' Whi A ---- CAPITOL : MON. TUES, WED. "Pleasure ~~ Mad" 18, LAST EDITION The Right Honorable Sir Robert L. Borden 3 IFERGUSON T0 Elected Chancellor of Queen's University W00 QUEBEC ] The Right Hon. Sir Robert L. Borden, P.C., G.C.M.G., K.C., D.C.L., & ------ CAPITOL NOW SHOWING "Jealous Husbands" te Baily British KINGSTON, UNTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY- 1024, CANADA NOT A DELINQUENT In Regard to British Liquor Agreement With US. NOTED GREAT BRITA Of lis Attitude Upon It Some| Time Ago, Premier King - Announces. Ottawa, Jan. 18.--Canada is not one of the dominions which are satd to be holding up the British-Ameri- can liquor treaty through failure to notify 'the British Government of their attitude in connection with ft. Premier King made this plain | yesterday when his attention was! drawn to a despatch from. London in which the British Government's de- lay in ratifying the liquor treaty was attributed to the delay of some of Tut pi tam the Uni. 1 h M He Drulsels n giving thelr ap policy towards the customs situation re Te at Canton when he addresses the We had the draft of the treaty American. Association today. The under consideration some time ago. « ~ American Legation is showing mark- said the premier, "and we notified a tivi i tt 1 the British Government of our at-|®¢ activity in an attempt to learn " the fate of ten American missionaries whether Canada had given unquall- dits in the city of Batang, fied approval of the agreement or submission of the treaty to the Do- RUSSELL T SCO minions is a matter of form, Can- | . I1 ly interested than any other British Dominion. Obtaining Money Under False Pretences. !dingy hotel, a man claiming to. be Walkout ,of railway workers in Russell T. Scott, former liead of the clal service company, is being held on charges of obtaining money under YEAR 901; No. 15. v a NO FUSION | sitions | WITH LABOR London, Jan. 18.~--John R. | Clynes, speaking after he had But There Is Room For Co- Operation, Says Asquith. presented the Labor amend- ------ ment to the speech from throne, advocated that, as means of stimulating the trade of the British Dominions withe out altering Great Dritain's fiscal policies, a conference be held 'cn broader non-party lines" than.the- previous Ime perial Conferences. Twelve Liberals Have Ex- . o pressed Their Intention to Suppo rt 3 2 |B. Wilson of this city, who died De- * Premier Baldwin. } eines 16th, it was learned. OPCS PP PPP 92995 ooo! A codicil in the will left $250,000 ito a man mentioned as "my best 3 SCOTTISH LABOR - friend, Ogden M. Hoagland, (known FOR HOME RULE ¢ | as Jack Henderson), as a token of -- 4 | my affection for his 1iendship at a e. | time when most needed." Lanndon, Jun. 18. taetae: : G. Searing Wilson, a son, said dregs in reply to the speech « |that "Mr. Hoagland was a very good from the throne besides that + | friend of my. mother, I cannot tell of the want of confidence # | his address in New York. He spends amendment of the Labor lead- # | much of his 'time in Europe. Fina er, Ramsay Macdonald, ema- #| MTs' Wikon, who was about 72 nates from fourteen Scottish | years old, was a collector of prize Labor members of the House + | Orchids. of Commons whe demand + Nurse Asks $15,000,000 home: rule for Scotland. This amendment is regarded as in For Shattered Nerves the nature of a manifesto, since all the Scottish Lauvor leaders favor home rule, but the Labor party as a whole has hot yet adopted the policy, the | a | Widow Leaves $250,000 To "My Best Friend" Philadelphia; Jan, 18.--A will dis- posing of an estate estimated at $5,- LL.D., is the now chancellor of Queen's University, Kingston. His was the | 8 only name submitted to Prineipal Taylor and Registrar McNelll 'when the! . | nominations of the University Council closed at four o'clock Thursday Tha Differ | afternoon, and Sir Robert was declared unanimously elected. Two ollie He Feels t Power | prominent gentlemen mentioned In connecticn with the chaacellorsaip tav-| ences Can Be Settled. . ored the selection of Sir Robert Borden. -- The. new chancellor of Queen's is one of Canada's greatest sons. He was born at Grand Pre, Nova Soctia, on June 26th, 1854, and became « FALLACY ABOUT MONTREAL prominent lawyer in Halffax, with the firm of the late Sir John Thomp- 5 son, ex-premier of Canada. He was-elected to the House of Commons 1 " y 1896 and became Canservative premier in 1911. Sir Rober continued as vif premier until July 1920, when ill-health compelled him t» resign. Ile- Harbor of the Metropolis was a niember of the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and prominent in| { i J | 000,000 has been left by Mrs. George connection with the League of Natioms. Sir Robert was also Canada's Wout Be Benefited, Says > member at the Washington conference in 1922 ntari 1 Queen's UniverNty. ds to be congratulated upon securing such a dis- anes Premier. tinguished Canadian as its chancellor. 