gn EE EP ¥ "Ah executive x THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG r Sémi-w, by WHIG PUBLISEING CO. LIMITED nA. Gulla, Editar and ~ Mamaging-Director 243 : 2614 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 0 year - city ) 87.50 One year, by mail to rurai offices, Une your, to United States . sane D000 I Weekly Kditien) One year, by mail, os One year, te United States $2.00 ov F-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES, wv. X, 42 St. Joha St, Moutreai ¥. W. Thompeo King St. Ww. orente. ation to the Editor are published only over the actual Ramee of -_ the writer, ue ttached Is the best b on offices oa 2a 2 The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bareau of Circulations Genius, after all, is Just ordinary ability wholly purged of laziness. Example of ambiguity: "You did me good," said the man to the sur- goon." : -- When a man. goes broke, the cap at the filling station is las' .«b dis- cover it. cf , t-------- P------ The law assuzaés that a man is innocent up' eit Is demonstrated that by' Broke. # . "There were rude and {ll-natured people in olden times, but they were oot called realists. ------ The still small voice seldom gets a hearing if there's a profit clam- oring to be taken. -- ---------- Man about town: The common or garden vaffety of loafer, with benefit of spending money. EE ---------------------- ~ They laugh at colds who never took 'em off when tricked by the first rm' day of spring. ------ -- Nothing in this world is certain ept the intentions of .a widower who goes a-courting, ---- : Conscience is the thing that Dothers you when meanness fails to pay the expected profit. ------ 'Well, why should we teach evolu- tion? Evolution doesn't appear to Dbeve taught ws much. 4 ---- « Another street improvement bad- dy needed is the elimination of Srooks on Basy Street. ------ A village is a plate where af fluence consists in having a girl to ¢lean up the house on Saturdays. ---- The old-fashioned family head Who asked the blessing before meals fad meals that were worth it. Few can be archaeologists, but 811 of us can get the thrill of hard adventure by digging up the rent money. ---- What, we can't understand is why needs an assistant when there is no decent golf weath- er, ; -- You can't always tell. Even some of the people who pass these "in. telligencs tests" make a success of life. v A ------------------ Fable: Ones there was a man who Bad been 80 perfect as a boy that he didn't worry when his daughter went out with other boys. ---- 4 There is no lack of humer in a world full of young sheiks wearing No. 13 collars and 'sixteen-hair mustaches. A ---------------- Adam repented, but doubtless there were days when he leaned on the plow handles and thought about 'Bow good the apple tasted. 4 A ----------------. Correct this sentence: "Just step Ito that room," satd he, "and you Will discover a score of men eager . to find work." _ 3 mend BIBLE THOUGHT SEEK YB THE LORD while he may be found, I the wieked reese ho le nese: ; Wicked forsake his-way, fect. Britain fs intensely interested In the economic situation in France, THE ONTARIO REFERENDUM. Opposition to the submission of a ---- TR ee -- that you are afrald of him, whereas f= = - | it is simply excitement that has set I . referendum on the Ontario Temper- ance Act to the people of Ontario, provided the questions therein are fairly stated and an opportunity is given for am accurate estimate of public opinion on this Seems to be illogical, is the opinion of the Peterboro Examiner. question, | because there are stil] hopes that! your heart thumping so hard and France will repay part of the | fast. 3 huge debt she owes to Britain. That| Of course other things cause this would be impossible, of course, unless | P41Pitation also, such as excesses in | food, tobacco, or alcoholic drinks, | the ch finances were in sound A most frequent cause Is the lack f conditions and for the past year or, chewing of the food. This means {two they have been going from bad | that 82s is formed in the stomach, to worse. Premier Poincare, tects. es. f/not have a chance to express their If the Ontario Temperance Act has | taking the drastic measures which been of benefit to this province, its | have been approved by the. deputies, friends surely haye confidence enough | hag performed for his country a ser- in the judgment of the people 9 | vice which may help to offset the bave them pronounce on its merits | nistake he made when he ordered after thie measure has been given a {the Invasion of the Ruhr and the reasonable trial, | expensive measures taken in that The voters of Ontario put the act | | territory, and, if the result is as an- on the statute books, and if the ma. | ticipated, he will deserve the thanks Jority of them want to abolish it now | | of the French