THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG H - MONDAY, JANUARY 98, 1028. Founded 1847 STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR AT THE UNDERWEAR 20% off. REQUEST 20% off.- OF MANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS WHO WERE UNABLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR "20% { Discount Sale We have decided 1 continue it for | One Week Longer This Sale includes all Ready-to-Wear Clothing and all Furnishings, also All Jaeger fine wool wear. Collars and dress: accessories only ex- cepted. MADE-T0-MEASURE SUITS We will also continue for one week longer our sale of surts for - 39.95 | LIVINGSTON'S : 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" TURNBULL'S CEETEE Quality--Larger Market--Service Retail Market Phones 438-459, Rusiness Office 365. ' Wholesale Department 1767. | Four Rousing Specials FOR TUESDAY These Four Items Needed in Every Household Every Day - See this space Tuesday. Specials for Wednesday, 39¢c. Day y CYFINEST OREM CREAMERY. ~ C Rc: Cut from solids. "a-- - Prime, rich September Per pound \con--stre aky sds Taf and ign | mad ies White, crisp Cabbage, 1b. . Sc. Gata Lisi New Southern Cabbage, 1b. 16e. Tun} CHRISTUNS MISSION MUST BE HELPFULNESS 'Bishop Farthifly Points Out | the Duty of Members of : the Church, Rt. Rev. y. C. Farthing, bishop ot Montreal, who was the preacher af | and two large congregations. In two | | striking sermons he brought the message to his old parishoners, that lives of the members of the Christ. fan church, His body. In the morning, Bishop Farthing spoke from the text 'Ye are wit- nesses unto me." From the days of the apostles who taught the tradi- [| tions and lessons learned from the Christ before a word of the New Testament had been written, the church has been the custodian of the Word of God. She is more, she is the interpreter. The men and wo- | men of every age are the witnesses | to Ged of their generation. And how 8s? "We all know | *s00d church people' who say they | believe the doctrines of Christ and | yet are most umlovely characters, | mean, censorious, allowing them. | selves great latitude and yet ready | at the slightest word to beljeve evil | of others. More unmoral than im- | moral I would call them, yet so un- | | lovely in their lives that they would { drive a questioning one away from jithe religion they profess. This poor | old world of ours has received a_jolt and everything jis in a state of con- | | fusion. Men are looking for rest ana should find it in the church thas creed. Will they turn to her if they find' her members selfish and worla- ly Ido not think this is a time to be Impatient with those who do things with those who do not agree with you interpret God to men so win thqy see Him. At svensong, Bishop Farthing eon- tinued his theme, speaking on the cali to the Christian life. The spirit of paganism was abroad jin the world to-day, We cannot deny the force of the material nor the at- m sphere of materialism in "which we live. "I come back to Kingston and go about among my friends askins about the young men." said His Lordship. "'T am told of one: 'He has made'a great success in lMfe; he has made a million dollars." This is the standard of success. We are mater- lallstic in our pleasures. I say noth- ing against any one of them, but what are the standards set before our boys and girls in the novels, the movies and the modern dance? "It demands great courage and great sacrifice to get away from the to the life that means giving, not getting. I do not now mean giving of your goods but of yourseif for the service of men. The getting away from the world where self is the centre, to the world where God is tke centre. Jesus Christ showed us what God's life is when it is lived by man. You men wij] think that is too much of an life. Well we never reach OUr ideals, at least I hope not. We must be conformed to this likeness. We must be. holy. I can hear some young man saying he does not want to be a saint. Wel if the idea of a saint is the figures windows I would not like it myself. The meaning of holy is whole, a complete man and we all want to be that. And if the world is to be won back to God it will take every man, woman and child who have been baptized into Christ's body to do it. Only through us can they be brought to fellowship with Jesus Christ. Qur mission 18 one of helpfulness, we must say 'We are here to help, not only. to sympathize.' If there is =a wrong in our community it is our to right it. Ondy through the love and service of the members o: Christ's body can the world be brought to know the love of God." The miisic during the day was ex- cellent. BE, Warburton and A. Fair were the soloists. -------- SUSPENDED SENTENCE. Vpon Two Wolfe Island Men Who Stole Turkeys. » In the police court on Monday morning, Magistrate Farrell sus- pended sentence fora week in the case of Riohard La Rush and Or. ville McDermott, who pleaded guilty to stealing turkeys on Wolte Island. "This Is just aboul as mean and contemptible 'a business you .coula have been engaged in," remarked Magistrate Farrell to the two young stealing turkeys from your 'own neighbors, I 'have given this matter working, My advice to you is t to get. downto good hard work. It 1 report that you both the Sunday morning and even. | ing services in St. George's cathed- | ral, was heartily welcomed by dean | the world can only know the bless- | ing of the love of God through the | does not profess to teach a new | Wwe cannot approve of or to find fauit | us. It is a time to be patient ana] kind. Think of the patience of | Christ. Ye are the body of Christ. As | material things to the real things, | wo