'Ottawa, Jan. 18.--Declaring that Quebec and Ontario were equally in- | terested in the development of | hydro-electric energy om the St, | Lawrence river, Premier G. Howara Ferguson, at a largely attended bane Says Case of Crown duet given in the Chateau Laurier | last night by the Eastern Ontarie #RF. HON. SIR R. L. BORLEN The new Chancellor of Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, TO WORK WITH POWERS, Missionaries Still Held By Bandits On Thibetan Border. Pekin, Jan. 18.~~American Minis- ter Schurman is expected to deny ALBERTA FARMERS DECRY SECESSION Declare They Do Not Want to 8plit the Dominion Into Two, < SOME NEW EVIDENCE AT MURRELL TRIAL | . | Prosecutor Will Be Materially | Conservative Association to = Right Strengthened. | | Hon, Arthur Meighen and himself, | said that he proposed soon to si London, Ont:, Jan, 18.--T. J. Rig-| down with Premier Taschereau or ney, K.C., special crown prosecutor | Quebec and compose by frank and in the Murrell case, stated here | friendly conference whatever differ that new evidence will be offer- cnces there existed between the two ed at the second trial of Sydney | provinces on this great question, Murrell and Harty Williams for mur- | "In Quebec they have their -own der at the February assizes. Mr. views about this project, and 'they Rigney said that the crown's case are honest views," said Premier For- will be materially strengthened, but guson. "In Ontario we have ' oup he denied a. report that inquiry had views. We believe In public owner= led to discovery of the clothing. worn | ship; but the differences are not so by Russell Campbell, the murder-; wide that some common ground cane ed victim, or of the bullet taken from | not be found." Campbell's body at the autopsy. -- : Power Development, Léttss dtl E XE] $000 He added that his Government had * ® | just ratified plans for the develop 4+ PROPHESY ANOTHER % | ment at Morrisburg. These _pluns + GERMAN REVOLUTION *| would be submitted to thé donlinion ? o 3 sovernment, and he was ccufident % Moscow, Jan. ¥8.--Representa- #*| the federal government would de- # tive of the German communists % cide to co-operate 'in this great pro- 4 told a conference of the Rus- % | ject by paying its $7,500,000 for the # slan communist party yesterday #* | benefits that would accrue to navie # that in spite of the set back a 4 | gation. Further, he declared that i* # revolution in Germany is a # | was a fallacy that Montreal harber # question of only a few months. # | would be Injuriously affegtcd. a CPPIPFPPELP2 SP GOO OPE! the contrary, {t-would be benefits. Edmonton, Jan. 18. -- The United Farmers of Alberta declared today that they do not desire to set up in the western provinces a separate 'British dominion. A resolution which asked the provincial government to approach the other western provinces with. a | view "to getfing up a British colony independent of the eastern prov- inces," found support from only five or six delegates. A submotion which reminded members of parHament that, unless the west had relief in matters of resources, tariff, freight rates, etec., there was a possibility "that we may demand establishment as independ- ent dominion under the British crown," was voted for by a score or so in the hall. Both resolutions were declared defeated amid ap-: plause. The proposal" that the Alberta government take steps to secure a federal charter for a bank and pro- ceed with its organization under government control, was emphati- cally rejected after President H. W. Wood had described the scheme as "dangerous," and very liable to 3 Pareto t 0rd ted cte York, Pa,, Jan. 18.--Mary Keister, a trained nurse who said her nerves were shattered by the blasting of stone while workmen were improv- ing a road near her home, claims $15,000,000 damages from York county. In her bill for damages Miss Keister said that her nerves have been so shattered by the blasting that she is now unable to gain a livelihood in her profession. She does not give any other reasons for the large sum demanded. BANK CALAM IS PREVENTED By Action of Quebec Govern- ment In Providing for * * + »* + * y -> . 1prevserd Tete London, Jan. 18.--In his speeca in the House of Commons yesterday former Premier Asquith, Liberal leader, dealing with the political situation, sald: "It 18 said: this will mean that for the first time a_ Social Govern- ment will be in .the seats of the mighty. During the last month ) have been threatened, browbeaten and all but blackmailed to step in as | ~ the saviour of soclety. I decline al- together to believe the sun is golng to set on the power and prosperity titude." y + tand a number of foreigners last re- Premier King did not indicate ported surrounded by Thibetan ban- not? The opinion expressed in semi- official circles here is that/while ada, owing to 'its proximity. to the | United States, would be more direct- 1S UNDER ARREST He Is Charged In Chicago With . News off the Wires In Condensed Form -- Chicago, Jan. 18.