THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MOTHER! ---- BATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1024. New System of . || Sunday Services in Churches Jat Retinelion: semper fe : e | o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, (the Lord. 3 p.m. Sunday school; 4 Child's Best Laxative IS to laugh together at that old bugaboo | 2 a + { a : < y Obesity. The saying that "there isl M.A. Sunday school, 3 p.m, Evening. p.m. holy baptism; 7 p.m. evensong. | " lif . Fi nothing new under the sun" does not| prayer, 7 o'cloek. Preacner, Canon | Preacher, The Bishop cf Montreal. liomia Fig Mires a ab now apply to fat people any more | Bitalicra? TAY " v | | Life is a Gun an Lod above 1 Here 1s something new for them | FitzGerald, M.A. | Offertory Anthem, | 0 Come to my | For we i nin ive ang Hore: Dew sensaiion, & new pleasure, & new | | Heart, Lord Jesus. / { . , tot Et 5. -- | XY) { let us tnen seek lo ve wise, | , [avor dare Lod s precious gift despise. i and graceful figure, easily found by | ham A-- anyone who Is passing beyond the | 8yden Street--R. H. Bell, min Q Street: Methodist Church-- | ueen Street Methodi: urch-- { | Life is a Workshop, where we wake limits of slimness. Everyone has heard] ister, will preach in the merning; | { fae lorm our conaracter shall take, ms, Marmela , Prescription; that! poy 'm Leroy Rice, B.A, In the even. Rev. W. S. Lennon, B.A., D.D. pas- lharoughout the ages yet to be, | #¥ixing our enuless destiny, | @ i . § harmless combination of fat-def: ing! Morning class, 9.45 a.m. Sun-/tor. 11 a.m. sermon theme: "The | 3 TEAL Life is a School wh 1 os ife is a School where we may leary VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. elements perfected by one of the ore- | ing. | | The will of God, and thus discern, J 2mspeees 01 tne umgversity of 'to- POBO, WDiCh Des aureauy a SUroug towmitics al Work, presiaed over oy | | | Froiessor J. C. MciLcunan, F.1.S8, | | | | } een "WHAT IS YOUR LIFE? Hardwood Floori Let us supply 'you with Seaman- Kent Hardwood Flooring for your floor needs. | | i } | | (James 1V-14) Bie SITE there com the same ly. ingol and Bible - class, 2.45 | Unfinished Story of Jesuen 7 p.m. | fdea--the jdea of condensing these | p.m:; WMS, Friday, 3.30 p.m. { sermon theme: "What it Means to same, pure, harmless Ingredients into! "oo 4 a pleasant little tablet. 8 ion + of a Follow Jesus." Solo by Dr. Allan eating and a bedtime, they h | Bethel Church, corner Barrie and | Jloffner. Sunday school at Toon SoM ering hn ate om ot, | J°hneon streets--Pastor, A. Sidney | P.m. Bible class taught by the pas. solid flesh, muscle ang energy, without! Duncan. Services 11 a th. and 7 p.m. | tor at the same hour. You are invit- a Talks on vitai|ed to all gf these services. Seaw q:estions. Sunday school, 2:45 p.m.; | free. ual meeting, Wednesday 8 p.m. -- dieting or exeralse. dla _P - tion ablets regulate the entire arb: | Helpful singing. | -- Princess Street Methodist Church Calvary Congregational Church-- | -- Rey. J. K. Curtis, B.A., minister. | Tongue Shows if- | His loving kindness day by day, | } Bilious Constipated while trav'ling on life's toilsome » way, tem--do for you what bodily exertion, | and self-denial efnnot do, and the fat, | once routed, iy gone for good. You can | ann prove all this at a trifling cost Mar- | mola Prescription Tablets are sold by | | Life is a Road; we're travelling on, Hurry Mother! Even a fretful, | And soon our. Journey will be done, all druggists or sent postpaid by the Marmola Company, 4612 Woodward Avenue, 'Detroit, Mich. A box--suffi- clent to bring results--is but one dol- ar. ESE Select Your Optometrist With Care Consider the ability, skill and ex- perience necessary in prescribing correct glasses for impdired vision. We know eyes thoroughly--it's our business to know. Therefore--come to us with the Assurance of competent service, correct. in every detail, R. ARTHEY, R0. VISIUN SPECIALIST 148 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2108. Open eveuings by appointment, WE Wm GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonograph, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Yaris suppiivd, Saws Nled, halves, scisvors aad edge teels ground. Lucks repaired. MAeys Ntied Ww Sil Kinus of WekS. Al manes ui Lawn mewers sdurpesed and re puted. We Cal gopair Mu) IRING vant 18 repairable, J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingnton Phone 2058J. Run No Risks Scary Reread gestion foe Rte y before ey LAKE aa few dosen will reli success in disorders proves the worth BEECHAM' =F PILLS : Mixed-Dry Mixed Firewood Hardwood and Slabs. Prompt Service. - Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. Mother's hs and ide Co Quickly She cannot afford to be sick and neglect hae he usehold duties. At che fust symp. toms she prepares the way for quick recovery ty the homedigte use of Gray's Syrup--a heusrh:id ~ we show for your appreciation age of most artistic design and of su- perior utility, They are \de- signed to apet with your, eyys approval and wits i ® Ww so for you Prodi i { The friendly church---cormer | Bagot and Charles streets. Meeting | in St. George's Anglican Mission. 