people for this one ac- and try some other method of deal- | ing with the liquor proplem fit is getting far away from: the spirit of democracy to say that they should | tion ee -- SPANNING THE GULF. | The London Times in dealing with I problems affecting Canada points out in | which pressing up against the floor | of the chest, actually lessens the {amount of room the heart has to work in, and it cannot make its re- | gular sizeq contraction. It makes | more frequent contractions of smal- ler size. } This gas can be formed from other errors of diet besides imperfect chidw- ing. Should you have a severe attack of palpitation, and your good sense tells you that it is from foolish eating, put your finger down your throat and | getyid of the trouble. It it is from | any [other cause, even if you don't | know just what really is the cause,.| your best treatment is to lle down ! Es ------------------------ Remarkable $14.75 $18, $25, $30, $35 SUITS You'll go a long way to find such re- markable Suits as these, and still longer a -------- views by the same means by which the Ontario Temperance Act became operative--that is, by the ballet, It 1s for the people of this prov- | ince to s&y what system of handling this social problem they prefer. Care should be taken to see that the coming referendum 1s 80 arrang- ed as to cover the question thorough- ly and leave no goubt as to what is being voted on, and afterwards aa to the result of the vote, < 4 There should be no trick ballot, ne confusion of issues, nothing to be- wilder the voters as he sometimes has been bewildered in the past. Let the referendum be a fair one with no possible room for misunder- | standing, and there is no logical ground for opposing a vote being taken A It-will clear the air by either con- firming for a long time to come the present liquor policy of the province | or by showing a desire on the part | | of the majority for a system of gov- | ernment contys" eee. py DIVORCE CASES, ** In England the most unsavory di- vorce trials age reported in full by some newspapers. The freedom of the press is greater over there than in Ontario and Quebec, as Canada's chief legislative body controls the hearing of divorce cases in the two older provinces and decrees that the details shall not be permitted to be | published' except in its own minutes. There are some English newspapers Which reap big profits by catering to a large section of the people, who like to reaq the details of male and female depravity as told in the di- vorce courts over there, England permits this because the evidence is given In a court of law. And yet only recently we read of an English editor being sent to prison for pub- Hshing paragraphs from a novel that was regarded by a judge and jury as immoral. These paragraphs were not nearly "as bad as reports of di- vorce court proceedings. A funny country is old merry England. It will be agreed that the English peo- ple would be better off without their divorce trial reports distributed for general reading. In France thé newspapers pay but little attention to divorce tflals. The result is about | wet. ct cue agate cro Sean na rut body ape mind , he creases the work of the h very real danger, not only to the | much. | government, but to Canada itselt. It | | is a danger, it points out, that can | only be surmounted by the bridging of the great geographical gap which | divides the two communities, Once | | the traveller leaves the cities and | | farmlands of the east, he must tra- | i vel mile upon mile through country | | where never a man nor a house is | to be seen before he reaches the | * | Bateway of the Golden West. Small | wonder, then, that such a gulf exists | between the aspirations of the 'west- {ern farmers and the understanding | {of his countrymen farther east; it is | {only by the living bridge of popula- i tion that the gulf can pe spanned, If jo King is successful in coming to a more definite understanding with the representatives of the very men | who have turned the rolling prairies Into rich wheat fields, and who ought to be the first to welcome new settl- ers, there is no reason why he should | | not continue in office for some time | to come, And if his government di- | rects its energies a trifle more vigo- | rously towards this question of popu- lation, it win certainly help both to strengthen its own position and to safeguard the future of the dominion. eart very It will quiet the heart considerably. Et -------------- > MONEY AT WORK EN Brief but Important Lessons in Finance, Markets, Stocks, Bonds fad Investments BUILDING AN ESTATE PRESS COMMENT -- Money for Moscow. A few good harvests wil] make Russia thé most prosperous co in Europe. Build a well rounded éstate using life insurance as a foundation, It is a fortunate thing for every- ¢ that life Insurance has come to be so generally accepted. Through it comes a safety and protection not obtained in any other way. But it does not take the place of invested can be capital, nor is ft intended to pre- placed which wil provide work for | gluge all other forms of savings. & good number of our unemployed. Life insurance as the only saving In order to place these Russia need#| jg a lopsided way to build "up an a loan; this loan could not be arrang._ estate. Yet many successful busi- ed until the Soviet government Was | ness men feel well content with their recognized. Now that obstacle In| financial situation when they pay the way of the recovery of British their life insurance premium. Os- Industry has been .cleared AWay.