THE DAILY BRITISH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1994. Founded 1847 * All odd Shirts taken from our high grade stock. Regular values $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. PLACED ON SALE FOR *1.98 Sizes 14 to 18. LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" ANDERSON || Quality--Larger Market-- Service Retail Market Phones 438-439. Business Office 365. Wholesale Department 1767. For the benefit and convenience of our customers, those who desire their order on an early delivery would do us a great favor by having their order placed previous after- noon. It would then get better attention, as our deliveries leave sharp at 8 a.m.. Orders coming in around that time cannot get as good attention. as we would like them to get as it is too much of a Tush. Second deliver- ies leave at 1: 0 a.m. CAKES Layers/-Marshmallow, Maple, Chocolate, Fruitand Nut ...... vesve sist 300, JellyRolls ........ ......... os ssi i200 - Marshmallow, Raspberry, Lemon, Swiss Rolls,perdozen ..... ,.... . Honey Tarts, per dozen ....... .. .30¢. Eccles, perdozen ...... ........ Cookies, per dozen ........... .. ~ Cup Cakes, per dozen . . . . .. IE Fried Cakes, per dozen ...... .. .. Currant Buns, Rolls and Sugar Top Buns, per dozen risen ee ihe, PIES Lemon ...:... See ae dienes ane Cocoanut and Pumpkin ...... ....' Raspberry, Apple and Raisin Coen innly WESTON'S _ Cherry Fruit and Walnut Cake, per Ib. 40c. Weston's Plain Cherry ciaainn ave 506: KINGSTON CITY UN | LOCAL NEWS. OF ING'S DAUGHTERS grief Items of Jaterest Pickeo | | | ! i Up by the Whig Re- (Annual Meeting Friday--Work | porters. i of LY Iss 9 | Val { Coll B X Store.) ted i 'alentines at College Book Store. | Re-Elec President. Things are pretty well smothered 5 in snow now. { The annual meeting of the King- Cheer up: It will soon. be magpie, | ston city unipn of the organization | sugar time. * ght ' {of the King's Daughters and Sons | Nh lemtine party decorations at | was held in Sydenham street church | The College Hook Store. | | lecture hall on Friday afternoon, On The end In sight. Bargains at | account of the illness of the presi- | oo ase's dosing sale | | dent, Miss Strange, Miss Jennie Shaw bi sing th ! f ocoupled the chair 4 Pitch holes are pincers ese | : > 8, | The union secretary, Mrs. M. R. A moet 01 the , xeop voar! Davis, reported the minutes of the | oney in Hr cuon here Y { 1 wy . | men Ph eon n,n |" Special valentines for very rel. . ar, Mrs. C. C.} Ss > College | Abbott, read the report which show- ton you BYE at the College Book | ed a balance for the union of $54.24. RL : . { "The county secretary, Miss | MT. Swain, plano tuner. Orders Cunnitnes reported that 128 fees [TéCCIved "100 Clergy street wes i { ry 'phone 564w | : h \ | had been paid The union has for Mrs. Costes, Raglan Road. was | many years supported a child in the a h the Hotel | Zenana medical missionary orpha- pve to SF Bowe trom | e | nage and this work will be continu-| Piel In M. P. Keyes' ambulance. ed. Mrs. W. Connell reported she Five games in the club champlon- | had sent three reports to the Silver | SHIP series 'were played at the curl- ing rink on Friday evening. Hear Dr. Pidgeon on "The Bill and Cross magazine. the United Church ¢f Canada."' The secretary of the Charity Cir- | ele, Miss Ida Smith, da eport f 5g Jia Swith Made a Yep Cooke's church, Monday, Feb. 11th, 8S p.m. | | showing thirty-five active members | and twenty-five associate members. y | Work was done for their room in Two drunks appeared in the pu- | | the hospital, Pearson's Hoe for the | lice court on Saturday morning and | ; Blind, The Travellers' Aid and 100 | 2 fine of $10 and costs was imposed | ; children's garments made and distri- | 00 each. 'buted where needed. A rummage| The late E. G. Wyckoff, Ithaca, sale given and work done for the |[N.Y,, who owned a summer home at poor at Christmas time with 19 din-|Carleton Island, left an estate of { ners sent out and a box of candy |$150,000. | for each ward patient in the K.G.H., Hello! Quick! Photos. frames, pic- | also presents were sent the inmates tures. 