DNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1024. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 3 nm Shake Your Winter Cold -- All Yield to Dr. Hickey's Treatment The Speedy Relief' For All Coughs The chest rub for all heavy chest colds and congestion. THE SPEEDY COLD CAPSULES for head colds and all forms of Grippe. Each 25c. or 75¢, for full treatment. Made by: L. T. Best Druggist Phone 59. _---- Have You Anything to Sell or Buy? Do you want to rent a house ? Do you want to insure your property ? Do you want to give or ~ get a loan ? Call on the old estab- lished and reliable. Geo. A. Bateman 1113 Brock Street, Kingston Telephone 1925F, 7 4 Silver Forks | at ' HALF PRICE | We are offering about 10 | dozen Forks and a few dozgn other pieces, such as | Spoons, Butter Spreaders, etc., at | this attractive | | discount, { | | 4| This Flatware is in one | of the Best 4 i | Standard Makes | | of Silver Plate, | | the range of which has | become 'broken, Each plece is fully guaranteed. This is a real opportun- ity for any one needing such articles, particularly ' hotels or boarding houses. ed. ings, Castings Welded Bring us your broken Cast- ings and have them weld- We can do the repairs at once and save you the in- convenience of waiting for the arrival of the new cast- and Tin Work; Electric work; work of all kiude undertagen, McKelvey & Birch, Limi General Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fi Jobbers of Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, and Howse Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Otis, Be: ed tters and Plumbers, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy Supplies, Sheet Metal Painting and Paper Hanging. Special Moving Towers and Europe's First { Cannon. Sometimes when armies attacked a castle during the Middle Ages mov- ing towers were used. These towers were placed on wheels. They were made a little higher than the walls around the castle. They were rolled toward the walls, Archers were at the top ito fire ct the defenders. It a tower could be pushed close 1 This picture was made toward the end of the Middle Ages, It shows an attack on g castle, enough, a drawbridge was let down 80 one end rest 1 on the walls. Then soldiers rushed across to the attack. The men on the walls might be driven off. Then the enemy would | | | sleeves, One model, developed in | crepe and answering the needs of a | wrap for present wear in the South jor for the spring, uses the Miler | Soeurs draped scarf turned into !ooped or sling sleeves, In calling attention to these fea- A Three-Quarter Model Achieves Distinction. By ELEANOR GUNN In addition to the distinction of design that marks the coats and Wraps for spring, including imports and import derivations, a movement to depart from the altogether straight silhouette is demonstrated repeatedly. ' In making this dedue- tion, the consideration of flares or similar substitutes is not implied, but rather the presence of inciden- tals in composition that tend to break the straightness of straightline silhouette. the tures of the coat and wrap mode, the altogether straight coat is not to be considered as one that is not represented, for many models are planned along the straight lines that remain the basis of so many of the favored coat ideas. A number of the coats that apparently are of simple, unbroken outline reveal an intricacy of cut that may draw away 'trom the elementary simplicity of the straight silhouette. A coat by Miler Soeurs, and another by Renee, Teveal models composed of several sections joined in the decoratively tailored slot seams. In the Renee model, the use of a raglan shoulder seam in addition to a regulation in- set armhole is defined by slot seams. In 'the straight coats, however, whether of simple or more intricat cut, the tapered silhouette prevails, featuring the loosely fitted upper section in contradistinetion to the narrow, wrapped lower section. - «By Uncle = leap wown sua try to finish the cap- ture of the castle. i Of course the soldiers in the castle did their best to keep the towers from being moved too close, Under cover of night, they might go out to try to set fire to a tower which was just being built. ™ If they couldn't do that, they would build ditches a little distance from the -walis. The ditches would be covered so as to look lke firm ground. If a tower was rolled over such a ditch, it would fall in and be wrecked. . Besides moving towers, the attack- ers often used little machines which ! looked quite a bit like cannon. They had hollow barrels, but no gunpow- der was used in them until near the | end of the Middle Ages. { The "balls" were good-sized | stones. When