CAPITOL MON. TUES,, WED. - GLORIA SWANSON The Humming Bird LAST EDITION REJECT PLEA OF INSANITY Allowed: And Find London Youth Gil to Enter Herrin, Hinois. [+ ty of Killing Sweetheart. on STOCK SWINDLER HLTH 1S ORBED OT cn. sc mone" THRD ROT OF WIDER The Trouble Started When Albert C. Townsend Was Very Toront) Jury Could Not Agree : st | - : Justice 'of Peace And Aciive-=URder Indice in Lase oi Toronto Police . ment in Florida. Sherift Were Shot. Lonsiabes. Syracuse, N.Y., Feb. 9.--Albert C.| Marion, Ill, Feb. 9.--Ku Klux Townsend, arrested here three weeks |* # # ® # & # ¢ 4 tere Klan was in complete control of ago in connection with an alleged ¢ Herrin at 3.40 o'clock this morning |attempt to swindle Henry F. Rich-|v TO BE HANGED allowing no one in or out of the city, lardson Kingston, Ontario, a Cana- | + ON APRIL 10th that was not a klansman. They dan manufacturer, out of $30,000, |% were reported parading back and has been identified through finger ¥ forth on the main street armed with prints sent through the country by * firearms of all kinds. The city hall Chief Cadin as 'a confidence man | + was established as their headquar- [with a record of a dozen or more ar-, + ters and the agitation is said to be {rests and no convictions." | * centred about the disappearance of | Syracuse police authorities yester- | + three members of the Herrin police |day were flooded with telegrams | + force, whom the Klansmen allege {from all parts of the country, carry. |g were spirited away by sheriff's of- ing information of Towsend's activ- fe as an alleged fraudulent stocx |* ¢ * * FP ¢ Sess e0 000 ficers. ---- The trouble started last night schemer who has operated in Chi- London, Feb. 9.--For the third when Justice of Peace Caesar Cagle cago, Tampa, Fla.; Miami, Fla.; Phil-|time in five days, the jurors at the of Herrin was shot and killed near' adelphia, Pa.; Kaneas City, Mo.; De-|winter assizes of the supreme court the Jefferson hotel and soon after troit, Mich., and New York. He is last night rendered « verdict of guile : Deputy Sheriff John Layman was |under Indictment in Miami for alty against men accused of murder, shot and placed in the Herrin hospi- | $120,000 swindle there two years|and as a result Clarence Topping, tal in a serious condition, |ago. former Strathroy youth, who mure Sheriff Calligan arrested three Her- dered his sweetheart, Geraldine rin police officers, including Chlet | Durston, in a York street boarding- JohnaFord and took them to Marion | (house, may only hope of executive and from there to some point which | |clemency to save him from the gale 8 Jot known. 2 Wii stata' fon The jury deliberated just an Nine companies o 8 | >on Vy i militia were ordered out by Adjutant | london, Feb. 9.--Hugh McMillan, ore sammrenat ay General Black on request of Sheriff |K.C., member of the Scottish bar, | reported to Judge Lennox that the Calligan, who said the situation was |Who has had no previous known con- yu risoner was guilty of the crime buildings in Ottawa on twenty-eight | firms that, while lenlence has been | beyond his control and demanded aid Section with he eq 0% Jarty, has he jurors rejected the plea of ine days of each year, according to a de- | shown to manufacturers and to oth-| from troops to cope with the situa- Scotia Ppo his Jer advocate {07 sanity and made no recommendation cision of the public school board at [ers affected, in extending the time | tion, pd by Premier MacDonald. The [tor "mercy. evidently sharing the its regular meeting. A recommen- | allowed to dispose of stocks on hand, . ap ment is on a non-political . view of Judge Lennox, who charged . v 1 : 3 tly: the a intee : dation on the report of the school [80 that they may adjust th ves consequen ppo strongly against the prisoner. management committee was approv- | to the situation created, the depart-y News off the Wires will not need a seat in the house. yo ? In Condensed Form ed, that school principals shall, | ment of agriculture must adhere to -- weather permitting, have the school | and secure compliance with the pro- - Orgy of racing on adjacent tracks CHICAGO CLEAN {Pp OF is feared at Vancouver, NOVICE CHIROPRACTORS flags raised in the presence of the | Visions of the law until and unless Japan will float a loan in London =| The Buily British Whi KINGSTON, UNTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1024, KLUX KLAN RULES CITY YEAR 91; No. 84. FPL P22 TPP RP IR ® [Alberta Town of Nanton Suffers Severely From Fire Calgary, Alta., Feb, 9.