10 | a.m. Sunday school; 11; a.m. *Christ- { lan Values"; 7, "Eternal Life." yA hearty welcome and helpful mes. sage. | St. Andrew's Presbyterian--Rev. | John W. Stephen, minister. Services, {11 a.m., Dr. Paul Harrison, mission- i ary from Arabia. 7 p.m., the minist- | er. Students, soldiers and strangers | tnvited, Sunday school 3 p.m. An-| Arabia. Bible classes by Professors | | nudl meeting of congregation Wed- nesday 8 p.m. --- | St.'James' Church, corner Union | and Arch streets--T.' W. Savary, f rector, 152 Barrie %treet. 8 a.m holy communion; 11 a.m. morning prayer and Litany. Sermon subject, "The Joy Bringer." 3 p.m. Sunday school; 7 p.m. evening prayer and sermon, "The Secret of Success." Adventist Church, and Collingwooa Sunday 7.30. p.m. The exangelist's theme will be "Are You Ready to Meet Jesus, or Are Yau at Peace With God?" Lecture on the prophecies of Revelation every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All come, we'll come. First Baptist Church, Sydenham and Johnson streete--Rev. J. 8. La. Flair, pastor. 11.30 a.m., prayer ser- ise; 11 a.m. sermon theme, "Four i Puzzling Questions." 2.45~ Bible school; 7 p.m. sermon theme, "Mak- ing Good." A sermon to young men. The service of song will be led by o male chorus. Seventh Day corner Unjon streets--Service Cooke's Church, Brock Street Rev. T. J. 8S. Ferguson, minister. 11 a.m.» "Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make Yon Free." 7 p.m. Dr. J. H, Edmison of Toronto, who is giving the Robert- { son memorial lectures at Queen's, Kindergarten at 11 a.m. Sunday school and Bible classes at 3 p.m. Everybody welcome, -- St. George's Cathedral -- Third Sunday after Epiphany. 8 a.m., holy communion; 11 a.m. morning prayer. Preacher, the Rt. Rev. J. C. Farthing, D.D., Bishop of Montreal Anthem, "Gently Lord, O Gently | Lead Us," Hawley. 7 p.m. "The { Danger of Inadequate Repentance." | Anthem, "Son of God Goes Forth to War," Wheeler. Solo, Miss Etta Graham, Sunday school 2.45 of | 11 a.m. subject "Loyalty in Labor." | peevish child loves the pleasant | taste of "'California Fig Syrup" and | it never falls to open the bowels. A | teaspoonful to-day may prevent al sick child to-morrow, f Ask your druggist for genuine p.m. | 'California Fig Syrup," which has Seats free. Visitors cordially invitea. | 9.Tections for babies and children of Chalmers, Barrie and Earl streets | | { | ----Service in the morning by Rev. | | Dr: | Edmison, of Toronto; l\Matheson and MacClement, 2 p.m.; { Sunday school, 3 p.m.; Ypung Peo- | ple's Soclety, Monday, 7.30 p.m. | Students and strangers cordlally In. | vited to all services. Christian Science, First Church of {Christ, Scientist, 95 Joamson | street--Services, 11 a.m. and 7. p. m. Subject, "Truth." Wednesday {8 pm. testimonial meeting. Public | reading room open every afternoon | except Sundays and holiday: [from 3 to 6 pm. and. on 'Thurs day evenings from 7.30 'to 9,30 lp. m. All are cordially In. | vited to the services and to the read- {Ing room.~ | Gospel Hall, Orange Building, Princess street--Don't fail to hear evangelists Arthur Smith, of ™o- | ronto, and George Bentley, of Pet- erboro, Sunday night at 7 and | every night next week at 8 p.m. Sonz service before each meeting conducted by Mr. Smith who is an eminent violinist and uses it to ad- vantage in.his evangelistic work. Young people's meeting at 3 p.m. Pictures of Daniel fighting the giant. { Come early and enjoy the _ hearty | singing. | St. Luke' Church, Nelson street-- Rev. J. dePencier Wright, M.A., B.D., rector. Third Sunday after | Epiphany. 11.a.m., morning prayer: | 2.30 p.m., Sunday school and Bible | classes; 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m. evening prayer. Rev. Rural Dean J. O. Crisp will preach. Music--An- them, "For All the Sainte Who From Their Labor Rest" (Couper), D. Couper dnd choir; solo, "Hear My Cry O Lord" (Wooter), H. Robin- son. Seats free. Students, strangers | and visitors cordially welcome. Nn By the Rev. There was a big job to be done by the churches in this particular vown. Immense factories employed hosts of workers. Housing and sani- tation problems stared one in the face. Half a 'dozen railroads ran in. to the city. There were motion-pic- ture shows galore. Dance halls flourished. This was one aspect of the church's problem, Not that all of these features were necessarily bad, but they did raise important questions, which demana- ed anywérs. When one considered the possibilities for real service among the workers in the town the church was making scarcely a dent on this part of the population. There weren't many foreigners, either; virtually all of the "common" folks were Am- erican bom. But there was another group in that clty--the "upper-middle class," as they'd say In England. The