a "THE DAILY BRITISH ( Save Something . Worth While! Buy a Winter Overcoat, Tweed or Wor- sted Suit at our 20% Discount January Sale. You will save something worth while and have the comfort of being prepared for this real winter weather. George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w Your Eyes? When you go to the "movies" do they seem blurred, indistinct, {fi or perhapg they hurt your eyes? || If 80 it is your eyes thas are at fault and not the "movies" ! If you have to sit up near the | screen to be able. to see the titles, your vision is defective, In either of the above cases you should have your eyes ex- amined at once. W. D. GRAHAM, R.0. Successor to whl, Eversharp Pencils 25% off Buy to-day ov mon St Opp. Poet Dr. Waugh DENTIST 3 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. THE FAREWELL MESSAGE OF REY. FATAER HANLEY 'Who Leaves 8t. Mary's Cathe- dral to Take Over Gana noque Parish... 1 | The Rev. Father A. J. Hanley, | rector of St. Mary's Cathedral for | S8venteen years, and now going to | the parish of Gananoque, Lansdowne ind Howe Island as successor to the | late Very Rev. Dean Kehoe, gave § { farewell message fo the people of Bi cathedral at the masses on Sun- | day morning. His message to them was, in. part, as follows: "My dear brethren: As most of you no doubt know, this is my lase 'Sunday as rector 'of St. Mary's ca- | thedral, and, instead of the usuar | sermon, T am taking this opportunity | of saying good-bye. [ "I do not make any secret of the fact that I am very pleased. at get. Ing a parish of mv own ana T thank | His Grace, Our Most Reverend "Arew- bishop.' for the honor bestowed up- on me. I have felt for a long time j that a change would be good, both | for this parish and for myself. But now that the change has come. I find it a very trving ordeal to break away from aN those ties which bind | me to this old ehiirch. "Since the announcement of my annointment I have met many of my friends who have been verv kind in saving that St. Mary's cathedral will not seem the same without me, In return T can only say that my life will never seem the same away from it. for T have grown to love it since my annointment as rector by ms hanefactor. the Most Reverend Arch- bishan Ganthier, of blessed memory. "If. during mv tetm of office here, T have met with any measure of snecess. IT owe it, first of all, to Cod. for hi= blessings and resnonses to my pravers. In the second nlace I owe it to our nresent archbishop, whaoea anmroachability and wise coun- sel have been towers of strength in times of stresg) In the third place. f owe iP to mv brother priests of the cathedral staff for their symnathetie | co-operation and aid in every way. | and lastly. my dear brethren, 1 owe , it to the good people of this church | for their aid during my seventeen years as rector, i "Within the ldst few years I have ! been sorely bereaved by deaths in my family and the messages of sym pathy and personal words of comfort offered me then will never be for- CHATEAU Phone, S00 WE NEVER CLOSE Live or Dead Storage Drs. Nash & Renton | DENTISTS | 183 PRINCESS §T., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 pm. j by PAA AAA tr AAAI GO Nr ie No, Cornelius. A cloak model is not always engaged at her own fig- gotten. "Before concluding I wish to say that if, during all the time I have been here, I have by any word or action givem offence to any person, I ask forgiveness for it. I wish to leave with a clean sheet. And in con- clusion I ask the people of St. Mary's to enter into a spiritual com. pact with me. I ask that tWey pray for God's help and strength to give me guidance in my new surround- Only A Few Days More : |. OF OUR 20% SALE Don't neglect to take advantage of this opportunity to get many lines at less than cost. 3 Crockery, China, 3 Glassware 'ER spending the week with friends "in gm, Brockville / Men's Gunmetal and Mahogany Brown _ Bluchers and Bals, with Rubber Heels. Ex- * ceptional value. i $495 > jugs. 'That is your part of it. My part of it will be always to remem- ber you in my prayers and devotions, and in every mass which I celebrate 1 shall ask God to bless you, your families and your homes and your undertakings, and may we all, through His grace. survive the trials of this life safely. and attain to- gether to life everlasting." | canaNOQUE Jan, 28.