6 CATCHING THE PUBLIC. N. F. McFarlane will also feel the THE BRITISH WHIG We take it for granted that this| result of public condemnation of ; continent leads the world im all|their "high-handed and 'expensive forms of commercial advertising. | ways," when next they appeal before . Certainly no, other part of the worid{[ the electors. The Whig has also spends as we do on publicity. But' advocated the removal of the Board what proportion of this-{s spent to | of Education to the City Buildings, advantage ? Out of thirty comsecu-| but the Utilities Commission has set tive advertisements in one of this |such an example of extravagance and month's magazines one-half depend | indifference that one can scarcely ex- for their primary appeal on the| pect any other public body lke the charms of a well-fed young lady. | Board of Education to insist upon Alone she might be quite effective, | going in the opposition direction, {it but in that crowd she is as useful as | is, however, a healthful and encour- a plain tombstone in a full church-| aging sign to see professors of the| That a mild epidemic of mumps yard. Uniformity, conservatism, has | university taking an interest in civic | seems to be about this year is well defeated the first object of advertis- problems, Some of them are already | known to physicians and parents. ing, which is to attract attention. serving on the Board of Education, M Valortunately . ember a Two steps in advertising in ad-|and on other public bodies, Citizens ok ory use Reuter vance of anything we have attempted | generally will welcome a still greater might be of Interest and of service. were taken in England at the New Sesres Ot JuroRumt jem hie quaney, It is simply an inflammation of one Year. One was the voluntary re- eo y Council went on record | 5¢ the salivary glands--the glands Painted Dal Whic PUBLISHING moval by several of the large oil last year as opposing the '"hjgh-hand- that whom ly the saliva in the COx LIMITED companies of all their display signs | ®d and expensive ways of the Utilities | mouth Commission," but it was powerless The strange thing about it is that Go Eilllett .. from along country roads. They ex- ge thing a t Ela Cui Managing-Director| cused themselves--as all charitable | !0 Stop their determination to spend |it does not seem to interfere with acts must nowadays be excused--on | MOReY foolishly. Again, if there be | the saliva in any way, no change in ElllErHONE, _ |, basin y is. | ® large amount of unemployment in | its composition, Privete change, business grounds. People were dis- : You rememb hat th vung. departments pleased by that form of advertising | the city it is tar better for the coun- Op i pom oy : ® Yo & BSC EAE : _ | ster looks © Wi a we eveloped SUBSCRIPTION BATES: so it was withdrawn. May the prac- cil to give these men work in street case of mumps. There is a swelling One Jour in eit tice increase and sales never grow | PAVIRE than to hand them out doles of the neck just below the ear, which Ome year, One $3.00 | less! year, to United States as charity. These men do not want actually lifts the lobe of the ear Semi-Weoekly idl The other novelty was the commis- « charity; they would much prefer| oy of its place. \ one Tear 2 Caltes States soning by the London, Midland and | honest work, The Whig agrees, how-| In fact it is the displacement of - .| ever, that the paving scheme might | the lobe of the ear upward and out- SURO TOWN _RUPRUSENPATIY iS, Seonith Sulivay 3 Jevenest den be restricted to meet the demands of | ward that is one of A sure signs to design the posters of places and | Unemployment only. The City Treas-| Of mumps. The lobe stands at such Jotters to the diver are Dublished| industries along their line, The artist | urer has suggested--and ft is a wise | @ Blstatice outward that it 4s plainly ly ver he acrum i was given simply the place name and | suggestion--that the cost of paving Hal. th wolin extends allowed perfect freedom in his treat-| in one year should not exceed the beyond the es OS the ear ment of the subject: Reproductions | cost of street-paving bonds retired in right over to the entire cheek, over will be made by the best color print- | that year. We would thus be keep- to the eye, or even down into the The circulation of THE BRITISH ing methods, No lettering save the | ing the city debt on a level at least. neck to the collar bone. WHIG is authenticated by the artist's name will appear on the pic- -------------- Another peculiar thing about the ABO ture and very little on the border. HAVING A HOBBY. swelling 8, that although it stret- Audit Bureau of Circulations Thus the railway plans to turn its| A symposium on the hobbles of|ches the skin until it is shiny, the stations into open air picture gal-| Well-known persons is being publish- | Skin never becomes red as it