THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG sani ---- MAKE CANADA SUCCEE D om K INGSTON : PROSPEROUS REVIEW i ee -- CANADA' P automobiles entered the nine pro- BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING | A D 2 | vinces of Canada on Pusiness "or { pleasure during the season. ring | DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS last year, according to government | JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. REVEAL ENCOURAGING BASIS OF GROWTH "iv: sores fs soversmect A - JANUARY 26, 1024, 5 BAYURDAY, BUY CANADIAN PRODUCTS mms i -------- | Its taste is great, It comes full weight. Doyle's Milk Maid Bread Phone 1369. | enue producer, took fourth place 4n | { Canada's industries. 996,329 auto-| | mobiles entered Canada during the! | 1922 season, either for pleasure os | | business and of this number 50,000 | { came into the western provinces and | British Columbia. The number in- | creased. greatly in the West last | year. {USE OF ELECTRICITY | BECOMING UNIVERSAL {Vast Generating Plants Will |{ Shortly Be Needed to Ac- | GEO. A. BATEMAN | commodate Demand. REAL EST. ATE That the world in genere! is wak- | ing up to not only the importance | 130 Welllagton: vut the need of 'doing it ejec.rical- ---- Ir ind:zputaily proved by af \ statement made by an executive of | one of the largest electrical compan-{}: | Bankers of World Amazed by the Economic. "Comeback" of | the Dominion--No Ground for Anything But Sane Optimism--Tourist Trade for 1923. An informal recapitulation survey of Canada's resources and prospects at the threshoid of the | Year 1924 justifies tne prediction or | a series of years in which trade, in- | dustry and agriculture will steadily | contribute to the prosperity of a | rapidly growing market. Pro rata there is no market in the world Lo- | day so good as Canada, nor one so NEW YORK | homogeneous and approachable. HAT CLEANING CO. | The daily newspapers of Canada SHOE SHINE PARLUR | keep pace step by step with the jn- 208 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 395 || Crease in our population. They go in- PETER LAMPROS. | to 2,000,000 homes daily without | any resistance, The daily newspaper i Is the mightiest force in modern Ca- 000.000 to $3,034.900,000, | radian business and the cheapest: Canada js very rich iy, water pow. Where else on the American contin | ers; an abundant SUPPLY ot power | ent can a seller of merchandise buy | at reasonable prices is available for ies, who says that by 1930 the pres- | | an agate line of space in a mdllion the country which enables Carada | op: electrical supply wil] be doudl- | copies of any group of publications, to plan further to compete indus- | 4 , for $2.78, i trlally. Canada has water powers| «eo i alas = For $235 an advertisement. the | capable of development under or-| hy hep 2 semsiaese hal brivis size of a postcard can be placed in, dinary usage and load factor, witn years old and that it is believed that a million coples of Canadian dalty| proper storage 'facilities, which will between 1923 and 1330--that is newspapers. By what means could | permit of turbine instalation of within 3 period ut PT yer you get a similar message into a|41,700,000 horse-power. The 4otal electrical supply will have to be million homes for a similar expendi- | installation at the end of 1922 was hat § = a his ture. Let us see how much worth | 2,973,759 horse-power, or only 7 double what It is today, t! means while it is to cultivate these nine per cent. There is now in the pro- that Industry wil be called upon to million subscribers upon whom our|cess of development in Quebes | CFe4te, Within seven years, as much appropriation will be spent. about 600,000 horse-power. Water [38 it has created*so far during its powers now developed in Canada | ¢Btire history. provide an investment of over $620,- According to one authority, one | 000,000. It is estimated that by 1940 | Of the established fact is that "the United States can use to advantage $1,100,000,000 