THE x TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1024 re-- > Compare MeKay qlalities and prices, It will pay you. , ou y McKay's Fur Coats FUR STOLES, ROBES, CAPS, ETC. Muskrat Coats .S...............$ 85. Hudson Seal Coats . ... ........... $250 Plain or sable trimmed. French Seal Coats .. ............ $85.00 French Seal, Beaver or Sable trimmed $150 - Persian Lamb Coats ............ $225 Real good Coats, McKay make. Men's Alaska Beaver Coats . . ....$35.00 . Fur Caps, Robes, etc. Special reductions on Remakes, Relini A Rapa of all kinds. i ng FOR THE ONLY PER- MANENT ROOF USE RU-BER-0ID Strip - Shingles SPECIAL ! ALL BOARD For All Purposes, Sold by The K. D. Mfg. Co. MONTREAL Wetheys' Marmalade, 4 1b. pal... ..... Fee ew «+ .08¢c, ORANGES Excellent quality for Marma- lade or table. Per peck 70c. ; LARD Mathews, pure, per Ib. ...20c. Old English Mifice Meat, 1b 19¢. Apple and Strawberry Jam, $8: sotie terienieien 486 'Cullen's CASH AND CARRY We Wish To Apologize tony alo many friends and Pations who : could not get served in the rush of last week. We atill have a good assortment of all lines at the.same low prices." ~~ $. LOCAL NEWS. Up by the Whig Re- - porters. Retiring, photos, frames, everything | cheap, cheap. Weese must close. The Montreal Methodist Confer- ence will meet in Gananoque in June. Chief of Police F. C. Barrett and | son, Napanee, were visitors in the city on Monday. Mr. Swein, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. There are two ladies on the Belle- ville Board of Education, Mrs, Mc- Fee and Mrs. Boyes. H. C. Welch, .who has been quite seriously ill for a few days, was re- ported .to be much improved on Tnesday forenoon. Ripe Pineapples expected Wednes- day; 30c, 40c and 50c each, at Car- novsky's. : George Joyge, Division street, telephoned the Whig that he saw a robin near his home early Tuesday 'afternoon. : A drunk, who was remanded for | a day when he appeared in the police | court on Monday, was fined $10, and | costs at Tuesday's session" of the police court. | Samuel J. Kelly, aged ¥ixty-four| years, died in Ottawa on Sunday. He | was a former Kingstonian and a! painter and decorator, A widow, one son, and two daughters survive. Mary, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Baker, 155 Raglan! Road, passed away on Sunday. The funeral was held in charge of M. P. Keyes to St. Mary's;cemetery on Mon-| day afternoon. * The funeral of the late D. H. McDonald, Wd'fe Island, was held on Monday morning, conducted by M. P. Keyes, Kingston. The bearers were Herbert Esford, 'Peter Brown, Richard McCready, David Mahoney Dexter Keill and Robert Horne.| W---------- Shoe And Stocking Fund 3 The Rotary Club's Shoe - and Stocking fund is increasing daily and the members of the club wish to offer their sincere thanks to the citizens who have responded to the appeal for funds to carry on - the good work. The following addi- tional subscriptions were received to- day: Previously acknowledged ..$241.01¢ Robert Diaek .... .. .. .. - 1.00 John Veale .... 1.00 G. W. H. and Misses Comer. 3.00 T-H. Sargent .. s... .. .. 2.00 APriepd sud "ess ue us 1.00 A Friend Joos mess se oo. 1.00 Waid 180. sass sesn ve oi 3.00 GJ. MCKa¥ vooo so oa os 2.00 F,8.'Evaason ;. «eve. .. 5.00 James A. Minnes , , 5.00 Dominion Postal Clerks' As- sociation (Kingston Branch) «. ++ oo ..... 10.00 Mrs. R. G. Armstrong, pairs of stockings Mrs. Saunders, pairs of, stockings. Mrs. M. C. Dunn, 38 pairs stockings. ONTARIO RELIGIOUS COUNCIL. Kingston. Officers Elected at Meeting on Monday kvemng. The annua: meeung or the local branch of tne Un.ario Reugious ka ucaiiona: Council was neid in Queen street Melnodist cnurco on Monaay afternoon and evening. 