does For that matter, when the ¢at's|leries for the benefit of the thous-|®d by Success Magazine. The per-| il hes Swellinse. is ain: worth pway the husband will play. ands who have idle moments there. | 50ns interviewed include almost every 8 there i8 no pi speaking about, but other times, es- There should be a distinct gain both | Re of activity, and the hobbies pecially in adults, the pain is severe, Some are bent With toil, and s0me | t5 the company and to the public Sore a Wise Fangs. Boch Sv oning. and the act of chewing or swallow- &et crooked trying to avoid it. from this accession of beauty to| °"'08, golf, the study of history, ing greatly increases the pain, those cindery temples. carpenter work, playing bridge, writ-| 'There fs, of course, some tempera- SUITS and 'OVERCOATS At this price you cannot secure better made or better quality Clothing--all are most desired styles, colors and your size, MEN'S FINE SHIRTS $5.75 to $6.50 values, for Tooke, Arrow and Long make. Sizes 14 to 17}, 13 95 BIBBY'S GENUINE ENGLISH VELOUR Attached is ome of the best job offices in Canada. The hinterland knows little of cul- ture. There is scarcely a billboard in sight. men got poor. HIS BRIGHT IDEA. Premier Ferguson's announcement S------ of pending changes in the system of What we need Bow ogni allocating school grants will arouse full of articles showing the injerest of many a hard-pressed tax-payer. At present the Provincial ing poems, raising chickens, build- ing motor boats, collecting pictures --these are but a few of the hobbies mentioned in the symposium. There is enough variety here to give almost anybody something interesting to do in his spare time, ture, but only for two or three days. Now why do I write about it? Because as it takes two or three weeks to properly develop, you may wonder just what is coming over you when mumps is under way in your system, Further, that the possibility of Kingston's One Price Clothing House LOOKING FOR A KING. European Principalities Which Have Moulding Machine Parts The point of the symposium is that being Infected lasts also for a long There is something more than m almost everybody who has accom- time uch six weeks some- are me, as m as six s The newly-constituted State of Al- | : mechanical skill plished anything great in his lite has times. bania is looking for a king, "An Eng- gh r - Na aL jevassary se score a hobby. The ordinary round of| Also that although fortunately in | lish gentleman preferred." The sal- TY EET the perfect result when it somes to duties is Likely to become a drudgery | the majority of cases there are no| ary is not stated, but the eivil list of moulding entire new parts for ma- If it is not relieved by some outside | Complications, still there are some the new monarch, whoever he maybe, Ser: Mined With tile WEY must be the modern efficiency of shop One good way to popularize classi- | Educational Act provides for appor- Been "in the Market." jc is to steal it and use it | toning grants strictly according to esl music school standards, The progressive Ba a popular song. school {is substantially rewarded while the backward draws a mini- same friends now 1% 4 man hae the mum. But this comes hard on the #8 in 1902, it simply means that he hasn't grown much. tet gon't mind the cold. m---- nn The worst cynics are those who | lation, many rural districts which are too poor to be progressive, It is fine to winter in the south | of building, maintenance and salaries and loll about in a bathing suit if you | have doubled and trebled the num- ber of taxpayers has steadily dwindl- ed through the decline fn rural popu- In the West, schools have interest that takes' the mind away from the treadmill for a time. No one can do his best work who does not get away from it sometimes, There are many people who are inclined to jeer at the business man who takes an occasional afternoon Off for a game of golf or for a fish- painful affections in other parts of | 18 unlikely to be a very extravagant the body very often. The idea, therefore, is to take mumps seriously until all the swen- ing is gone, and you are free from pain and temperature. Being careless may bring on com- plications and. delay recovery for weeks. one, seeing that the entire revenue of the country amounts to no more than about £800,000. This, by the way, is not the only occasion on which a European prin- cipality has been "in the market," so to speak. The late Duke of Edin- burgh, afterwards Duke of Saxe-Cou- burg, and Gotha, Queen Victoria's equipment, such as we have here. Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREW)1s but recently and unprofitably believ- | closed in hundreds of districts while second son, was once offered the 8d in Santa Claus. in the Bast tax-rates of twenty and ing trip. It seems to indicate to --_r-- throne of Greece, and so certain were even thirty mills for school purposes! [165¢ persons that he is not attend- the Greeks that he would accept that F OR SALE v oY i strictl they actually had him proclaimed A hick town is one where "there [are not unknown. Obviously this IRE a> jn y tolis Visa is 5 Seven Sentence Sermons King at Athens. --We have some attrac: 18 Jess picking of pockets and more | figure is impossible to maintain and phn sis Not only this, but anumber of I} tive bargains in city#pro- pleking of teeth on Main Street. closed schools or reduced salaries | 210Pting the very best method of at- ; 4 | colus were struck bearing the mew || nonty > ------------------ with inferior teaching are in immedi- Jonding ts bia work. a 4 keeping Have thy tools ready; God will nay. cottons 1% [Il --A good list of farm and You can say one thing for hen-|ate prospect. oy Be ang y he igi find thee work.--Anon, perhaps unnecessary to add that, on en lands to choose Peckery. Husbands under a thumb Consolidated schools woild be in bush proper way __ news of these events reaching Wind- om. are seldom under indictment. many cases the ideal solution were | PUSIRe88 Is not to attend to it. He that brings most of use into | sor, the proffered honor was prompt --Fire Insurance in first- ----- it not for their high first cost. To his life the longest.--Rev, C. L.| ly declined. class companies. Hitching your waggon to a star 18 | 40 tne county. responsible, so that| PRISON ENQUIRY OVERDUE. | Gould, ' Vetch Your Step | Have us put on a Metal Cane Tip On your Cane or Walking Stick S50c each Some time previously the Greek throne had been offered to the grand- ||] --Money to loan on mort- fine, but don't let your little boy poorer districts would be carried by has been suggested. The premier's plan is to give each district a very modest lump sum and this thing," said the surgeon, as he to pool the remainder of the grant. Payments from this fund will be made to schools according to their merits as judged by the responsible minister upon the report of the local school inspector, 's ap electzle thril ly | an thus be given to struggling dis- aqarS's 43 este ust] 18 Well, | tricts while the well-to-do are left to bobbed pay their own way as they ought. The scheme may well be an im- provement on the present system. But under faulty or party adminis- 'We are becoming so cultured that | tration--for the minister of educa- only eighteen per cent. of the people tion decides what each school. shall Quote Shakespeare and oredit it to recelve--it the Bible, "| scope for influence and petty patron- age. From this point of view it sug- There are compensations. In a| gests serious dangers, nor is Mr. Fer- Wn where merchants don't believe | gugon's previous ministerial record in advertising, there is no parking altogether reassuring, ~ * hitch his to the rear of an auto, "We must get at the bottom of . glanced at the patient's purse. The career of many a fine wash- . Woman has been utterly ruined by her ambition to become a movie star. there ought to be. It's an electric ~eurl, Problem. ; ---------------- Correct this sentence: "It's a _BBAPDY sex Wory, dad," sald the flap- POF, "and 1 know you won't mind called a grouch. ---------------------- the stronger, Extra assistance NEED FOR RETRENCHMENT. In a letter published in Monday's Whig, Professor J. Macgillivray, of Queen's University, called the atten- tion of our readers to the need of the city council practicing economy this A woman down east sues for $15.- | year, especially as regards the laying L000 for ~ shattered nerves. At|down of more pavements. This mat- his : it, looks as though her | ter was dealt with by the Whig on herve is pretty good. Tueaday. 5 -------- There are, however, other matters 'When a man is trimmed by a big | contained in Mr. Macgillivray's let- and tries to regain self-respect | ter that are worthy of attention. He being hateful to the insignificant, | ig quite right in speaking of the "high-handed and expensive ways of the Utllitles Commission." He asks Was one consolation about| "why go to the extra expense of a Wave in the severe winters of | new out-of-the-way office when our fathe:n. It wasn't necessary to City Hall 4s there with room enough In a statement broadcasted by the Canadian Press, Limited, Brigadier- General W. 8. Hughes, superinten- dent of penitentiaries, characterized the report that a convict named Fenton had been placed in a dun- geon in the local penitentiary as "ridiculous." He admitted that there were dungeons at the penitentiary but stated that nome of them had been used since the time of the Fenian raid. It would seem that Mr. Hughes' memory 4s rather short--thet is, if he is correctly re- 'ported. Men who are in a position to know deliberately declare that Fenton was placed in the dungeon for refusing to testify in a recent