will be invested in this: industry. practically all the electric cuergy that can be generated within its borders." The superiority of electricity for lighting: for driving. industria! ana mining machinery; for producing heat for industrial processes; for the manufacture of many chemical compounds such as abrasives and fertilizer; for supplying power on the farm, for cooking, heating and op- erating a variety of labor-saving devices in the home and for every form of transportation--the super- fority of electricity for performing all these tasks is recognized. Therefore the use of electricity in America is limited only by the amount of power that can be gen- erated and as our natural resources will here stand us in good stead, this generation and the next neea have no fear as to the "'glving out" of electricity. But there is a big job ahead just the same. The fo- | creased demand means that a truly vast amount of electrical energy must be generated for consumption. Electricity is like a thoroughbred in that it must be harnessed before it is fit for use. So here is where we fully towards electric light and power companies, both those al- ready in existence and others - as yet unborn, If you are up-to-date you are us- ing electricity and 1f you are wise you are buying from your local Hydro Shop, Princess street This is third and last down for Atwood and Dine:-- Now that the 1923 crop of con- tests for "Who is the prettiast girl?", 'Who.' is the best formed |: baby?"", "Who {s the sweetest sing- er?" 'etc. are virtudlly over, we have decided to star: a coatest our- selves. Here she am:-- "Who is the biggest grouch FLONKES 2267F--928W. ~ emit wheat crop at a minimum of 450,- 000,000 bushels; this at a minimum should bring into the country $342 - 000,000. Last year the field ®rops In Canada amounted to $962,000,000. The mineral production of 1922 was over $£180,000,000. Pulp-and paper production and numerous other re- sources add vastly to these sums. Between 1900 and 1918; ihe num- ber of manufacturing establishments in Canada increased from 14,600 to 35,000, and the value of manufac- tured products increased from $481,- 000,000 to $3,458,000,000. Capital |; investments increased from $447,- and, ' a JOBBING WORK A SPRCIALTY ) ons HURD « SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 1438). 88 STEPHEN & p, \ . F BLATCHFORD'S FEEDS ARE BEST FOR POULAKY AND STOCK OF ALL KINDS. Tot ory, Wholesalers for ey = Prepar t FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, HAY, APPLES, POTATOES 227 ONTARIO ST. © Mer ARLANE & WOOD. PHONE 444. Dr. Beil WONDER MEDICINE CO. \ ne Clarence Street. Phones Sl4-364 > | i \. 7 R. ARTHEY REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST _AND OPTICIAN € 143 Princess St. Phone 2108. re F Joe AUTOMOTIVE GRINDERS, LTD. Honest Work in the Only Satisfactory Way. 326 Wellington St. Phone 1212J. Js Phone 396w, J EAL 7 OT ---- FO, LIVERY IN CuNNECTION Theatrical Transfer Co, ; roti Bp is TO HAVE A PERFECT M G. K. KRAUSE BAKER USE A PERFECT BREAD FRONT ST. PHONE 1153, [| BRITISH AMERIOAN HOTEL | AN F. H. HAMILTON Plumbing and Seam rliting, Is your Furance ready for Winter? Now is the time to have It tuned Full line of Kitchenware Carried C. N. VEALE Flombisg and Heating STCRE-~374 Frincess St. Phone 303 KES. 104 York Strect. Fhone 505M J » Now We will examine your Furnace and estimate the cost of needed repairs. Phone 1420w. 131 Alfred St > > \ rf, \ General Aute Repairing, Carbon \ Burning, Acetylene Welding Cars washed. R. C. CLARKE CCR. KING and PRINCESS STREET PHONE 2887F. I EE. r \ r------------ Eleet and Acetylene Welding, a ass irom Castings, Patteras, General Machinery lepairs THOS. G. BISHOP XING AND QUEEN STREETS oon PHONE 38. ASK FOR MASOUD'S ICE CREAM CUALWAYS THE saMz 238 Princess Street. Phone 080. -- > 8, 1 8 D) pecia 1 naa inner Setved from M. BOHAN, Froprie s "KIN STON, ONT. ni? ---- - ESTIMATES SUBMITTED THOS. ANDRE CONTRACTOR 2 Sixth Street. Phone 1400, 7 N I : \. Ter SEE E. L. MARTIN