H WHIC © Tae ally METI At Bargain Prices: -- 12 Boss Heaters. 2 Quebec Heaters. Honored » Hirthday. "5 Large Hotel Ranges. A very pleasant time was spent on | | Hot Air Furnace. Drinking Fountain Frozen. | Sunday at the home of Wallace Ault- | U d b : d d The drinking fountain used by | house, Woodrous, the occasion being | se ut 1n gooa oraer. Y--BRI er Indigestion 8 Gas On Stomach Pains After Meals fad, || KINGSTON arp VICINITY Builder from Childhood to Old Age | gas and pains in the stomach attr | | every meal, and are kept in constant | | misery. I. For plie past | Blood Bittefs {and joy to, | varfous form { helping them to eat QS A -- Ne | re- | a shilling, he would have beaten us Tweed Agriculturists. | dition. He suffered a nervous break- to death." ay bringing George H. Stokes was elected pre- | down over a week ago and was very en np Ly De sident and C. R. Brown secretary at | low for a time. *He is slowly of "stomach trouble, | the annual meeting of the Tweed | covering his health again. square | Agricultural society, held oa Wed- | | meals a day; helping them to eat | nesday. {anything they wish, without having 44 years Burdock | } | | DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for cvery country howe, three ~N " W.C.CANNON 164 DARKIE rset Phone 1150J. "FOR SALE $5300.00--Colborne Street, solid brick, 10 rooms, verandah, hot air furnace, clectric light, gas, garden, garage. 2,100--ortsmouth. Frame house, 8 rooms, barn. Lot 66 x 132. General Insurance, Victory Bonds bought and sold. K. H. Waddell Phones 3.u-804. 56 Broek SL ~ THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 9&7. See all kiads of Carpentry work. wre given om new Hoors | Iaid. Have your hurdweed floors ciean- | ed with our mew Hoor cleaning .mu- chine, PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjustiog. Norman H, Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Welling | Streets Phone 86s | | For Moving of FREIGHT, FUKNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF | DESCRIPTION EVERY I Transfer Co Kingston Transfer Co. smune 3i7, hvemmgs 2181. 405 wELLINGION STREET, Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W, BRUOM LDS. D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 139 Wellington St, | I | { to suffer for it after. | Mr. Fred Nielson, | writes: | Moose Jaw, | | Sask., | was troubled with stomach trouble | and indigestion, and also gas on the | | | stomach. I could not eat anything | except some light food and even then IB would be bothered with pains after | each meal, I could not work a whole {day without being done out. I had tried everything; doctors, medicines | { and pills, until I read about Burdock { Blood Bitters. 1 have taken four bottles and it has nearly, if not com- pletely, restored me to health again." Manufactured only by The T. Mil- {burn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. a, QUEEN'S HOTEL lias been taken over by M. J. BER- RIGAN, late of the Whitney Hotel. First class Hotel Service is assured. Good yard and stables in connection. Your patronage is solicited. 119 HROCK ST, PHONE 750. ~~ { Father, j as much as anyone needs SCOTTS EMULSION Dr. Martel's Female Pills Have assi nature thousands cases last half esatarys : ting Sasa, b i stre ning organs, relievi nd PAIN L MENSTRUA' VOUSNESS, BACKACHE, DIZZIN! ete, nod: rous drugs. Sold enlyin Sealed Hinge- Cover TIN BOX with our signature. Drasgiste everywhere, or direct by mail, bg e Ce., Tout St, oronte, Can. Circular on nr Winter Coats made - to order from $12 up to $25 L. WINSTON, LADIES' Jain Phone 193. #7 Wéllington Street. HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING and Laying Cord om each side of Hemutitch, MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners 'Phone 2166. Bagot and William Streets AAA AA A cA aA AAA APA y app PHONE 670. Dr. W. O. Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Cormer of Princess and Barrie Streets. #14 Barrie Street. Entrance: PHONE Z404J WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Finer Bester ind wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Tesidence, 1187, FULL QUANTITY! SERVICE QUICK! Call when in need of coal and let us demonstrate the excellent quality of our coal--our full , weights and quick service. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale, I. Cohen & Co. $67-175 UIITAINO STRERY ' PHONES 836 aad 837. -- Office Hours: 5.