'laylor Stai- ten, Toronto, who is in charge of the boys' work department of Canada, was in the cify to speak, but was called home'on Monday noon due to the death of his father-in-law, in nto. Alex Edmison, a Queen's student who has worked under the direction of Mr. Statten for some time, took his chief's place. "The conference commenced at four o'clock, and after a brief ses- sion. the delegates divided into de- paftmental groups. At 6.15 a ban. quet 'was served in the Sunday school hall of the church, after which Mr, BEdmison gave an address. Mr. Edmison was mayor of the boys* council of Toronto, previous to en- tering Queen's University last fall. At eight o'clock a mass meeting was held in the church auditorium and the following officers were el, Rev. Dr. J,| Robertson, who is charge of the) Young People's work of the Preshy) church, and Miss Whidden gavé addresses at the even session. Baka" "uh id | 3 £2 % REES SY sf He Brief Items of Interest Picked | at the corner of Brock and Montreal ee -- James Erwin died at the House lof Providence on Jan. 12th. He was a roadmaster -for the Kingston and Pembroke railroad for about thirty years and was a resident of Ren- frew. The remains were forwarded to Reafrew on Monday. He is suf- vived by one daughter, Miss BEliza- beth Erwin, New York, and one son | i the Canadian Northwest. The | funeral was held at Renfrew on Tuesday morning. FIRE TRUCK AND AUTO == MAH JONGG -- AE, : j INN . Tr a JUST ARRIVED! Another Shipment of Genuine' Mah Jongg Newport Set Made of Ivoroid and Wood--packed in mahogany case with brass trimmings, $30.00. Other sets from ...........$5.00 up ~ MOORE'S _HAVE A COLLISION While Firemen Were Re- sponding to Chimney Fire on Division Street. Shortly after 6 o'clock on Mon- day evening the firemen had a call to the home of Ernest Stewart, Divi- sion street, between Union and Cler- gy, for a chimney blaze. While responding to the call, the! motor truck from the Ontario street statioh met with a slight mishap streets, when a collision occurred be- tween the fire truck and a car driven by H. W. Newman, Mr. Newman was coming - over from Princess street. Fireman John Hall was thrown off the truck and suffered a serious shaking up bat was not | seriously injuréd. The five truck and the auto suffered but slight dam- age. » Killed A Gray Wolf. A full-grown gray timber wolf was shot yesterday mognidg by El- mer Pdolé, Kingston road, a short distance in the rear of his home, which is situated between Fernbank and Hillerest, about four miles west of Brockville. It was caught feast- ing on the carcass of a dead horse. ! The fur of the Wolf, which is of great length, gray in color, with touches of red, will be preserved by the owner in the form of a rug. It is hardly likely that Mr, Poole will claim a bounty on the animal, as it was stated this morning that the head had to be forwarded to the gov- ernment before the bounty would be paid. This Mr. Poole does not éare to do, as he wishes to preserve the skin intact. Sons of England Installation. The following officers of Leicester Lodge No. 33, Sons of England, were installed by D.D.S. President H. M. Hawley, assisted by Bro. W. A. Twigg, P.P.: President, A. Brown; wvice-presi- dent, P. F. Stacey; chaplain, A. G. Osborne; treasurer, C. Selby; fin- ancial secretary, 8. Hinchcliffe; rec- A GIGANTIC SALE of Blouses and Separate Skirts--Thursday % Price BLOUSES Y% PRICE Voile Blouses in beautiful, fine quality, with Peter Pan and Tuxedo Collars, three quarter or long sleeves, filet lace trimmed, some with hand drawn work--a few in overblouse . style. Regular $2.00 to $5.00: On sale Thursday $1 to $2.50. Silk Overblouses and Jacquettes in Crepe de Chene and Canton Crepe--pretty styles, some beautifully beaded. Colors are Grey, Sand, Rust, Navy, Brown, Black and White. Regular priced $4.95 to $14.50. On séle . ... . Thursday $2.48 to $7.25 2 RE -- --- "SKIRTS Y% PRICE Separate Skirts in plain tailored and pleated styles in Navy and black, and a pretty assortment of fancy Plaids. Regular $5.00t0 $14.50. Onsale.......... Thursday $2.50 to $7.25 Ladies' Crepe and Corduroy Kimonas . ....... ....... 