gibson's. At a meeting of the Boys' Parlla. ment in Toronto Hon. W. F. Nickle gave the members a brief address on parliamentary procedure. Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, Gibson's. Albert Knox, Detroit, Mich. Is spending the Christmas holidays with vis parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wiliam Knox, Kingston Junction. Buy Aspirin Tablets, Gibson's. Hegbert C. Treneer, A.T.C.M., di« rector of music at Knox College, Toronto, left on Friday to resume his duties after spending Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Treneer, Quebec St. ------------ Removing Old Landmark. The work of removing the oid frame residence. which stood near tha Campbellford high school! and whieh belonged to 8. J. Moore who sold 1t to the board, was begun on Saturday. This was one of the first houses built in Campbeliford. True- tee Arnold says that when he went to school i0 years ago the residence had been erected some time. Hockey Scores. Aura Lee defeated St. Mary's 4 to 3 In the opening junior O.H. A, game. : The Olympics defeat Stratford 4 to 3. } ing been obliged to give up the pas- v : j orate of 3 8 /Baftist church near ; 3 BP x cir rhetrned men: BETe Pegi AEs Lb dad only with that with a chofce of evils Buy Drug Wants. Gibson's, 220. It 15 a matter of the greatery im PoRance for the human soul to oom' |. 1 i i ; we should choose. the least, but thai from fhe evil we dhould endeavor to éxtract some good, $1.00 Gillette Razors. Gf