--Ar-ested in a Britain on Monday appears to be in- R. T. Scott Company, Limited, of evitable, Toronto, the ten million dollar finan- The L. R. Steel Trust Company arranges payment of ten percent. of Mr. Meighen indulged In some warm criticism' of the presen' fode eral government. Sir George Foster, A Great Britain on the evening of the day when Ramsay Macdonald takes his seat. "It is sufficient to say that the . Government will be remem- $15,000,000 Aid. claims. Percy Lesueur Is appointed man- ager of the Hamilton professional false pretences by substituting one kind of grape juice on orders for an- other, lead to disaster." Mr. Wood made a vigorous attack on the proposal and declared that, as the government WHICH GOVERNMENT WILL in the absence of Sir Robert orien, eloquently proposed the toast to the two leaders. ' had pronounced definitely agalast It, Sir George Foster declared that Conseryatism was in the current of 8 'movement destined to blot out a réverse of the past "which ft was almost impossible not to recelva,™ He proposéd the toast of "Our Guests" for Sir Robert Borden. He recalled that he had sat in all the Conservative governments since Cons federation, had sat under seven Cone servative Leaders, and had sat op posite four Leaders of Liberal gov ernments since Confederation. He paid a high tribute to Mr. Meighen, "It takes a different type of mind to solve the problems of to-day from tha type which solved the problems in the past," sald Sir George. Turning to Premier Ferguson, Sir Georgs said that he had no more loyul friend than the Premier's father. DEAL WITH BIG STRIKE yl ata 2 oe A: Wil Be Up to Baldwin Unless * Labor Party Takes Office Quickly. L -- London, Jan. 18.-- Whether 'the Baldwin government or that of Ramsay Macdonald will have to deal with the serious situation resulting {rom the proposed strike of railway men is being discussed to-day. Pre- dominant opinion is that the presen: government will fall heir to. the dif- ficulties that may ensue because, al- though it will undoubtedly be de- feated on Monday, it must, accora- ing to constitutional custom, carry on until its successor is ready to take over the reins. Such a position could be averted if Mr. Macdonald should nominate his chief ministers and start admin. istrative duties immediately, but whether he will do this is regarded as doubtful, Quebec, Jan. 18. --Claiming that | 800 Bf Che tis the only means of preventing a cal. Westward grain movement for : more | he idered passing of Tae r , ~ ia 5 consi or Fa iT Th, Meas Hon Wold b0 2 dtreceovors Suk Amity in which not. only, sharehold-| pase. : : dopontiors of the -Bangue neered the finatcing of a, thirty-mil-| of confidence in the Green fleld Ad- ers and ! whole of 1922.23. Nationale put Bundreds 'of fnduss)"'vaine'ef trane shows big recovery |1iondollar bridge between Detroit ministration, and they would be and Windsor. hen hds company taking a "desperate chance of wreck- tries would have been affected, and }¢o)owing announcement of French failed for two millions, he patd it ing the government." perhaps would have crumbled down, government's tax plans. Premier Taschereau yesterday af- Winston Churchill in an open letter and turned the bridge, contract over| A resolution was adopted censur- ternoon linked the fate of his Gov- says it Is fatal to help Labor to [to the United: States Steel Corpora- ing the Senate for Its rejection of ernment to the measure he Intro-| ower in Great britain, tion, he said. He told detectives|the Railway Branch Lines bill, duced providing for the issue oo. Toronto Board of Education com- [that in four years he had expanded | which, it wag sald, was justificaton $15,000,000 bonds for the benefit [mittee recommends additional ac-|the company from a single office to] tor its immediate reform. of the two French-Canadian banks. |eommodation for 1,100 high #chool {an international corncern with eighty ---- He stated that the good name of the pupils, , branch offices. COFFS PPCSILIPOEOYS Province of Quebec was Bt stake Premier of British Columbia asks After the company failed he was . here and in' France and described | United Farmers of Alberta to join {sued for fifty thousand dollars in the serious effect a crash could |in fight for lower mountain railway | Toronto and judgment of ten thou- sand was awarded against Kim. Flee- have on religious institutions in this rates. ing from Canada, he tried acting, and province, " Premier of Australia, in farewell Premier Taschereau ™ frankly ad- speech before leaving England, ac- (later as a salesman for the Wheeler Grape Company, of Hammandsport, mitted that such authorities as the | cuses 