THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ? v MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1094, | oni \CASH BUYERS RAW : PHONE -603 i FOUNDE si IX: EBB UR [So] RAW FUR DEPARTMENT i57 BROCK ST. KINGSTON,Can JOHN MSHKAY L- MOCCASINS RUBBERS Phone 159. Winter Weather Shoe Comforts OVERSHOES--3, 4 and 5 Buckle. CURLING BOOTS The Sawyer Shoe Store ~ FELT BOOTS 184 Princess St. ne foxg 04, \ *h 2) MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, ec, Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS, The Late Mrs, John Gaskin. At Holly, Michigan, on Sunday, Mrs, John Gaskin passed to rest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Van Sickle. She was the widow of the late John Gaskin, a former may- or of Kingston and at one time the Kingston manager of the Montreal portation Company, Mrs. Gas: kin was a sister of John MeDon- ald, until recently secretary of the Kingston Board of Education and now resident in California. Thomas IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CITIZENS OF KINGSTON And Vicinity Regarding This Great Bankrupt Sale Now Going On. I wish to call the attention of all our friends and customers who an- ticipate buying anything pertaining to men's wear not to delay and come and: look this high grade stock over of men's clothing and furnishings, and I feel confident before you leave you will do like hundreds of our kind patrons have done--stock up for future requirements, as you may never get another chance like this in years to buy high grade goods at | sixty cents on the dollar ;and not | only are you helping to keep us in !f] Gaskin, of the local Custom House, is a brother-in-law. . The remains will be brought to Kingston and the funeral will be | hold Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 from R, J. Reid's undertaking parlors. Rev. W. B. Kidd wil conduct the services. > -- The Late Mrs. Elizabeth Barry. While visiting her daughter, Mrs. Richard Keyes, Bath Road, Mrs, | Elizabeth Barry, beloved wife of | Allan Barry, Wolfe Island, was sud- | denly taken ill and died early Sun- | day morning. The funeral, In charge | of the James Reid fifm, will be held | on Tuesday to Cataraqui cemetery. Phe services will be conducted by STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. Rexall Emulsion | of Cod Liver 0il A valuable food tonic. Very pleasing to the taste and eas- ily digested. Builds you up Mi and helps to prevent colds, | Price $1.00 MAHOOD Drug Co. Ltd. | Corner Princess and Bagot Sts. SHOP RIGH SAVE THE DIFFERENCE POTATOES Fine, White Potatoes, pk. 30c. MATCHES Finest quality ...3 boxes Sic. SOAP Sunlight, P & G or Gold, veers tsssccsss. B for 88c, PRUNES Large, juicy Prunes 2 Ibs, 25¢. ORANGES Large, sweet Naveis, doz. 5c. PURE JAM Raspberry and Strawberry, 4 efor .u.0uut,... 82c, Pastry Flour, 7 1b. bag . .20c. 5 1b. pail Table Syrup ...89c, of Shits, Gloves, Underwear Ties, Sweaters, Hats, Furs, efc. Choice goods -- genuine bargains and courteous treatment. See our windows or better still, step in- side and examine the bargains. ( CAMPBELL BROS. Rev. Mr, Kirkpatrick, Wolfe Island. | -- Late William Wellborn, One of the best known residents of Portsmouth apd a man widely known throughout the district, pas- | sed to rest at the Hotel Dien on | | Saturday night in the person of Wil- liam Wellborn. He was seventy- eight years of age and latterly had led a retired life. A few days be- fore his death he was afflicted with | a stroke, Mr. Wellborn was a team- | ster and contractor 'and a familiar | figure about the streets of the city. The funeral was held Monday after- noon to Cataraqui Cemetery, in charge of the James Reid Arm. Late Mrs. Jenkins. | Although she had been an invalid | for some time, the death of Sarah Latilda Jenkins, wife of Walter Jenkins, 16 Quebec street, on Sun- day, came as a d!stinet shock. The deceased lady was sixty-four years Of age and a Methodist and member of Queen's street Methodist church, | 8he was born at Bowmanville, but ||. had resided in Kingston most of her life. The services will be held on i Tuesday afternoon and the funeral in charge of the James Reid firm, Rev. W 8S. Lennon will officiate. lll THE muTUAL LIFE ANNUAL STATEMENT ll Several