--| trich- like, they hide in the sand and London Herald, refuse to think of thé need for a re- -- gerve of invested capital, y Within Classes. Along with insurance a cash re- The/ tendency of the industrial | gerve should be built and held ready union is to bring all the 'men in an| tor possible emergencies or for in- industry to a democratic equality in| vestment. With these assured, a the matter of wages, but the skilled | man may venture ifito speculativeslj- all that is recorded, just as in On- tario. Even the Canadian provinces which have their own divorce courts do not publish gross details. There is liberty enough for the press with- out spreading the unsavory evidence of a divorce trial and the weakness of human nature, a ------ POINCARE'S VICTORY. Premier Poincare of France, after weeks of effort, plan," launched with the hope of stabilizing the shaky French finances, is recognized by the majority as the only way out of a situation which threatened to Place France in a perilous positiom: The passing of the bill making (dras- tic changes in the French fin neial Policy, and making provision for the imposition of rigid economies, is a personal victory for the French pre- men, who are in a minority, stand vestment, Y for their privileges as a class; they A man may have the assurance are the aristocracy of Labor, and a| that he is financially independent frequent source of trouble in modern when his invested securities equal industry is the attempt of the less the amount of his insurance and skilled majority to rule the wages | when the sum of his insurance and and conditions of the skilled minor- Investments is large enough to bring fty.. ..These differentiations may be | a living income to his family. Inconvenient to the democratic and ---------------- Soclalift mind, but they are part of | g- ry WHY THE WEATHER? the natural order of society which DR. CHARLES F. BROOKS has an infinite number of gradua- tions not only between the classes, Secretary, American Meteorological Society, Tells How, but Inside the classes.--London Post, That Body of Pours W. Barton, M.D, The Lion and the Lamb, Though one cannot credit' the old forecast that if "March comes in like a lon it will go out like a lamb," one can hardly grant the resemblance of March to both animals. March is the very stormiest month of the year in the northern hemisphere, hence' certainly at times a roaring lion. In March the polar regions ture. The sun is just starting to rise sident, and it means-that there is a hope that France will be able to re- cover her lost position in the finan- clal world. The bill was not passed any too soon. Each day it was de- layed saw the franc emulating the downward sweep of the German Every day the French cur- rency took a decided drop in the London and New York markets, and if the movement was to be arrested, Quick action was ~ That action has been taken, and taken in problems of France "will be 'solved. The French government "Ris not taken any half measure in the ef- fort to balance the national budget. Steps to make the war profiteers dis- gorge a large percentage of their galng, to catch and punish those who have been Ing: their fair share of taxation, and to prevent undue speculation on the stock excha are amongst those sanctioned by fore, is mot assured until these are put into definite action. It is the expectation of the governmént that the mew measures will yield more than seven and a halt billion franes in & year, a sum which will be of §reat assistance in balancing th French budget. 1 hie opts realized, not only France, but, Britain, will congratulate who put the measures jato ef- the hope that some of the ava bill. The success of the plan, there-| there, while the south, on the other hand, is warming rapidly. The sun is overhead at the equator on the 21st. These great temperature differ. ences strengthen the general circula- tion of the atmosphere, and favor storminess and high, roaring winds. But though the house may rattle and creak In the one day, before long & warm bed sii full of spring Is it serious? promise will banish the lion and in- Generally speaking, it is not ser. jroduce March fn the role of the fous. . ? » You may be one of those high ; ss ANDOAH WAITS, N k Times * . 