1 AUCTION BRIDGE ANALYZED BY WYNNE FERGUSON, Author of the Authorative Book: "Auction Bridge for 1928." PRINCIPLES OF ORIGINAL FIVE BID, There are certain ha and it ts a Jucky thing for auction that this is €o. of the same opinion about everything. keep the interest alive. opinion, shows why the game is so fascinating. good example. you think ? h--A c--9 76532 d--A 8 72 s--A 2 No score, rubber game, bund ? The writer will give his opinion én the next article. There is. one type of hands on which the well-known writers and players of the game still disagree. When partner has bid one no-trump and second hand has passed, what type of hand justifies a take out ? you want to get into an argument, just stant a discussion of this subject It is They all disagree and the The following hands fllustrate the principles of the take out and the writer will give his opinion in the next In the meantime think it over and discuss your opinion with your and you will probably find as many opinions as there are players. the same thihg with the writers on auction. result is a wide diversity of opinion. anticle. friends. It is am interesting subject and so far still an open one. Hand No, 1 ~ h--J 10 8 3 2 --J 73 a--9 & e--K 6 5 /Y | | 3 | 2 | ------ i No score, first game. Z gealt, bid one no-trump and A pawsed. ,- should Y now bid with the foregoing hand ? Hand No. 3 h--8 2 c--J 9 8 2 d--10 2 oA 76% 2 y A B Zz -------- Np score, rubber game. Z dealt, bid one ~ should Y now bid with the foregoing hand ? PROBLEM A Zz h--none o--~7 6 d--none A --QJ1098765432 Ne score, rubber game. What should Z as dealer bid hand ? This hand fs a "freak" : are that the remaining hands reason Z should endeavor ito shut out, it possible, The only bid that will do this is five spades. the ace of spades or the ace of clubs, 2 will falls to do so, he will undoubtedly save the game. It fs the that the writer has ever seen that justifies an original bid of The following hand has recently been brought to the aud the proper play is so interesting and instructive @roblem: « h--~AKQ4 : ¢=J 10 9 4 3 2 a7 ™N cards are distributed ? (Copy: ight 192¢ by the Dei Syadiests Jue.) i ie i / i : : £3 i : Hl i HT 4 i per THE TAKE OUT--FERGUSON DISCUSSES AN nds on which the best of players will always differ It is this very variety of opinion that makes the game interesting. No doubt it is a fine thing to agree about some things, but life would soon lose its savor if we all were Arguments are stimulating and This is particularly true of auction and the very faot that some hands cause endless discussion' and a wide variety of . The following band is a dt was recently submitted to the writer as a hand on which no good players seemed to agree as to the proper bid. What do {What should Z as dealer bid with the foregoing notrump and A- passed. What with the foregoing of the most unusual-type and the chances 2180 contain suits of great length, For that any bid by his opponents. It Z's partner has either » but {f he Pi only band five spades. writer's ate) Hardwicke that it is given as &| This firm specializes in Shorthorns ¥ Fiehss 2 E a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PETONS. POULTRY SHOW Baptist Church Calls Pastor-- Inaugural Meeting of the School Board. Picton, Jan. 25. --Prince Edward county's big poultry show opened on Wednesday with a total of 975 ent- ries. Some exhibitors from- outside points are R. L. Zufelt and Col. ED. O'Flynn of Belleville, and Joseph White, of Portsmouth. Messrs. R. Oske of London and Fraser of the 0.A.C., Guelph, are the competent judges. Exhibits by the Dominion Experimental Farm and the Domin- ion Live Stock branch are exception- ally good. M. L. Cowan is President for the coming year with George R. Moore as secretary-treasurer. , G. E. Boulter and H. 8. Colliver have purchased the Fennell sawmill property at Cherry Valley, which they propose converting into a ean- ning factory. James Fennell will be associated with them in the busi- ness. Contracts are now being let for the growing of produce. | At the inaugual meeting of the Picton Public School Board on Mon- day evening, H. B. Tully was elect- ed chairman. BE. C. Garbutt was ap- pointed as the representative to the