'Britons of falling to realize lead of Bank of Montreal, told him empire's possibilities. N.Y. He is alleged .to have bought that provincial ald in the way of a| British farmers at the annua! (cheaper grape juice and substituted $15,000,000 bond issue was thie only | meetings of the National Farmers' [it for the more expensive which his Way to save an actual catastrophe. | Union decided to promote the cause [Customers ordered. | In opposition circles it is intim- | of agriculture by collective action. ------ ated that the passage of the bill wili Discovery of a serum for scarlet not be opposed, but that a demand | fever was announced Thursday by for further information will be|Dr. A. R. Dochez, associate profes- made, . sor of medicine at the collegd' of ein physicians and surgeons, Columbia ity vacillation and tratior \ 8 _beYore, Ut there fs mone which has done more actual mischief, and I have Rever. known any, when it had to surrender its stewarship to the Crown, which had a smaller balance to its credit, J -- ' Differences Fundamental' "There can be no question of coali- tion or fusion between the Liberals and. Labor, because the difference that divides them on - the funda. mental issues of national policy can- not be bridged by insincere accom. modation, but on many 'soclal - and national questions there is room for | Co-operation, not only of the Liberals + and Labor, but, I believe, of many Conservatives," The division of the House which will complete defeat of the present government is expected about 11 p.m, Monday. Keen debate onthe Clynes amena. ment is expected throughout tho seskions until the vote Monday night. » » 4 THREE CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH. Avonport, N. S., Jan. 18.-- Three children of Lewis Dun- can, farmer, were burned to death when their home was de- stroyed by fire this morning. Duncan was badly burned in rescuing his wife and may not 4 recover. + » * ® + PEPE 000000 Premier Ferguson Speaks. Premier Ferguson at the outset sald that whenever any trouble de veloped in Canada the Consérvative party was called upon to provide the remedy. There was 'greater public interest in the affairs of the couns try, too. There was also a greatgm proneness to turn to the "grand ola + * * + + + + His Toronto Career, Toronto, Jan. 18.--Russell T. Scott, reported arrested in Chicago, had a brief though spectacular ca- reer in Ontario financial circles, par- ) 0000000000 2000000 BOARD OF EXAMINERS WILL BE OREATED Assessor Has Conscience. Peterboro/ Jan, 18.--At a meet- ing of the North Monaghan council! It is predicted the government will be defeated by a majority of about 80, although reports are that 50 or 60 Liberals will condemn the policy of their leader, former. Prime Minister H. H, Asquith in defeating th* Conservatives: to enable the Laborites to come into power. - ---- To Put Up Hard Fight. * About twelve Liberals have ex. pressed their intention to support mn. It is believed dissatisfac- tion in the Liberal party is likely to cause a limited abstention in voting, BEITISH MAKING MONEY. Huge Profits Realized in Traffic in ) Beverages. «London, Jan, 18.--The negotia- tions for an Anglo-American rum treaty are not interfering with the exportation of Scotch whiskeys from the country of. origin to- the country of dilution. Busy Britishers con- tinued to load ships with the forbid- den refreshment and they wait anx- fously for cablegrams announcing that their cases have reached proper hands and for certified checks, " ABOLISH SUPPLEMENTAL Premier Ferguson Says Stu- dents Will Qualify on Their : Ottawa, Jan. iginally a vaudeville acter, he gain- od some experience in stock selling with a Boston firm and after sctiv- ities at Windsor como to Toronto and in 1921 formed two companies, the Credit Alliance and the R. T. Scott Company. The latter was a stock selling conporation. A year later Scott was arrested and stood trial on a charge of seduction, and Year's Record. was subsequently acquitted. Soon : © {after he left the city and his com- "18. --Supplementa] | PARY went dnto liquidation. SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS ti€ularly Toronto and Windsor, Or- . To Recommend Promotion of Students Falling in One or Two Subjects, Toronto, Jan. 18.--A special board of examiners will be created in the universities of the province to recommend the promotion in cases of students having failed in one or two subjects, the minister of educa- tion and the universities have agreed to hereafter abolish supplemental 'examinations, it was stated at parlia- yesterday, G. N. Monerief declined to accept the position of assessor for 1924, on the ground of having conscientious objections to signing, ag the assessor is obliged to do, the final declaration on the assessment roll, declaring that he has assessed the property at its actual value, - Burred to Death in Home, Cornwall, Jan. 18.