--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Funnell and baby. Belleville, are the guests \ot<the Misses Funuell, John street. Joseph Markey, Montreal, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Nalon. Ted. Chapman returned home from Toronto on Saturday, | Mrs. Slack returned home to Brookville after being the guest of her mother, Mrs. Jack McLellan. | William Armstrong left today for Montreal to attend a council meeting in connection with the Bell Tele phone Company. iW. F. Stevens returned home after Mrs. C. 8. Lee, Oshawa, is in town the gubst of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Brennan, Joseph McKee, Kingston, was in town yesjerday. Fred. Mooney spent Sunday Kingston. ' . John Lemmon, O. Cairnes, King- in The month's mass for the late Rev. J. P. Kehoe will be celebrated on Tuesday morning at six o'clock. L. days. : The Battery defeated the = high . school on Friday night, the score being 6.10 3. This is the third game. B. C. Howard was called to Peter. | Syrup. "~i-detTded to take her advice, re er i mee ---- THE WHOLE FAMILY, WAS LAID UP WITH | - AS LAD LDS On the first appeatance of a cough or cold our advice fo you is to get rid of it before it has a chance to| grow worse; gets settled on the lungs. { and causes bronchitis, pneumonia or | other serious lung troubles. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will immediately relieve the cold or cough on its inception. i Mrs. David Ayres, Kearney, Ont., | writes: --" 'Our whole family was laid | up with severe colds, and we didn't | Seem to be able to get any relief! from anything we used until, one day a friend came in and toid me we | would be sure to get rid of our colds if we used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine i and in ho time our colds were ail gone. Now, knowing the value of your remedy, we wiil always keep it on hand so as to have it in case of emergency." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is 35c. a bottle; large tamily size 60c.; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. (UGENT NEED OF HELP ston, spent Sunday with friends in| Prosser is in Moutreal for a few . BE. Austin, Toronto, was in $8.00. SNOWSHOES. . . . . EVENING FOOTWEAR. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE. OVERSHOES--the popular winter footwear for Men, Women and Children. HOCKEY BOOTS--Real dan dies for Boys, Girls, Ladies, Men at popular prices. SKI BOOTS---The real Ski-Boot--High Top, $830. Short Top, +... $3.50 and $4.00 4 eels alae 4 ee nen IN THE MISSION FIELDS Rev. Pr. J.-H. Edmison Makes Strong Appeal for Finan=- clal Assistance It Is just twenty-three years ago since Rev. Dr. J. H. Edmison, now of the Home Missionary Board of the Presbyterian church, sat as a member of Chalmers church and heard the gospel as preached by Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, one of the pio neers of the Presbyterian ministry in Cafiada. Rev, Dr. Edmiéon occupled the pulpit at Chalmers church on Sunday mornigg and bore testimony to the inspiration he had received from the messages delivered by Rev, Dr. Macgillivray, In a forcefu! sermon, Rev. Dr. Edmison, who has for the past twelve years been travelling all over Can- ada, in the interests of missions, told of the work that has been accom- plished and of the great neé&d for fin- anclal help so that the work in the far west may be extended. It was a stirring message that he gave, with facts » and figures to back up his claims. The speaker paid a glowing tribute to the men who are engaged in Christian work Th the east as well as the west, covering very 'large territories due to the lack of help and making sacrifices, in order that the people may Jeceive religious in- struction, "The more I see of Canada as I BO up and down the country," said Rev. Dr. Edmison, "the more I am convinced that for this country there is a great future. It is mot what We have but what we are. And what of the future of Canada? Let me say that the church is going to de- cide the destiny of this country." | LATE JAMES ®. HENDERSON. Rev, Dr. Macgillivray Makes Feel. ing Reference To Deceased. At Chalmers ¢hurch on Sunday morning, Rev. Dr. Macgillivray made feeling reference to the late James | R. Henderson, who was a member | of that church. Dr.' Macgillivray! stated that all the members of the: i congregation had learned with deep: regret of the passing away of Mr. Henderson: "He was a man well liked." said Dr. Macgillivray. *I knew him for over thirty years, and when the manse~wag situated on Earl street, { I lived next door to him. He was an active business man and was also very much interested in the welfare of the city and in educational mat- ters he took a prominent parf. He was also a good churchman, and we will miss him. He served on the board of trustees, and was devoted to his work and the board will be poorer as a result of his death. We extend sympathy to the bereaved and speak these words of apprecia- tion of a man we knew. In. the last two weeks Chalmers church has suffered two severe losses, in the R30 Pl town {few days before the feathered and flogged (a . death