--At four o'clock this morning the town of, Nanton, fifty-eight miles south of Calgary, was on fire. Nine stores and places of residence had been razed by the blaze and the Calgary fire bri- gade was speeding south on a special train, NO SUPPORT FOR DOHERTY Liberal Leader to Justify His Being Opposition Leader. THE GLAI WILL BE MADE That the Farmers Organiza- tion Has Practically Re- pudiated U.F.0. Group. Toronto, Féb, 9--Manning Do- herty, partner in a bond brokerage firm and director of a mortgage cor- | . { al assembly, after a protracted de- poration, former minister of agricul- | 2 !'b 3 i the government ture, and leader of the U.F.O. group | P3te. carried against the g | by seventy-seveg votes to fifty-nine, ih the legislature, ig. not going 10] a proposal to put a countervailing get much support in his efforts 19] duty on South African coal, osten- grab a slice of the salary attaching | sibly to relieve the depression in the to. the office of Opposition leader. | coal trade. This is the first divi It is intimated to-day that, in ad-| oo of the session. dition to the premier's intention of | Khitish Neogy, In moving the pro- Justifying his right to recognize the posal, carefully adhered to its eco- | the prisoner to Cochrane for trial. Liberals alone as an Opposition, tha oo." side, but subsequent speak- | The necessary papers are being pre- Liberal leader will also take 0c-| ory were unable to conceal the fact | PAred at the provincial police head- casion when the matter comes up|}... support was inspired by retalia- | 4uUarters and Ontario officials have on Tuesday to justify his occupancy tory designs. communicated with the attorney- of the position. Sir Charles Innes pointed out on | §eReral of Quebec. Liberals and Conservatives will| pehate of the government that the | At the present time, Cossette is urge in defence of Mr. Doherty's ex-| proposal 'would bé damaging to In- | under sentence of seven years . in clusion from a share of the salary | qian industries. St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary that neither he nor his group speak Only members in the assembly |fOF a serious offence against the or act for the farmers of the pro-| who were interested in coal support- | little girl. He was arrested at Amos, vince or for any farmers' organiza-|eq Sir Charles, whereas the members | @ POStofice in Pontiac county, Que- tion. J. J. Morrison, sécretaty,| ror Bombay, the industries of which | Po and A. W. Amos, president, have| are the biggest consumers of import- 'repudiated the group as represen-|ed coal, voted against the govern- tatives of the U.F.O. as now exls:-| ment, showing the extent to which ing. and the farmers themselves, in| anti-S6uth African feeling is domi- their recent convention, by resolu-| nant in Bombay, tion, definitely stated that thoy - sist te serve" |MAKE 11 MORE. DIFFICULT 10 ORDER OUT TROOPS Organized Labor Asks for an Amendment of Act at Coming Session. ALREADY PLOWING % BERLIN PUTS BLAME ON ALBERTA FARMS. -l ON THE AMBASSADOR. : Lethbridge, Alta., Feb. 9. -- 4 The breaking of land started on a farm near Fincastle on Feb. 6th, and it is common talk that if the present weather con- finues a couple of days longer plowing will begin on certain Taber farms. % Berlin, Feb. 9.--The foreign office refused to discuss reports of Ambassador Wiedfeldt's pos- sible resignation as a result of the Washington flag: incident, but it seems to be clearly the government's intention to shift the responsibility to the am- bassador. | Conversation Between Two None But Klansmen Allowed. Convicts Reveals a Crime. COMNTTED IN COCRANE Vereite Cosette Already Ser- + + > * + +» * * <> | % 4 » + * * * * + + * + » IA AZ EEE EEE EAE XXX J AN ESCAPED CONVICT. COUNTERVAILING DUTY ON SOUTH AFRICAN COAL Taken Back to U.S.