collegiate board. At the close of the meeting Chairman Tully enter- ta'ned the board to an oyster sup- per. . . Bonds at $1 each are being sold by the Tuxis Boys and Trail Ran- gers of this county, the money to be used in the promotion of boys' work. J. Herbert Hodgins, Winnipeg, eépent the week-end in the county. Earle Pettingill returned to Mon- treal on Tuesday after a week's visit with his parents here. Capt. and Mrs. Donovan entertained the choir of St. Mary Magdalene's on Thurs- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boulter left on Tuesday for Califor- nia. Mrs, Fraser, who has been the guest of Mrs. HL. M. Love for the past week, has returned to her home in Toronto. Owing to the extremely severe weather, and also the short time for advertising there was not a very large attendance at the W.C.T.U. meeting on Monday afternoon, to hear Mrs. Denyea speak on scienti- fic temperance and hyglene. Mrs. Denyea spoke more particularly to teachers and those who are training the young. She particularly empha- sized the point that the work of the W.C.T.U. was not so much to re- form as to educate the coming gen- eration. The prize essay contest, being conducted for both high and public schools throughout the pro- vince was explained, and also the She is Thankful She Started Taking Them Baskatchewan Woman Tells of the Good Health Dodd's Kidney Pills Brought Her. They made a new women of Mrs. J. Kozakewich, who had had three operations and was not quite well. Hubbard, Sask., Jan. 25. (Spegial) ~"I have been in hospital, fall after fall, for three years. One month each time. I have suffered for about five years with backache, headaches. I used to get dizzy and short of breath and was very nervous. "I started to use Dodd's Kidoey Pills and they have helped me a great deal. TI am thankful I started tak- ing them and wiil always keep some on hand." J This statement is made by Mrs. J. Kozakewich, well-known and highly respected resident here. All Mrs, Kozakewich's troubles came from di- seased kidneys. They speedily ceased when she commenced to use the one sure help for diseased kidneys -- Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are used to treat. rheumatism, dropsy, back- ache, d.abetes and heart disease, be- cause all these ills are either of the kidneys or caused by diseased kid- neys. successfully over any depth of cod, dry snow. Even he who would walk, except on beaten paths, must take to smowshoes or skis, Consid- erable labor is required to keep ponds free of snow for skating. The cold is so protracted that elaborate ice palaces and snow figures may adorn winter resorts. In a region somewhat farther south where the amount of snow on the ground is more variable the greatest variety of winter spuies 1s afforded. Sleds are used most com- monly for coasting, but the really snowy winter will bring out a yeoa flock of skis and toboggens will persist in spite of lack of great depth. Skating is often good. In most of the southern United Statom, however, snowshoes and skis arouse curiosity. Only the sled and skates appear, and even. these must spend much time in storage awaiting their coveted opportunity, ------ 50 NERVOUS SHE COULD NOT SLEEP A Quebec Women Found Relief and Wants Others To Know. Mrs. Donald M. McLeod, Spring- hill, Que., was a victim of great ner- vousness until: she found the right value of posters im temperance edu- cation. The worst night of the winter greeted "The Canadian Big Six" Aeolaian Entertainers of Toronto, at their appearance in the Methodist church on Monday evening, but what the andience lacked in num- bers they made up in enthusiasm. Mrs. Denyea was the guest of Mrs, Thomas BE. Waring, Main street, dur- ing her stay in Picton. W. H. Benson, T. W. Kinney, El- mer Leavitt, James H. Carter, J. deC. Hepburn, Fred Hepburn and H: 8. Colliver, M.P.P., went on Mon- day to Buffalo to attend the canners' convention. A son wag born to Mr. and Mrs Ernest Brough on Monday, Jan. 21st at Prince Edward county hospital. At a fully representative congre- gational meeting of the Baptist church, Mr, Holland, a student from McMaster University, was unani- mously chosen to become pastor in charge of this 'congregation at the expiration of