Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1924, p. 4

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SH WH THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 193s. ~~ tna THE DAILY BRITI 1G sissies TT ------ [CROWD ATTRACTING SPECIALS IN OUR GREAT STOCK DISPOSAL SALE PRICES ABSOLUTELY TORN TO PIECES Men's Storm Ulsters MEN'S SMART DRESSY OVERCOATS Dark Greys and Browns. Real Storm Ulsters--built to resist the i iyths Backs, ete, Uptodate cold. Reg. value $25.00. Regular values to $35.00. SALE PRICE SALE PRICE *14.95 *16.95 ALL SIZES TO 46. ALL SIZES. A TREMENDOUS OFFERING Boys' Serge Suits the celebrated Every Suit has MEN'S SUITS *13.95 These' include Dark Grey Worsteds, Brown Serges, heavy Tweeds, smart dressy Homespuns, etc. All styles and sizes in stock. OTHER SUITS 'FROM $10.95 to $27.95 ; These Suits aré made from FOXE'S Guaranteed Irish Serge. TWO PAIR OF BLOOMERS, Size25t0 31 ..... ..... $ 995 Size 32t036 ..... TWO PANT SUITS FOR BOYS MEAN DOUBLE THE WEAR. tic Sale of 'S ODD PANTS 200 pairs Men's Strong Work. ing Pants--all sizes. $1.79 pr. MEN'S ALL-WOOL PANTS In Tweeds, Worsteds, etc, $2.39 pr. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS | A Gi Here is a wonderful offering in Men's Fine Shirts. Sizes 14 to 17. 98c. EACH | Others priced at $1.39, $1.69 BOYS' OVERCOATS The balance of our stock of Boys' Over. coats must be cleared this week. We still have a few left. SALE PRICE $9.95 Three to_clear, $6.95 MEN! LOOK AT THIS WONDERFUL BARGAIN ! GREY FLANNEL SHIRTS With Collars attached, in a medium shade of Dark Grey. only$1.19ea.| BOYS' SUITS Our entire stock of Boys' Suits are includ. ed in this great sale. .PRICES RANGE ; FROM ors. $3.95 to $8.95 $ 4 45 WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL AT $17.95 Suits. Regular value $22.50. and Drawers . o $5.95 Toco 10 Toi Sao KITS, SALE PRICE $11.95 $1.29 a garment MEN'S OVERALLS MEN'S LEATHER LEATHER ~ Prive less than wholesale LINED BOOTS SPACE DOES NOT PERMIT US TO MENTION ALL THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS WE HAVE IN : STORE FOR YOU. A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL CONVINCE YOU. $1 59 pr. BOYS' BLOOMERS 54.95 ie 4 VINE TO OUR | rae | LOUIS ABRAMSON sss Phivcess 1. [GC Btroagly built Boots for School 'Manitoba fiour--1st patents, down in building is really srounds jute sacks, $6.20 per barrel; for optimism in the long run. Every * patents, $5.70, needed building not built this year Hay--Extra, No. 2 timothy, pw must be built in the near future, and ton track, Toronto, $14.60 to $15; possibly it will be built at lower No. 2 $14.60; No, 3, $12.50; museca prices, $12, Straw--Car lots, per ton, $9. Montreal Montreal, Jan, 29.-- Oats, Can- adian Western, No, 2, 66 to 66c: Canadian Western, No, 3 62% to 63¢; extra No, 1 feed, 5l¢; No. 2 local white, 48% to 49c. Flour, Manitoba Spring wheat patems, HERE'S VALUE! PYJAMAS FOR MEN--Made from Eng: lish Flannelette. Regular value $2.50 a Suit. Sale Price $1.69 a Suit MEN'S NIGHTROBES ~$1.29 ALL SIZES. VISIT OUR BOOT' DEPARTMENT Men's Black Calf Solid Leather $3.75 MEN'S TAN MILI- TARY BOOTS Goodyear welt. $4.89 MEN'S DRESS UNDERWEAR FOR Men's All-Wool Scotch Knit Shirts and Drawers. 