Attractive Features in the 1924 Policy Contracts Are Announced. Fil The fifty-fourth annual statement of the Mutual Lite of Canada, pub- lished in this issue, is an interesting resume of the past year's business, The operations of the company are disclosed in figures that should cause the directors, management, field foros and policyholders. the deepest satisfaction. The new business writ. ten amounted to $39, 040,578. Al lowing for terminations and revivals, the net increase to the business in force amounted to $23,495,912, the total assurances In force standing now at $269,982,666. ' The mortality experienced was less than 40 per cent. of the expected deaths according to the standard tables, so that there will result a substantial profit to the policyhold- ers from this source. The rate of interest was satisfac- tory, although there is a general de- cline from the high rates obtaining in recent years, but the rate actually realized of 6.56 per cent. wiil ensure more than satisfactory resuits to the members of the Mutual Lite, The net results of all the various transactions are summed up in tue surplus which amounted to $3,013,- 806.99, There has existed in some quar- ters in Canada during the past year & marked feeling of pessimism. It is reassuring, in view of this, to note the comparative strength of Cane dian life companies, among whom the Mutual occupies so conspicuous a position. > The company announces the in- troduction as at January 1st, 1924, of several attractive features in its policy contracts and, what is of most pradtical interest, the dividends or refunds on premiums are to be sub- stantially increased. 5 > =Eed i Fil i j I i mh ® | f Ls Bq! $ Hi Hi Q Kingston, but you gre saving dollars Pee by buying your goods here. We have a little over sixty days to go in onder | to raise the required amount of money to satisfy the wholesale houses interested, and In order to help us to carry on, and remember you are getting bargains you will never be able to get again, as these | wholesale houses involved are mak- ing a sacrifice of 35 to 45 per cent, in order to raise this money of their wholesale price, so think what a sav- ing this means to you. If you can See your way clear it will pay you to come miles to this mighty sale and purchase your requirements Jor | a year ahead. Remember there Is | Size 3 x 31 yards, nothing reserved, .everything must . £0 in order to raise-the cash. Get Size 3x 4 yards. . that suit or spring and fall overcoat now before the sizes are broken. ARTHUR, The Lion Clothing Co. -------------- ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. The Financial Statement Distribut. ed at Sunday Services. The annwal financial statement of school board and St. Mary's ceme- | tery were distributed after the three morning services Sunday, They show interesting figures in the totals The statement for the cathedral 1s a tribute to the administration of! His Grace the Most Rev. M. J. Spratt, | archbishop of Kingston. It may be HOCKEY STICKS, SKATES, SLEIGHS AND TOBOGGANS 20% DISCOUNT SALE BALANCE OF FEBRUARY TrwTon [JOORE'S sporting Goo BEAUTIFUL RUGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES English Seamless Axminster Rugs in Rose, Blue and Grey--beautiful patterns that are sure to please. Read: Size 2} x 3 yards. Special ..................... $24.95 Special ........... c..i.. J... 93900 Special... i... ii 2849.00 | only, Wilton Persian Rug in Blue and Rose. Size 2} x 3 yds. Special ciesest veinicrians i tenner inna. $1900 WILTON RUGS GREATLY REDUCED Size 2} x 3 yards, reducedto ...,.... .............$33.50 Size 2} x 3} yards, reducedrto ... ... St. Mary's Cathedral, the separate | Size 2 xX 3 yards, reduced 20... coe Size 3 x 3 yards, reduced to ... .... Size 3 x3} yards, reduced to . . ..... Size 3 x 4 yards, reduced to . ...... Size 3 x 4 yards, reduced to . .. .... remembered that when he came here | St. Mary's"carried a debt of $70,- | 000. This was entirely wiped out in a short time and the current state- ment shows a balance of $13,192.