--Harding Has Police Record. Niagara Falls, N.Y., Feb. 9.-- Shackled to two detectives Bad Harding, well known in Pittsburgh . ving Term For Offence - Against Little Girl. and New York police circles, , was { brought across the border here last l Toronto, Feb. 9.-- Within walls of | night after having served four years a Jail in northern Quebec, two pri- | in Portsmouth, Ont., penitentiary, soners met recently and as the result for having robbed the home of the of their conversation, Verette Cos- Canadian premier at Ottawa, was sette, twenty-three years of age, is lodged in the city jall over night | to be taken to Cochrane and charged and an extra guard was placed about with the brutal murder of six-year his cell. Befote his Canadian es- old Monica Foster, last July. Pro- cape, Harding escaped from prison vincial Inspector Moore of Cobalt in Pittsburgh and previously had uy Indpesios Ward 4 Hi SHY wre made a getaway from Governor's a ging Jor the transfer o Island, New York. India Is Thus Revenging Her- self on Her Sister Dominion. Delhi, Feb. 9.--India is revenging herself on South Africa. The nation- London, Onut., Feb. 9. -- Sydney Murrell, Henry J. Wil- liams and Clarence Topping, all convicted on murder charges during the last five days, were sentenced this morning to be hanged on April 10th, VEEN ree * PROTESTS ARE QUASHED. Ottawa Decides Feeding Stuffs Act to Be Enforced. Ottawa, Feb. 9. -- The Feeding Stuffs act is to be enforced. Pro- tests have been made by feed manu- facturers against the application and interpretation of the amended feed- Ing stuffs act, to prohibit the regis- tration and sale of commercial mixed feeds containing flour mill by-pro- ducts. The purpose of the act, it is stated, is to protect the interests of feeders of live stock and poultry, who find it necessary to purchase feeds. MADE LORD ADVOCATE UNION JACK ON SCHOOLS. Of Labor Party, But Will Not Sit Flag to Be. Hoisted on 28 Days of jn Mouse. Each Year, Ottawa, Feb. 9.--The Union Jack| In a.statement issued yesterday, will be hoisted on public school | the dominion seed commissioner af- Friday in Legislature. Toronto, Feb. 9.--Yesterday in the legislature, a bill was introduc- ed by Hon, Charles McCrea making minor amendments to the mining act. The prime minister read the nam- es of the standing committees and the house adjourned at 3.20 until Toronto Jury Couldn't Agree. Toronto, Féb. 9.--Four hours af- ter the jury in the re-trial of Police Officers Rooney, Kerr, Mitchell and / Fraser, on a charge of manslaughter pupils and staff to commemorate his-| Parliament sanctions less restrictive toric events, the significance of the | legislation. yay occasion to be explained each time Montreal, Feb. Ottawa Monday afternoon. -------------- HEART BALM SUIT SETTLED, Girl to Drop Action ot ator, Ogdensburg, N.Y. Feb, 9-- The heart balm suit brought by Miss Gertrude Sargent, Ogdensburg, N.Y., | against Howard J. Fisher, telegraph- | er, Prescott, Ont., who is working "in Oswego, N.Y., has been settled " out of court. The amount invelved "in the settlement was not made pub- le, Fisher, who formerly worked in the local Western Union office, was alleged to have been engaged to the special despatch says an amendment to the militia act changing the con- ditions under which the militia may be called to the aid of the civil pow- er is forecast for the coming session of parliament, The act has been the cause of recurrent difficulty. When disorder is threatened, anyone effected may go to a judge or maz- {strate and requisition the ald of troops and once requisitioned thelr despatch, at the expense of the mun- fcipality is practically automati~. Organized labor has demanded an amendment requiring the municipal- ity, the province and the dominia>a all mede consenting parties before by the teachers to the scholars. A delegation from the Protestant Women's Federation some time ago waited on the board with a request that the flag should be visible more frequently on public schools in the interest of patriotic sentiment. . -- BOOTH FAMILY DENIES REPORTS ABOUT DOWRY 1 The Grandfather Is Better, But May Not Attend the