FOUR REAL ESTATE 1113; BROCK ST, J oo' h ~SAVVY RESTAURANT SIPEOIAL 40c. DINNER AND SUPPER our tronage solicited. ; ane sees Street « Phone 1074 | \ r N\ 1 Now is the Time -- Marshall's the Place for Skates, Sticks, Pucks, Tire Chains, Cross Links. Everything in Builders' Hardware. National Wealth Increasing. Canada's national wealth is es | timated by the Dominion's Bureau of Statistics at $22,482,841,182 -- which works out at around $2,500 | per head of population. The esumate has been reached umder the '"'inven- | tory" methed. This consists in total- ling the amounts known to have; been invested in agriculture, manu-' FRONE 180. 11 racture, dwellings, etc. Farm values | {------------ | STO the largest item in 'the tatal; | ")| these--which include buildings, ' Felt Hats Cleaned machinery, live stock, ete.--accouns | Ladies ana dents Felt Huteuwiean-1/'s0c Jo.sus, 351.189. The next larg. KINGSTON CLEAN est item urban real property, - 163 I. Fn alling $5,944,000,000. Phone 1488. "The 700,000 farms of Canada re- Neer een present a gross worth of about $7,- eee { 000,000,000, about $10,000 per BELMONT DINING ROOM farm, and produce an annual re- venue of $1,500,000,000, an average Open from § a.m. te 12 midaight. || income per farm of $2,000 yearly. | - A. TIERNEY, Phone 881J. Proprietor In proportion to her population, | \| -------------------------------------- Canada stands third among the na-' -- GEORGE HUNTER tions of the world in her export trade. HET export trade in, 1922, on CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Plans and estimates of all kinds submitted. ------ Canada Amazes World. In the investment field Canada surprised the financiers of the Do- minion, Great Britain and thé Un- ited - States by absorbing during the month of October upwards of $300,- 000,000 of Canadian securities. The Dominion Government, not without some hesitation, went into the Ca- nadian investment market with a loan of $172,000,000, and in less than a week this was increased $200,000,000. With this investment demand for Government and muni- cipal bonds, the Province of Ontario succeeded in fipating $40,000,000 ot bonds. This issue was taken up' in about three days. At the same time there was a ready market for pud- lic utility and corporation securi- ties. -- Tourist Trade. Building for the first eleven months of 1923 was approximately thirteen per /cent. in advance of that of 1922. Tdtal awards for Cana- dian comstrudtion during November are placed sc Xs e35.300, as" com- pared with $30,078,100 in October, and $21,453,900 in November 1922. Residential building again leads all forms of construction, accounting for 42.8 percent. of the general No- vember total. Steamers of the Canadian Pacifle lines plying to Montreal effected fifty-nine arrivals during the season YN 7" Electric Home Needs Moffatt Ranges, protected or «pen eleraeats, Ileat:rs, Grates, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners. Ask fur our special tovm.s, Fublic Utilities Hydro Shop 264 PRINCESS STREET Telephtae 844. HOTEL RANDOLPH The Leading Commercial House Specially' adapted to Tourists and 5 Commercial Travellers. unning water dn every room Tu WELCH, Manes. Soward Keeps Coal Coal K HONE 158d s------ Branch Office: MoQall's Cigar Store FHONE 811. MARSHALL'S HARDWARE L 193 PRINCESS ST. Cleaning Things and Dyi ) ng Thi Saves a Lot of Buying Tag: COLLIER'S Dyer "My Valet" Cleaner 3 Princess Street, = Fhone . \, J WE NEVER A THE CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED Brock and Montreal Streets. Phone 600. STUDEBAKER AND CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS GASOLINE REPAIRS OILS ACCESSORIES TELGMANN SCHOOL OF music 484 Brock 8t. Phone 2217J J a per capita basis, stood 100.62 with only New Zealand and Aus- tralia showing a higher percentage. In 1913' Canada renked seventh among the rations in per capita export trade with only 57.95. In! the pprcentage of increase in ex- ports from 1913 to 1922 Canada takes second place to Japan. Can. ada's