his university term. Mr. Holland will come from Tor onto for the Sunday services until university closing, after which he Nii fake up permanent résidence in a. fF. Werden & Son have recently im ed from England a Shropshire from the flock of F. B. F. Bibby, Grange, Shrewsbury. snd Shropshires and this fine speel- men was secured through the On- tarlo Sheep Breeders' Association. WHY THE WEATHER? DR. CHARLES F. BROOKS Setotary. amsricth Metsaralogtor) Winter Snow and Winter Sports A map showing the distribution of skis and snowshoes, sleds ana to- remedy, and is now anxious that others shall profit by her experience. Mrs, McLeod says: --"Some years ago I became run down and grew so ner- vous that my life was a burden to myself and all around me. Every n.ght I would wake up with a choking feeling, numb all over and my heart beating at an alarming rate. I would Jump up and walk the floor and de- clare I was dying. Then I would have sinking spells, a : all day long would be so dizzy that I would stagger like & drunken person.' I was afraid to be left alone, and my condition was terrible. I was then taken to the Sherbrooke hospital, but the treat- ment there did me no good and I came back home 80 weak that 1 could hardly cross the floor. I could not take care of my children, and my mo- ther did so. Everybody thought 1 was dying, and I was just waiting and wonder.ng when the end would come, At this stage my attention was di- rected to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a supply at once. By the time 1 had used five boxes I felt much better, could eat better, and sleep better, and felt almost like a new woman. I continued the pills for some time further, and am now a strong and healthy woman. I advise all run- down women to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as I am sure they will do $a Uther what they have done for The new sales tax will not increase the price of Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills, as the company pays the tax. You can still obtain the pills through an medicine dealer at 50 cents a box, or by mail, post paid, at this price, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.. : is ENE | year 1923 were as follows: hy Hae [THE TowN dropsy gud] WATCHMAN A "rescue circle" for the depart- ed spirits has been organized by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Has this new organization anything to do with ths Ladies' Aid? If winter cothes can spring be far away? Well, it cannot be, for the spring bonnets are already being ad- vertised. ¥ -- Those of us with good memories should not forget to feed the biras these wintry days. Give them lots of dry bits of bread. Prison convicts are not the. only ones who feel the burden of jsola- tion. Wolfe Islanders had a taste op it this week. Mah Jongg is declared to be, one of China's "bad games. And yeu some of Kingston's moral reformers are revelling im it The cold snaps have been so few this winter that we really. feel a real one when it comes. But this has been a glorious winter, -- Portsmouth's escaped convicts are said to be In England. They should press om to Turkey where they might get a legitimate job of shoot. ing up Armenians. . The new British premier's daugh- ter says che is mot fond of house- keeping. She is therefore not a gen- the age when you own? for the opening account. come to us. be of the uine Labor girl. This has been a big week, which | included the coldest day, the live- lest snowstorm, the freezing of the harbor, two big local musical events, ; a visit from the insulin discoverer | and three cabinet ministers, a tub- erculosis campaign meeting and five nights with an evangelist. The county council gives the glad hand to the Children's Aid officials, while the city council not long ago gave them the frozen fnitt. However, the city fathers have a much warm, er feeling for the children's Aid peo- ple now. J-- We would never have known that the Wolfe Island turkeys were not sold at Christmas time had not some of the fine birds been stolen and sold in Kingston. The work of the gobbler grabbers was erude in- deed. They will never make classy robbers. -- An anti-unionist figures that the Presbyterians of Kingston are fifty fifty