98¢. a garment Penman's Fleece Lined ha QUALITY 79. a garment Heavy All-Wool Shirts YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Smart, snappy models; newest fabrics. " All sizes. MEN'S SUITS! Men's All-Wool Navy Blue Cheviot Serge in 2nd Canada Her Doors to Little | MONEY Orphan. Refugees from the Near East AT WORK A-------- ~ | Shot Himself in the Groin While Cleaning His Rifle Trenton, Jan. 30.--Lee Fairman was identally shot in the right leg while cleaning his rifle. The bullet lodged in the groin. The GRAIN QUOTATIONS, Brief but Impormmat Lessons In Fiaauce, Markets, Stocks, Bonds Toronto and Investments foronto, Jan. 29. -- Manitoba No, 1 Northern, $1.10, toba oats-----~No. 3, C. W, €; No, 1 extra feed, 46%c. 'Ontario biirley--66 to 67c. American corn--No. 2 yellow, 1000 BUILDINGS TO BE BUILT -- (VERY UNDESIRABLE) young man bled very freely, and owing to his weakened state, it will be a day or two before the bullet cam be ex- Sho. Buckwheat--No. 2, 72 to 75c. Ontario rye--No. 3, 72 to T4c. Peas--Sample, $1.45 to $1.50, Milifeed -- Delivered Montreal bags included. Bran, per $28; shorts, per ton $30; mid- $36; good feed four, $2.10. Ontario wheat--No, 2 white, 95] /t9 98c. outside, § Ontario, No, 2 white oats--40 to Ontario corn--Nominal. . Ontario Sour--Ninety per cent. © pafent, In jute bags, Montreal, prompt shipment $4.60; Toronto $4.60; bulk seaboard, $4.25. _ hard, $1.09% to $1.10, - | 5 1 3 1 | 5 low, 73¢. firsts, $6.20; seconds, $5.70; strong |" bakers', $570; Winter patents, choice, $6.65 t0,$5.76. Rollea owe, bag 90 lbs, $3.05; bran, $28.25; shorts, $30.25; middiings, $36.26. Hay, No, 2, per ton car lots, §16. - 'Winnipeg.. Wianipeg, Jan. 29.--Wheatf"No. 1 Northern 96%ec; No, 2, 93%e¢; No. 3 89%c; No. 4 wheat 84%c; No. 5, 77¢; No. 6, 7T3%c; feed, 7030; on track, 97%c. Oats--No. 2, CW., 40c; No. 3, 37%%¢; extra No. 1, teed 38c; No, 1 feed 363%c¢c; No. 2 34%c; rejected) 32%e; on track 40%o0. Barley--No, 3, C.W,, 62%¢; No. 4, 69%c; rejected anu feed, 563c; on track, 62%¢c. Flax No. 1 NW.C, $2.16%; No. 2 C.W. $2.12%; No. 3 $1.90%; rejecteqa, $1.90% on track, $2.17%. Rye-- No, 3, C.W, s6%e. +, Chicago, Jan, 39.--Wheat, No. 2 Corn-- No. 2 mixed, 77¢; No. 2 yellow, 80¢. Oats--No. 2 white, 46¢c to 48%c; No, 2 white 4730 to 48c. Rye ~ No. 2, .72c, Barley--63c to T4c. Timothy seed---$6.50 to $8. Clover]. seed--318 to $33.26, Lard---$11.62' Ribs (60 Ib, average), $9.62; bel- lies, $9.63. bmi ' Minn%apolis. Minneapolis, Jan. 29.--Wheat, No. 1 Northern, $1.13% to $1.17%; May, $1.18%; July, $1.14%; Sep- tember, $1.12, , 3 yel- Oats--No. 3. White, 43% he Flax--No, 1, $2.48 to LIVE STOOK MARKETS, \ Toronto, Toronto, Jan, 39.