ITALERI NR SG TR SR tram CARA ESR RR ! THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG. =: The British Pictorial Page | | Thirty-five feet under the street level at Washington and Vesey streets, New York, workmen : ; : The aerial ladder of the Winnipeg fire department was a wreck after fighting a fire New uncovered a forty-foot boat fully 150 years old, imbedded in the mud where formerly a stream Ji aR & Year's Day, with the mercury hovering at more than 20 degrees below zero. Water from the had flowed 4 . . hose congealed on the ladder and it collapsed Jack Wilcox, of Nevada, who claims to have the longest whiskers in the world, has specified in his will that his adornment be left to the "Above is Mrs. Eleanor Harley, who last year The girl anarchist, Mlle. Germaine Bertons, Whiskerine ; Club of Sacra- Dr. C. T. Ulrey, research engineer of the The divotce granted to Nina Wilcox Putnam was granted a divorce from Courtland S. is shown on the witness stand in the Paris mento, California, organized \yestinghouse Lamp Company, is the inventor Sanderson, famous novelist, at Providence, Dines, now in a Los Angeles hospital, seriously . assizes, where she is on trial for having killed in 1922 of the new x-ray tube, which it is claimed will has been ordered vacated until she proves wounded by Horace Greer, chauffeur for M. Plateau. She says Leon Daudet, the royalist prove of untold benefit to cancer sufferers that her period of residence in Rhode Island Mabel Normand _ leader, was her intended victim entitles her to it Reginald McKenna is a. mem- ber of the committee to in- vestigate the German budget ---- pA a a oe Many Canadians took part in the ski-jumping contests held at Lake Placid, N.Y., recently. Photograph shows Whitall, of McGill University, trying for the honors The engagement of Miss Mary Peck, of Springfield, Mass., to Gene Sarazen has been confirmed by the golfing star himself. Miss Bobbie Storey, co-star of Lady Pell in the "English Revue ' of 1924," now playing on this continent, was working as a bar- The recent report of his engagement to Pauline Garon, the screen maid in London when discovered by the manager and made a star, is of course denied member of his company The 21d slipper shiv aunt Stevan ee Syduet as a or aftet This old cannon, which was once used to guard the entrance to ship and is manned by apprentices, among whom is included the = Canada, still points out over the St. Lawrence at Point au Pere. young Farl of Suffolk It is a relic from the days of George the Fourth go Ea This unusual coat of dark The Duke of Sutherland, secretary of air fof Great Britain, is can be wore for ipod (hat it~ If ee - . . shown inspecting a new high altitude camera in New York. postant occasions. The em- Ca Sd -- TL el a Be El % The instrament, which weighs 42 pounds, will take clear photo- proic<rY in gold sets off cuffs, === PPC En : " graphs from a height of five miles : Jotiom an: me on e Pla waif grounds, metubiars ate ow using the space for mowmobiling, a thrilling dah 1: ¥