group that includell the intellectual peo- ple, those who are supposed to stand for the best things in life. The preachers frankly said that they were not reaching this group, either. Instead of going to church, these people had formed a semi-religious open form, securing the best speak- . ors in the country to deliver lect- 'WHO SHALL INTERPRET LIFE ? Charles Stelzle. stirring our American life. The lectures were given on Sun- day afternoons. The preachers felt rather bitter about this arrange. ment. The looked upon the forum as their most formidable rival, al- though the churches held no service at the same hour. For this forum was evidently gripping the class which constituted the leaders, the very people the churches needed, bun couldn't get. The work being done by the forum was so close to that which the church was doing, of should be doing, that the rivalry be- came all the more bitter. : The people who did attend the churches in this town comsisted of the comparatively poor laborers, the ptorekeepers and clerks and some of the rich. They were not attracting the highly skilled and presumably the more intelligent men in the in- dustrifl group, and they had little hold upon the best-informed people among the middle class, Now, this probably is not at all typical of the average cily in this country. The churches in most citles and towns are usually made up of the most intelligent people tn the community. It would be foolish to deny this fact. But I'm not de- nylng anything. I'm stating what Pe the vital themes that are Ch in the | these pri evening by Dr. Paul Harrison "from | ©WR city. ail ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you | may get an imitation fig syrup. hers told me about ther | I've covered this country from end | to end and a good mady times. I've vicited industrial centres in particu- lar, Unless I am badly mistaken, the general tendencies are toward the sort: of thing that I am describing. This factory town in the middle west is typical of what is taking place in dozens--aye, hundieds of places | which have modern social and eco- nomic conditions. And this is peculiarly true of the smaller citles. The ministers are. be- coming disheartened. They go to | conventions and flock to confer-| ences to learn of some panacea | whereby this situation may be met. | There is no panacea. There can be | none, for no two towns and no two churches are exactly alike. Each town and each church demands in- dividual treatment, Evangelists may damn the young people because they want to dance. They may continue to declare thax motion-picture ¢hows are of the devil. One noted evangelist is offer- ing chess--a game for kings--as a substitute for all ather recreationa: | features. But all this isn't honestly facing the facts. No doubt the evangelist helps mightily a good many people. I thoroughly believe in the right sort of evangelism. But there's a great mass of people, both inside and outside the church, whicn the evangelist doesn't touch--not by a thousand miles. And, mark you, these people-- many of them, at any rate---are)per- fectly sincere. They are neither vile nor vicious, in spite of what the evangelist may say about them. /. Isn't it about time that we .stop- ped our everlasting cry, as church- es, that everything we don't like be shut up? No doubt there are many places which ought to be cioseq, and we should go after them hare. But isn't it a lot better to shut them up. by opening up sometning elss that will simply drive the evil in- fluence out of business? Must the programme of the church always be merely' destructive and negative? Can't. we work out something that will be positive and constructive? The institutional church is not of- forged as a cure-all. Few people know bow to run an institutional church suncessfully. Anyway, it's a bigger thing than mere sociability for which I'm pleading, important as soca: life undoubtedly is. These high- grade people who are out of the church are thinking people, They are comsclous of the big things that somebody must work out, or at leas: think through.- It is quite true that the church is not a social-reform agency mor a labor union nor even an open forum. But the church has declared, from its very beginning, that it held the only solution for these social pron- lems, for great problems have ar ways faced the people. We have al- ways been "on the verge of a great crisis." No, the church is not asked to go to the task of directing legislation or running amusement parlors; bm if the ministers In our churches are not prophets for the new y--if they cannot interpret|life in the biggest, broadest fashion---then the churches will continue to lose their grip upon the peopls who are efTh- est and sincere in' their desire to see the lght. , es. BRITISH MEDICAL SOCIETY. To Meet In Toronto From August » Oth to 138th. Toronto, Jan. 26.