'Pres nt Coolidge bas called strung excitable individuals. You have some unusual work to do, perhaps hage to make a speech, or see some high official on import- halt on preparationggor the Shenan- ant business, . .doah's flight to the Pole next sum- Immediately your heart 'starts. to | mer until the naval bills have been pound, there is an increase in your | considered in Congress and that body has had a chance to express itself on the subject. The experts at Jgre Burst say that a delay of 10 days means postponem By James Palpitation of the Heart. Your heart beats very rapidly and You speak of having palpitation of the heart. This frequency of the number of beats per minute may not cause you any distress, or it may actually cause breathlessness and pain in the chest. It may be a real source of worry to you in fact. - breath rate, and a little lightness in ent for a year The the chest. . You tackle your job, or see your official, and before yoy naval bills obviously will not be dis- bosed of within 10 days. Therefore there will be no polar expedifion in June or July; and for more than one reason it is better so. ; The smell of oil prs SI 8 wks eo ing insofar ed. It ts simply reflecting your gensr 3 nerve Mervin 3 vill by as you e amount of work 'you do physically You are about to 'enter & race, a dozing hout. ar 3 Sif contest, Try and take of yourself, or you'll give your opponent the impression Try to actually doze off to sleep. | Ili TEE distance to secure them at this very low pricing. They're very stylishly modeled gar- ments. Extra good quality too. Without a doubt clothing values you have seen In many a day. Stout, Talls, Shorts and Regular -- we can fit you all--and fit you perfectly. We are offering a wonderfyl $5.00 TROUSER VALUE 7 Kingston's One Price Clothing House $1.95 7 BIBBY'S Don't miss our Reg. $2.50 to $3.00 values, Ee ---- ------ ---------- these are the best mB SHIRT SALE a -- sideration. The very fact that a ten-day delay in outfitting the ex- pedition would be fatal to this year's undertaking is an argument for not trying it this year., Ten days means shaving calculations pretty closely; altogether too closely for an enter- prise that demands infinite prepara- tion and the omission of not the slightest safeguarg If Congress sees fit to go into the matter seriously, it could do useful work by making a careful canvass of scientific opinion outside the Navy Department. At least 'one eminent geographer has. stated .though not publicly, that the chances of the air- ship coming back from the Pole are just one in a thousand. These are odds to which the American people will hardly care to expose its airmen in the absence of a compelling cause. Such a cause is not to be found in the scientific "data" that may be ex- pected from an airship plowing the polar spaces at 50 miles an hour and taking photographs on the way. At the very least it is a problem that calls for further giscussion. job. ' Yielding is sometimes the best way of succeeding. Fault finders are never out of a FOR SALE, --We haye some attrac- tive bargains in city pro- perty. ~--A good list of farm and garden lands to choose from. --Fire Insurance in first- class companies. --Money to loan on mort- gages. T. J. Lockhart Real! Estate and Insura: N 68 BROCK ST., KING Phones 322) and 1797J. They who are pleased themselves must always please. When nothing is enjoyed, can there be greater waste? ~-- have reached their lowest tempera- | "Montreal Dated March 1, 1924. Denominations of $1 EY] to send full 160 ST. JAMES ST. "MONTREAL & Power Co., Limited Revenue sabstantially in excess of the Five-Year Gold Bonds OF THE - Tramways 2) Due March 1, 1929. Payable, Principal and Interest in Canada or New York. ,000, $500 and $100, amount required to pay to Yield 6 1.89, I" We recommend these Bonds for Investment, and particulars. shall be glad » ¢ "HANSON BROS. 63 SPARKS STREET OTTAWA in a wheel or other part of an en.' gine means the stoppage of the machinery -and loss and delay. Let us put our welders to work on the broken part and your machine wij} be running in a few hours, as good Bid Machine KING AND QUEEN STREK.. On your Cane or Walking Stick §50c each ' Just the thing for slippery walks, We carry a line of Canes from $1.00 up. also Crutches In all the required sizes -- best Split Maple in a close, straight grain, Dr. Chown's Drug Store | 185 Princess Street. Phone 343 Clover Honey In the Comb. .25¢c. per section | Extracted, 5 and 10, Pails 1Bc¢. per pound. 'RAWFORD'S LIU AR 1 separ beace but will continue to heap coals of fire upon that gentleman's head until he's Heked to a frazzsle ang sneaks aways We're taking orders from you. Phone us. | Crawford |