"WHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1924. jr A Builder from Childhood to Old Age ---- DELCO- LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home. W.C. CANON 164 Barrie Street. Phone 1159J. A ar i ------ Real Estate General Insuranc leliable English, Canadian and American companic¢s represented. Guarantee Bonds, Victory Bonds bought and sold, R. H. Waddel Phones G.u-N0G, 56 Broek St. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987 See ux for ail kinds of Curpentry work. Esthuates gives on new floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean- ! ed with our pew floor cleaning ma- | chine. PIANC TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. DR. A. W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Corner. of Johnson and Wellington. Streets, Telephone 363, For M ng of FREIGHT, FUR) 'URE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Vaone 317. Evenings 2231. 158 WELLINGTON STREET Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S, Wellington and lirock Streets. Entrance: 150 Wellington St, Evenings by appointment. PHONE 670. | WATTS People's pie is Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence 1137. ~~ W.R. McRae & Co. Golden Lion Block WHEN YOU THINK OF COAL THINK OF US! And when your bin is empty call BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards AllWool Blankets Price $1.50 IL Cohen & Co. 267-275 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 8386 and 887. ESTABLISHED 1871. STEAMSHIP LINES Special n given your family RES © mens A; apply or write J. P. HA , OP. & TA, C.N.R'y Bt corner Johnson and Ontario ingston, Ont. anes 99 and ress. = | At 80 Years of Age Was Troubled With Shortness of Breath | Palpitation of the Heart And Fainting Spells | Mrs. M. O'Connor, { Ont., writes:---"'I have been troubled, | {most of my life, with shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart and | | fainting spells. 1 was advised by a friend to try Milburn's Heart and | { Nerve Pills, which I did, and at once | | found relief, and I have never had af j really bad spell since. | 1 am 80 years of age' and always | keep them in the house, and when 1) | feel any symptoms of my old trouble ! {coming on. all 1 have to do is to take | {a few doses With the help of your | { Pills 1 expect to see many years yet. | { I always recommend them to any one | | who is suffering from heart trouble." Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed | | direct on rece pt of price, by The T. { Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. mm QUEEN'S HOTEL lias been taken over by M. J. nen. | J ) \ | | RIGAN, late of the Whitney Hotel. | First class Hotel Service Is assured. | Goud yard and stables in connection. | Your patronage is solicited. PHONE 110 BROCK ST. = - - 750. | | Winter Coats made to] 'order from $12 up to $25 L. WINSTON, LADIES® TAILOR Phone 093, 07 Wellington Street. HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING | and Laying Cord om each side of | Hematiteh, MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2166. Bagot and William Streets ~~ ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. H. A. Stewart, Dentist, wishes to | Announce that Dr. Alex. M. Clark will curry on his practice during his absence | from his office, 84 Brock Street, | | \[Dr. W. O. Vrooman | DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie | Streets. | Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. { PHONE ~494J. | Office Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 6 pom. | Dr. Vincent A. Martin |. DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w. | Do You Need a Good Tonic? } and they are by law directed to re- iber of weeks convalescing from a | drops of Nerviline will surprise |The Value of Charcoal THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON anp VICINITY Invited to Iroquois. Rev. Mahlon I. Robinson, B.A., of | Whitestone, Shawville, Que., has been invited to| award of $5.65 a week at the death the pastorate of the Iroquois Metho-| dist church in June next. Fractured Right Arm. Mrs. Robert Cordick had the mis- fortuné to fall on the pavement near the Perth town hall and as a result both bones in her right arm were fractured, G. B. Ferguson Passed Away. George B. Ferguson, Renfrew, who suffered a severe paralytic stroke last Thursday night, died on Monday morning in his sixtieth year. He was the son of the late John Fer- guson, M.P, Invited to Remain, Rev. E. R. Kelly, formerly of Cata- raqui, has been invited. to remain for a--fourth year ig the Westboro Methodist church. He has accepted, Rev. Mr. Kelly's work has proven to be highly successful. To Soon Begin Assessing. The assessors in the Ontario rural municipalities begin work of assess- ment on February 15th of each year, turn their roll on or before April 30th of each year. Other munici- palities assess later on. Major Scott Home. Major Clyde R.. Scott, Ottawa, is at his home in Perth. He hag been in St. Luke's Hospital for a num- surgical operation upon the portion of his body that was shattered by German bullets on the battle field of St. Julien in April, 1915. The major was formerly of Kingston, An Appeal Entered. Mrs. Charles Fraser, Ogdensburg, N.Y., nee Mary Robinson, Prescott, whose husband was fatally injured Ferman mmo cms RADIO BROADCASTING f ay The following is a list of radio broadcasting stations and their pro- grammes which may be heard locally on Friday: 826--KDKA--Pittsburgh, Pa. 6.156 p.m.