4 Price g is - 5 $ ording secretary, T. J. Grigg; first |, com. C. W, J. Adams; 2nd com. H. Kays; 3rd com, T. 8, Buller; 4th com., J. Hallam; inner gaard, F. D. Nicholson; outer guard, 8. Dutton; trustees, F. R. T. Baldwin; W. A. Twigg, T. Mills. A goodly number of brethren from Cambria Lodge, Gananoque, came for the occasion. After installation refreshments were partaken of and speeches made, ------ Utilities Commission. The public utiljties commission [and Mrs. James Porte, held a short meeting on Monday af-| will leave on the first of Februiry ternoon when General Manager Fol-| for a trip to California. They will ger reported upon the St. Law-|be absent two-months. rence power development hearing at Ottawa last Friday. The only other | tertained at a five table bridge at business transacted was the passing | her beautiful home on Saturday. The favor, a fine plece of china, wai s--------------? awarded to Mrs. Frank Minaker. John Nolan, the Kingston taxi| Several ladies came in for tea when 92¢ outside. driver who was recently held up and | delicious refreshments were served. of accounts. 3 robbed, has been granted a HMHoense to carry a firearm by County Magig-| staff, has been ill for four weeks, Hay: trate Bradshaw. ° " | but is slightly better. _ Several Résidents Leaving For A mer, Mary street West, had the mis- fortune to fall on Jan. 12th and seri- ously injure her right wrist. Cook, Main street East, sustained injuries from falling. ning's knee was injured and Miss Cook was hurt internally. PICTON LADIES INJURED. Trip to California. Picton, Jan, 15.--Mrs. Ethan Pal- A Splendid Opport- | unity to Buy a good House on Barrie St * i 5 Toronto, Detached brick, 18 rooms, Jan. 15.--Manitoba wheat, No: 1 [lil hardwood floors first and sec. northern, bay ports, $1.10 3-4, | Manitoba oats: } | ond floors, two fireplaces, ome No..2, C.W., not quoted, complete bathroom and two ex~ No. 8, 43 3-4c. tra tollets, Gurney Oxford Hot Water Furnace, good cellar, all No, 1 teed, 43 1-2¢c. t, inal, 91 Ontario wheat, nominal, 91¢ to in AL tion. w May 1st. If interested phone us tor in- formation aid appointment. Mrs. Dunning and her sister, Miss Mrs. Dun- Dr. T. 8. and Mrs. Philp and Mr. Picton, Mrs. Herb Love, Queen street, en- .Oats, Ontario, No. 2 white, 38¢ Miss Nina Conger of the Gaszette| to 40c. Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, $18, track, Toronto. Mrs. McLean, Barker street, died| No 2 $14.50. on Jan, 12th after a lingering fll- ness. She was the mother of the for- mer editor of the Pleton Times and has resided a number of yeats in Picton. Interment took place on Monday in Glenwood cemetery. The Curling season opened with a bonsplel on Tnesday, Jan. Sth, with the president and vice-president in competition. It-was a win for the president's rink, so the vice-presi- dent's rink sapplied the supper at the close of the competition. "rs. D. P. Boles, Picton, is in No. 3, $12.50. Mediums, $11 to $12. Eggs: Firsts, 36¢c to 37c. Seconds, 28¢ to 30c. Extras, 43¢ to 44c. Cartons, 45¢c to 46c¢. Cartons, fresh, 60c to 6le, Eggs, delivered Toronto: Extras, 38c to 40c. Firsts, 32¢ to 33c. Storage firsts, 30¢ to 32¢. No. 2, 42¢ to 43ec. Dairy, 37e. Delivered Toronto: Creamery, special, 41¢ to 48 1-2¢. No. 1, 42¢ to 43ec. No. 2, 40 1-2¢ to 41 1-2e. Cheese, new large, 22 1-2¢ tp 23 I-2e. ; i New twins, 23¢ to 24 1:2¢. " Heavy steers, $7.26 to $7.85. ' Cattle, $6.25 to $6.75. - Lambe, $12 to $18. 3 Hogs, $7 to $8. MULLIN Cor. Johnson and Division Streets Phone . Hens, 23¢ to 24c. Chickens, 16c, Turkeys, 30c to 8bec.