15 days more. Weese's scle. | of the House of Industry. To make your newspaper a money- The Food and Fuel Club, the best saver, as well as a source of enter- | effort of the Charity Circle, reported |tainment, always read the business $2,198.29 collected this year from [announcements it publishes. 193 contributors, this money being William A. Jenks who died at his collected in small amounts each week [daughter's home in Trenton, aged by faithful visitors. This work has |elghty years, was 1 veteran of the been carried on for the past twenty- [Fenian raid of 1866, serving in King- nine years and In that time $31,701. ston. 80 has been saved to the people, Dr. Porter wishes to announce many of whom have formed habits of [that hc has opened his office at the thrift which enable them to pass be- [corner o. Alfred and Johnson streets. yond the need of the club. Telephone 2071. The treasurer of the Charity Cir- W.C.T.U.--The regular meeting of cle, Mrs. W. M. MacKay, reported | the Women's Christian Temperance a balance of $127.27, Union will be held in the Y.W.C.A. The secretary of the Lend-a-Hand | Parlours, Johnson street, on Tues- Circle, Mrs. W. Moore, then read, day, Feb, 12th, at 3.30 p.m. All their report and reported 46 mem- | ladies welcome, bers. A rummage sale was held A valentine for sister, mother, fa- with good results. A supper was| ther, brother, uncle, grandfather given to fifty poor children. Their|and all relations at The College room in the Kingston General hds-| Book Store. pital has been well looked after and Rev. Dr. Pidgeon, the convenor of fifteen nighties and one dozen rom-|!the Presbyterian Church Union com- pers were given to the children's mittee, will speak in Cooke's church ward. A supper was given the chil-|on Monday, Feb. 11th, at 8 p.m. All dren in the Orphan's Home. Presbyterians ard the public gener- The Home for the Aged is visited ally are cordially invited. monthly and at different times dur- Mr. and Mrs. E. F. McDonald, Wa- ng the year a supper has been given |tertown, N.Y., have just celebrated them and a Christmas tree laden theft fitfty-eighth wedding anni- with goods things made them h PpYy. |versary. Mrs. McDonald was former- Eleven baskets were sent out ¥/ atjly Miss Clara LeRicheaux, Kingston. Christmas. Twenty-seven bags fill-|She went to Watertown, N.Y., early ed with ¢ and a handkerchief [in life, to live with her brother, were donated to the woman's mis- [Samuel LeRicheaux, and married slonary societies' Christmas bale. there in 18686. Donations were given to Travell- A valentine will answer the pur- ers' Ald, Japanese Fund and the| pose of that unwritten letter. The Woman's Association, College Book Store. The treasurer, Miss Ida Garbutt, The funeral of the late John Eves reported a balance of $34.42. was held Saturday morning from tho Mrs. G. Greer sang very sweetly [residence of his grand-daughter, the song "Just As I Am," and was|Mrs. Bruntin, 246 Wellington street, accompanied by Mrs. W. M. Camp-|to Wolfe Island. Canon W. F. Fitz. bell. Gerald conducted the last sefvices. Mrs. William Gordon was then |The arrangements were in charge of called upon and gave a very inter-|John Cornelius. esting address on the education of the new Canadian. Mrs. A. Strachan gave a vote of . thanks to Mrs. Gordon for the won- . derful address given and a hearty hand clap followed by the members, ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The res'gnation of Miss Cunning. ham as country secretary was read and regret was expressed at the re- The healthy child sleeps well and signation. during its waking hours {is never A letter of sympathy is being | cross but always happy and laughing. sent to Miss Strange, president of {It is only the 8.ckly child that is cross the union, on account of her acci-|and péevish. Mothers, if your child- dent, ren do not sleep well; if they are Miss Mowat took the chair and the | cross and cry a great deal, give them election of officers resulted as fol-| Baby's Own Tablets and they will lows: President, Miss Strange; 1st soon be well and happy again. The vice-president, Miss Jennle Shaw; Tablets are a mild but thorough laxa- | 2nd vice-president, Mrs. A. Strach-|tive which regulate the bowels, sweet- | an; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. E.