--Organ recital by"Lucile Sour Stomach Risings Quickly Relieved THE wonderful comfort and re- lief you get from even twenty you. Take it in sweetened wa- ter; it's not unpleasant. Almost immediately you feel better. Nervi- line brings up the gas caused by fermenting food, and at the same time relieves' that distressed feel- ing in the stomach. When colic or cramps strike you at night, when nausea or upset stomach overcome yow, then it is that you'll find Nerviliné a sure relief. For general use in the family, for' emergent ills, always keep Nervi- line handy on the shelf. Get a 85¢c. bottle to-day. Few People Knqw How Useful it Js in Preserving Health and Heauty. Nearly everybody knows that char- | coal is the safest and most efficient This is the season that Na- ture needs assistance. STEARNS' TONIC is readily assimilated. Gives bodily strength and builds up nerve tissues, It is of special value to con- valescents. .\greeable to take and so easily digested and gives permanent results. Sold by:-- M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist, (Opp. St. Andrew's Church) Phone 82 | proves the complexion, Buys brick bangal that is modern, wel $4,600 built and new, For particulars apply at the office. Easy terms. $5,500 Binaries mes detail. South, Buys beautiful Lunga- $5,100 low on Johnson Si, 6 rooms, 3 p. B., elec light, gas' for cooking, harawood floors first floor, garage and yarden , This is a snap for a quick sale. | has 4 bedrooms, 2 stairs, efec. light se insurance policy on your buildings or contents call and sce us at-our new office. " E.L. MARTIN 237 BAGOT STREET. _ 'Phome 219. Resldence terdatee adeenaresans 2R000 arpreses seme anvseeseJABOW. ¥ ) FL Se ; | In the stomach and intesttnes and car- | smoking, and after eating onions and { other odorous vegetables. disinfectant and purifier in nature, | | but few realize its value when properly | | prepared and taken into the human system for the same cleansing pur- | pose, Charcoal is a remedy that the more | | You take of It the better; it is not a| drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and impurities always present ries them out of the system. Charooal sweetens the breath after Charcoal effectually clears and im- it whitens the] teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic, It absorbs the injurious gases which collect in the stomach and bowels; it disinfects the mouth and throat from thé poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal In one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money | is In Stuart's Absorbent Lozenges; the are composed of the finest qualit Willow charcoal, powdered to extrem. fineness, then compressed In tablet] form or rather in the form of large! pleasant tasting lozenges, the charcoal! being sweetened to be smooth and palatable. , The asuy use of these lozenges will soon tell'in a 'much improved condi- tion of the general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of it ig, that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but on the con- trary, great benefit. Many physicians advise Stuart's Absorbent Lozenges to patients suffer- ing from gas In stomach and bowels. and to clear the complexion and urify the breath, mouth and throat, hey are also believed to greatly benefit the liver. These lozenges cost but thirty cents a box at drug stores. For a free trial send your name and address to F. A. Stuart Co.. 10" Stuart Building, Marshall, Michigan. You get more and better charcoal in Stuart's Absorbent Lozenges than in any of the ordinary charcoal tablets. A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN 'MILLER"S POWDE Me- an in an automobile accident at dina in September, received claim court She also received an award of $200 for funeral expenses and $100 for lawyer's fees.. The award was appealed. Perth Man is Fined. A fine of $150 was imposed on William Heiatt, confectioner, Perth, who, through his counsel, pleaded guilty to a-charge of drinking liquor on a public highway, near Stanley's Corners, on Nov. 10th, last. The charge was the outcome of Helatt's motor car striking one, owned by Ernest Woods, Laurentian view, and damaging it to the extent of