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. FREER RORY Choice Western Meats GROCERIES AND FRESH VEGETABLES. Best service. J. T.EVES 171 RAGLAN ROAD Phone 23580. AAA AAA NAPA AA Ai Will break up a cold in the head in a few hours and «+ DR. HALL'S COUGH BALSAM | the Wasn't This Luck. Henry Free = Thomasburg, five farm of John Lovick, with beautiful coons in it. 4... Should Make a Good One. Editor D. A Jones, of the Pem- broke Observer, has been clected president of the local Kiwanis club. He should make a good one. Fox Farming Is Begun: Frank Zufelt, Consecon Lake, has a fine pair of black foxes. He alss has seven red foxes. Wellington Davidson also is fox farming, hav- ing"a fine pair of black foxes. Passed Away At Perth. A well-known resident of Perth for a great many years in the per- son of James Callaghan passed away at the age of seventy-one years. De- ceased had been in failing health since last October. He was born in Burgess. ' Given a Jewel, Mrs. Tichbourne was presenged with the Past Noble Grand"s jewel! at the regular meeting, of the Rebekah Lodge, Pembroke, There {was a splendid attendance and fol- lowing' the regular business before meeting officers were intalled for 1924. Hugh C. Welsh Recovering. Kingstonians will be very much i pleased to learn that Hugh C. Welsh, | of the Collingwood Shipbuilding Co., is showing improvement in his con- LUMBAGO Quickly Soothed Away For the sharp, Jleveing pain of Lumbago, and the tormenting aches of Rheumatism, no liniment is so efficient, so quick to bring comfort and relief as good old "Nerviline." This wonderful lini- ment penctrates through the tis- sues very quickly, sinks at once to the core of the pain, draws &he blood from the congested area, and thereby relieves the pain in a short time. Those who suffer from stiff joints, swellings and Rheumatic conditions should use Nerviline, the King of Pain des- troyers. Get Nerviline to-day, 35c¢, at all dealers. : Banish Pimples By Easy Method Stuart's Calcium Wafers Have Re- markable Action in the Skin to Clear It of Pimples, Black- heads and Other Such Beauty Spoilers With all the wonderfully pretty things to wear many a girl is dis- tracted because her complexion is a fright. But here's the way to banish those pimples. Ask any druggist for a 60 cent box of Stuart's Caleclum Wafers and follow directions. Thelr first action is to remove the sour fermentations that are apt to poison the blood and thus disfigure the skin. The effect is visibly noticeable to those troubled with a pimply skin,! or one that is muddy or red or blot- chy, scaly and rough and coarse. The Calcium Wafers induce a reaction to healthier tendencies and soon the pink- ish complexion begins to assert itself, the blemishes fade away, the dimples seem animated and the entire appear- ance is one of vivacious beauty instead of unsightliness. Get a 60 cent box of Stuart's Cal- cium Wafers at the 'mearest store. or. write to F. A. Stuart Co., Stuart Bldg. Marshall, Mich, for a fre» sample package. will relieve any irritating and troublesome cough and prevent further serious trouble. Keep a bottle in the houge, as this is the time for colds. For sale by:-- : M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist, (Opp. St. Andrew's Church) Phone 82 $10.00--RENTS 6 rooms with elec- light, gas and toilet, on Prin. cess Street. $4200--DBuys 7 room Brick V. house on Elicrbeck Street, with 3 p. B., elec. light, hot air furnace, garage. Lot is 38 x 165. $4500--Buys 7 room frame house, 4 $ bedrooms, 8 p. B., elec. and gas. Hot water heated, hardwood floors downstairs, 2 storey porch. South. . $5200--DBuys 6 room brick modern, hardwood throughout. South. house, floors hl W. B. Godwin & Son FIRE Buys d brick V. house with 9 rooms, 6 ¢ 8300_Buys - 10 room brick house, , 8 bedrooms, 3D elec> light and gas, hardwood floors in all but 2 rooms. Good barn 7rBURNS FOR SCALDS. CUTS AND BRUISES. FOR COLDS, COUGHS AND BRON= "MIAL AFFLICTIONS. FOR STIFF MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND STRAWS AKD NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, pi 18 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD ~ YBIED AND NELIABLE REMEDY, D® THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OlL made 'for six-pence, but the other horses and located at the junction of | "All last summer I! iortunate in locating a tree.'on the, zen on Sunday morning and it took | considerable work to thaw it out on | Monday. | } -- : Mcet Them Everywhere. Players and fans going to Tor | onto for sporting events are heard f to remark the unusually large num: | ber of former Kingstonians living | and working in that city. There are also quite a number in Hamilton and through the Niagara district, } | The Zero Weather, i Winter has still a few kickg as the | weather of the past day indicates. | The fierce wind made people muftle | up closely. The observatory people | now intimate that another cold wave from the far north is hustling east- ward and by Thursday or Friday it will 'tumble in upon us. His Preaching Effective. Dr, W. L. Goodwin, the well-| known geologist, who is at present | conducting classes for prospectors at i Sault Ste. Marie, .spoke approvingly of the organization .of the Algoma Iron Ore Association for the purpose of encouraging the development of iron, which was, he said, a thing he had been preaching for years Has a Good Surplus. rg The Napanee Cemetery