a -------------------- ~ | FUR JANUARY THIS SPLENDID WINTER FUR COAT FOR MEN--ALL SIZES--$35.00 KALAGAN BEAVER (Sheard Dyed Goat) in both the Beaver or dark Brown shades. All sizes 38 to 50. NO! We have not forgotten the Men--here is the biggest, roughest, toughest Coat on the market. Look over the 7 points . and let us know if we have left anything off. Our price is lower than you have been paying for inferior Coats, but you won't mind that. ; LEATHER Pron "For these cold nights try one of our guaranteed. Hot ~ Water ' Bottles $1.50 and up. - MAHOOD Drug Co. Ltd. Corner Princess and Bagot Sts. Roll a Ty e eo, Per 1b. om. | : did we offer such price | Comparisons of values is " Never before in the history of this store 5 ET TH AES os rea THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SMONDAY, JANUARY 7, toms, CALYARYS NEW PASTOR Rev. Frank Sanders, Formeriy of Guelph, Began Service on Sunday. Rev. Frank Sanders, lately Guelph, newly-appointed minister at Calvary Congregational church, ar- rived in Kingston on Saturday eve- ning, and on Sunday occupied the pulpit at both services in St. George's mission, wheie this con- gregation is holding its services un. til its own church, which is now well under way towards comple. tion, is ready for occupation after being enlarged and renovated. Rev. Mr. Sanders, who possesses a most pleasing personality, was given a hearty reception by the members of Calvary congregation, and they feel that in Mr. Sanders they have a minister who is highly qualified for the task he is about to undertake in ministering to the needs of that part of God's vine nev. yard where the late Rev. A. F. Brown was so successful in building up to its present point of efficiency. Mr. Sanders, who. perhaps at the present time may be known by few in Kingston, will be given a most hearty welcome, not only by his flock, but throughout the whole city. 5 The morning service was taken by Mr. Sanders, mostly as an introduc. tory service. He gave a heart to heart talk in a sympathetic spirit where every member was made to feel that all are on one level work. ing together, for the benefit of mankind. At the evening service Mr. San- ders took his text from Philippians: "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before." In an eloguent snd forceful ad- dress, he impressed his audience in those things which pertain to the present. The past is gone, the fu- ture we do not know. Let us bene. fit by fallures in the past and use them in the present that we may In the future atfain to higher and nobler things. In closing Mr. San- ders thanked his hearers for the splendid reception given him, and hoped that this new year would see an increase in every branch of the church, but the only way in which. these things could be attain. ed was that every member and ad- herent would rally round him and give of their very best, FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Two Very Big Fires Last Year / Caused a Record Total Loss. The annual report of Fire Chief Armstrong to the city council today contained the following statistics and recommendations: Heth HiT of | i i than favorably recommended to your attention. Every officer and man has given the very best service possible on all occasions, and to their efficient work and devotion to duty is largely due the keeping down of the loss during the year, With the exception | of two very heavy losses the year's Tosses™ will "be found to be "below that of the preceeding year." | } } ---- | SAID ON THE SIDE | This is pretty severe weather to be without shoes and stockings. Citizens have a chance to do some missionary work by subscribing to the Rotary Club's Shoe and Stock- ing Fund, ee February has am extra day this! year. This means an extra date for! the girls. And talking about this extra day, it means an extra day's work for father, too. Ny The ladies will be pleased to learn that Easter comes later in April this | year. More time to pick out their new hat. "Make It Snappy," is the slogan with many people these days. The Weather Man fell in line over the week-end. -- Despatch says that Rockefeller throws away dimes every time he wins a golf match. No danger of him going "broke" even should he decide to give a nickle shower fol- lowing every defeat. As this is leap. year, Dan Cupid will be able to save his darts. Fol- lowing out O.T.A. regulations even in matrimonial matters, the girls will just "pop" the question. "How Will T Keep Single?" will be the bachelor's slogan this year. HELD RESPONSIBLE. For Colliding With the Steamer Sen- ator Derbyshire. Justice McLennan, judge of the Dominion admiralty court, holds the steamer Lord Strathcona re- sponsible for a collision in the St. Lawrence river in which the steam- er Senator Derbyshire, owned by the George Hall Coal and Transporta- tion company of Ogdensburg, was damaged. The judgment was given with in- structions to the deputy district reg- {strar to assess the aamage. In his decision he says that while the Sen- ator Derbyshire was proceeding up the St. Lawrence river a little below Champlain the Lord