police-court case, and that he stayed there until his removal to hospital. It is common knowledge that a number of convicts were confined to the dungeon following a rebellion which broke out among them a cou- ple of years ago. It was also brought out in evidence at the last public investigation of penitentiary affairs that the dungeons were in use. The time has come when a tho- rough investigation should be con- ducted into the management of' the Portsmouth penitentiary. Every of- fielal is suspicious of every other one, and no man feels his position or reputation to be safe. All sem- blance of esprit de corps has disap~ peared, and a thorough investigation is the only thing that will save the Institution from calamity, to say nothing of putting an end to the in- Justice that is being continually shown to honourable, straight-for- ward officials who would like to serve the state to the best of their Let us be content in work Ao do the things we can, and mot presume To fret because it's little.--Eljzabeth Barret Browning. A man may have enough of the world to sink him, but he can never have enough to satisfy him.--T, Brooks. None of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth t0 himself--Rom. 14:7. In Gife's small things be resolute and . great - To keep thy muscle trained; know: thou when Fate ~ Thy measures takes, or when she say to thee, "I find thee worthy; do this deed for me" 2--Lowell. Show your own colors, sound your own note; itis preeisely for this that you are here--to be yourself, to be sincere, give out your own authemtle thought~--this is your salvation.-- Churles Wagner. Physical Condition Not Good. Welland, Feb. 6.--Herschell Stew- art, the Allanburg murderer, who was sentenced to be hanged Feb. 7th, for the shooting and killing of his wife, but whose gentence was com- muted to imprisonment for life, last Thursday, on account of being of a weak mind, was sent to the peniten- tiary, in charge of Sheriff Davidson, Stewart at the time he killeu his wife, shot himself, narrowly escap- ing with his life, having spent some months in the Welland hospital, His physical condition is not at all satis- factory. $100,000 Gift 'to University. father of the present Barl of Derby, who also declined it. Following the refusal, the vacant throne was hawk- ved round amongsthalf the princelings in Europe, to be eventually accepted | by the Grand Duke Otha of Bavaria, whom his ungrateful subjects later deposed. In 1878, following on the Russo- Turkish war, Sir Heary Drummond Wolff might, had he so minded, have been king of the then newly-formed principality of Rumelia. © was acting at the time as Brit ish High Commissioner there, whem one morning a delegation of leading notables came to offer him the throne, assuring him of the support of Russia, and suggesting that he should be crowned forthwith at "hilippopolis. Sir Henry pretended to treat the matter as a huge joke; whereat the lelegates retired in high dudgeon. This same crown was afterwards declined by Prince Alexander Vogo- rides, probably for a similar reason to that which had previously induced the Count of Flanders to decune the aonor of ruling over the turbulent populace of the sister principality of Aumania. Said this astute indivifual, when offered the crown by the President of the Council of Ministers: "If you mings ters looked askance at each other, then silently withdrew. Not always, however, have offers of this description been declined. Many years ago Sir James Brooke, an ex-officer in the old East India Com- pany's service was offered, an ac- cepted, the crown of Sarawak, in Borneo, over which country his des- cendant the present Rajah still reigns, it having been constituted an independent State under British protection in 1888.--Montreal ald and Weekly Star. gages. T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance 68 BROCK 8T., KINGSTON Phones 322J and 1797]. FETE PLEEE Shh 2 Just the thing for slippery walks, We carry a line of Canes from $1.00 up, also Crutches In all -the required sizes w best Split Maple in a close, straight grain. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Strect. Phone 348 IEE Li 5 Ez # plember afterward, and to spare? Why should not the -- Board of Education be also housed 6 Sumber of new books pudblish- | 4, tne City Buildings? It would be yoat Was less than tn 1933, | , ving ip rent, fuel, and pay-roil* reading public did not utter These very things were advocated 'by ount of the decrease. the Whig last year when the Utilities 4 A ---- pe ------ opo a _elentists claims to be able to pre- nyu Jeg groped vo Yur tw earth with acoursey. If J Lita J» the citizens to travel all the way wish lo something down there to pay their bills. The d6t him predict something indignation of the public was arous- ALE OAL QUARTETTE i I k HE 5g TH : i iil & | g g 5 : ti 6