--Sleeping in his residence here Wednesday night, Festur Myers was burned to dedth in a fire of unknown origin which destroyed his house and one ad- Conservative party" for sound and sane methods of legislation to get away from stagnation in Canada. He referred to the recent visit of Mr. Meighen and himself to Western Canada, and predicted that in the near future there would be a notable change in, political feeling in thag region. Dealing with matters * of special interest to the people of eastern One tario, Premier Ferguson said that the agriculturist must realize that his future "{s inseparably linked up with the interest of the industrialist, We urgently need more capital. We in Ontario are working In this diress (Continued on Page 15). joining. It was not known that My- ers was in the house until after the fire was extinguished. ' ment buildings today. Premier Ferguson made the ini- tial announcement to this effect at Ottawa yesterday, and this morning the department of education is issu- ing an official 'memorandum on this ' subject. . The personnell of the board | but the government would need 'at amounting to 100 per cent, of bet- amination xo In be shullsned, i z : . deast 100 such abstentions to avert ter, profit, arrive 3 dott, ! ) ' hs Hou 8 Howara Berguats, Petumiae ; hy --- ------------------ of ario, an minister of educa- 35 dean, i 3 aud that Javer Bell System to Spend tion, In the course of an address to AGAINST ICE FLOES from another quarter, P ow Min- $270,000,000 In Year| the students at the Glebe Collegiate be sal ister Baldwin has already undertak- a-- Institute hore yesterday. : ---- en to withhold "factious opposition| New York, Jan. 18.--Expenditures| The premier sald that they were to Mr. Macdonald's government of $270,000,000 for improvements |Eetting away from the idea tha. when ft is' established: and the sup- | and extensions to the Bell system are | @ducation was simply an accumula- port of Herbert Asquith and Lloyd | provided for in the 1924 budget ot | tion of information and knowledge, the American: Telephone and Tele- | 2nd that when one had gone through graph company and associated or- : Srey pragti ie the school books one's education ganizations, This is an increase of | Was complete. $30,000,000 over 19283. "You Said It, Marceline!" iii ty MARCELINE d'ALROY. . On "Flannel and Romance!" What is there about FLANNEL-- | Or it may mean 7. Red OR white--that She simply doesn't CARE, Seems to shed Having jost HER illusions, A BLIGHT--on ROMANCE? She is now helping her husband Not that it KILLS To lose HIS. os Romangce---no! For now When all is said and done, I come to think of it, PLAIN WOMEN ean afford Flannelette does not To be COMFORTABLE, Put in its appearance But PRETTY ones--ean't. Ustil the "Friendship-affer For pretty women Love" stage. . i | Demand SERVICE; but When a woman dons flannel ~ As plain ones generally ft means that she is Make OTHERS comfortable, Very sure of ¢ They can often weat . 0 A, or has not yet been decided upon. STOCK UP MATERIALS FOR MART INI COCKT, AILS The Government of France May Put Embargo on Foreign Spirits. Paris, Jan. 18.--Americans Englishmen living in Paris alarmed at reports that the govern- ment intends to place an embargo on foreign spirits, cutting off gin and whiskey, as a measure to stabilize 'ent of the Westminster Gazette, the " Fedoration of British Industri Lin 'We realize that education is » powerful association of the leaders process of mental training," he said; of big business, is prepared "to do "and we are realizing, too that writ- What is in their power to assist the ten examinations are not a proper L government, provided the lar. test Sf grondieey 3 boii 8 do not t are going pu e responsibility ; aro a he Sountey In the | pockefelior * Foundation to Edin-| for education upon the pupils them- : rT : : burgh University for the erection of selves, and while we cannot do away |. E . ; © [8 laboratory and the completion of | with all examinations at once, what |} Trotsky Not Arrested. the endowment of the professorship : ] Moscow, Jan. 18.--Reports of | of surgery. In their letter announc- sup ] arrest of Minister of War Trot- Ing the gift the trustees evinced their sky, personal interest in the medical en- terprise of the University of Edin. burgh. a ------------------ © Catholic institutions at London, Ost, plan mew buildings to cost $1, 000,000. : RS National Railway, branch lines to| you have pa 'that one ft in ca ; 1 be constructed in Western Canada it! id the Premier, a 2 I vie long as pos : senate relents, Cd the puptl : : talls and wad g X * Rockéfeller Aid for Edinburgh, Edinburgh, "Jan. 18.--A gift of $250,000 has been made by the ou ol rrespondents, 'denied. Trotsky is ill, they fang Is Supatted to have left for the gunboats bombard Tampico / destroy part of the city's 5