upwards of $100. Narrow Escape From Death, Wilfred McHenry, who is the man- ager of Messrs. McFarlane & Mur- phy, Deseronto, had a narrow escape from a serious accident. He was stperintending the sawing of logs at the mill and was caught in the car- riage of the rip-saw. Unable to free himself he would have been drawn into the saw but for the fact that the engineer noticed the trouble and with presence of mind brought the machine to a standstill. Had a Pleasant Evening. Louise School and Home Club gave the older girls and the boys, not old enough to be cadets, about 100, a very enjoyable driving party last Fri- day, from 5.30 p.m. On their re- turn to the school they sat down to tables laden with good things. The children left for their homes about 8.30 p.m. after thanking the club and teachers for. the pleasant eve- ning. Mr. Lumb Held Liable, Mrs. Kate Robertson, the execu- trix of the estate of the late Dr. Alex- ander J. Robertson, Peterboro, brought action against E!i T. Lumb, Hale. 7.15 p.m.--Radio boy scout meet- ing. 7.45 8.30 dents. p.m.--Children's period. p.m.--Concert by artist stu- 350--WGY---Schenectady, N.Y. 7.45 p.m.--Musical programme. 8.15 p.m.--Radio drama in three acts, 10.30 p.m.--Musical programme. -536---KYW-----Chicago, Ill. 6.50 p.m.--Children's bedtime story. 7 p.m.--Dinner concert, broadcast by Clyde Doerr"s orchestra. 10 p.m.--Midnight revue, 11 p.m. Clyde"Dobrr's orchestra. 12 p.m.--J. Remington Welch, or- ganist at McVicker's Theatre, Chi- cago, 405--WJY--New York City. 7.45 p.m.--Recital by Esther Klinefelter, soprano, accompanied by C. Allen. 8.15 p.m.--Recital by Esther Klinefelter, soprano, accompanied by C. Allen. 8.30 p.m.--Recital by Ashley Pet- tis, .noted pianist, 11 p.m.--Joint recital by Harold K. Bernstein, violinist, and Dr. Mil- ton Soloman, pianist. 448--WMAQ--Chicago, Il. 7 p.m.--Weekly "Wide Awake Club" programme--Mrs, F, M. Ford of the "Daily News." 8.30 p.m.--WMAQ orchestra. 517--WWJ--Detroit, Mich, 7 p.m.--The Detroit News orches- tra. 492--KGW---Portland, Maine, 8 p.m.--Accordion solos by John Sylvester. 8.15 p.m.--Dance music by George Olsen's Metropolitan Orchestra, 9 p.m.--University of Oregon ex- tension lectures. 10.30 p.m.--Hoot Owls, with Pan- tages frolic. u i 476--WFAA--Dollas, Tex. 8.30 p.m --Western Union Tele- graph Company's Messenger Boys" Band, Prof. F. W. Barrows, directing a return engagement, 455--WJZ--New York Oity. 9 pm.--Joint recital by Lucia Avella, violinist, and Lucrezia Avella, pianist, 9.45 p.m.--Jascha Gurewich, saxo- phone, 10.30 p.m.--Dance programme by Paul Specht and his Alamac Hotel orchestra. w---- 337----W Mass. y BZ--Springfield, 5 7 p.m.--""When the Load Came | Off" a dramatized story prepared by the Youth's Companion, 7.30 p.m.--Bedtime story for the kiddies. ; 11 p.m --Programme of Chamber music by the WBZ quintette, aad Mary Roberts Thans, soprano, 476--WBAP--Fort Worth, Tex. 7.30 p.m.--Concert by the choral tiub. The Late Stephen Hickey, Carthage, N.Y., Feb. 6.---Wide- spread regret was caused among the friends" and relatives of Stephen Hickey when it was learned that he had passed away in Kingston, Ont. He was well known and had made: many friends by Wis admirable dis- position and pleasing personality. His wife died four months ago and his son, John, of this city, died about six weeks ago. Much sympathy is extended for the family in their bereavement. Bancroft, for $11,000, and interest, | moneys due hér, on the purchase | price of a store in Tweed. Mr. Lumb repudiated the contract and alleged" he was not liable, Justice Kelly, after considering the evidence, gave judg- ment in favor of Mrs. Robertson, with costs. | A Young Mother Dead. | There are many sad hearts in| Perth over the death of Mrs. George | H. Saunders, at the age of twenty-! five years. A baby boy was born on | Dec. 7th (being still born) and While} - the strength of the young mother was greatly impaired, her husband | and family were anticipating the day | when she would be amongst them | once more. -Other complications de- | veloped however, and death came. | Mrs. Saunders was horn twenty-five ! years ago a daughter of the late Alex. | McKay and Mrs. McKay, Middleville, | and her marriage took place last year, Ice Harvest to Begin. Ice harvest at Cape Vincent was | to begin on Wednesday, conditions! permitting, it was stated by residents | of that village. There is now ten | inches of excellent ice in the St.