C6. had its 'annual meeting last week. It has over $8,000 invested. Tle of- ficers for this year are; E. J Wal- ters, president; W. H. Dunbar, sup- erintendent and secretary; E. 8S bapum;, treasurer; Steacy Vanalstine and H. Creighton, Advisory commit- tee; J. G, Fennell auditor. | Observed Ninety-Third Birthday. Mrs. H. B. Wright, Perth, attained her ninety-third birthday on Jan. 11th. Numerous acquaintances cal- ! led on her to extend their congratus lations and she was the recipient of a large number of beautiful flowers during the day. Her family consists of Miss Flora, Messrs. B. H,, T. A,, | and Harry Wright, Perth, Misg Edith | Wright, Winnipeg and Mrs. Stewart | 'Wright, Swan Lake, Man. Toronto Man Sentenced. Gordon Willlams, Toronto, was] sentenced at Cobourg by Magistrate Floyd, to two years in Guelph Re- formatory less one day on a charge of breaking into the hotel at Pres- q'ile Point, near Brighton, w two other boys, and stealing cigars) gro- ceries, cigarettes, ete, Hedley Simp son's boathouse at Brighton was entered also, and a quantity of ga- soline stolen. To Attend Convention. Several local shoe men are to at tend the convention at the Windsor Hotel, Montreal, of the Nationa! Shoe Retailers and Manufacturers of Canada. L. C. Lockett is to ad- dress the gathering this afternoon on "Are Retail Stores Operated by Manufacturer or Jobber, Fair Com- petition?" Other men in atten- dance are: 8. J. Martin, G. H. Lockett, J. H. Sutherland and J. T. Sutherland. | Mrs. Herman Raney, Aultsville, Dead | At Aultsville, on Jan 18th, the : funeral was held of Mrs. Herman ! Raney, mother of Hon. W. E. Raney, former attorney-general-of Ontario, her death having occurred on Wed- nesday last. She was predeceased about four years ago by her hus- band, and is survived by two sons, Hon. Mr. Raney and Rev. Wesley H. Raney, Pembroke, and three daugh- ters. The Raney family, U.E. Loy- alists, settled at Aulteville on com- ing to Canada. Napanee Public Library. | At the anpual jmeeting of the Napanee Public Library, the follow- ing were elected directors: W, 8. Herrington, K.C., F. ¥. Miller, W. P. Deroche, E,Z J. Walters, J. W. Robinson, Dr, Morden, George W. Gibbard, T. B. Wallace. At a sub- sequent meeting, the following offic- ers were elected: W. 8S, Herriugton, K.C., chairman; F. F, Miller, secty.- treasurer; Miss Edwards, librarian. S-- Safely in California, The many friends of Mrs. Alida Stover, Camden East, will be pleas- | jed to know that she has sately reached the sunny south to visit her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Elz, | 11312 E, Windsor Road, Giendaw, California, a city of fifty thousand, | enly eight miles fron Los Angeles. i Mrs. Stover will also visit Los An- | geles and Long. Beach before return- jing to Kansas and Dodge City, | where she will stop with friends. | The Latest. 7 i There's a new story out about Sir | Harry Lauder. This one was told | by. Kiwanian Max Merritt, of the Montreal Club, at the luncheon yes- terday of the Kingston Kiwanis. The great entertainer, when a young man, was beset late one night by two foot- pads. He put up a-fight and Suc- coeded in giving them a very bad ! tussling before one of them finally quieted him with a blow from a cud- | gel. ' They found on him the sum of | six-pence. One of them complained bitterly of the big fight they had |z sald: "Man, don't you know who this is? It's Harry Laude and we're very fortunate. If he had had 5 : the celebration of Mrs. Alzina Mor- | was | Brotk and Clarence streets was fro- | en's ninety-third birthday anniver- | sary, Presents were sent and a post card shower received from friends in | the county and in other places. Mrs. | Morden greatly enjoyed the day, be-| ing in good health and in full pos-| session of all her. faculties. Died of Heart Trouble. Benjamin Morrison suddenly ex- pired from heart trouble while cross- | ing the bridge near the felt mill, | Perth, on his way to his work at Al-| lan"s saw mill where he had been em- ployed for the past twenty years and | was a valuable employee. The Tate | Mr. Morrison was born at Russel} | and was in his seventieth year. De-| ceased Is survived by his widow and three daughters, Mrs. Gertrude Cooney, Toronto, Mrs. Elsie Conley, Ottawa, and Mrs. Ethel McMeekin, Perth, Last Ontario Ducl, A Whig correspondent writes as follows: "In reading 'The Last Ontario Duel' in the Whig of Jan. 17th, I notice the writer says Robert Lyon was a son of Capt. Lyon, of Rich- mond, Ont. Robert Lyon was a | brother of Capt. Lyon and he was | nineteen years of age when shot. The | writer 'also says he was a 'crack shot." He was, and the reason he did not kill Wilson instead of Wilson killing Lyyon was because each time Lyon fired he raised his arm and fired straight up into the air." Royal Arch Masons Installation. At the regular convocation of Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqul Chapter