increase was 103 per cent. An official summary recently fs. sued shows an increase of over three hundred million dollars in the trade total for the twelve months ending on October 31st jast, as compared ang carried 58,160 passengers, of with the total for the Soiteepoyding | whom 17,621 were cabin and 40,- period of 1921-22. Together expo 639 third-class. Cabin passengers and imports for the year to Octoter | were carried on to this port and ths 31st ot atalied 31,920,821.854, | third-class passengers disembarked while for the same term to at Quebec, 31st, 1823, they amounted to $1,-| Those steamers which pied to 569,401,350, the exact Increase, | Quebec as their terminal port therefore, being $351,320,264. What brought 5 total of 19.560 paseeng- makes the return still more satis-| ors from Europe. Of these 12,360 factory 1 di fact that the Jester were carried by the three Empresses, proport that incréase is al- Britain, Scotland and France on tributable to the greater eXport|fitteen trips. The balance of 7,200 trade. were carried by the Moutlaurier The United States was Canada's' which made Quebec her Canadian best customer during the year (0 port on her six trips this summer. October 31st jaet, taking Canadian| Jt ig estibated that over 1,000,000] goods velued at $411,202,097, thus OUR NATION LEADS WORLD considerably exceeding the $367,- IN WATER POWER SUPPLY By S. W. Strams, President American Society for Thrift Great Britain. Canada's imports It is a matter of interest and | a wealth of fabulous value and from the United States, however, ex- ceeded exports, the amount being importance that greater public at- our failure to more thoroughly take Avanti of our. water power possibiliti pr TIRES TUBES 462 MONTREAL STREET _Fhone 2147Tw. Jobbing Wérk a Specialty William Holder PRL |. lly a po 4 4 7 ' r | McGinnis & 0'Connor Highway Engineers and Contractors "FOR BUILDING HOMES" 75 Pembroke Street. > -- EXPERT SERVICE ON .ALL CARS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Washing done at night. SWEET APPLE CIDER Made from selected ingredients only The Co. Limited, Factory) Baget Street, Kingston Phone 948w. \ look hope- \' y [+ BLUE GANAGE, LTD. ob ~ ESTIMATES SUBMITTED H. HORTON PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone 1891w, 205 ALFRED STREET { The House with the Honie Atmos. phere and the Home Cooking. HOTEL PLAZA Corner of Montreal and Queen \ Streets. « Queen and Bagot Streets Phone 367. HAVE_A SMILE! \ dé: J ) iE. PEERLESS HIGH TEST GASO.) LINE, OILS, TIRES, TUBES \ R. H. TOYE & COMPANY | fOLESALE FRUIT AND COM- SN ESTON MERCHANTS. Distributors MOIR'S CHOCOLATES and CHRISTIE'S BISCUITS PHONE 487. ATWOOD AND ACES IN VULCANIZING Phone 902m. L 277 Bagot Street. , 7 [rr STEWART'S DAIRY 680 PRINCESS STREET MILK and CREAM TRY THE NEW ENGLAND -- NEW ENGLAND BAKERY 297 COLLINGWOOD STREET PHONE s13. x J. Y, Parkhill & Co. DISTRIBUTORS DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTER PHONES 96 and 112, | Dominion Textil Company : (Limited) MANUFACTURERS "PRUE COTTON" .MONTREAL--TORONTO--WINNIPEG \ 7 ' 3 Cartage-- Freight Move Anything Anywhere. tH. L. BRYANT Phone 1758) | \ 7 (TRY OSTEOPATHY) DRS. ROBERT & EDNA ASHCROFT 204 Kiang Street. Telephone 447. Kihgston in | > . ERR &™ « contract to go aroend the werid selling suushine, \\ Canada?"; First Prize--3$1000,000 (payable in Russian Rubles); Sec- ond Prize--$500,000 (payable in German Marks); Thind Prize -- $250,000 (payable In Austrian Kronen). Strange as it may seem to you, we never knew there was such an ani- mal as a. Grouch The nearest thing we have come to, It was hear- 12g of a bird called the Grouse which nearly everybody shoots at, but few hit, You see, all 'our customers ET ---------- MARSHALL'S HARDWARE OFFER BARGAINS OF HIGHEST CALIBRE There are many people taking ade, vantage of the present stock-clear- ing sale of Marshall's Hardware, 'corner of Princess and Montreal streets. Marshall's has secome re cognized as a retail headquarters for sporting