Wedding. . ed OVER $50,000 FOR CHARITY The Late Miss Ada Strachan Remembers Worthy King- ston Institutions. Although the will of the late Miss and New York of £35,000,000 at four and one-half per cent. for earthquake restoration. Thanks te Premier Poincare's personal intervention, "two-minute divo " for Americans are a thing of the past in France. v MW A stiff. fight will be made to keep William Anderson, who has resigned as New York state superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League, from going to 8ing Sing prison. Elaborate preparations are being made for the decoration of the church and home of J. Fred Booth, Ottawa, in anticipition of the wed- ding on Monday afternoon of their Eleven-Year-0ld Girl in That City. -- practic novice, inspectors for Following the Death of an Chicago, Feb. 9.--Incensed by the death of Blizabeth Fawcett, aged eleven, alleged to have been due to "treatment" at the hands of a chiro- the state board of registration started a clean-up of unregistered practition- ers yesterday. non-registered chiropractors business in Chicago alone. There are between 300 and 400 doing Mail iin a raid onthe liquor launch Hat- {tle C., retired to consider their ver- dict, they reported to Justice Mowat yesterday ther inability to agree on a 'verdict #nd were discharged. The four police officers were then bound over in their own bail of $3,000 each to appear at the next court of jurisdiction. It was thought im- probable, however, that the crown would seek a further trial, the jury at the first trial in November having hopelessly disagreed. Attended Bride's Mother, Kitchener, Feb. 9. --~Among those arising out of the death of John Gogo ] Ada Strachan, who perished during the storm on January 22nd, has not grandfather of Miss Lois Booth, who been probated, it is understood that ig to marry Prince Erik of Denmark Ishe left an estate valued at $61,000. on Monday is reported to be in boi {It is stated that a local relative is to ter health to-day. But it is doubtful: receive the sum of $10,000 and the if he will be able to attend the wed- remain jr will be divided among ding. Reports current in regard to the Home for the Aged, the Home a marriage settlement are denied 01 [for Friendless Women and Children behalf of members of the ' Booth land the Orphans' Home. family. The report was' that Miss On many occasions the late Miss Booth's dowry was $4,000,000, of Strachan sfated that she appreciated which $2,000,000 was the gift of her [the work that was being carried on grandfather. at the abdve three institutions. ATTACK MRS. WEST'S WILL. only daughter, Lois ,to Prince Erik of Denmark. United States minister to Switzer- land, acting as unofficial obsgrver at the sessions of the disarmament commission expressed the cordial sympathy of the United States gov- ernment for the control of the traf- fic in arms. Amusements . a Hon. W., F. Nickle Wires About *» 4 Aristodemocracy Opening of Isolation Hospital WRITTEN FOR THE WHIG BY ARTHUR HUNT CHUTE. the militia can be called out in difficulties. Whatever the exast invited to the royal wedding which takes place in Ottawa next week, at which Lois Booth is to be married to Prince Erik of Denmark, is Miss Ada Clemens, aged 85, Frederick street, this city. This lady acted as maid of honor at the marriage of | the bride's mother some years ago, nnd order schools turn out most of tha "graduates," who may obtain diplomas to practice after ten months' study of mail courses. Most of these graduates are former bar- bers, blacksmiths, clerks, farm boys, and others who like to affix "doctor" to their names. Sargent §irl about a year. They were to' have been married Thanksgiving day according to Miss Sargent. form of the amendment it will not he She alleges that the day before So jasy in future to requisition the scheduled ceremony Fisher's | tre jps. mothegappéared at her home and ex- | nother piece of legislation being plaine® that her son could not af-|' Isidered but not decided on would ford to marry. |. lenacted permit of "peaceful Jketing™ In strike troubles. Gales Destroy Site Selected jThere will be an amendment to By Bernhardt for Her Grave Ae immigration act making deporta- tion a less summary process and ona ) to the criminal code modifying tae Paris, Feb. 9.