R.A.M. No. 1 G.R.C,, held on | Friday evening, the officers were in- stalled and Invested for the year. The | installation ceremonies were per- formed by Rt. Comp. H. J. Milne, assisted by Rt. Ex-Comp. W. Y. Mills, Ex. Comp. W. C. Crozier and Ex. Comp. W. A. Bearance. The of- ficers are: Ex. Comp. C. J. Brunke, .; Ex. Comp. Fred Crozier, LP.Z; | Ex. Comp. James E. L. Chatterton, | H.; Ex. Comp. W. H. Gimblett, J.; | Ex. Comp. James A. Minnes, trea- sgurer; Comp. R. 8S. Graham, Scribe E.; Comp. George L. Vanhorne, Scribe N.; Comp F. Moxley, P. 8.; Comp. W. M. Moore, S.8.; Comp. J. Bleakley, J.S.; Comp. H. Edgar,| Master 3rd V.; Comp. W. N. Linton, | Master 2nd V.; Comp. K. N. H. Me- | PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Instantly! Stoisacu corrected: ou | never feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stomach, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's Diapepsin."" The moment it reaches the stomach all sourness, flatulence, heartburn, gases, palpita- tion and pain disappear. Druggists guarantee each package to correct di- gestion at once. End your stomach troukble for few cents. APPLY SUPHR T0 HEAL UP YOUR SKN en Out Skin and Itching Eczema Helped Over Night | For unsightly skin eruptions, rash or blotches on face, neck, arms or body, you do not have to wait for re- lief from torture or embarrassment, declares a noted skin specialist. Ap- ply a little Mentho-Sulphur and im- provement shows next day. Because of its germ destroying pro- perties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation. The moment you apply it healing begins. Only those who have had unsightly skin troubles can know the delight this Meptho-Sul- phur brings. Even flery, itching ecz- ema is dried right up. Get a small jar of Rowles Mentho- Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. tee hi ky S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Huctory, Lumber Yards. Bay shd Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. \S NN end eration that this is the work of an old gentleman _in his seventy-third year. The poem spells Mrs. Clark's name on the first lots ter of each line Cullagh, Master 1st V.; Ex, Comp. W. J. Renton, Rt. Ex. Comp. Wil- llam Jackson, auditors; The excel- lent principals and Ex. Comp. F. Cro- zier, Board of General -Purposes; Comp. A. E. Hunt, organist. -- Miss Rose Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Haughian, Perth, Ont, and W. M. Sweeting, . son of Mrs. Mary Bees '¢ and the late John Sweeting, =~ of Hamilton, were married in Belleville on Sat urday, Ld George T. Woodley, a member of' the Belleville Board of Education for a number of years, was the un- animous choice of the Board, on | Friday night, for chairman for | 1924. t W. J. Diamond, secretary-treas | er of the Belleville Board of Educa= I tion, has begun his forty-fourth | vear of service, ' nmi A Treasured Possession. One of the treasured possessions in the family of John F_ Baker, of the Queen's Hotel Tamworth, form- erly of Millhaven, is an acrostic by Mrs. Baker's grandfather, the late John C. Clark, Ernesttown, father of the late P. M, Clark. The arcos- ti¢ is printed and is a fine piece of workmanship, done in three colors, with an artistic flowered scroll run- ning down both gides of the sheet, This excellence of workmanship makes this acrostic the most treas- ured possession in the family, and its value is enhanced by the consid- Sleeplessness Sleeplessness, like insanity, is greatly on the increase. Modern life, with its hurry and worry and noise, brings an enormous strain on the brain and nerves. The lempiztio to gepend on sleeping powders or tablets must be fought off if you would avoid catastrophe. Mgans of reconstructing the starved nerve cells must be sought. Since the digestive system fails to supply nourishment to the blood and nerves it is necessary to employ such treatment as DR. CHASE'S NERVE Foo to instil new strength and energy into the tired nerves. This is Nature's way of affording lasting relief. You will notice that while the Price of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food as been increased to 60c. the box now contains 60 pills instead of 50 as formerly. Likewise Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills are 85¢c. a box of 35 pills, instead of 26c. for 25 pills. dmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd, oronto. New Box 60 Pills 60 cts. ---- STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SBOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. i © UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S' CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. Raccoon Coats Gents--price CT CN: Ladies--price ............ $160 up GOURDIER'S Phone 700 SUIT SALE Clearing odd lines of $25.00 to $35.00 - Suits for $19.00 OVERCOAT SALE © SPECIAL VALUES AT $25.00 SEE OUR FINE BLUE SERGE SUITS INDIGO DYE $27.50 TWEDDELL"S "CLOTHING SHOP