the machines were | "wound up," the stones could be | hurled over the walls. Our picture shows an attack on a castle. Notice the large shield which protect the | soldiers outside. | The little cannon looks like one! of the first which were used with | gunpowder and stone balls. | Cities, as well as castles, were often put under ettack. One of the most noted city sieges was against Prague. That was the city where Joh Hus went to college. The peo- | ple there Mked Hus. After he was | burned at the stake, they tried to follow his teachings. | Both the emperor and thé people became angry toward Prague. The pope declared there should be a "holy war" against the city. Two hun-! dred thousand men tried to cap- ture it, Prague was so well defended, bowever, that the attackers became ! Scene from "The Unwanted thud," { House to-night and to-morrow matinee and night. | T. Howard assessor. | Wemp, tired and marched away, | | | "i | i at the Grand Opera STELLA-KINGSTON STAGE. The Ice Being Fine, It Wil Run Soon, Very Stella, Feb. 65.--The ice in the | | { 0 | bay is now considered quite safe for travelling. The different roads are being marked off. H. McCaugherty expects to start driving the Stella- | Kingston stage as soon as the wea- | ther gets better, three days per week. There passed away on Thursday, Jan. 23th, another of Emerald's | old residents in the person of John | Flannigan. The late Mr, Flannigan was ill only a few days, and death came very suddenly. He is survived by his wife and family, The fun- | eral was held on Saturday, to Glen-. wood Vault, and was conducted by the Rev. J. C. Dixon. The U.F.0. held their annual | dance in Victorla hall on Friday evening last. It was well patronized. ' The music was furnished by Glenn & Macdonald's orchestra. Mrs. C. Tugwell and John Brown still re. main very poorly. Miss Eva Glenn Is teaching in No. 2 school in the place of Miss M. Smith, who has been quarantined with Ww. H. Fil- son's family. | H. 8. Patterson, reeve, attended the January session of the county council. in Napanee, The township council have appointed John Filson, township clerk, for 1924 and George | Miss Dorothy nurse-in-training, Kingston General hospital, spént a few days | with friends here last week. Mr. ! ;| 20d Mrs. W. J. MacConnal have re- turned after spending two weeks with friends in Pittsburg. Mission Rand. ; Battersea, Feb. 9.--The monthly ! meeting of the Mission Band was: held at the home of the pesident, Dor's Ducette, on Saturay, Feb. 9th, fourteém members being pre. sent. The afternoon was spent fn | ------ TT ------ PROBS: -- Light snow to-night and early Tuésday. 775 [ a { NEW SPRING FASHIONS Colorful springtime fashions are here--fashions new and interesting, in every detail--new high colors and new slender lines in Dresses, Coats and Suits. Smart Hats, too, of Straw and Silk have new shapes and new colors. You will find in our ready-to-wear sections styles of which are not only new, but fashion-right and lasting. The New in Frocks Slender, youthful lines typify the frocks for Spring. New and colorful materials add to their charm--materials such as Flat Crepe, Crepe-back Satin, Crepe Morocaine and Cloths in Twills, Soft, becoming, White Collars and Cuffs or colorful em- broidery, applique, beading and fluting--make them individual $15.95 to $29.75 and distinctive. Priced from New Suits The Tailored Suit has come back into its own. With its straight boyish jacket and youthful, becoming lines, it is practical and charming -- every woman will want one never so attractive. Priced this Spring. Priced from 075m 1595p We invite your inspection, and any garment may be laid aside by the payment of a small deposit. * steers essen New Coats Every length of Coat is to be fashionable for Spring--from the three - quarter Sport length to the long dress coat. The fabrics are new and dif- ferent, and the styles were 4 making scrap hooks for the chiliren in British Columbia. The meet'ng | closed with the Yepeating bf the ! Mizpah Benediction, after which | a the hostess served a dainty lunch ' 3 1 EACY S ed 5 » ; mit : MT EPIta: CY 1k C. W, Lott, Trenton, has . bev 0° OPS 3 OR | ci vii re Geo ef "KINGSTON'S SHOPPING CENTRE" Heultural. ¢ , dice is tc esa apminmmm----" ya Ns "The best throw of the t i ---------------------------- 13} One of the chiet methods of intro- ducing this interruption of the straight contour is by means of the t in its various ramifications and again, the division of the upper | and lower sections of the coat Am suit outline: simulation, | The is treated in a slight- Iy flare' stion appended to the back of -he form of fully flared Inverness capes, used in liew of throw them away,