--Sarah Bernhardt! .rime of seditious utterances. dgsired her remains to be taken to x . her summer home on an island off DETERMINED TO STOP ' the Brittany coast for burial In a SOVIET PROPAGANDA rock that she had chosen for her Russia Expected to Accept tomb. It is fortunate that the actress's Condit'ons Submitted by British Premier. Ottawa, Feb. 9.--J. R. Booth. "mn, On Saturday morning Mayor An- grove received the following tele- gram from Hon. W. F. Nickle, in To- ronto: : "Necessary attendance here de- prives me the pleasure of being pres- ent at the opening of the isolation hospital, which, by experts, is pro- nounced to be as perfect as human skill can devise and construct. This augurs well for the good work I trust will be done within it for the restoration ef suffering humanity to health and strength." "Dry" Leader Is Sentenced To Prison for Forgery One afternoon last summer I was a passenger gn the steamer from Lewiston, N.Y., to Toronto. My travelling companion, a professor at the University of Michigan, said to me, "I must congratulate you on being a Canadian." "Why ?" "Well, look at these good Scotch-Canadian faces and then think of a Coney Island pleasure boat on Sunday morning." As the American professor pointed out, there was a marked contrast presented by that Canadian excursion steamer, and I glorified in the tact, On another occasion, I came on a Sunday from Watertown, N.Y., to Kingston, Ont. Watertown that morning was in gala attire, while Kingge ton breathed the atmosphere of a staid old fashioned Sabbath. Here again was an adumbration of distinctions north and south of the forty. ninth parallel. Alleges Document Was Not Drawn up According to Law. Brockville, Feb. 9.--Alleging that the will of Mrs. Agnes McFarlane West, of Ottawa, was not 'executed in conformity with the Wills Act, Frank P. West, Brockville acting for his infant children, Maud B. West and Frank West, beneficiaries under the will of Joe West, husband of the woman, has filled a caveat in the surrogate court of the county of Carleton ,asking that the will be proven in salemn form. The will is also being attacked by Charles 8. McFarlane, of Toronto, son of Mrs. West. Mrs. West died on Dec. 4th last, and her husBand of a self-inflicted revolver wound the day after her funeral. Under his New York, Feb. 9.--In the crim- inal branch of the supreme court, William H. Anderson, superintend- ent of the antj-saloon league, and leader of the "dry" forces in this state, was sentenced yesterday by Justice Arthur 8. Tompkins to from one to two years in Sing Sing pris- on. on a charge of forgery in th» third degree, of which he was coa- victed nine days ago. (LAIN SCHOOL PRIKCIPAL TIED GAN 10 DOG'S THL Before His Class and Then Swiped Animal and Sent | It Away. * London, Ont., Feb. 9.--In the presence of teachers and pupils of the Lambeth school, six miles from the city, Principal Clifford Wernham is alleged to have tied'a can to a dog's tail, swiped the animal with a broom, and sent it yelping away, re- marking that he would teach the dog to obey. As a result, Principal Wernham is on the carpet. He will face Magls- trate Graydon in the London polize court on the 16th to answer to a charge preferred by the Humane Society, represented by Inspector George Tustin. Twelve witnesses have been sub. poenaed, eleven of them being schol. ars of; the school. Dog lovers and members of the Humane Society are ~ Intention was not carried out, for the recent tidal wave and storm Which devastated the French coast tore the rocks which she had selectea' | from their place, and strewed them along the sea shore, HOME BANK CASE DELAY MAY LEAD TO INQURY Appeal to the Privy Council May Affect Parliament ary Attitude. Montreal, Feb. 9.