goods, paints and gen having big broad smiles, and, we | eral hardware lines. It is not cus- curselves feellng ifke a -- full-moon |#omary for this firm to hold eales laugh anytime during the day. We 8 the ordinary business keeps the could not understand this groucn Stock well-turned over but an unu- business. Ote of our regulary was, Sally fine stock.of winter goods -- telling us that som people actually | 'Beluding work mittens, sleighs and. went around (aking blue and ali | CUtters" for babies, and many other : limes,--must be cloared to make other colours of ruin, which sent room for new stock. Th ) the shivers up your spine and down ' ow Stock. Those who hats aD when you thought | Y!s!ted the store ere loud in their ¥ lance praises of the splondid offerings. of your future prospects, SUCCEED WITH KINGSTON--- $620,864,071, or close on four times 15 years In tention is being given to the de- es probably con- the value of imports from Great Briain, placed at $168,113,941, \ -- Business Facts, Canada now has a population of vel of our latent power resources, Scientists have | stitutes one of our greatest calculated that the maximum of sources of national waste. tial This country leads the nations of the world in po- \ close to 9,000,000, an jucrease of mited tential water power rr #0) AUTO PAINTING J. A. FOX PHONE 667. Shop on Third Floor Blue Garages. natural resources. During the next decade there is bound to be a great BAGC1 and QUEEN STREETS flow of people into this country, .s and will consist not only of farm D : population, but of traized industriel ~~ g FOR PURE MILK OUR AIM IS SERVICE workers, farm workers and common AND labor. PICKERING'S DAIRY -|i| Kingston, Portsmouth and ||, I" 'he Production of grain --that . Cataraqul Electric R. R. is to say wheat--Canada, which this i236 NBLSON STREET voar has grown a seventh of the PHONKS 222 and 1860. -- _ 64 per cent. over the population of 1901. Its area is 3,729,658 square ceeds 54,000,000 horsepower of miles, and it is rich in all kinds of, which we have only J wheat of the world, is within sight of harvesting anngaily two-thirds of the United States yield, with one." twelfth of the United States' pop- ulation: © © . d Approximately 360,000,000 bus- hels of grain were loaded by Decem- POWER AND LIGHTING PLANTS INSTALLED H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRICAL CO. ELECTRICAL JOBRERS AND CONTRACTORS #0 Naturally the winners of the priz- PHONE 41. Foi BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC FIXTURES ber 1st this year by the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific rail- roads. The Canadian Pacific alone loaded 155,941,068 bushels of gram PRINCESS Stuur. | SR Colores, Chest | Manufactured in Kingston between September 1st and Nevem- Ter 30th. Up to November 30th this system had dispatched ward from Winnipeg 99,857 and sent 4,500 cars to the west coast, as against 3.093 last season. Approx:- mately 105,391.000 bushels ot | grain was loaded by the Canadian | Xatfonal Railiways between Septem- | ber 1st and November 30th. f Take the value of this year's CW. Lindsay Company, Sole Agents Oo i: * il 3 i ] i i i i £3 E il i if a i AI f i ¥ i | i i i : g ¥ i i 1 a % ¢s could not be people who have bpen doing: business with us, so the only fear we have is that the various grouches will into suilers as soom as they cross the A. & D. threshold ' {ost has one condition, namely: Come down to 227 Bagot street, with a grouch, and ask us to repair a tiro for yom or request us to pur. 2 Dunlop Tire on, your car, or sell you some Gas of Ofl. The coutest 'jopens any old time and never closes, aren't The winners--though there SAVOY LUNCH HAS AGAIN - OPENED DOORS TO The many patrons of the Savoy Lunch are qufe pleased again to hava its service at their disposal. The Savoy suffered a severe loss by fire lately and has been in the the same high standard which for it so many patrons. Savoy for satisfaction. served at dny time of the Boing to De any winaers--will be | night.