on the church union question. The Beotch kirk, ha says, is practi- cally a unit against the proposed un. fon. Add to this the amtis Chad- 'mers and Cooke's and have a formidabld opposition Wn Kingston. REPORT OF POLICE. CHIE 104 Cases of Drunkenness Last Year--City Received $4,703.40 in Fines. Some interesting statistics are given in the report of Chiet of Police Robinson, to the Board of Police commiss'oners, for the year 1923." During the year thers were 104 cases of intoxication before the magistrate. In 1922 there were 98, in 1921, 168, and in 1920, 173. During 1923 there were 23 cases for infractions of the Ontario Tem- perance Act; in 1922, 31; 1921, 40; 1920, 58. During 1923 there were 327 cases before the police court and in 1922 there were 373. The cases. during the years were as follows: Intoxication, 104; infraction of the Ontario Temperance Act, 23; inffac- tion of the Motor Vehicle Act, 30; infraction of city by-law, 8; operats ing game of chance, 1; Children's Protection Act, 21; theft, 22; dis« conduct, 2; having opigm in on, 2; obtaining money under false pretences, 8; keeping asdisor- |- derly house, 2; found in disorderly house, 7; illegal operatiom, 2; obtain- ing goods under false pretences, 2; | operating a st'll, 3; vagraney, 7; vio-| lation of the marcotic drug act, 1; violation of the income tax act, 2; statute labor tax, 34; assault, 7; in- decent exposure, 3; fraud, 1; viola- tion of Parents' Maintenace Act, 3; operating vehicle while intox'eated, 4; selling goods on Sunday, 8; tros- passing, 1; violation of peniten. tiary act, 5; fighting in a public place, "3; drunk and fighting, 1; indecent assault, 1; interfering with condue- tor, 1; violation seed act, 1; abusive and insulting language, 1; forgery, 1; eriminal negligence, 1; receiving stolen goods, 1; disobeying snmfnons, 2; nom-support, 2; assanit and fi. treatment, 4. : the 104 cases of intoxication during the year 1923, there were 102 convictions and 2 dism'ssals. Out of the Paid to the city treasurer, $4 703.40; paid to the license tnspeetor, ne total of fines collected, $5, Fines and costs collected for If so, any Branch Man- ager of The Bank of Toronto will be pleased to meet him and arrange of his The Boy and the Banker Has your boy reached would like him to have a Sav- ings Account of his wl LTR We are especially in- terested in meeting the yoiing depositors who They-are the business men of to- morrow. If we knowand can encourage the Boy as he is saving his money, we will surely ood assistance to an when he en- gages in business. "BANK-TORONTO Incorporated 1855, BRANCHES KINGSTON LANSDOWNE LYNDHURST NEW 2612 (Editorial Rooms) 2613 (Social) 2614 (Job Department) 243 (Business Office) BRITISH WHIG TELEPHONE NUMBERS --Editors and Reporters; news of all kinds; sporting news; accidents, wed. dings, deaths, funerals and anything of interest gladly received. --Editor of Woman's Page; social news and women's activities of - all kinds; special attention to activities of women's clubs and societies, =-Fine Job Printing; bills and pos- ters; books and circulars; hand bills; business cards; counter books; letter heads and bus and per § or maga- | other social | given the best of at. 3 . ¥ a ~--Advertising Department; classified advertising; announcements and all paid notices; information concerning accounts and payments; circulation d 3 mew subscriptions, re- newals, complaints or other subscrib- ers' business; cashier. . Tack This Up Near Your Telephone Strength, Energy, IRON IS RED + Sayg Physician LL 4 »r 'License tees pa'd to the city tras le . Caseg in the juvenile court: BLOOD. FOOD How NUXATED IRON Puts Roses into the Cheeks : of Women and Helps Give Strength to Men. laws, 14; shopbresking,' 26; house. covered. 44; places of bu breaking, 6; theft, 9; assault and ill treatment, 1; destroying property, 4; Red Healthy To Give You Power and Endurance? | after hours, 23; 1 sued, 203; warrants issued, 48; in for protection, 180; articles were disposed of as follows | 800ds stolen (cases), 38; articles | sen- | Boodg recovered (cases), 23. What Kind Of Blood Have You? Thin, Pale and Watery--Keeping You Weak and R tery--Keeping You Weak, 'Blood With Plenty of Iron in it Ay " e | .