| Lawrence with the quiet area pro- | tected by the government break- | water, including that portion of the | stream lying for a considerable dis-! tance below the haven. Within a! few days it is believed that a foot! of glare ice, resembling a square of glass, can be cut. Contractors are ready to start the harvest as soon as conditions are ripe, both for the local consumption at the village and for the New York Central railway supply. Cape Vin- cent, besides being the banner fice producing point in Jefferson county, is likewise a heavy consumer owing to the presence of the Booth Fish- eries cold storage, the Coon cheese warehouse, the federal hatchery, which uses cracked ice for shipping, and the large summer hotels. The new Labor government must fact parliament next Tuesday and in- \ dicate its programme for the session, Though Ramsay MacDonald's admin- istration has made a good impres- sion so far the real test of its metal will come next week. No Paring Them Don't let the agony of corns destroy your comfort. Apply Blue-jay-- and instantly the pain vanishes. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Does away with dangerous paring. Get Blue-jay at any drug store. ® ©BaBi Blue-jay TELS DISPEPTICS "WHAT 10 EAT Avold Indigestion, Sour Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Gas on Stomach, ete. Indigestion and practically all forms of stomach trouble, say medical au- thorities, are due nine times out of ten to. an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Chronic "acid stom- ach" is exceedingly dangerous and suf- ferers should do elther one of two things. Either they can go on a limited and often disagreeable diet, avolding foods that disagree with them, that irritate the stomach and lead to excess acid secretion or they can eat as' they please in reason and make it a prac- tice to counteract the effect of the harmful acid and prevent the forma- tion of gas, sourness or premature fer- mentation by the use of a little Bisu- A Bright Red Glow and a warm Fire in your Hearth, during these cold, winter nights. Just "phone one five seven one for some Hard Coal Briquettes. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Coal and Lumber Yards. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571. The Delightful Odour Of Greenbacks-- is sure attractive to us, but we don't want your money if you are not entirely satisfied. Remember, we sell everything on a money back basis. This, combined with our exclusive, experi- enced radio service makes it certain we can satisfy you. Why experiment ? Now in stock at attractive prices (you'll say they are): Myers WD-11, WD-18, JV-199, Brandes Table Talkers. Uv-202, Baldwin Loud Speakers. N. E. Peanut, UV-2 "We Federal Sockets. 201A . sw 5 UV-200, UY , Remler Switches, e ' -2, Kenotron Double Silk Magnet Wire, Vacuum Tubes. Bradley Leaks. We prepay all retail mail orders. Send us yours. OPEN EVENINGS. CANADA RADIO STORES THE LIVE BUNCH AT 269% PRINCESS STREET Bring your car in, or send for us to call and get it. We will give you a flat rate for overhauling it or repairing it. / First class mechanics. Special Compressed Afr Oil Spray- er for removing squeeks, and the Greasing Rack, are some oly the features. Service day or night (repairing and washing). BLUE GARAGES, Limited Phone 567. Cor. Bagot and Queen Sts. WE ARE NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR WINTER THE AUTOMOTIVE CYLINDER . GRINDING SERVICE Automobile Painting SELECT FINISHING FROST'S AUTOMOBILE PAINTING 209-5056 QUEEN STREET. ' Try us for service and you'll be agreeably surprised at the speedy accurate service and reasonable price. Automotive Grinders Limited 225 Wellington Street * rated Magnesia at their meals. There is probably no better, safer or! more reliable stomach antiacid than! Bisurated Magnesia and It is widely | used for <his purpose. It has no di-| rect action on the stomach and is not | a digestent. But a teaspoonful of the. powder or & couple of five grain tab-| lets taken in a little water with the! food will neutralize the excess acidity | which may be present and prevent its further formation. This removes the Whole cause of the trouble and the meal digests naturally and healthfully with- out need of pepsin pills or artificial dl- gestents. . Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mag- nesia from any reliable druggist. Ask! for either powder or tablets. It never) comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and In the bisurated form is not a laxa-| tive. Try this plan and eat what you want at your next meal and see If! this isn't the best advice you ever haé on "what to eat.™ . For Rheumati rr. Sciatica --) Neuritis, Canada's standard rem. edy is Templeton's Rheumatic Ho hg TR.C's stop the Jain by ( removing from sys- tem the original cause. - Kingston Battery Service ALL MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERIES, STARTING MO- TORS, GENERATORS AND MAGNETOS REPAIRED Gourdier's For Furs A fine collection of skins of all kinds, small Furs and Fur Coats. 78 BROCK STREET Phone 700 SUIT SALE Clearing odd lines of $25.00 to $35.00 Suits for 3 $19.00 "OVERCOAT SALE SPECIAL VALUES AT $25.00 SEE OUR FINE BLUE SERGE SUITS, INDIGO DYE $27.50 TWEDDELL'S