---The British Association for the Advancement of Science wil hold its ninety-gsecond annual meeting én Toronto this sum- mer from August Sth to 13th, to be followed by a'tour of the hundreds of distinguished visitors throughoun the Dominion. The Association wil meet 'under the presidency of Sir David Bruce, Let us make sure we're on the road That leads us to the blest abode, Life here, is short and soon 'twill be Merged into vast eternity, How rapidly the moments fly. This life is swiftly passing by. Life is uncertain; none can know Tomorrows gift of joy or woe; Now is the time to seek God's grace, That we in peace may see His face --Rev, Dr. James Lawson, Verona, Ont. ---------- NOTES FROM PITTSFERRY, Ladies Are Preparing to Put on a Play in the Near Future, Pittsferry, Jan. 24.--Cutting wood and pressing hay is the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Grice have gone to Hamilton to reside, where Mr. Grice has secured a posi- tion, Our school is closed owing to the death of the teacher's father. |. Much sympathy is extended to Miss | E. Leatherland in her bereavement. The ladies of the Community Aid of St, Lawrence church will hold their next meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jackson. The ladles are planning to hold a play in the near future. We are glad to say that the sick in this community are very. much improved. The many friends of Mrs. George Gates are glad to hear that she is recovering from a very serlous operation, We all «Qin in wishing her a speedy racov- ery, Mrs. George Simpson and son, Donald, are spending a few holidays with Mrs, A. Simpson. The Ladies' Aid of St. John's church met at the home of Mrs. D. McClement on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, Win- nipeg, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ballantyne this week. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford will spend the winter in Flofida, Miss Doris McAdoo, Wolfe Island, is visiting with ber grandmother, Mrs. BE. Mc- Adoo and friends. Ex-Luxmnbourg Ruler Dead. Munich, Bavaria, Jan. 25.--For- mer Grand Duchess Marie of Lux- embourg is deau at Hohenburg cast- le, at Lenggries, Bavaria. She was reigning duchess of Luxembourg at tbe outbreak of the war and pro- tosted agaimst the German invasion o? France. A Dissolves Ital'an Parliament. London, Jan. 25. -- King Victor Emmanuel yesterday signed a decree dissolving - the Italian Parliament, says an. agency despatch from Rome, The despatch adds that it is offi. cially stated the elections will pro- bably occur on April 6th, Much Improved in Health. Marble Billings, Lyn, who under went an operation bout two months ago at the Brockville General hospi- tal, has recovered sufficiently to leave the institution much improved in health. : GUARD THE BABY ~~ AGAINST COLDS To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stom- ach and bowels working regularly. It is a recognised fact that where the stomach and'bowels are in good or- der that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he w.ll thrive and be happy. The new sales tax will not Increase | the price of Baby's Own Tablets, as the company pays the tax. You can still obtain the Tablets through any medicine dealer at 25 cents a box, or by matl, postpaid, frem The Dr. Wil- Whatever your Age Whatever your Wage J You may provide a secure ine conie for the years whea you are too old to work. How? ¢ By the purchase of a Dom Government Annuity. The Government of Canada maintains the Annuities System for your benefit, and if you are wise: you will take advantage of it. No medical examination is required, and there are Plans of purchase to suit all. You get every penny that our money earns, and your investment will be safe, = : For further particulars send'for this booklet. Fil out hs soapon Imhediately and mail it in an uns envelope. No € necessary, as it is Government Prctagel a a ' Mail this Coupon-No Postage Needed To Department of Labour, Annuities Branch, TL Ottawa, Ont. > Pp "Handbook of Informatton® and full partie Government Annuity. My age last bir Please send me the 8s to cost of a Canadian years, TU (Btate Whether Mr, "ssarnngy ses ® RELIEVE THE wohM POWDER © ITION BROUGHT ON BY WORMS * AND. RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL M TH, - y NO NARCOTICS -- PLEASANT AS SUGAF ~~ athieu's SYRUP oF TAR & Cop LiverE Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. wy TW 1] vw CK wv We NP ins Clean, pure milk fron p 1Z in any way. 12 ors to the Health of attendants, Sanitation, sonal supervision of Dr. Miller, Professor of Patho to all parts FIRE SALE SPECIALS Folding Ironing Boards-- Regular $5.50 .......... Now $3.00 Hot Blast Oil Heaters-- Wr regular $3.00 ........,. Now $1.75 Electric Heaters, reg. $7.00 . . .Now $5.50 Ash Sifters, reg. 50c., .........Now 25c. Enamel Potato Pots-- QA regular $1.60_........ ... Now 90c. "and many other specials too numerous to mention. Lemmon & Sons v4 Mtg Aa FAIR, Sole . : thy cows. Not pasteurized or steril- Kingston General Hospital, an - Institution Sterilization, etc, under the logy, Queen's vel he from our own sable. 38