of James Henderson and G. M. Macdonnell." THO PICTON YOUNG NEN BROKE INTO. COTTAGES Given Suspended Sentence by Napanee Magistrate--Dr. R. A. Leonard Is lil. Napanee, Jan. 27, --From time to time in the past people who owp or rent summer cottages on the beadti- fu: Bay of Quinte have been annoyed by having their catages ransacked during their absénce and their pro- perty stolen. In most cases it Is al- most impossible to trace these depre- dations. The location on the bay! known as "British camp," where there are a number of cottages own- ed by Albert Bartlett, one ocoupted by Mr. Bartlett and the others by, tenants, were broken into within the last two weeks and loose articles ear- ried off. Entrance was made in the rear of each cottage. Search war rants were issued aud the case was given to Provincial Police Officer Thompson, who was successful in apprehending the culprits, two young men from Picton. They appeared before Police Magistrate Ruttan on Friday, 25th instant, and pleaded guilty to housebreaking and theft. As it was thelr first offense the mag- istrate let them off on suspended sen- tence by their making restitution and paying costs, A local store keeper appeared in the police court on Wednesday last hearged with not keeping a record of the sale of extracts, He was fined $50 and costs, Chiet of Police F. W. Barrett has, been appointed high county con- stable of Lennox and Addington, by the county council. He will assume his new duties in addition to those of his present office. Dr. R. A. Leonard, postmaster, has beén confined to the house through sickness for the past week. Yester- day his condition was reported to be rather better, His daughter, Mrs. Lace, Toronto, and Mrs. Byers, Gan-. anoque, are with him at present, Wilfred 8. Wilson in conversation with a Whig representative stated that he had opened a coal depot in the old Brisco House yard, East street. The premises are rented tem- porarily as he had in view a more suitable location with a raflway sid- ing and adequate space for storing cieaning and handling all sizes of coal, : Mr. Wilson who is 8 son oft W, Q, Wilson, barrister, County Clerk, etc., started in the coal business last win- ter when many, suffered from the!. cbal famin® here as elsewhere. He was able to secure a falr supply of anthracite coal, received generous patronage and so laid the founda. tion of a good business, His custo- mers of last winter have a lovely recollection of the courteous and prompt attention they received from him---in fact many times he took coal out of his own house-bins rather than have his customers suf- fer. He is now reaping the benefit of such treatment. His many friends are pleased to learn of his success and wish him good luck in his vent- e. Baptist Minister Gets | signed number 178, KKK." a man Wag tarred, 3 end Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers Our Big Mid-Winter Sale A rare chance to furnish fof present or future use. Good Furniture in your home is a paying invest- ment. It insures comfort, satisfaction and happi- ness. Satisfied with price, satisfied with 'quality, when you buy here, and have the added comfort in knowing that you are protected from inferior goods, * JAMES REID _ Phone 147 for Repairing and Upholstering. | { French Sailors, Havre, Jan. 28.--Tho danger of fumigating the ho! of ships to ex- terminate rats without first clearing the whole ship of passengers and crew has been Brought strongly to the attention of the Fremch govern- ment as a result of the recent suffo- cation of geveral members of the ! crew of the Caroline. The report to the government points out that, despite all possible precautions, it is impossible effec- tively to fumigate one hold without allowing the deadly fumes to seep through to other parts of the ship. Stricter regulations for '"'de-rating" .ships are expected soon to be put into Hest. Parcel Post to Antipodes, Ottawa, Jan, 28.--Commencing February 1st, there will be a parcel post to New Zealand and Australia via San Francisco. This route will be in addition to the existing route via Vancouver and the route to be used will be optional with the sender. -------------- Jugular Vein Bursts, Windsor, Jan. 28.--Charles DD. Girard, fifty-four-year-old Sandwich business man, died in his automobile shortly after leaving the surgery of his physician. Death was caused by loss of blood due to the bursting of «the jugular vein. i The things we most desire are those we cannot comprehend. "Miss America" Declares Tanlac Wonderful Health Giving Tonic Miss Campbell in "Miss Amer. ica" crown which she has won on two occasions. Photograph by Atlantic Foto Service gs Hit] i sds desis cress eos BUPOOE ..LiLii Lus on, Senin annes we. inte Srerer gue so wHsuna.