Strathcona, pro. ceeding in the same direction, over- took her and struck her on the port side, a little forward of amidships, and violated rule No. 24 of the rules of the road. Family Team Ran Away, But Township Not Liable ene " William Storms and Neilie Storms, with a family party com- posed of Georgina Poste. Thomas Storms, and Wilbert Storms, were | injured when their team of horses ran away at a "fll." and they sued the township of Portland for $5,000 damages. : A runaway followed the fall of a whiffletree, but the plaintiffs ar. gued that there ought to have been a guard at the scene of the aceil- dent. The complainants were driving from Verome to High Falls in Aug- ust last. Justice Smith, at Toronto, hold- ing that a guard was unnecessary, has dismissed the action. Any old calloused citizen ean stand misfortune, but it takes a good man to stand success. A wise woman shows discretion in the selection of things to be left un- said. / Hockey Skates Sticks and SKATES, STICKS and PUCKS. Our priceson these lines are very inviting and the quality is excellent. - | - MOORES 206 WELLINGTON STREF Pyc | ere is A ------------------ OCKEY CONTINUING ON TUESDA All Dresses and Coats 4 rice This is truly a wonderful opportunity bh securfa beauti- ful Dress or Coat at an unheard of price. .. You have your choice of our entire stock of Pressegnd Coats, reserve, iF $18.50 Dresses . . $22.00 Dresses . ... ... "a $30.00 Dresses . ALL COATS HALF PRICE Beautiful Coats in the newest and best sty Velours, Bolivia and Burberry Cloth -- forme $25.00 to $90.00. Sale Price, 3 Price, $12.508 $45.00 each. SILK AND CLOTH DRESSES ):.25 Sale Price $0.00 Sale Prieg Sale F .« Sale Pri Sale Pri .00 ol j2.50 5.00 Marvella, priced from SEPARATE SKIRTS } PRICE 25 only, Separate Skirts in Na Plaids and Stripes--all pure wool; Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STE and Serge and e news styles. Your "SEEING JESUS." Sermon in St. George's By the Bishop of Ontario. That Christianity is not an as sent to a creed but a living union with God through Christ Jesus, and that the incarnation of His Son was the Father's way of revealing aim- self to man, was the theme of a s°r- mon preached by the Bishop of On- tario in St. George's cathedral at the choral eucharist on Sunday, the feast of the Epiphany. 'The Wise Men spent many long weeks oa their journey in search of the Infant k'ng." said the bishop. "We are all nominally Christians, We live ia a Christian land and observe the Christian festivals, but many of us pakke no real effort to find Christ. We read rs the Greeks who came to the disciples saying: "We would see Jesus." That was the spirit of the Wise men, the spirit of al whe would be Christians in mor: than pame. The star led kings from. the east who wege not of God's chosen people, and it led them, aot to a pal- ace as they mo doubt expected, but to the humble home of a carpenter, *It is not a subtle theology men want but a simple faith that wil teach us to "see Jesus in our dally Mte, that He may be with us in our business, yes and In our pleasures as well as dur sorrows. What com. fort or hope could be ours from the knowledge that a wise good man ly- meny centuries ago Ia HOPE AND CONFIDENCE. | Over Bituation in Great Britain Mi Prof, Skelton. il Ottawa Journal. | Politieally, economically educationally, there was ho confidence rather than defre: over the situation in Great B Dr, O. D. Bkeiton, dean of ar ulty of Queen's University, an viser to Premier King at th perial and Economic Confe told a social gathering of Q Alumni at Ottawa Ladies' CP Friday evening. Nearly 200 ates attended the "speech-danpast" presided over by J. G. Macphail, pre. sident of Queen's Alumni Assol- tion of Ottawa, who introduced Prof. Skelton, and commented upon the wisdom of the prime minister in choosing as adviser so gifted an economist and ap accurate histor. jan. At the conclusion Dr. Adam Shortt moved a vote of thanks, re- marking that Prof. Skelton had brought honor to Queen's, and fore- telling that within five years the wealth of the world would be more evenly distributed and would find its 'way back to Britain, At supper in the dining poom, Mrs. Macphail poured coffés, and was ted;by Miss F. H. Stothers, Miss C. 'Stothers, Miss Kathleen Wyngard, Miss Margaret Melntosh, Miss Jean Paitt and 3 Dobler. Next to Kingston, Ot most outstanding Quee Professor Skelton, andl Association had done be done to keep Its rel o In "| the university. Ashton Harvey, Joka D, Roche- feller's {intimate friend dead while playing golf gg Rochefeller , mond, Fla. Buying, Selling, © Renting, Exchanging FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND AUTYMOBILE INSURANCE Sn HOUSS TO RENT RINTS COLLECTED MONEY TO LOAN---- MULLIN and Division Streets ven Two Calls, storm was at its worst night, the firemen had the garage of L. T. Best, street, for trouble , which suffered damage. en were given & run for blaze at 29 James street .m. Saturday. , Bank depositors prepare tf making demands om goy- 80 mgke good their losses. Week Only THE TWO FOR $1.00 i numbers, a total of : Store