|en the stomach, banish constipation, | Walsh; 4th vice-president, Miss E.|eolic and indigestion and promote | Smith; 5th vice-president, Miss M.|pealthful sleep. They are absolutely Fraser; secretary, Mrs. M. R. Davis: | guaranteed free from opiateg.and may treasurer, Mrs. C. C. Abbott; Silver |p, given to the new-born Babe Cross secretary, Mrs. W. Connell. perfect safety. The new sales tax Mrs. Russell Derry acted as pla- | not increase the price of Baby's nist during the afternoon. Own Tablets, as the company pays -- the tax. You can still obtain the RECORD EARNINGS Tablets through any medicine dealer OF DOMINION LIFE at 25 cents a box, or by mail, post pald, from the Dr. Williams' Medicine -------- Co., Brockville, Ont, Excellent Progress In 1923 -- ---- Was Reported at the An- + Notless nual Meeting. Women's Liberal-Conservative As. The thirty-ffth annual report * sociation annual meeting, Monday, D i Feb. 11th, 8 p.m., Garden Hall. tie ? Life Assurance Com- Speaker, Brig.-Gen. A. E. Ross, Mc pany was prescnted at the annual meeting at the head office, Waterloo, P., SHG. Refreshments, Every. This report shows that the year 1923 | 90 Welcome. was one of unexcelled progress, ¥ . Business issued during the year Tisgston and Cape Vincent Stage Co. amounted to $13,903,185, and the] 1#2ving Kingston dally excep: total insurance in force at the close Sunday at 1.15 p.m. making connec- of the year stood at $65,796,389. The | 1008 with N.Y.C. R.R. at Cape premium 'mcome amounted to $2. Vincent. Stage leaves from Rock- 091 , un--inérease of $211,357 Port Nav.-Co. Ltd. ticket office, foou Over that of tie previous year. Very of Brock street. Phone 2195. satisfactory interest collections were! DAILY MEMORANDUM. reported, the total amount collected Dance LY aM MORAN hall in 1923 amounting to $554,669, or! Anniversary Tem and Concert, Queen $100,700 more than the collections | Siiset Methodist church. March 17th, Of 1922. The rate of interest carned| Sacred Concert, Capitol Theatre, during 1923 was 7.09%. The n-|GWOR Band 30 Sunday evening: vestments of the company are in an Recital by Jean Chown, contralto, as- enviable position and consist for the i broianoodman, planiet Toren: most part of gilt edged mortgages) isin at sit. ie 5c. to be had atl' ad government and municipal de-' Usiow's or Queen's Post Office. sentures. ' The carefu' selection of the com- , [asus risks is evidenced by the fact' ; y ; that the cost of mortality for the year : CAB PRINT » July 33 per cent. of the expected. ESET} Mahnive "established, the amount reported for JOB DEPT, BRITISH WHIG ile year belng $473,143, TELEPHONE 2418 = | ---what's this! Specials at Laidlaw's To-night, at 7.30 Yes--some extra good values are offered here to- night--in fact, they are money-savers for you. 60 LADIES' SWEATERS A I j 1 For such a low price as this one cannot afford to be without a Sweater. These are all wool garments, and regularly sold at $3.75 to $7.50 each. Styles include Tux- edos and Button Fronts. Many desirable shades, includ- ing Ember, American Beauty, Jade, Emerald, Grey, Tur- quoise and Mauve. ~~ . OS Ladies' Cashmere Hose About 10 dozen Ladies' fine Black Cashmere Hose-- Penman quality. Sizes 84 to 10. Regular $1.00 pair, To-night 69¢ pair Men's Nightgowns Made from soft, Strip- ed Flannelette. Assorted patterns. About 4 dozen - only, to go at this price. Size 15. Regular prices $1.50 and $1.75. SPECIAL TO-NIGHT $1.00 ea. ¥ LADIES' LADIES' DRAWERS | WOOL HOSE These are very comfort- | Made from selected, all- able Drawers-- fine, soft, | wool yarnsin plain and rib- White Cotton, in knee and | bed styles. Colors Brown, ankle lengths -- closed | Grey, Coating and Black. style. Regular $1.25, for Sizes 84 to 10.. 69c 90cto $1.25 pr. * JLADLAV € SON | =------ LIMITED ----