--An Ottawa de- Spatch says the long delay in bring- ing to a'head the Home Bank case | and the intimation of the attorney- | general of Ontario that the matter nf A jury triad for the accused will be taken to the privy council is likely | to affect the attitude of the parlla- pment in the coming session. Notics 'has been given of a motion for n- inquiry into the case, but the - dis- position heretofore has been against » h a process on the ground that court proceedings would elicit all the : tts while discussion in parliament might be prejudicial to the accused. he criminal charges are now to 8 extensively delayed the chances fa parliamentary inquiry are ljke- 1y to be strengthened. There will be steps taken to modi- fy the regulations governing the of eggs for sale in Canada 'within the next month. ] J. J. Kelso says centralized super- | vision of welfare of English ""Home™ ys is needed in Canada, Wellang city fears heavy damage London, Feb. 9.--It was indicated that Russia would accept most of the conditidns stipulated by Premier Macdonald as a' prelude to full diplomatic recognition. The premier is particularly insistent that Soviet propaganda shall stop. He has already made it known that he is fully aware of the existence and the extent of this subversive cam- paign of publicity in England. The premier has already appoint- ed expert committees to deal with the main problems involved in Rus- slan recognition, and he is prepar- ed to advocate the extension to Rus- sia of commercial credit in England Af the Moscow government gives sat- isfactory pledge for the settlement of outstanding British claims. -------- Bethlehem Has Thriving Mother-of-Pearl Industry London, Feb. 9.--Bethlehem is the centre of an industry fn mother- of-pearl, which supplies beads, rosa- ries, inlaid work, carvings and mis- cellaneous ornaments or souvenirs to all parts of the world, says the Board of Trade Journal, quoting the Palestine Commercial Bulletin. The industry employs about 500 people who do most of the work by hand. The raw material is largely waste imported from American but- ton factories, and. shells from other countries. ---------- The German industrial lords are The Superintendent's Boest. At a Rotary Club dinner in To- ronto, Brig.-Gen. W. St. Pierre Hughes said: "1 dismissed fifty-three officers in one year from Kingston. They will, made on his deathbed, his es-|howled, but should have been sent tate was divided equally among {to jail. They should realize the Agnes McFarlane, adopted daughter {moral that example Is the best of his wife; Maud B. West and | teacher." Frank West, his niece and nephew. : i Ethiopla Goes on Record It this will of Mrs. West's be set aside, one-third of the esfate would : As Against White Slavery Geneva, Feb. 9.--Ethiopia, the pass to the estate of the husband. The latter was before death chief train dispatcher for the C.P.R. at Ottawa. Although his wife's estats| Afrfean state known otherwise as amounted to $124,261, he was left| Abyssinia, the last country to be ad- by her only a picture of herself and mitted to the League of Nations, has notified the league that it has rati- fled the "white slave" convention, This is the agreement whereby the parlor clock. signatory states agree to exert every effort to crush out the traffic in wo- men and young girls. elt d-- (Continued on Page Three.) ir . | "You Said It, Marceline!" mm By MARCELINE CALROY sce On "A Little Married Man" MARRIAGE leaves its MARK He generally. tells On MOST MEN, Each girl he meet And yet, He should NEVER have married, There are a FEW men who, And she quite AGREES . , , When they LEAVE He is generally charming, Their WIVES at home, Easy, and very dexterous Seem to leave their worries At handling ANYTHING WITH THEM. From an UMBRELLA This type of man is To s SITUATION, Never MUCH married, And be MAKES LOVE with Asyway-- All the assurance Where OTHER men get it Of a WEALTHY bachelor--s In PNEUMONIA form, with Lim | Akogether he is . coming to terms with the Dawes-| back of the 'prosecution, which was MrT 1 Sets Mee «| ERTRELY PANGS Young committee of reparation ex-| only undertaken after careful fo. ; A COLD in the nead-- Te the "dbmb. 5 perts. fant is 7 : Yo -8 | Fairy' Association, : Ae Te ---- 00. Pode arnt ta have told proprietors of the] principal West-end stores, and it in the intention of fash | to design dresses in such a to give only a slight glimpse ankles, . is as ot ap-