- 96. One very interesting sidelight in the individual list is the fact that His Grace is a regular codtributor through the Sunday offering en- velopes and each week drops a two- dollar bill in the basket used by the congregation. ,The statement of the separate school board shows an income some what over $28,000 and the expend! ture in advance of that amount. De- bentures to the extent of $25.25) have been redeemed and the net debt of the board stands at $24,950. The St. Mary's cemetery accounts | show a balante of"$348.82 and the affairs 'are in good condition. ings fering. WILTON MATS, ALL SIZES These are high quality in dainty, new designs and-color- that are sure to 36 x 63 inches, $10.50. . A mere glance at this advt. is not sufficient. You will have to see these Rugs and Mats to appreciate the values we are of- please. Size 27 x 54 inches, $6.75. Size Newman & Shaw Kingston's Carpet Warehouse ' rT ym---- EXPORT HAY, Heavy Movement to New England From Kingston District. A short crop of hay in the middle New England states has caused an exceptionally heavy demand in East- ern Ontario for hay for export, ac- cording to a report from Kingston. Most of the surplus hay along about $15 per tom, continues the report. On the other hand, the trade in cat- tle has dropped off to nothing; in fact, since the new United States tariff came into force there has not been a single shipment from that section. Last year and in previous years many shipments went forward from Kingston, which averaged in the neighborhood of $18,000 to $20, 000 a year. Invited To Return. At the last session of the quar- terly official board of Princess street Methodist church, Rev. J. K. Cur- tis, B.A., pastor, was unanimously invited to return next year. The trustee. board, also In session, vated to support the request. All the de- FEBRUARY FURS FURTHER FINAL REDUCTIONS BIG SALE OF COON COATS FOR BOTH MEN AND LADIES Raccoon is one of the few Furs that is popular for both Men's and Ladies" Coats, and for both they seem to have increased wonderfully in popularity this Winter. We have had a big demand right along, and the balance of our stock we want to clear quickly. The further final reductions on every Coat will do it. LADIES' COON COATS Our variety still includes the very choicest In quality, style and workmanship. In the large cities some of them would be quoted at from five to six hun. dred dollars. All have "dropped" skirt borders, linings and large collars and $160,165 up to*275 MEN'S COON COATS Light in weight, last for years and considered good ideal Man's Fur Coat. THER FUR COATS ......0........ 835 to 840 HLT SPRINGTIXE HATS Our styles are right. Our prices are right. Parisian Shop 822 BRUCK STREET partments of the church arg found to be making splendid progress. Congregations fill the entirely ina- dequate church building, and there has been noted increase in the Bun~ day offerings through mew contrfbu- tors and increased liberality. Best of all there is a deepening of the spiritual life of the worshippers, mBnifested through their increasing religious activities, At Princess Street Ohurch, The junior choir of about thirty boys and girls, with their new sur- plices, led the singing in Princess street Methodist ohurch Sunday morning, greatly to the delight and uplift of the worshippers. At the 'evening service, the singing was Jed Real Estate Buying - ° Selling Renting Money to Loan Fire Insurance, Life Insurance Bonds and Investments Money placed on first mor¢. gages. : To close an estate we are of fering Five Bungalows, rented at $12.00 per month, at a sace rifice prices - = sZt If =~ --------=IMULLIN gation filled the building, and sat Com aad 5 th, ter's ues ber » ® minis request, a pum) Johnsen Divison treets rose to indicate their purpose for re- 580) Residence SPECIALS] 300 lbs. Round Steak ve cus .20¢. 300 lbs. Tenderloin | Pork Chops .26¢. 300 lbs. fresh Beef Liver ... ...... 7c Phone THURSDAY of This Week is ST. V. 'S DAY, and Cupid's annual license for all lovers and sweethearts to send some Ehdearing remenibrances or surprise on St. Valens tines Day. Every one will be watching the malls that morning, We're ready with just the right message, on the loveliest Valentine Cards, to meet every wish for Sweethearts, Pals, Friends, and all family relations. Table Decorations, Party Hats and Aprons, Tally Cards, Dance P ete. - Open To-night until 9.00 p.m. mare Srnge Book Saxe,