see in some of our stained glass | men. "You have pleaded guilty to ™ 1A MEDICAL MISSIONARY +. FROM-ARASIA SPEAKS i | | dress at Queen's and in Chalmers Church. | A noted visitor in the city is-Dr. Paul Harrison, medical missionary in Arabia, who is here under the auspices of the Canadian Student Christian Movement. "The Apostle of | the Desert," as he is often called, has | served fourteen years in the Mo- hammodan world representing the Reformed Church in America. He 1s & graduate of the John Hopkins Med- ical College, a Fellow of the Ameri- can College of Surgeons and while on furlough is taking further post- graduate work in New York. He was one of the foremost men at the 'In- dianapolis .convention and judging by his two audiences yesterday he is creating a deep impression here, Stormy weather prevented his reaching Kingston in time to speak in St. Andrew's on Sunday morn. ing but he gave two other address- es yesterday, one in Convocation Hall at three o'clock, the second in Chalmers chureh last night. This students at Queen's, at noon he had luncheon at the Grand Cafe with the Stadent Volunteers and others in- terested in missions, at four he ad- dressed the Queen's Medical ' stu- dents, tonight he is giving an ad- dress in Convocation Hall, returning to Moiitreal at midnight. While in the city he is the fuest of Prof. ana Mrs. John Mathesdn, Alice street, Dr. Harrison 48 man of intense earnestness and spWituality, with a | stream ,f spontaneous humor ripp- | ling through his speeches. Yesterday { afternoon he undertook to make | foreign missionary work attractive, illustrating with Arabia. Once one go' used to cockroaches, fleas and temperatures of 130 in the shade he found a people (the Arabians) ot wonderful cheerfulness in the face of what daily bordered on famine, of rich mental gifts, of unsurpassed de- | votion to a cause. | Last night in Chalmers church, { before one of the largest audiences | in months, Dr. Harrison again spoke | on Arabia, this time dealing with its | religious aspects, Christians would do well to grasp something of the { Mohammedan's magnificent concep- tion of God. "There is no God but God' 'sang the workmen, mixing morter, the mother to her child, the dying chief. It was the explanation of this faith's existence through 1,30% Years. It was the thing that made an instant an undying appeal to the Bedonin in the midst of the tre. mendous expanse of the desert. Why send missionaries to the Mo- hammedans? Dr. Harrison made this plain. This omnipotent God was re- lentless and uninterested. Only among the Mohammedan races coula you find the cruelty which . would spear Armenian babies and 'carry them round on bayonet points till the ligtle body had given {ts last tremor. Mohammedan women oc- cupied the lowest place of any wo- man in the world. The husband could have four wives and am un- limited number of combines, who also would bear him children. He could divorce his wife by simply sending her home. The speaker had known men to have a change every month. The highest spiritual lite therefore which the Mohammedan | woman knew was to please her hus- band. The Presbyterian church = began Christian missions in Arabia. He hoped they would carry om. He stressed the value of prayer on the part of those at home in suppont of | the missionary. GIVEN PASS TO BELLEVILLE, Colored Man Says He Was Gassed Serving Owerseas. A middle-aged colorefl man, who | served overseas and who has been in hospital for a time at Montreal, was in the city over the week-end .and was given a Mayor An- -grove as far as Belleville. He is on his way to Toronto to enter ome ot the military hospitals there, as that was the point where he received his discharge. He was gassed while ser- ving overseis and has to go into hospital for additional treatment. The war hero spent some time at t*~ police station prior to taking the train for Belleville. The civil service comm'ssion has appointed He-man MucDonald, Co- bourg, to the position of chief indus- trial officer, Portsmouth penitenti- ary. A sneak thief carried away a ther mometer from a Division street ver- andah on Saturday evening. The family owned the thermometer for twenty-five years. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Ruchre, i Hicuse of Providence to- LN L. hie. Notre Dame Hall, 'Tuesday bvening, § o'clock. British was wily Som Aa the King- sen post ce at a neaday. Sominalon mee rn ladier Aux: Hilt Jan ary, * Ear m 0 Dr. Paul Harrison Gives Ad-' morning he addressed the history! NOTE During this sale all Sheets, Towelling and: Pillow Cotton will be hemmed free Specials of charge, In our Staple Department--read this and then . follow the path of BIG. VALUES to our store. a 2,000_ YARDS FINE COTTON Here is a splendid opportunity. Mill ends of fine Cambrics, Nainsook and Longcloth. Lengths from Ito 10 yards. Regular prices 25c. and 30c. Special 15¢ yd. 500 YARDS LINGERINA Excellent quality; very fine, even weave. A Longcloth for Ladies' Nightgowns, Under- wear, etc. Full 39" wide. Regular 45c. yd. Special 35c¢ yd. 500 YARDS SHEETING Heavy quality, thoroughly bleached, 8-4 size; suitable for double bed. You will do well to take advantage of this offer. Special 48¢ yd. 300 YARDS SHEETING A special value in well made Sheeting -- bleached. 7-4 size, for single bed. Regular 50c. quality. Special 39¢ yd. I alia 500 YARDS PILLOW COTTON Best grade Wabasso Pillow Cotton, in mill- ends of | to 5 yards.: 40 to 46 inches wide. Regular 50c. to 85c¢. yard. Special 32¢ yd. 200 YARDS ROLLER TOWELLING Good quality, pure Linen Roller' Towel ling. Brown with Blue and Red borders. 16" wide. Big value. Regular 20c. yard. 15¢ yd. or 7 yds. $1.00