--Heavy steers, export $7.26 to $7.76. Butchers, choice, $6.50 to $7; good $6 to months ago the fifty were choice, $8; heavy $4.50 to $5; year- lings $4 to $4.50, Lambs, ewes and wethers $14 to $14.50 Bucks $12.60 to $13. Common, §5 to $8. Hogs, quotations, fed and watered basis, bid "$8 to $8.25; fo.b. bia $7.25 to $7.50; to farmer, bid $7.25. min Montreal, Jan. 29. -- Cattle: 'butcher steers, good $6; medium, $5.25 to $5.75; common, $4.50 to $6.25; butcher heifers, good, $5.50 to $4; butcher cows, good $4.60 to $5; $2.16 to $4; canners $1.50; cutters, $2.25 to $2.75. Butcher bulls, common, $3.60 to $3. Good veal $10 to $10.50; common Be to $9; grass $4. Ewes, $6 to $6; lambs, good, 10 to $10.50; hogs graded out $6.50 to $7. Buftalo. Buffalo, $9.50 to $11; butchers). $8.50 to #8 i 25 bacon | $9.50. ~ Sows, Jan. 29 --Shippmeg steers | . wethers, $8 to -$13 50; _wethers $9.60 to 310; ewes $6 to $9; m:m:xea sheep. $9 43.56, : ; Chicago. Chicago, Jan, 29.--Cattle: year- lings, 26 to 40¢ higher; top, $10.15; fed steers and yearlings, $7.50 to $9.50; fat cows and heifers mostly 256 to 50c up; bulls 15 to 26¢ high er; weighty bolognas to $5.25 and Hogs; good and choice, 260 to 326-. butchers, $7.10; top, $7.15; 1b 4.10; top. $14.50 to $8; hey $13 to, $13.35; top $13.50: Fifty little Armenian orphan boys at their new home at Georgetown near Toronto are learning to be Canadian ing in the famine regions of the Near East. were brought to this country and are being cared for by the Armenian Relief Fund of Canada which, with the American Near the children of the oldest Christian nations in the world. they will be given farm lands in Western Canada. A few short They farmers. t Relief committee, is seeking to save When these boys grow up ¢ F turkey, 28 to 32¢; ducks 25 to 35¢; green ducks 30 to 38c per 1b; geese 21c to 25e. Dressed Hogs--Fresh killed abats tolr stock, $13 to $13.50, WFlour--First patents, $6.20 per bbl, and $2.15 per 98-ib. bags de- livered; second patents, $5.70; strong bakers, $5.50; winter wheat choice in jute bags, $5.10; broken lots in cotton bags $65.80. Milifed brand and shorts In box car lots, $2825; shorts, $30.26 to $31.25. : Rolled oats -- Standard . grades $2.95 per 90-lb. bag. Potatoes, ex-track, in caf lots per ; 190 lbs. NB. Geen Mts. $1.45 and $1.40; Quebec $1.35 to $1.50 per crop No 2 timothy $15 to $16; Montreal EXCESSIVE COSTS UNEMPLOYMENT 1923 2 og E---------- "wor DESIRASLE) Tk) VR), Vig A VI 1923 1924 1925 3 timothy $14 to 414.50; delty- | tracted. : TB nsti---- Much Opium-Growing. Peking, Jan. 30,--Opium-growing eral sections of China and the gov, ernment appears to be helpless In 1 efforts to suppress the industry, which during the past few bas grown to vast proportions. In many districts the trade apparently hag semi-official approval on account of its revenue-producing possibili- thes. Want Ads tell you "where they're at." ANT ADS --. ii at to Tahe-Guick fo Rel | { --~4 Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your ga ; Rhone. We have everything you may need to | Heaters, etc, ff 1s being promoted vigorously in sev 8

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